Chapter 10

Romeo + Juliet: Untold MBLAQ Story

Chapter 10

*OC (Alexa's) POV*

Before Mir and I could even get a chance to walk to the dance floor, the SHINee group members appeared in front of everyone at the head of the ball room where a stage was located.

"Oh look! They're making an announcement, let's sit!" Mir exclaimed as he pushed me down onto my seat.

He quickly took the seat next to mine and turned his attention to the stage. Okay, this boy was nervous about dancing with me for some reason and I better find out why later.

I turned my attention towards the stage as well and had to do a double take. One, two, three, four.... There were only 4 members? I thought there were 5?

The leader, who I knew to be Onew, used a fork to tap on his glass and broke it on accident. Onew condition. I couldn't suppress my grin. During the time I visited the Capulet groups, I had gotten close with Onew and Nichkhun from 2PM. 

Key, who had been standing next to Onew on his right side, laughed and held up his glass instead. "Since my hyung can't seem to do this properly, I'll go ahead and make the toast. Everyone raise your glasses up high! Thank you all for coming out tonight!"

Onew looked like he was pouting as he held up his broken glass. "Here here." He mumbled.

Everyone laughed as they held up their glasses and toasted along with Key. Okay so Onew, Key, Taemin, Minho.....where's Jonghyun?

I looked over at Mir and nudged him in the arm. "Yah, Mir! One of them is missing!" 

Mir took a glance at me before looking back at the stage. "Aigoo, you're right! The one with the fire hair?"

"I thought he dyed his hair back-GAH!! That's not the point here! Aish!" I exclaimed before continuing on, "What if Jonghyun is somewhere else in this mansion? What if he CATCHES Joon and Seungho?" 

At this, his eyes widened a bit. "I better call G.O hyung." With that, he pulled out his cellphone from his pants pocket and began to dial.


Seungho and Joon were busily making their way out of the basement level area of the mansion. They had successfully taken out the guards and were heading up a level to get to their target.

"Aigoo! How many stairs do we have to climb before we get out of this basement?!" Joon exclaimed in frustration.

"Yah! I thought you had more stamina than this! So all that muscle is just for show?" Seungho retorted.

"But this is different hyung!" Joon replied as they finally reached the top of the flight of stairs.

Seungho gave him a look. "It's stairs."

"It's a workout. Not to mention we just took out-" He began to count on his fingers before holding up his hands, "EIGHT guards!!"

Seungho looked like he wanted to laugh but was smiling instead from trying to hold it in. "I can see why the other's call you Muscle Babo now."


With Thunder's expert guidance, the 2 guys made it to the room that held all of SHINee's locked up valuables and documents. The door was no easy task of course. They needed a card to slide through the keypad and the door was made of solid metal.

"Hyung, do we have anything for this in our equipment bag?" Joon asked as he examined the keypad with a small flashlight.

Seungho kneeled down before opening up their bag. He reached through it's contents before pulling out a spray canister. Joon noticed the mysterious bottle and had a questioning look on his face.

"It's a type of acid that will eat through the keypad's circuits and separate it's connection from the door, unlocking it for us." His leader explained as he shook up the canister.

He pointed the nozzle at the slit where the card was supposed to slide through. He pressed on the spray button and filled the slit with the mysterious chemical. The keypad's metal reacted and sizzled before it completely died and the door unlocked with a loudclank.

"Wow!" Joon breathed. He had an amazed expression on his face.

Seungho slid the door open and walked in with Joon following close behind. They scanned the room for its contents. It was like a small museum. There were glass cases with artifacts inside spread throughout and several filing cabinets at the back. Thankfully for them, the cabinets were labeled so it made it easier for them to find what they needed.

"Yah, hyung! Is it that one?" Joon asked as he pointed at a filing cabinet labeled "City Property Leases."

Seungho smiled before patting him on the back. "That's it!"

They both ran up to it and got to work. Joon pulled out a screw driver and jammed it into the lock. The cabinet popped open from the force. Seungho pulled on it and opened it up. He and Joon both searched through its contents before finding the right file. Joon pulled it out with a big goofy smile on his face.

Seungho grinned as they both closed up the cabinet and got ready to leave. They were out the door in no time.

Their happiness was short lived as G.O's frantic voice filled their ears. "GUYS!!! I just got a call from Mir! Jonghyun is missing from the SHINee group! He could be anywhere in the mansion! I repeat-" 

The guys didn't get to hear the rest as they spotted someone coming around the corner. It was Jonghyun.

They both had surprised expressions on their faces. Not good.

*OC (Alexa's) POV*

Mir had just picked up his phone. "What is it hyung?" He asked while pressing the phone to his ear.

In the next 2 seconds his expression changed from worry to panic. "WHAT?!?"

I looked around frantically to make sure we weren't gaining too much attention. 

"What do we need to do?" Mir asked suddenly.

That's when his expression changed again, only this time it was utter shock. "KYAAA!!! Hyung! I can't do that! Seungho hyung would MURDER me in my sleep!"

What the hell? I was so confused at the moment. Hearing one side of a phone conversation can do that to you.

The next thing I knew, Mir was holding his phone away from his ear and I could hear G.O's very loud voice yelling at him. 

He put the phone back up to his ear once G.O was done. "Aigoo! Alright! I'll do it!"

With that, he hung up his phone and put it up before grabbing my hand. "We're on, it's time to do our job and cause a distraction." He stated as he dragged me away from the table.

"Wait! Mir, what happened?" I tried to ask but he wasn't listening.

We both stopped in the middle of the dance floor and while everyone else was dancing, Mir was looking at me with a somewhat flustered expression. "Seungho and Joon need a cover. Jonghyun found them. Please forgive me for what I'm about to do."

I was REALLY confused then. "What should I forgive-"

I was cut off as he started doing his infamous screeching. "KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!! Don't you understand?!" 

"What the-" I was cut off again as he grabbed me by my shoulders.

What in the world? Are we creating a distraction or filming a drama?

Everyone's attention was on us as Mir continued on with his LOUD screaming. "AISH!! Don't act like you don't know! I know that you slept with another man!!!"

My eyes practically bulged out of my head. "Now wait just a min-" 

"BUT I will always be your first!!!!! I will never forget our first night together my love!!!!" 

Oh. My. God. If I ever make it out of this alive....

"Mir! This is a little-"

He cut me off again but this time he did it without words. The next thing I knew, Mir had placed his lips on mine.

My thoughts weren't coherent as I heard several gasps from our little audience, the only thing I could think was WTF?!

And then it happened, my natural instinct or reaction kicked in. I kneed him in the groin. 

After realizing what I had done and seeing Mir double over in pain, I automatically felt horrible for my actions. "OH MY GOD!!! MIR!!!! I'm SOOOOOO sorry!!! It wasn't my fault, I mean...uh, well it was but...I didn't mean it!!"

Mir groaned as he tried to speak to me. "It's....fine. Aigoo, I feel like throwing up."

I quickly put my arms around him and tried to keep him on balance. "This wasn't your idea was it?" I asked as I started putting 2 and 2 together.

"G.O hyung said your reaction would cause a big scene. I just didn't think it would be THAT kind of a reaction."

My expression turned to one of irritation. "Why that conniving little....he could be a Slytherin!"

"Alexa!" Mir groaned.

"Aigoo! Sorry, I got a little distracted!" I stated as I helped him over towards the restrooms. 

It was hard when a huge crowd of people suddenly had their attention on you. Most of them didn't seem to really care while others kept staring at us. The SHINee group members seemed perfectly distracted by our so called "performance" which was good so far.

Before Mir even walked into the men's restroom, he looked down his pants. I shyly looked away. "Oh for the love of....YAH!!! Mir, what the hell do you think you're doing?!" 

I don't know how he didn't find it ODD or embarrassing at least to look down his pants while I was present. He could have at least waited until he got inside the restroom, geez! I wasn't too sure if he was still looking or not because I had my gaze looking in the opposite direction. 

"I have to make sure it's still alive!" Mir answered as if this were just some ordinary situation.

"WHAT THE HELL?!?! What is it a snake?!" I exclaimed while throwing my hands in the air.


"MIR!!!!!!!!!!" I cut him off abruptly as I was starting to panic a little bit about where this conversation was going.

"Aigoo, it's all red!" He exclaimed.

That's it. "Okay, Mir, bathroom, NOW!!!!" I yelled.


Jonghyun came running at them with full force. Joon managed to block his first punch but he was fast. Jonghyun used a backwards spinning kick that connected with Joon's chest and sent him flying back several feet.

Seungho sprang forward to Joon's defense and kicked Jonghyun in the face with a shin kick. The force of the impact sent him flat on his back.

Not even seconds later however, Jonghyun sprang back up on his feet with a devious smirk. "It's gonna take a hell of a lot more than that to keep me down."

Seungho scoffed at his cockiness before rolling his eyes. "Don't test me." 

With that, the 2 men lunged at each other. They exchanged many punches but none of them actually hit home. They both evaded and blocked whenever necessary. Joon got back up quickly and ran to his leader's aid.

Jonghyun noticed and backed away from Seungho. Joon ran past him and leaped into the air before bringing down a hard kick on Jonghyun's chest. He went down again but managed to roll away as Joon tried to land another kick.

After getting back up, Seungho and Joon both ran at him. Seungho slid on his side across the floor and used his legs to clamp onto Jonghyun and keep him still. With him stationary, Joon sprang foward and punched Jonghyun in the chest with both of his hands. He went flying before landing on his back coughing from the force of the hit.

Joon and Seungho both took this opportunity to haul .


G.O and Thunder listened intently to what was going on before their leader's voice filled their ears. "Thunder! G.O! Tell Alexa and Mir to get out of here! We're making a run for it right now! Start the van!"

The 2 guys looked at each other with surprised expressions before doing what they were told. G.O quickly got back to his driver's seat as Thunder pulled out his cell phone and called Mir.

G.O buckled himself in and started the van. He quickly put it into drive and tried to find somewhere close to the mansion to park. He was startled and jumped a little bit when he heard Thunder suddenly yelling at Mir through his phone.

"MIR!!! I just got news from Seungho hyung! Wait what?! NEVER MIND THAT!!! I don't wanna know!! This is urgent!! He said that you 2 need to get out of there now, they're making a run for it!"

*OC (Alexa's) POV*

"We gotta go NOW!!" Mir exclaimed as he grabbed my arm and hauled me away.

I quickly took off my heels so I could keep up with him as we ran out of the mansion. I had a horrified expression as I realized there were still some guards at the gates.

"Mir, what about those guys!!" I exclaimed as I pointed in their direction.

"I'll take care of them, stay behind me!" 

And with that, he ran forward ahead of me. The 2 guards didn't even get a chance. Their backs were facing towards us so Mir had the upper hand.

He went up behind the first guard and used the heel of his palm to hit the back of his leg, causing the man to kneel down automatically. Once down, Mir used a karate chop on the back of his neck to knock him out. 

The 2nd guard tried coming at him but Mir's reflexes were too great. He leaned his head to the side and evaded the man's punch. When the guard tried a kick, Mir blocked it with one arm before using his other to do a back handed punch. He successfully decked the man across his face and disoriented him. Mir then finished him off by kneeing him in the abdomen and flipping him over onto his back.

He turned back towards me. "Yah, coast is clear! Let's go!"

Don't have to tell me twice. I ran up to him and we both fled the scene.


Once we both got inside the van, Thunder greeted me with a hug. "Are you both alright?" He asked worriedly.

Mir and I both nodded in unison. G.O turned around in his driver's seat to face us. That's when I remembered his lame brain excuse for an idea. 

"YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled as I pointed directly at him.

Before he could react, Seungho and Joon's voices were heard outside the van. "LET'S GET OUT OF HERE!!!!!!!!!"

As soon as the 2 guys hopped into the van, G.O slammed his foot down on the gas pedal and we sped off. The jolt from the van speeding forward caused some of us to lurch back and I ended up hitting my head on the back of the van pretty hard.

"OW!!!" I cringed as I put my hands up against the back of my head.

Seungho looked at me with concern. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I think-" I was cut off as the back door of the van suddenly swung open and I found myself falling back. "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!"

Thankfully someone had grabbed onto me before I could fall COMPLETELY out of the back of the van.

"Hold on!!"
"What's going on?!"
"Oh no!!"

As I was hanging out the back of a speeding vehicle, I noticed several black luxury cars heading in our direction. "Uh GUYS!!!! We got company!!! AND SOMEBODY PULL ME BACK IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

As I was saying this, I was becoming panicked because I noticed some of the men in the cars had guns. 

"YAH!!! Help me pull her in!!!"
"On 3!!! 1, 2, 3!!!!!!!!!!"

Finally, I was back inside the van and I ended up landing in Seungho's arms. Well not gonna complain about that. AISH! My thoughts are like this NOW?

I lifted my head up and looked at him. His face didn't seem embarrassed at all, he actually looked more worried than anything else. "Are you gonna be okay?"

I could only nod my head as my voice had left me. He's too handsome for his own good. 

Before we could be caught staring into each other's eyes like star crossed lovers, shots were being fired at us. We all ducked as the bullets ricocheted off the metal of the van. 

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH SH*T!!!! Why can't we ever have a NORMAL day where we DON'T get shot at!!!" G.O exclaimed as he swerved off to the side and made a sharp turn around a corner.

We all flew to one side of the van as it almost tilted over on its side. Seungho and I were practically squished as Joon, Thunder, and Mir all landed on us.

"YAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU are going to be the death of us instead of THEM!!! AISH!!" Seungho exclaimed.

Joon added. "I agree, I'd appreciate it if you tried to NOT get us killed!!!"

I screeched so loud, it was heard about everything else. "WILL YOU GUYS GET OFF?!?!?!"

That's when the guys all frantically tried to move and get off as they apologized to me over a gazillion times. Thunder took refuge in the passenger's seat and buckled himself in. "Hyung! Try to lose them-"

His advice went unnoticed as G.O jerked the wheel over to the right and got on the wrong side of the road. Thunder screamed and covered his eyes. "APPA!!!!!!!!"

The rest of us had no idea how bad the situation was until we all looked up and noticed the hoard of cars heading in the oppositedirection of what we were going.

"HOLY SH*T!!!!!!!!!!"
"I THINK I'M GOING TO PISS MYSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

GOD!!! If you're watching this, you better NOT be laughing at us!! You better be trying to help us out of this!!! GIVE US A MIRACLE!!!! I literally had my hands clasped together in prayer. G.O's maniac driving skills were going to be the death of us.

Finally, G.O got back onto another street and we were driving in the right direction once again. Thank you Lord for answering my prayers!

The men following us were still firing bullets every now and then. That's when Seungho scrambled around and tried looking for something.

Once he found a black case, he quickly jerked it out and opened it, revealing several large hand grenades. I'm pretty sure my jaw dropped at the sight. "Yah! You aren't planning to use those are you? They look like they could destroy an entire city block!"

"That's the idea." Seungho replied without missing a beat. WAS HE SERIOUS?!?!

Before I could even say anything, he pulled one out and activated it. "EVERYONE GET DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!" He exclaimed as he threw the grenade out the back of the van.

Not even 3 seconds later, there was a tremendous "BOOM!!" and I could feel the shock wave from the blast. It was pretty terrifying. I sneaked a peak at the carnage and my expression was one of total surprise.

The cars that had been chasing us were now covered in roaring flames and anything around it was charred black from the explosion.

"Wow..." I breathed.

Seungho let out a deep sigh and everyone followed suit. Just as everyone was about to start celebrating, G.O screwed us overbadly. "Oh and by the way guys, you missed it. Mir kissed Alexa on the LIPS at the ball."

That's when Seungho's head snapped over in Mir's direction. "He. Did. WHAT?!" His expression was a mix of both shock and bewilderment....and maybe a tinge of anger.

Mir let out a squeal before hiding behind me. "Help me." He pleaded in a tiny, high-pitched voice.

End of Chapter 10

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I've read this story a few times now && I love it!
Hope to see more from you. :]
clasombillo #2
LovE the way the story goes;) make more of these;)
Seoblove #3
Wow. Fantastic. I swear this is one of the best stories I've ever read. And I luv MBLEAST toooo!!! Mir is just tooo cute in this story and from the way you describe SeungHo, woah. iness please. Heh. It was like as if SeungHo was in front of me the whole time with his y thick lips. Heh. Do write more :)
that was one of the best fanfics i've ever read~<br />
mir was especially funny~<br />
keep on writing!!! ^^
omo alexa is too funny >.< poor seungho!! but lol<br />
really good writing~
aksdjhqieufgaskdjfh -seungho fanatic-<br />
it sounds interesting~
catherinee #7
whoaaaa that was a really good ff xD<br />
i really liked the characters personalities! they were the best (Y)^^
i've read the first fic and it was really good :))<br />
i wish G.O's guna be with me. HAHAHA :)
wtfelicia #9
aww ended alrdy?! awesome story thou! hahaha! how nice to be able to meet your lover and friends of your past. never ending love eh! hahhaa!
Lol'.' Awesome story^^*!!! G.O Ahjussi~~!!