Chapter 6

Romeo + Juliet: Untold MBLAQ Story

Chapter 6


"KYAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I knew they would make it!" Mir screeched while pumping his fist in the air.

Eli and Thunder both turned to look at him incredulously. The maknae looked a little embarrassed as he tilted his head to the side and scratched the back of it. "Eh, sorry about that."

Thunder turned his full attention back to the security cameras. "I'm just glad our hyungs have their cover now. Better late than never."

Eli nodded in agreement before speaking into his own headset. "Kibum? Oh Xander? Where's Kibum? Okay never mind, the important thing is that Seungho and the guys have help now so we don't need to split up and leave the mansion."

Mir and Thunder both watched and listened to the scene playing before them on the laptop in total anticipation of what was to happen next.


G-Dragon put his eye up to the scope on the rifle and searched for some targets. He spotted one of the guards attempting to throw a grenade at the MBLAQ members and automatically aimed at him. Right as the man pulled the pin out of the grenade, G-Dragon took the shot. The bullet went straight between the guard's eyes and he dropped dead instantly, letting go of the grenade as he fell.

The 2PM members saw what had just happened and freaked. Nichkhun yelled, "EVERYONE GET DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Not long after there was an immense explosion as the grenade went off, killing anyone unlucky enough to get caught up in the blast.

The 3 MBLAQ members saw their chance and made a run for it. "LET'S MOVE OUT!!!!!!!!!" Seungho yelled as they made their way out of the gates. He looked up at the 2 Big Bang members and gave them the signal to follow them.

Chansung's voice was heard as he screamed out orders to the guards. "DON'T LET THEM GET AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Seungho, Joon, and G.O quickly threw their bags in the back of the black SUV and got in soon afterwards. Seungho took the driver's seat once more as G.O sat next to him in the passenger's seat, with Joon riding in the back.

"We might get some followers so I need you 2 to be ready to do some shooting. This could get into one ugly car chase." Seungho stated as he put the vehicle in gear and stomped on the gas pedal. The tires squealed loudly as rubber created friction against concrete.

The SUV accelerated forward at an incredible speed, almost knocking Joon's head into G.O's seat as he was leaning over to grab his semi-automatic weapon. G.O pulled out 2 modified handguns with laser pointers and began to load them with new magazines.

Seungho drove forward until he spotted GD and T.O.P running off to the side. He jerked the steering wheel over to the right and stopped beside them. "Get in!"

They didn't need to be told twice. Joon moved over as the 2 guys joined him in the back. He inspected the 2 hitmen and realized that only GD had his weapon. "Yah, T.O.P. Where did that rocket launcher go?"

He smirked as he reached into the bag slung over his back and pulled out a small rocket. "I got rid of the launcher but I still have the main ingredient. Seungho, drive by the front of the mansion, GD and I have an idea."

Joon's eyes widened at the size of the projectile. It wasn't huge but it wasn't exactly a small missile or anything either. Seungho looked in the rear view mirror and gave a curt nod before tugging the wheel over to the left and making a sharp u-turn.

Everyone in the car grabbed onto something as Seungho sped the car around and began driving back toward the mansion. G-Dragon opened his car side door as T.O.P moved forward and out through the opening. Even with the moving vehicle he was able to steadily have most of his body hanging out of the car.

Definitely a daredevil. Joon thought as he watched T.O.P calmly hang out on the side of the speeding SUV.

As soon as the mansion came back into sight, GD cocked his sniper and began to aim out of the open doorway, next to T.O.P's side. "Let me know when you're ready!"

T.O.P shouted, "NOW!!!" As he did so, he threw the rocket like a football in the direction of the 2PM mansion. As soon as it was launched into the air he ducked back inside the vehicle as GD took careful aim.

He quickly spotted the rocket on the lens of his scope and fired. The bullet hit the target with perfect precision. The rocket exploded in mid-air and caused more damage to the mansion and killed whoever was close enough to the blast. A huge mushroom cloud of smoke and flames flew high up into the night sky.

Unfortunately, they already had some followers behind them. G.O looked into his side view mirror and spotted a few luxury cars. "Uh Seungho? We got company."

Seungho took a look into his side view mirror as well. He muttered a few curses under his breath before giving out his orders. "G.O and Joon, you guys know what to do. T.O.P and G-Dragon, mind lending us some help?"

All 4 men nodded in agreement as they all got their weapons ready and pulled down their windows. G.O was the fastest so he quickly stuck his upper body out of his window and took aim with his 2 handguns. He fired at the passengers in the cars first. Their followers kept swerving in and out of the lanes so he couldn't get a clear shot.

He aimed lower and fired at the tires instead. After a few shots, he managed to blow a hole in one of their tires, causing the car to go out of control. The vehicle flipped on its side before skidding off and crashing into a tree on the side of the road.

"WOW!!!! That's what I'm talking about!" G.O yelled out happily.

"EVERYBODY HOLD ON!!!!!" Seungho screamed out as he took a sharp turn to the left down another street.

The SUV screeched as it made the tight turn, before speeding off forward again. They were fired at soon afterwards and the back windshield of the SUV was busted as bullets made it through. Joon, GD, and T.O.P all ducked. 

G.O leaned forward and screamed, "AH SH*T!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Seungho leaned forward as well and swerved off to the side to get out of range from their enemy. Through the busted windshield, Joon took aim and fired off his semi-automatic weapon. He shot many bullets at one of the following cars and ended up getting the gas tank, causing the car to explode and flip over on it's top.

The 2 cars that had been behind that one, crashed into the flaming vehicle and caused an even bigger explosion. GD whooped and hollered before giving Joon a high five. "Now THAT'S what I'm talking about! You rock!"

Joon broke out into a huge grin as T.O.P gave him a high five as well. "Not bad. Your leader has got some driving skills."

The 2 Big Bang members then turned to Seungho and thanked him for getting them out of there alive. Seungho nodded and let out a sly smile.

G.O was about to add something when Mir and Thunder's frantic voices filled their ears through the headsets. 

"AISH!!! What's going on?!"
"I don't know, something bad is happening!"
"Guys! I don't have ANY communication with Kibum or the rest of my group!"

Seungho, Joon, and G.O all recognized Eli's voice. Their expressions turned to one of confusion. GD and T.O.P had no idea what was going on but they noticed that the 3 men had suddenly gone quiet as they listened to the transmissions over the headsets.

It continued on, "Oh no! I've lost communication with all of the guards as well!"
"Aigoo! This isn't good! Are they still alive?!"
"I'm not sure, I can see some on the cameras but I also see other dark figures as well!"
"Who could they be?! I don't recognize these guys!"

G.O spoke up towards Seungho. "Do you think something happened to their headset communication? They don't seem to be able to hear us but we can hear them."

Seungho had a worried expression on his face as he furrowed his brow in concentration. "Thunder, Mir! Can you guys hear me?"

No answer, just more transmissions. "NO!! It can't be can it?!"
"I gotta see if Xander and the others are alright on the North Wing!"
"We have a serious situation on our hands here!"
"But ASSASSINS? Why? Why here and why now? What do they want?!"

G.O and Seungho both looked at each other with horrified expressions. "ASSASSINS?!?!" Seungho put his foot down harder on the acceletator, making the SUV go faster.

Joon spoke up from the back seat. "What in the world could assassins be doing at our place? We don't have anything they want."

"ASSASSINS?!" GD and T.O.P had exclaimed at the same time.

Seungho felt as if an ice cube had been dropped down his throat and was now running down the back of his spine. The slow realization of what they wanted came to mind and it made his heart pound like a bass drum in his chest.

They were after Alexa.


Eli had run out of the room to go to the aid of his fellow members. Thunder and Mir were now both looking at each other with worried expressions. Their mansion was being raided by assassins and they had no clue why.

Thunder lost communication with the others on his laptop so they had no idea if their leader and the other guys were out of danger yet. It was, to put it mildly, suspenseful.

Thunder took a look at the security screens and noticed that most of the guards having trouble were at the South Wing. "I gotta go help in that area. Mir, will you be okay here by yourself?"

The maknae nodded before placing his hand on Thunder's shoulder. "Yah, be careful over there okay?"

He nodded back at Mir before taking off out of the room as well. With him being alone now, it was very disconcerting but he had a job to do. He took a look at the locked door. Alexa needs someone here to protect her.

*OC (Alexa's) POV*

What in the world is going on NOW?

I had heard many things and honestly, I was kinda confused. Apparently Thunder and Mir lost communication with the others and now the mansion was being raided by some unknown assassins or something.

If that's the case, then I probably should be panicking but I was inside a locked room and couldn't do much of anything. I looked out the window and tried to see if I could spot what was going on outside. My room was on one of the higher floors so I had a good view of the outside.

What I saw was slightly horrifying. Most of the guards on the outer parts of the mansion were either dead or severely wounded. Who are these people? They are definitely NOT friends of mine or the House of Capulet. We weren't that brutal.

I took a few steps back and got away from the window. I then turned and sat down on the bed while letting out a huge huff of air. Now don't panic. You have Mir and Thunder guarding the door and you're on one of the highest floors of the mansion. NO ONE can reach this height through your window.

I couldn't help but feel the anxiety rise in me. I put my hand over my chest to try to sooth my quickly beating heart. Why do I have such a bad feeling about all this?

My eyes grew wide as I heard the window slide open. I snapped my head in the direction of the noise but was too late. I was already being pinned against the wall. The assassin had both of his hands around my neck and was pushing me up high against the wall.Sh*t! I can't breathe! I can't even call for help! What do I do?!

As my vision started to blur from lack of oxygen I heard the noise that I had been wanting to hear. The door being unlocked with aclick.

"Alexa, it's quiet in here. Are you-" Mir cut himself off as he noticed what was going on in front of him.

His expression turned serious as he grabbed a nearby wooden chair launched himself at the assassin. He threw the chair at the man's back with full force, breaking the chair and knocking the assassin down to the floor. I was dropped and as I slid down the wall, I gasped for air.

Thank you God for this guardian angel! I coughed and choked as Mir helped me up. "I'm so sorry for not checking on you sooner! Aigoo, are you alright?!"

Before I could answer him, the assassin began to get up again. I took my hands away from my sore neck and pointed at the man. "MIR BEHIND YOU!!!!!"

He whirled around just in time to block a punch from the man and came back at him with a knee in the groin. The assassin hunched over in pain. Mir turned to me. "We need to get away from this area NOW!!!"

He grabbed my hand and lead me out of the room. "Don't need to tell me twice!" I exclaimed as we both ran away from the assassin.

We ran through the meeting room and out into the corridor. Mir held tightly onto my hand as he lead me down several doors before stopping at one on the end. We both turned our heads to the side as we noticed something out of the corner of our eyes.

"He's STILL coming after us?!" I exclaimed in horror. 

The assassin was making his way slowly toward us. He was really scary looking now that I got a good look at him. He was tall and muscular and looked Russian. Mir quickly flung the door open and made me go in first. I ran in and found myself in the kitchen area.

Kitchen = KNIVES and other cooking utensils that can be used as weapons. Before I could look around however, Mir was suddenly flung through the door. He landed on his back in front of me, coughing from the sudden wind being knocked out of him.

"Oh my God! Mir are you okay?!" I kneeled down beside him and helped him up.

What in the world is going on? Is the assassin after ME? Is that why Mir is protecting me?

I looked up at the doorway and saw the man standing there with an ugly sneer on his face. Once I helped Mir up, he straightened himself out before putting his body between me and the assassin.

"Mir? What-" I was cut off as he turned to look at me.

"Don't worry Alexa, I wont allow him to hurt you. Just stay back okay?" He turned his attention back to the man and flung himself at him.

I don't know if it was my PMSing or what but seeing Mir protect me like this made my emotions rise a little bit. Why would someone who barely knows me put his life on the line to keep me safe? Not only that but he's my supposed "enemy." Why are our families rivals? I don't understand at all. 

I need to find out about this family feud later if I make it out of this alive. I watched tensely as Mir fought hard against the assassin. The man was a monster. Mir was giving it his all but the man wasn't even going down.

The maknae ducked as the assassin tried a sweeping punch. He then came up and used the heel of his palm to connect with the man's chin. The force of the blow sent the assassin stumbling back.

As Mir tried to take advantage of this opening, the assassin gained his bearings and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

"MIR!!!!!!!!!" I yelled with concern rising in my voice.

The man lifted Mir off of his feet and threw him off to the side, making the poor maknae crash into a metal shelf stand that had dishes on it. He fell on his side disoriented.

The assassin saw this and made his way towards him. Oh no! Without thinking twice I ran up to the man and threw a punch, successfully decking him from the side of his face and gaining his attention.

OH MY GOD MY HAND HURTS!!!! I shook my hand out and tried to focus on making the assassin come towards me instead of Mir.

It worked as the man looked at me with an evil smirk before making his way towards me slowly. I looked around in a state of panic as I tried to locate something, ANYTHING, that would help me. I spotted a huge metal bin and grabbed it. I threw it at the assassin but he blocked it with his arms. 

I made my way back to look for more stuff when he ran up to me and tried to grab me. I quickly ducked and got out of the way before kicking him from behind. I then turned and grabbed a huge boiler pot off the nearby table and threw it at him. He punched it away and came at me again.

Who is this guy, BIONIC man?!

I tried punching him again but he grabbed my arm and turned me around so the he was holding me in a vice grip from behind. My arms were pinned against my chest as his muscular arms had a tight hold on me.

Doojoon once showed me a technique to get out of something like this...what was it?!

As I began to remember, I bucked my hips back and then pushed my arms down with full force, successfully prying his arms apart. I fell out of his grip and as I did so I grabbed a nearby butcher knife and shoved it into the man's chest.

I ran over to Mir afterwards and kneeled beside him. "Are you okay?!"

Mir pointed behind me groggily. "Behind you..."

I turned around and to my horror, the assassin was still standing. He was looking at the knife in his chest before he tilted his head up to look at me. He placed his hand on the knife and began to slowly pull it out. Mir and I watched in absolute disgust as he pulled the knife completely out, blood dripping off of it.

"Okay now that's just gross." I stated as I stood up and got into a protective guard stance in front of Mir.

I was frightened like no other mother but I had to make sure Mir didn't get hurt because of me. The assassin laughed demonically at my statement. He even spoke to me and I heard a tinge of a Russian accent. "No, what's gross is what I'm about to do to you."

I stood my ground and as the man was about to run at me, I saw a blur of red and black come at the assassin from the side and punch him HARD against his cheek. The assassin was knocked down to the ground instantly. 

Who in the world threw THAT punch?

My question was answered as I finally got a good look at the man from the side. SEUNGHO!?!?! He stood there waiting for the assassin to get back up. You know, for a handsome leader, he could look really scary when he was angry. Or at least, I think he's angry.

Seungho had a murderous look on his face as he glared at the man before him. "Don't. Ever. Hurt. A. Girl."

I was a bit taken aback at his words. He was angry. The assassin got up completely and dusted himself off. He then gave off a devious smirk before running at Seungho.

The man came at him with a roundhouse kick which Seungho easily dodged. He evaded the next kick as well before grabbing the assassin's arm and twisting it as he threw the man off to the side. The assassin went crashing into some cabinets but still managed to get up afterwards.

"Why don't you just DIE?!" I exclaimed in frustration as I helped Mir up.

We both watched as Seungho tried again to get rid of this....this monster of a man. The assassin threw a punch but Seungho tilted his head to the side and avoided it with ease. He then grabbed the assassin by his shoulders and pulled him down as he brought up his knee. Seungho's knee cap connected with the man's head in a loud "SMACK!"

The man stumbled back, completely disoriented and bleeding from his forehead. Mir and I watched in awe and amazement as Seungho was starting to bring this guy down. I then noticed that Seungho was looking at the nearby window. Is he thinking what I think he's thinking?

Not long after that thought, Seungho grabbed the assassin by the back of his shirt and hauled him up before running and flinging him at the window. The man went flying straight through the glass and out the window. As Seungho ran over to the empty frame to look out of it, Mir and I joined him as well.

All 3 of us looked down. We were a long way up but we could still see the man's unmoving figure in a pool of blood and glass shards. Mir and I let out a huge sigh of relief at the same time.

"He's dead for sure this time." Seungho stated before turning to look at the 2 of us. 

His face was full of concern but it was probably geared mostly towards Mir. Why would he worry about me anyway?

Before he could say anything, Thunder, Joon, and G.O all came bustling through the open doorway. 

"What's going on?!"
"What the hell happened in here?!"
"Are you guys okay?!"

Soon after, another group of guys came up behind them. I'm guessing they're the U-Kiss group I heard about when I was eavesdropping on their conversations earlier. Well either that or it was them and the 2 hitmen I heard about as well. I don't know anymore, there are WAY too many guys to remember right this second. 

Why did I have to be a FEMALE hostage? Oh that's right, I didn't choose this. I'm a prisoner in MBLAQ's mansion with possibly the other 2 House of Montague groups now. That was A LOT of guys who were NOT on my side. So is this the life of a Capulet now?

God, have you been planning this the whole time? This is so NOT funny. What kind of sick, twisted sense of humor do you have?!

End of Chapter 6

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I've read this story a few times now && I love it!
Hope to see more from you. :]
clasombillo #2
LovE the way the story goes;) make more of these;)
Seoblove #3
Wow. Fantastic. I swear this is one of the best stories I've ever read. And I luv MBLEAST toooo!!! Mir is just tooo cute in this story and from the way you describe SeungHo, woah. iness please. Heh. It was like as if SeungHo was in front of me the whole time with his y thick lips. Heh. Do write more :)
that was one of the best fanfics i've ever read~<br />
mir was especially funny~<br />
keep on writing!!! ^^
omo alexa is too funny >.< poor seungho!! but lol<br />
really good writing~
aksdjhqieufgaskdjfh -seungho fanatic-<br />
it sounds interesting~
catherinee #7
whoaaaa that was a really good ff xD<br />
i really liked the characters personalities! they were the best (Y)^^
i've read the first fic and it was really good :))<br />
i wish G.O's guna be with me. HAHAHA :)
wtfelicia #9
aww ended alrdy?! awesome story thou! hahaha! how nice to be able to meet your lover and friends of your past. never ending love eh! hahhaa!
Lol'.' Awesome story^^*!!! G.O Ahjussi~~!!