Chapter 12

Romeo + Juliet: Untold MBLAQ Story

Chapter 12


Hyunseung came bursting into the room with all the BEAST members present. "Guys! I just got some new information!"

At this, the rest of the members perked up. Yoseob and Doojoon had been sitting on the couch watching the news while the rest were looking up information on their computers.

"Okay so what's the news?" Doojoon asked as everyone had gathered together.

Hyunseung looked a little grim as he stated his newly learned facts. "So it's been confirmed that MBLAQ is holding Alexa hostage and that they have our stolen money. They have been hitting the other Capulet groups as well."

Before he completely finished his sentence, everyone was looking at each other with mixed expressions.

Kikwang spoke up first. "I knew it. I just knew it had to be the MBLAQ group! We gotta do something about this."

"But what? What can we do? They're gaining the upper hand." Junhyung stated.

"We could always fight back, fire with fire." Hyunseung suggested.

That's when Yoseob finally spoke up. "NO!!"

Everyone turned to look at him in shock. He continued on, "Alexa is being held hostage by them. MY COUSIN is in their hands. We will NOT do anything rash until I know she will be safe."

Doojoon laid his hand on Yoseob's shoulder. "You're right." Then he turned to look at the rest of the members. "He's right. We can't do anything stupid. We have to find another way."

Dongwoon, who had been deep in thought, looked up. "How about a civil meeting of some sort? We could recruit the help of 2PM and SHINee as back up."

Everyone's attention turned towards him. Doojoon cocked his head to the side in slight confusion. "What do you have in mind?"


"THEY DID WHAT?!?!" Mir exclaimed in a high pitched squeal.

Joon, Thunder, Mir, and G.O had all left the media room to go look for information on Jihoon. They had left Seungho and Alexa alone intentionally so G.O used this time to relay to the other guys what had happened in the room.

"She was on top of him? ON THE BED?!" Joon added, his face showing an expression of utter shock.

Thunder was tugging on G.O's arm like a little kid. "Hyung! I don't think you should be saying stuff like this! This isn't good for karma."

G.O gave him a weird look. Thunder continued on, "If Seungho hyung finds out about this, you're going to be needing another ice pack."

That's when G.O scoffed. "He's not gonna find out if no one in here says anything." 

"Appa!" Thunder whined.

G.O held his hand up to shush him before turning towards Joon and Mir. "I wasn't going to jump to conclusions but they leaped away from each other so fast, it was suspicious. Then when I mentioned buying protection, he got angry. Especially when I mentioned the line about wrapping his pork."

That's when Mir covered his ears. "KYAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! Hyung! That's just dirty! I can't listen to this anymore!!"

Joon gave him a look. "Aish! Calm down will you? It's perfectly normal-"

"What's so bad about wrapping his pork?" Thunder asked as he had his head tilted slightly in confusion.

The guys all turned towards him slowly with incredulous looks on their faces. Then they all remembered they were talking to Thunder.

G.O spoke up first. "Haven't you heard the line, don't be a dork, wrap your pork?"

Thunder shook his head. G.O continued on, "That's fine. There are others that you might have heard of."

He tilted his head up in thought before snapping his fingers. "I got some! Okay, what about don't be a fool, wrap your tool?"

Thunder looked a little disturbed. "I think that sounds familiar."

"I got more! Don't be a cheater, wrap your peter. Don't be a pig, wrap your twig. Don't be a meanie, wrap your weenie. Don't be a prick, wrap your-"

"HYUNG!!!!!" Everyone cut him off suddenly. Even Thunder had gotten the point.

"What? I was gonna say stick." G.O explained calmly with an expressionless face.

*OC (Alexa's) POV*

Seungho and I had been left alone in the media room thanks to the other 4 village idiots. They planned this whole thing, I just know it.

Things got a little awkward between us now that we were alone. What happened in my room wasn't forgotten and thanks to G.O, I'm not going to have a pleasant memory about it.

We both eventually sat down next to each other on the couch. Seungho opened up a laptop that had been on the coffee table in front of us and logged on.

Before opening up the internet however, he turned towards me. "So...what happened earlier-"

"You started it!" I blurted out.

I slapped my hand over my mouth. I had been so pent up from anxiety, that was the first thing that came out of my mouth.

He turned to give me an incredulous look. "It takes TWO to tango. You kissed me back!"

That's when I lost my embarrassment and turned towards him with a scoff. "Oh and like you didn't ENJOY it?"

His cheeks were tinged a slight red. "You're an aggressive kisser! You practically forced my mouth open!"

I looked at him in bewilderment. "ME?! An aggressive kisser? Yah! You practically clamped my head into place so I wouldn't move!"

"I didn't CLAMP your head into place! I was holding your head!" Seungho exclaimed while trying to make the motion with his hands.

"Could have fooled me." I mumbled.

"Yah! I only kissed you in the first place because I like you!" 

That's when my head snapped over in his direction. Did my ears hear that right? Seungho's expression was as if he had been caught doing something bad. I looked at him in surprise.

"You like me?" I asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He stated nonchalantly.

I grinned from ear to ear. "You said you liked me." I was practically singing my words at this point.

He gave me a look. "I didn't say that."

I pointed at him. "You like me!" I exclaimed with a slight giggle. I feel like a school girl all of a sudden...

"Aish! Stop it!" He said in frustration.

"Not until you admit it!" I retorted while smiling like an idiot.

He let out a deep sigh. "Aigoo, okay you." He practically whispered that last part but that was good enough for me.

I couldn't suppress my inner hopeless-romantic. "KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 

Seungho jumped about 2 feet in the air. He then turned to me with a mixed expression on his face. "Mir has been spending WAY too much time with you."

I jumped at him with a huge bear hug. "But you're always number 1 in my heart!" I exclaimed cheerfully.

He had been stiff when I first hugged him but he seemed to relax soon after, especially when I mentioned him being number 1. He smells really nice.

After letting go of each other, I looked at him with a slightly saddened expression. "But you know....this isn't going to be easy."

His eyes softened at my words. "I know. Our families are still sworn enemies."

I let out a deep sigh. "And what you guys have been doing lately isn't helping. Kidnapping me just adds to that. Out of all the guys in BEAST, Yoseob and Dongwoon would be the most understanding if I told them how I felt about you. That's 2 out of 6 guys."

Seungho looked at me with a slight smile. "Unless we find Jihoon and figure out what REALLY happened that day."

"Well then what are we waiting for? Let's get to it!" I said with a bright smile. Thank you, Seungho.

That's when the 2 of us scooted closer to each other on the couch and got to work on doing our research.


Me and the MBLAQ guys were currently sprawled out everywhere in the meeting room. I was laying on the couch, my head in Seungho's lap and my legs propped up on Thunder's lap. Mir and Joon were sitting on the floor in front of us, leaning on each other while G.O was sitting up against Thunder's legs.

I let out a frustrated sigh. "Why is this guy SO HARD to find?!"

The reason why we were all laying about was because we were tired. We had been doing research all day to try to find out what we could about this Jihoon's whereabouts.

Thunder explained, "Well he's in hiding because of his family origins. His father was the Montague man that was murdered and started this whole family feud. If there really is some kind of hidden conspiracy, then there are people who want him dead. He probably has information about that day."

"Which is why we need to find him. So we can clear, well so I can clear my family name as a Capulet." I added.

Joon sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair. "Well to be honest, we probably know him better than anybody. We don't just know Jihoon, he was our mentor."

At this, I shot up out of Seungho's lap. "He was your what?!"

Seungho laid his hand on my shoulder. "Slow down. Yes, he was our mentor and taught us everything we know but we had no idea about his family relations until AFTER he left us."

I turned my head over my shoulder to look at him before mouthing an "oh" and laying back down on his lap.

"But if he was your mentor, then shouldn't you guys at least have some kind of contact information or ANY information for that matter?" I asked.

Mir cocked his head to the side. "We know his name and the place where he liked to train us. That's about-"

G.O who had been sitting in front of Thunder quietly the whole time, cut him off. "THAT'S IT!!!" All of us jumped at his sudden yell that came out of nowhere. 

Mir looked taken aback at his hyung's reaction. "What's it? What did I say?"

"The place where he used to train us! Aigoo, I don't know why I didn't think of it before! We can start from there!" G.O explained.

I looked at him with slight excitement rising in me. "Do you really think it will help?" Oh please let this be some kind of lead.

"It's worth a shot." Seungho added.

"Yah! Am I a genius or what?" G.O stated as he crossed his arms over his chest with a very satisfied smirk on his face.

Mir looked a little put off. "YAH!!! Hyung, I was the one who mentioned-"

"Do you guys hear something?" G.O asked with a completely serious expression on his face.

Mir gave off his cute little puppy pout. Awwwwwwwww!! Poor maknae, always being teased by his hyungs.

I was about to pat him on the head in support when he suddenly screeched. "KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I flinched back and looked up at Seungho from my position in his lap. "Did I really sound like that earlier?" 

Seungho looked like he was trying to get water out of his ears or maybe trying to clean them. "What? I can't hear you. I'm bleeding from the ears because of Chewbacca here."

G.O and Joon began to wrestle around with Mir on the floor to make sure he didn't let out another one of his screams.

End of Chapter 12

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I've read this story a few times now && I love it!
Hope to see more from you. :]
clasombillo #2
LovE the way the story goes;) make more of these;)
Seoblove #3
Wow. Fantastic. I swear this is one of the best stories I've ever read. And I luv MBLEAST toooo!!! Mir is just tooo cute in this story and from the way you describe SeungHo, woah. iness please. Heh. It was like as if SeungHo was in front of me the whole time with his y thick lips. Heh. Do write more :)
that was one of the best fanfics i've ever read~<br />
mir was especially funny~<br />
keep on writing!!! ^^
omo alexa is too funny >.< poor seungho!! but lol<br />
really good writing~
aksdjhqieufgaskdjfh -seungho fanatic-<br />
it sounds interesting~
catherinee #7
whoaaaa that was a really good ff xD<br />
i really liked the characters personalities! they were the best (Y)^^
i've read the first fic and it was really good :))<br />
i wish G.O's guna be with me. HAHAHA :)
wtfelicia #9
aww ended alrdy?! awesome story thou! hahaha! how nice to be able to meet your lover and friends of your past. never ending love eh! hahhaa!
Lol'.' Awesome story^^*!!! G.O Ahjussi~~!!