Chapter 2

Romeo + Juliet: Untold MBLAQ Story

Chapter 2


Seungho pulled the cell phone away from his ear and looked at it in disbelief. Did I really just hear what I think I just heard? Then he placed it back to his ear and yelled into it, "MIR DID WHAT?!?!?!?"

He could practically see Joon cringing on the other end. "Thunder and I reacted the same way hyung. It's the truth though, we aren't making this up. Mir says he's on his way now with the....uh....well with the 'hostage' I guess we should call her."

Seungho pulled the cell phone away from his ear again and took a look at it before placing it back and yelling again, "THE HOSTAGE IS A WOMAN?!?!?!"


Seungho was currently pacing back and forth in the meeting room. He had just got done talking to Joon on the phone and he was....well he wasn't quite sure WHAT he was feeling at the moment. He then went to the door to walk out but as soon as he opened it, G.O fell through and landed face first onto the floor.

He got up quickly and brushed himself off as if nothing had happened. Seungho gave him his infamous glare. "What the hell were you doing?"

"What does it look like? I was EAVESDROPPING. Very interesting situation we got on our hands by the way." He stated calmly.

Only G.O could say something like that with a straight face.

Seungho let out a sigh of frustration. "I would really love to DROP-kick you in the right now."


The woman turned around to face Mir finally and he couldn't help but stare. Her dark hair was a huge contrast to her bright golden brown eyes. They reminded him of honey. 

He quickly shook his head to clear his thoughts. He then lowered the gun that he had been pointing at her. She seemed really surprised that he would do such a thing. "Why are you lowering your weapon? If this is your idea of a kidnapping then dude, YOU ."

Mir gave her a look before explaining himself. "Aigoo, I'm not that kind of a guy Miss-"

"Alexa." She cut him off. "I don't like being called Miss, it makes me feel old. Aren't you pretty young yourself?"

The maknae looked at her in shock. Not only had she given away her name, but she was also extremely steady and calm in this weird situation. Gotta give her credit for that.

He continued on. "Anyway, I'm not a guy who takes pleasure in hurting girls. I really didn't want to kidnap anyone today but since you caught me in the middle of a robbery....well I really have no other choice. I can't have you out of my sight."

With that he grabbed her arm and lead her out of the room. As soon as they got outside the door, he saw a couple of henchmen up ahead and they were looking straight at them. This is so NOT my lucky day.

Before the 2 guards could even react, Mir used his free hand to pull out one of his handguns. He used precision aiming and shot each of them in the head. Afterwards, some shouts were heard off to the side and the voices were getting closer. 

"Time to go!" He exclaimed while pulling Alexa by her arm as they both ran off in the opposite direction of the noise.


Thunder drove the speed boat out of the sewer area and into the open river channel to get closer to Mir's position. As soon as he parked the boat near a river bank, Joon stood up and looked around.

"I don't see him anywhere do you?" He asked as he shielded his eyes from the sun with his hands.

Thunder looked around as well and shook his head no. All of sudden, they both heard his distinguishable LOUD voice.

"KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THUNDER START THE BOAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! START THE BOAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

They both spotted Mir and a woman running towards them. The 2 looked at each other with mixed expressions before turning their attention back to Mir and the woman. 

"Why in the world is he yelling for? What's the hurry?" Thunder asked with bewilderment. 

Joon was about to yell at Mir for being so loud when suddenly, bullets started being fired at them. Joon and Thunder both ducked their heads as the shots ricocheted off the metal of the boat.

"THAT'S WHY! Thunder do as he says! START THE BOAT!" Joon yelled as he looked around for the briefcase that contained his weapon.

Thunder jumped into action. He turned the boat on and waited for Mir and the woman to get in. As soon as they reached the boat they both jumped in and got down to avoid the bullets. The boat lurched forward as he put it into full speed ahead. 

Joon finally found the briefcase and opened it. Inside were parts of a sniper rifle. He took the parts out and began to quickly piece them together. Once he was done, he loaded the chamber full of bullets. As he was finishing up his work, he looked behind them and saw that some of the henchmen had found speed boats of their own.

"THUNDER! You might wanna GO FASTER!" He exclaimed while quickly loading the last of the bullets into the rifle.

Mir followed his hyung's gaze and his eyes widened as he saw 2 speed boats currently chasing after them. Each boat had a total of 3 guards on it which meant they needed to take out 6 goons.

He quickly pulled out his other handgun and began to aim both of his weapons at the boats. Due to them speeding down a river channel in the middle of the town, it was quite hard for him to get a steady aim. He fired off some shots anyway.

Joon put his eye up to the scope on the rifle and took careful aim. He steadied himself as best as he could before firing off a shot. He managed to shoot one of the boat drivers in the shoulder, causing the boat's steering to go off.

Then another man took hold of the wheel and got it back on course. He aimed at the guard, pulled the trigger, and shot him in the chest. The bullet went straight through and into the guard that had been standing behind him. Because that boat now had no driver, it went flying off to the side and crashed into some nearby market places.

Mir looked over at him. "YAH! What are you RAMBO now?!"

The maknae then reloaded his handguns quickly before taking aim again and firing off some more rounds. He managed to wound two of the guards on the boat. He got one in the forearm and another in the upper thigh.

Just as things were looking good for them, another 2 speed boats showed up. Mir and Joon both let out loud groans at the same time.

Thunder heard this and turned back to look at them. "What's going on?! Talk to me guys!"

Alexa, who had been sitting in the back of the boat quietly the entire time, finally reacted to something. She quickly sat up and pointed up ahead. "MISTER THE BRIDGE!!!!!!"

Thunder looked back up ahead and sure enough there was a bridge. The problem? The bridge was WAY too low for them to go underneath it and they were heading straight for it at an incredible speed.

Joon and Mir both panicked at the sight. 

"OH SH*T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Thunder quickly looked around and managed to spot a small hill of mud off to the side. He jerked the steering wheel to the right hard.The sudden jolt of the boat turning made Joon and Mir both fly to one end of the boat and crash into each other in a tangle of arms and legs.

They both separated and quickly sat up before noticing just exactly what Thunder was intending to do. They both looked at each other with eyes as wide as saucers.

Joon shouted over at him. "YAH!!! ARE YOU SURE WE CAN MAKE THAT JUMP?!?!?"

Only one way to find out. Thunder thought to himself as he pushed the throttle to its fullest. The sudden pick up in speed was his answer to that question.

"KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE'RE NOT GONNA MAKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The boat finally reached the mud hill. It went straight off of it, launching them into the air.

Alexa held onto the rim of the boat while the two village idiots in front of her, held onto each other screaming for dear life.

"OH MY GOD SUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"I DON'T WANNA DIE A !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Before anyone could react to that last comment, the boat landed on the other side of the bridge with a huge SPLASH! The sudden jolt from the impact lifted everyone off of their seats for a few seconds.

The boat continued speeding off and away from the town. Once they were out of sight from the enemy, Thunder brought the speed down to a more reasonable one and let out a huge sigh of relief.

Joon came up behind him and hugged him really tightly, practically lifting him off his feet. As he set him back down he asked with a completely amazed expression, "How did you know we could make that jump?!"

Thunder scratched the back of his head while laughing a little nervously. "I, uh, well.....actually I didn't know. I kinda just went for it hyung."

Joon's eyes practically bulged out of his head. "YAH!! YOU MEAN WE COULD HAVE DIED BACK THERE!?!?!"

"BUT we didn't! And I think that's what counts, right Mir?" Thunder looked over at the maknae for help.

Mir was currently laying down spread eagle in front of Alexa. He hadn't even heard what Thunder and Joon were talking about. He had other worries at the moment.

"Please tell me that you at least didn't hear my last dying declaration?" He asked her with an embarrassed look on his face.

Alexa gave him an apologetic look that basically said "sorry man, I heard EVERYTHING."

*OC (Alexa's) POV*

The 3 stooges who call themselves "kidnappers" were currently leading me towards a really nice looking mansion. Does everyone in Verona own a mansion or what? I feel ridiculously poor all of a sudden.

But for some reason I couldn't push away the feeling that I should know who these guys are. They do look familiar now that I take a good look at them.

Only problem was that I was horrible when it came to knowing people other than my friends and family. Which reminds me, my family is a part of the House of Capulet so whoever these guys are, they got balls.

Not only did they steal from the BEAST mansion but they also kidnapped ME. Okay so I'm not THAT important but my cousin is! He's Yoseob from the group BEAST for crying out loud. BEAST was like "the" main group of the House of Capulet.

Who in the world would be stupid enough to... And that's when it hit me. OH SNAP!!! These guys are from the House of MONTAGUE!!!

I took a good look at the 3 handsome young faces again. The one with the pretty face was definitely Thunder, I remember him from the news. The one who looked like a puppy because of his eyes and his expressions, that had to be Mir. I've seen him on the news as well. The muscular one must be Joon. I heard about him from my friends, apparently he looks like a Greek God or something.

There were 2 others to this group wasn't there? What is the name of the freaking group?! Come on, these guys are important people, you should know this!

As I was pondering the name of their group, we had finally reached the main entrance to the mansion. Before Thunder could place his hand on the handle of the door, it opened to reveal 2 men.

They were just as handsome as the 3 guys I was with. They MUST be the other 2 guys I was thinking about. One had a young face and his arms were crossed over his chest in a very authoritative manner. The other was....well to put it mildly, incredibly y.

He had nice full, reddish lips, with a split on the bottom one. His dark circles were a bit dramatic, like a panda's, but it looked just fine on him. His hair had a bit of a red tint to it and it was gelled up. His favorite color has GOT to be red. His chocolate brown eyes had an intense glare on them and thankfully it wasn't being aimed at me. 

If looks could kill...

Just then I realized who these 2 were and what group they belonged to. Oh. My. God. I've been kidnapped by the MBLAQ group!

These guys were no joke. The 2 guys I had just met at the door were G.O and Seungho, the eldest ones of the group. They were both also extremely skilled in many things that are considered highly dangerous. The MBLAQ group was not only the rival group of BEAST but they were also "the" group in the House of Montague.

I was broken from my thoughts when Seungho, the leader of the group, spoke up. "Mir, you have A LOT of explaining to do."

Before he or the other 2 could react, G.O looked over at me. "Who's the pretty lady?"

Seungho looked over at G.O with an incredulous look. "That would be the HOSTAGE."

G.O's eyes widened. "Seriously?! She's not even putting up a fight! Or saying anything for that matter."

Seungho rolled his eyes at his reaction. Thunder spoke up next, "She was calm enough for us to let her be so we didn't feel a need to restrain her in any way."

Joon and Mir both nodded in agreement. Seungho quickly glanced over at me before looking back at the other 3. "Okay, now ALL 3 of you have some explaining to do."

The 3 stooges, as I like to call them, groaned before nodding their heads in sudden disappointment. G.O and Seungho both moved out of the doorway to let us pass through.


After hearing the entire story from the guys, Seungho had very mixed emotions written on his face while G.O kept a pokerface the whole time. Oh, he's good.

We were sitting at a round rosewood table in the middle of a very expensive looking room. It was spacious and even had a balcony view. The tv at one end of the table was HD and the decor looked like it was imported from Italy or France. 

Seungho's voice broke me from my reverie. "Do you know who we are?"

I looked at him and nodded. "You guys are the MBLAQ group. You're Seungho, he's Thunder, that's Joon sitting next to him, Mir is right there, and that's G.O." I pointed to each of the guys in turn.

G.O lifted one of his eyebrows. "Are you sure you're from the House of Capulet? You seem to be very calm in our presence, even with the knowledge of who we are."

Seungho nodded his head in agreement. "You don't seem to be scared or angry. Actually you look just fine, as if this were a normal misunderstanding between friends or something."

I scoffed. "Well you guys definitely aren't very good friends unless KIDNAPPING is considered friendly nowadays." I looked accusingly at Mir.

Seungho also gave Mir a look. "Yeah, I guess you're right about that. But still, knowing we are a huge part of the House of Montague, aren't you 'under' reacting a little bit? What exactly is your relation to the BEAST group?"

At that last question, everyone turned their heads and looked at me with their full attention. "I'm Yoseob's cousin."

"She's actually related to one of THEM?!"
"You don't look anything like him."
"Are you his cousin twice removed or something?"

"YAH!! SHUT UP!!" Seungho shouted and successfully shut everyone up. "Aish! You guys need to learn how to keep your reactions to a minimum."

He turned back to look at me. "So you're actually related to one of the BEAST members. You know we are their sworn enemy right?"

I nodded my head. Everyone looked bewildered at my reaction. G.O looked at me with a somewhat confused expression. "Then why are you so CALM about everything?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "As long as you guys don't maim or kill me I'm fine. Kidnapping isn't a big deal unless someone gets hurt. From the way the 3 stooges over there treated me, I'm sure you guys aren't the type to abuse girls. So I'm not worried about my safety. As for the 'family feud'...I HATE IT!!" 

I screeched on that last part, which caused the guys to all flinch or jump back in surprise. 

I continued on, "It's stupid because I don't even know WHAT the feud is actually about. No one will tell me anything so I've given up and decided that it's all just a waste of time. You guys, along with the other 2 groups, need to kiss and make up with the House of Capulet and vice versa for them."

As I finished off my little rant, the guys all had mixed expressions on their faces. I held my hands up in front of me. "Hey you guys asked first. I'm just saying."


After my little outburst, the village idiots decided to "interrogate" me further. I'm guessing they were trying to figure out if I was psychologically healthy or just clinically insane. My mental health is fine, thank you very much.

"How smart are you?" Joon had asked. Random question much?

"Intelligent. I'm so smart, I'm a genius." I stated in a bored tone. Playing it cool was my strategy.

Mir spoke up then. "If you're so smart then what's 482 million, plus 958 billion, minus 132 thousand, times 425 thousand, divided by the square root of 124?"

"928,648." I answered without ANY hesitation.

Everyone in the room, including both G.O and Seungho, had the most priceless expressions on their faces. They were absolutely astonished, I could tell. I had to try with ALL of my will power to NOT burst into a fit of laughter.

Mir, who had been standing up, was beginning to pace around a little bit as he thought about my answer. He was completely exasperated as he tried to figure out the exact numbers himself. "Wait! Hold on! Just wait, wait a minute! Wait right there! I'm gonna go get my calculator! That's right! Yeah! I'm gonna get my calculator! Just hold on! Gotta get my calculator!"

He left the room in a frenzy, leaving me alone with the other 4 village idiots.

Thunder was looking at me in complete awe. "HOW in the WORLD did you know that?"

"Oh I didn't. I just made up some really random big number to make him go crazy." I replied back in a completely serious manner.

Thunder and Joon both had comical expressions as their mouths were hanging slightly open. Seungho looked like he wanted to smirk or maybe even laugh.

G.O looked straight at me with an admiring expression. "Yah! Her pokerface is almost as good as mine!"

End of Chapter 2

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I've read this story a few times now && I love it!
Hope to see more from you. :]
clasombillo #2
LovE the way the story goes;) make more of these;)
Seoblove #3
Wow. Fantastic. I swear this is one of the best stories I've ever read. And I luv MBLEAST toooo!!! Mir is just tooo cute in this story and from the way you describe SeungHo, woah. iness please. Heh. It was like as if SeungHo was in front of me the whole time with his y thick lips. Heh. Do write more :)
that was one of the best fanfics i've ever read~<br />
mir was especially funny~<br />
keep on writing!!! ^^
omo alexa is too funny >.< poor seungho!! but lol<br />
really good writing~
aksdjhqieufgaskdjfh -seungho fanatic-<br />
it sounds interesting~
catherinee #7
whoaaaa that was a really good ff xD<br />
i really liked the characters personalities! they were the best (Y)^^
i've read the first fic and it was really good :))<br />
i wish G.O's guna be with me. HAHAHA :)
wtfelicia #9
aww ended alrdy?! awesome story thou! hahaha! how nice to be able to meet your lover and friends of your past. never ending love eh! hahhaa!
Lol'.' Awesome story^^*!!! G.O Ahjussi~~!!