Chapter 19

Romeo + Juliet: Untold MBLAQ Story

Chapter 19

*Alexa's (OC) POV*

What's going on? Am I dead already? 

My vision was completely blurred but I was somewhat aware of what was going on around me. I heard Jihoon say something about 3 people who had arrived.

Who is it?

I tried my hardest to focus my vision and see if I could spot Seungho or anyone really. That's when I heard some unfamiliar voices.

"Daesung. Do you think they will be able to make it? There really isn't a hospital near by..."
"We will have to try and do what we can with what we have. Trying to move them is not a good option right now."

Who are these guys? 

It was getting harder and harder to concentrate but I kept listening. I wanted to know exactly what was going to happen. Would Seungho make it? I wasn't too worried about myself, I knew my time was coming but as long as he was alright...

"Seungri, do you have anything to stop the bleeding?"

There was a deep sigh off to my right somewhere, "This isn't looking good as it is Taeyang. If only we weren't so far from civilization... I'm not sure but I'll see what I can do."

"What if we leave this to fate?"

There was a sudden silence as these words were whispered. Huh? What is this man talking about?

Another whispering voice, "Daesung just what exactly are you implying?"

"There is no doubt that these two were meant to be. They are star crossed lovers, you two can see that as well as I can. So maybe... just maybe, there is still a chance. However, we must have a little faith as no medicine can help us now."

These were the last words I heard before my vision completely blackened and I was lost in a deep abyss.



I suddenly jolted awake. I was sitting up, completely disoriented and waiting for my vision to adjust to the bright light in the room.

As I was looking around in a frenzy, I realized that I had been laying on something soft. I looked down and realized I was on... my bed? I recognized the green and brown bedsheets. Then I remember the voice that woke me up.

I snapped my head up and stared straight into the icy blue eyes of my best friend Annabeth. What.... no.... no way...that was all... just a...

My thoughts were cut off as Annabeth took her palm to my forehead and felt around. "You're really warm! And you're covered in cold sweat! Yah, what's wrong? Did you have a nightmare?"

She quickly tied her red hair back into a ponytail as she got up from my bed and came around to my side to pour me a glass of water. "Here."

As she handed me the glass, I couldn't help but be completely stupified. Was that all... was that really just a dream? But... it felt so... real.

"Seriously Alexa, you're freaking me out. Just what exactly did you dream about?" She looked at me with total concern.

I opened my mouth to try to come up with an explanation but to be honest, my mind was a complete mess. It was like, I remembered everything but trying to recall it was like trying to chase after a floating cloud. I couldn't remember names or faces!

"Annabeth..." I breathed. I turned to look her fully in the face. "I think I just dreamed of my past life."


As I finished recalling as much as I could from my dream, Annabeth's face was a complete blank. It was like she didn't know how to react.

I spoke up first. "Yah! Stop giving me that blank stare and say something! This suspense is killing me!"

She opened to say something but then closed it again. Then she cocked her head to the side in thought. "I don't know about you but your dream reminds me of something... like an old tale that we know."

I thought about what she said. Well it's true. The story did sound familiar.

"But what? Even when I try to think of it, it's like the name of the story is on the tip of my tongue. Aigoo!" I let out a deep sigh of frustration as I laid myself back down on the bed.

And there was also those guys. 5 of them I think. I could see them but I couldn't make out their faces. Or remember their names for that matter. But I had the feeling that they were of the up most importance...

Annabeth broke my thoughts as she grabbed a hold of my hand. She pulled me up and practically dragged me out of my room.

"Well, now's not the time to think of a trivial dream! Hurry up and get dressed! We need to go out shopping today for that wedding remember? Your family is big enough as it is, just imagine with all the new cousins and what not!"

For some reason, as she mentioned this, I had a sudden feeling of foreshadowing.


My house was full of people that had come for the upcoming wedding this weekend. I wouldn't say we were rich people but our family did have a nice big house so whenever my parents had the opportunity to invite people over, they took it.

My mother was mingling when she suddenly spotted me and Annabeth coming down the staircase. She quickly came over with a warm smile on her face.

"I trust you had a good sleep?" 

I smiled and gave her a huge hug. She didn't need to know about my dream. "I slept just fine."

Annabeth gave me a side glance but I elbowed her in the side so that she wouldn't say anything.

My mom didn't notice and kept going, "Well now that you are finally here, there is some people I have to introduce you too. You're gonna have some new family members soon!"

She took my hand and led me into the main dining hall.


After being introduced to who knows how many people, we were finally at the last "new family member." 

"And here we have your soon to be cousin, Yoseob." My mom said as she tapped a young man on the shoulder.

The name rang a bell in my head and I suddenly felt like I was having a hot flash. Yoseob? Why did that sound familiar?

As the young man turned around, the first thing I noticed was his eyes and his smile. It seemed so familiar. But something was off. His hair.

For some reason, in my head I was seeing him with blonde hair but the boy I was looking at had styled jet black hair.

I tried to control my expression as he slightly bowed and introduced himself to me. "Hello, my name is Yoseob. You must be Alexa right?"

As I took his hand, I felt a jolt as I suddenly had images flash through my head. Are memories from my dream coming back?

Yoseob must have felt it too as his expression changed. "I'm sorry but have we seen each other before?"

I replied with a quiet voice, "I was about to ask you the same thing."


After awhile, Annabeth and I had finally been able to leave the premises. "GOOD GOD I thought we were never gonna get out of there! Aigoo!"

I laughed as my friend doubled over in a very exaggerating fashion.

"Come on! We have to go shopping remember!" I exclaimed as I took her hand and pulled her along behind me.

"YAH!! I am not a rag doll!! Let me WALK!!!"

As we finally made our way into town, I couldn't help but feel like something HUGE was going to happen. First I had met Yoseob who I know now was definitely in my dream, so who knows what will happen today. I kept having that feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"You look like you're about to puke, what's wrong now?" Annabeth asked as we stopped in front of a small boutique.

I let out a deep breath before turning to look at her with a controlled expression. "I guess I'm just nervous about the wedding. I mean, I know it's not my wedding but it is a huge event ya know?"

She was my best friend and knew when I was lying but she left it at that. She gave me a slight sideways glance every now and then but she let it go either way.

As we were about to walk in through the glass door, a man was already coming out. Of course, me being in my own little world, I didn't notice and I ran into him. I bounced off him as if he were a giant boulder and fell to the ground. He on the other hand, didn't budge an inch.

"Aigoo! I'm so sorry! Here, let me help you up!" 

The man's voice sounded so familiar and when he touched my arms to help me up, the images came again. That's when I snapped my head up to get a good look at him.

He looks so familiar. He was very built, nice muscular arms and his hair was sorta styled up. There goes my memory again. In my head I saw him with his hair down and kinda wavy like a messy shag but it wasn't bad.

His expression changed as he helped me up. That's when he introduced himself. "My name is Changsun and you are?"

And once again, in my head I saw a different name. A name that started with a J. Joon? Was it? Why am I always seeing something different in my head?

Annabeth broke me from my thoughts for the millionth time that day by nudging me in the side with her arm. I quickly snapped out of my reverie and introduced myself to him.

"Uh yeah, sorry for running into you like that. My name is Alexa." I stuck out my hand for him to shake.

His head cocked slightly to the side in wonder but eventually he just shrugged it off. He took my hand and shook it before giving both of us a cute smile and leaving.

Annabeth gave me a smirk. I looked at her in confusion. "What?"

She rolled her eyes. "How do you know him?" She had a sorta sing song tone in her voice.

I tilted my head up to the sky in thought. "Would you believe me if I said he was in my dream?"


After that little run in with Changsun at the boutique, things got weirder and weirder. Like every time we went into a new store, I was half expecting to see a familiar face but none really showed up. But as we got closer and closer to this one store, my heart would quicken in pace.

I decided to check this out on my own since I couldn't take the anxiety anymore. "Listen Annabeth, why don't you go take a look in that store for some cute bags. I need to take a look over there and see what they have."

I pointed to the store that was giving me the weird feeling. She followed my gaze and nodded before entering the purse shop.

The store I was about to go into was just a regular old hat shop. As I walked through the glass door and heard the familiar ding of the bell that let you know a new customer was here, I automatically spotted two guys quarreling over something near the back of the shop.

"Yah, what do you take me for?"
"This isn't funny hyung!"
"Who said I was trying to be funny?"

At that last line, I burst into fits of laughter. I honestly don't know why I found it so funny but in a way, it reminded me of something.

It was obvious those two were somewhere around the same age. As they both turned to look at me, my breathing halted. These guys look familiar too!

There was a man with a young face with coffee brown hair and another man with pretty boy features and two-toned hair. It was blonde and black with a slight wavy-ness to it. But once again, in my head I saw a different version of them. In my head I saw them both with straight, jet black hair.

The boy with the two-toned hair smiled brightly at me and I couldn't help but smile back. He walked up to me and stuck out his hand in greeting.

"My name is Sanghyun. Nice to meet you and you are?" His voice was very gentle and I automatically took his hand.

"I'm Alexa and it's very nice to meet you too." I gave him my best smile and that's when the other guy came up as well.

He took my hand and gave it a slight kiss. I slightly blushed. This guy had to be good with women. If it weren't for the fact that this man was in my dream, I would have laughed out loud at my own thought just then.

"My name is Byunghee, it is very nice to meet you Alexa. Please correct me if I'm wrong but do we know each other? You seem familiar." His face was a complete blank slate, reminded me of a poker face.

Why is this all so familiar? And if he recognizes me then maybe...

My thoughts were interrupted as his phone went off. He excused himself before taking the call. Sanghyun bowed slightly before following him over to the side.

"Hello?.... Yes it's me..... He did what?.... Where is he now?..... Say what?"

Byunghee might have been having an interesting conversation but his facial expression remained the same throughout. Sanghyun on the other hand, looked slightly worried.

Before I could eavesdrop further, there was some commotion outside. I heard a lot of yelling and running footsteps getting closer and closer.

I had that feeling in the pit of my stomach again so I decided to check it out. I walked out the glass door and looked both to my left and then to my right before spotting some running figures in the distance.

I squinted my eyes to get a better look and automatically my gaze focused on the man in front. The man who seemed to be running away from.... more people? He had straight blonde-ish hair that sorta went over his eyes and a weird expression on his face.

Was he actually... smiling?

I don't get it, if he's running away from somebody, why in the world would he be smiling for? He must be a generally happy person or something. Then the next thing I knew, I was covering my ears.


The next chain of events happened fairly quickly. The glass door opened and out came Byunghee and Sanghyun looking over at the blonde man with mixed expressions. Then I heard both of them call out to me.

"Alexa, move out of the way!!"
"Wait, watch out!! BANG CHULYONG WHAT-"

That last sentence was cut off due to the man in question, Chulyong?, grabbed a hold of my hand as he ran past the store, dragging me with him. My arm felt like it was going to be ripped out of it's socket.


He didn't even look at me as he was concentrating on running away. "Sorry to include you in this chase miss but I need your help! I'll explain once we get somewhere safe!" 

His breathing was somewhat controlled and it made me look at him closely. The side view of his face was somewhat familiar...

And for some odd reason, when I looked at his lips, I felt a wave of embarrassment. Then I got a flash of images again, memories from my dream. But before I could concentrate on them I felt my body being jerked to the side.

"YAH!!! Stop right there Bang Chulyong!!"

Before I could look behind me to see who was still chasing after us, we were suddenly running down a slim alleyway. My lungs were beginning to hurt from all the running but it seemed like we were finally getting somewhere.

As we made another sharp turn, I was swung around to where I was facing Chulyong but before I could get a good look at his face, he opened up his long grey coat and hid my face in his chest. Oh for the love of...

"Try to control your breathing, they could still hear us if they get near enough." He said in between slightly ragged breaths.


After that small fiasco, Chulyong led me towards some unfamiliar building, still holding onto my hand might I add.

I cleared my throat to gain his attention but he still didn't look at me, he just kept leading me towards the.... hotel? I looked up and noticed we were at the Hilton. When the hell did we get here?

As we entered the ginormous building, the chauffeur greeted us with a slight bow. Chulyong bowed his head slightly before dragging me off to the side towards the elevator.

As we entered it, he reached into his long coat and pulled out a bottle of water and a small pillow. How the hell did he fit that into his coat? I was giving him an incredulous look when he finally looked at me and I got a good look at his face.

My breathing hitched as I noticed how his eyes reminded me of a puppy. Memories.... I remember, he had slightly reddish hair in my dream.... and his expressions always reminded me of a puppy... his name was... Mir?

He must have noticed my expression as he took a close look at my face. But then the elevator dinged as it reached the floor he was aiming for so it broke his gaze from mine.

"No time to explain so basically I'm just gonna fix you up and then you just follow my lead, okay?" He said quickly and with a slight devious smile.

My eyebrow lifted in question. "Excuse me?"


Before I could even say anything, we were standing in front of a huge guy and a bunch of his cronies, they looked like the guys that had been chasing us, and I was absolutely furious with this Chulyong guy.

Back in the elevator, I don't even know how he knew to be prepared for this, he used the water bottle and pillow to "fix me up" so to speak.

I was about to argue with this man, I mean really, when he uncapped the bottle and threw the water at my pants. My crotch area to be exact. 


Before I could even continue with my freaking out, he took the small pillow and shoved it under my shirt. It looked like I had grown a belly. I was beyond myself. 


The elevator doors opened and he grabbed my hand and dragged me out of it before more could be said. That's how we ended up here, in front of these guys, with me and my wet crotch and a fake belly.

It took me a minute to put 2 and 2 together but I was gonna take a wild guess and say that this Chulyong guy wanted me to look like I was in labor in front of these guys.

"So you see, this girl is pregnant! And she's HIS girlfriend! So my hyung couldn't have any interest in your girlfriend!" He was explaining as fast as he could so I had to admit this guy was a good actor.

"She's pregnant with HIS child! Her and my hyung are in love! So please leave us alone and stop accusing us of trying to steal your girl because we obviously have no interest!"

I was about to punch this guy in the face. Excuse me, I'm nobody's girl and I'm NOT PREGNANT!!!

But before I could do anything, the guys in front of us examined me closely before nodding in acknowledgement. "Just how dumb are these guys." I muttered under my breath.

The big guy in front looked like he was about to cry. "I'm sorry for misunderstanding! AIGOO!! Please Chulyong, don't just stand here talking to us!! GET HER TO THE HOSPITAL!!!"

I gawked at the man. Chulyong faked a sniffle before bowing to him. "THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I shall make sure his baby is delivered safely!! OFF WE GO!!!"

And with that, he dragged me off into the elevator again.



I was busy kicking the sh*t out of this guy. Yes he was familiar and quite possibly one of the men from my dream but what he just did was freaking ridiculous!

"YOU. IDIOT. HOW. DARE. YOU." I yelled as I was busy hitting away at him. I was beyond furious. I was humiliated and angry.

Before I could land another blow, he blocked it and grabbed both of my arms and held them at my sides. Man, he's stronger than I thought.

He was breathing heavily as he spoke, "Listen...aigoo! Miss, you hit really hard!!"

I was struggling to break free when he quickly continued, "Sorry SORRY!! Please let me explain!!"

"AISHHHH!!! Does it look like I want an explanation from you, you... ERT!!!!!" I exclaimed at the top of my voice, causing many to turn and look at us.

He quickly looked around with a nervous smile. "Ah, yeah, she's just....uh, er, pregnant, so yeah. Please excuse her behavior!"

Before I could go off on him, he dragged me outside of the hotel.


After telling me his side of the story, I slightly calmed down but I still could barely forgive him for what he did.

He scratched the back of his head. "Well here we are." He laughed nervously as he led me inside another building.

I was keeping my distance from him when a man with spiked reddish hair came out of nowhere and grabbed Chulyong in a headlock.

"I just got a call from them! YOU SAID I HAD A PREGNANT GIRLFRIEND!!!!!! YAH BANG CHULYONG YOU ARE SO DEAD!!!!!!!" The man exclaimed as he continued to strangle Chulyong in his death grip.

The man being strangled to death coughed and sputtered as he tried to explain himself like he had to me. I smiled slightly. It was kinda funny seeing it coming from another person.

"Hyung!! .... AGH!!!.... I'm sorry!!.... I didn't know.... what else..... TO DO!!!"

The man finally noticed I was there as he looked up and saw me. That's when it all happened. I looked him in the eyes and began to remember everything from my dream.

The 5 guys were the men I just met. Joon was Changsun. G.O was Byunghee. Thunder was Sanghyun and Mir was Chulyong. Our story, the old tale, it was exactly like Romeo and Juliet.

The last and final man was my Romeo. His name was Seungho.

My breathing became ragged as I tried to calm myself down. Seungho, who had finally let go of Chulyong, stood up straight and looked back at me with a weird expression.

He seemed dazed. His eyes were kinda glossed over. He wouldn't.... he didn't recognize me..... did he?

His steps were slow but he was getting closer and closer to me the entire time these thoughts rushed through my head. Chulyong seemed to notice what was going on so he took another look at me. I saw his expression out of my peripherals. He realized who I was.

When Seungho was barely even inches away from me, he finally spoke. "A... Alexa?"

I could feel tears sting at my eyes as I remembered the last part of my dream. It was the same as the tale of Romeo and Juliet. We both had died.

I tried to find my voice, it came out sorta croaky but I was still able to answer him. "Yeah.... it's me. Seungho I-"

I was cut off as he quickly pulled me into a fierce embrace. His arms tightly wrapped around me in a hug, I could feel the tears threatening to spill.

Chulyong had gotten up and was now looking at us with a misty eyed expression. He looked happy though as his smile spread across his face and practically lit up the room.

Seungho didn't seem to want to let go of me and I didn't mind at all. It was a few seconds later when I heard some footsteps behind us.

We both turned and looked over at 3 men. Changsun, Byunghee, and Sanghyun. They seemed confused at first but once they took a look a both of us in each other's arms, it was as if it hit them. Their expressions changed from confusion to total happiness.

They remembered too.

I looked back at Seungho. He seemed overjoyed. "I never thought.... that I would see you again. But yet... here you are."

I smiled as I ran my hand across his cheek. "It seems like only yesterday I was busy trying not to fall in love with you."

At this, the others laughed before coming up to us and smothering us with a big group hug.

Chulyong was the fiercest. "KYAAAA!!! I'm so happy for us!!!!"

Changsun smacked him in the back of the head. "Yah, don't ruin the moment with your screeching!"

I laughed as I looked at the familiar faces surrounding me. "You all really remember, don't you?"

Sanghyun nodded before patting me on the head. "How could I forget such a wonderful girl?

Byunghee scoffed. "You learned lines like that from me so don't even think of using them in this kinda situation."

At this the rest of us burst into a fit of giggles as Sanghyun gave his hyung a hurt look. "WHAT?! APPA!!!"


After our tearful reunion, we all decided to take a walk by the park to catch up with each other. Since our life was literally in the past, we didn't technically know each other in this life.

That's when my phone went off and I realized I had like 10 texts from Annabeth. "Aigoo." I muttered under my breath.

I quickly text her back before shutting off my phone and turning my attention to the boys. Seungho was walking next to me and his hand automatically reached over for mine and put it into his jacket pocket. I smiled like a total idiot.

He smiled back at me before looking up at the bright blue sky. "It feels like another dream."

I nodded in agreement. Chulyong and Sanghyun were as cute as ever, always worrying for me if I was too cold or what not. Byunghee was always coming back with some kind of snarky comment that never failed to either crack me up or leave me speechless. And Changsun was still his muscle babo self but he was such a good guy that I always overlooked his dorky ways.

Last but not least, my Seungho. He was still the cool leader who was a jack of all trades. There was nothing he couldn't do, including making me happy. He was definitely good at that.

"So was this really all a part of fate? I mean, don't you guys find it funny how we met up in another life?" Changsun wondered aloud.

Byunghee turned to look at him. "Of course, it was meant to be for these two." He nodded his head over in our direction.

"Why else would we all just happen to meet up in the same day?"

Sanghyun and Chulyong nodded in amazement at their hyung and his.... surprisingly wise words.

As the four of them were deep in thought, Seungho whispered in my ear. "While they are occupied, let's go over by the lake. Just the two of us."

He quickly but quietly led me away from the group and off the side, towards the beautiful crystal clear lake.

We were still tightly holding hands as we got nearer. The day was really nice. The sun was high in the sky and the clouds were all big, white and puffy. The breeze was a little chilly but that's what body warmth is for.

ert. I shook my head. Why are my thoughts always like this?

As I looked over at the handsome man standing next to me, my eyes focused on his lips. I immediately felt my temperature rise and my cheeks flush. 

Before he could look over and notice, we both spotted a man walking by. It looked like he was about to pass us on his way up the trail when he suddenly stopped and looked over at us.

He smiled widely and I felt all warm and fuzzy inside. Who is he?

He spoke with a soothing voice. "I'm glad all is well. Looks like your future will be just fine after all."

And with that he walked away but his words echoed loud and clear in my head. Seungho looked over at me and had the same befuddled expression on his face.

"He's really tall isn't he?" I said aloud. It was the first thought that came to mind.

Seungho gave me a slightly incredulous look before we both snapped our heads up in realization of who he was.

We both quickly turned to look for the man but he was long gone.

"Jihoon hyung.... thank you. For everything." I heard Seungho whisper.


As the village babos finally found us, our moments alone were ruined. Not that I didn't mind since there were plenty of chances in the future to come. ert.

Again, I shook my head to clear my thoughts.

Sanghyun spoke up first. "So what's parcheesy?"

Seungho and I both gave him confused looks. "What?"

"Well Byunghee hyung said that you two wanted to be alone for your parcheesy time and-"

He was cut off as both Byunghee and Changsun covered his mouth. "NOTHING!!!!"

Chulyong smiled deviously before sneaking up next to me and whispering in my ear, "Byunghee hyung thinks you two left us to go have ."

Surprisingly, Seungho overheard and about flipped. He chased after Byunghee yelling something about how he needed to keep it in his pants.


"Byunghee, you know this is all your fault right?" Changsun stated as he planted an ice pack on his head.

He threw a condescending look at Changsun before glaring over at Chulyong.

Seungho, Sanghyun, and I all laughed at their little exchange. Before I could do anything, Seungho was already grabbing a hold of my hand and leading me away from the others.

"You know, there is one thing I would like to do before I have to take you home." He said with a slight smirk on his face.

Oh Seungho, the little things you do just . I mentally slapped myself.

"And what's that?" I asked in a cautious voice. 

He laughed at my nervousness before placing both of his hands on either side of my head and planting a kiss on my lips. Needless to say, that shut me up quite well.

I could hear a few groans and a few awwww's and then Byunghee, "Oh please! GET A ROOM!!!!"


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I've read this story a few times now && I love it!
Hope to see more from you. :]
clasombillo #2
LovE the way the story goes;) make more of these;)
Seoblove #3
Wow. Fantastic. I swear this is one of the best stories I've ever read. And I luv MBLEAST toooo!!! Mir is just tooo cute in this story and from the way you describe SeungHo, woah. iness please. Heh. It was like as if SeungHo was in front of me the whole time with his y thick lips. Heh. Do write more :)
that was one of the best fanfics i've ever read~<br />
mir was especially funny~<br />
keep on writing!!! ^^
omo alexa is too funny >.< poor seungho!! but lol<br />
really good writing~
aksdjhqieufgaskdjfh -seungho fanatic-<br />
it sounds interesting~
catherinee #7
whoaaaa that was a really good ff xD<br />
i really liked the characters personalities! they were the best (Y)^^
i've read the first fic and it was really good :))<br />
i wish G.O's guna be with me. HAHAHA :)
wtfelicia #9
aww ended alrdy?! awesome story thou! hahaha! how nice to be able to meet your lover and friends of your past. never ending love eh! hahhaa!
Lol'.' Awesome story^^*!!! G.O Ahjussi~~!!