Chapter 13

Romeo + Juliet: Untold MBLAQ Story

Chapter 13

*OC (Alexa's) POV*

"HWHAT?!?! Why can't I go?!" I exclaimed in sudden shock.

Seungho gave me a look. "Because you can't."

Unbelievable. Seungho was trying to keep me from going with him and Thunder and Mir to the old training place where Jihoon took them. G.O and Joon were supposed to stay behind to watch over me but in MY OPINION, we should all go together.

I placed my hands on my hips. "Yah! That's not a good enough reason!"

Joon looked over at the others with a slightly frightened expression. "Hey guys, did you hear someone calling us? I think we better go check it out."

G.O and Thunder both stuttered in agreement. Mir however, was a bit slow. "What are you talking about hyung? I didn't-"

Joon cut him off by grabbing his arm and yanking him away, dragging him out the door behind everyone else. Once everyone was out of hearing range, Seungho turned back towards me with a softened expression on his face.

"Look, I know you wanna be there when we do our search but....." He let out a deep breath and ran his hand through his hair.

I stood there with my arms crossed over my chest waiting. He looked back up at me and continued on, "Well there is no other way to put this other than I'm really concerned for your safety."

At this, I hung my head in defeat. He got me there. I let out a deep sigh. "Aigoo! Okay so I see your point but wouldn't I be pretty safe with all 5 of you guys looking after me?"

He walked up to me and pulled me over to the couch. We both sat down as he held my hand and looked at me straight in the eyes. "I have no doubts about any of our abilities but this is assassins we're talking about here. People who want you dead to start some kind of war. Until we know who that is, you'll be safer here at the mansion under constant supervision from G.O and Joon."

"What about you, Mir, and Thunder? Don't think I'm not gonna worry about you guys." I stated while pointing an accusing finger at him.

He chuckled. "Mir and Thunder might be the maknaes of the group but come on, you gotta have a little more faith in their abilities."

I rolled my eyes. "You knew what I meant." I said as I playfully hit him on the shoulder.

He smiled brightly at my actions. His teeth are really is the rest of him. GAH! My thoughts are SO erted sometimes, I wonder how Seungho would feel if he ever knew them.

I automatically felt a blush coming on at that thought. I shook my head to try to clear it and Seungho gave me a weird look afterwards. "Are you okay?"

I quickly let go of his hand in case my palms got sweaty. Then I held my hands up and waved them in front of me frantically. "NO!!! I mean, uh, yes I'm okay. I just feel a little -I MEAN CORNY!!!!!!!!!"

Seungho's expression was a bit unreadable but his eyes widened a little bit at my outburst. 

I laughed nervously while trying to come up with an excuse. "Wh-what I meant to say was-was that I....I was feeling corny because we always ask each other what's wrong when we shake our heads. YEAH!!! I mean, uh, yeah that's right."

God, please get me out of this one. I'm begging here! This is getting too embarrassing! 

He raised his eyebrow and then placed his hand on my forehead. "Are you sick?"

I felt my temperature rise at the skin contact. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?! I flinched back and because of my reaction, I fell back onto the couch cushion.

BUT it didn't end there. Because Seungho had been leaning forward, he fell ON TOP OF ME on the couch. GOD!! What kind of signs are these?!

As soon as it happened, we both froze which of course didn't help since we were laying on each other. 

Seungho managed to crack a smile. "Why is it that with YOU I always find myself in a compromising position?"

I chuckled at his statement. "Me? I think it's YOU and the fact that you can't keep yourself off of me.....LITERALLY!!"

We both laughed and it helped to lighten the tension in the air. . STUPID THOUGHTS! I went back to my embarrassed self and it got quiet as we both stopped laughing at the same time. His face was mere inches away from mine.

There was a moment of hesitation before he started leaning his head in. My heart was pounding in my chest, I was surprised he didn't feel it or at least hear it. His lips were finally beginning to brush up against mine. Any slower Seungho and I'm gonna die!

I tried to push my lips against his and he smiled into the kiss. What a tease! I'm the kind of girl that wants open mouth or "slippage" action when it comes to kissing and I bet he felt the same way but his "taking it slow" was so mean.

I pulled away. "You're no fun." I said a little breathlessly.

He smiled a little deviously. "Oh really?" 

That's when he shoved his mouth back onto mine, only this time we both had our mouths slightly open. I think I just died and went to heaven. As his lips were moving against mine in perfect harmony, the "heat of the moment" was ruined.

The door flew open and Thunder came waltzing in. "It got quiet in here, what's-"

Seungho and I both broke apart and slowly turned our heads towards the doorway. Oh sh*t. Thunder's eyes practically bulged out of his head and next thing we knew, he fainted.

"Thunder!" I exclaimed.

Before Seungho could get off of me, Mir walked in as well. "What's going on in-"

He was cut off as he tripped over Thunder's unconscious body in the middle of the doorway. He landed flat on his face with his sticking up in the air. "Aigooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"

G.O and Joon came running in soon after. 

"What the-"
"What hap-"

They were both cut off as well as they tripped over Mir and Thunder, causing a huge pile up of bodies on the floor.

Seungho and I both looked at each other. This is going to be a LONG day.


Seungho looked over at the abandoned buildings in front of them. Thunder and Mir were on either side of him with nostalgic looks on their faces. They had arrived at the old training grounds where Jihoon used to take them.

Unlike back then, it was now just a bunch of deteriorated and empty buildings. It was like a ghost town.

Thunder shivered as a sudden breeze blew by. Mir spoke in a tiny voice. "This place reminds me of something out of a horror movie."

Seungho rolled his eyes at their exaggerated imaginations. "Yah! Stop over analyzing the place, you'll only freak yourself out even more."

Thunder gulped as he tried to find his voice. "Hyung's right. We gotta find something here about Jihoon to help us find him."

Mir nodded his head in agreement before following his hyungs as they began to walk forward.


The 3 of them were now inside the main training building, looking around the old office. The wood on the desk was a little worn out and the filing cabinets were covered in dust. They had to push through several cobwebs before they could get to an old stack of files and papers.

As they were searching, Mir suddenly sneezed really loudly. It echoed throughout the building and made Thunder and Seungho flinch back in surprise.

Mir slapped his hand over his mouth. "Aigoo! That was really loud, I'm sorry!"

Seungho shook his head. "It's fine Mir. I'm pretty sure we're the only ones here. This place is pretty empty."

That's when they all heard a sound off in the distance. Thunder's eyes grew a bit wide. "If we're the only ones here....then what was that noise?"

Mir and Seungho both looked at each other before turning their attention back towards the doorway where they came from. Thunder followed them as they began to walk out, back into the main building.

They all darted their eyes in every direction. Mir pulled out a small flashlight from his bag and Thunder followed suit. Seungho walked forward and listened intently.

Before any of them could react, a man dressed in all black clothing leaped down from an overhead steel beam and landed in front of Seungho. He brought up his leg and kicked Seungho right in the middle of his chest, sending him flying back.

The mysterious man was wearing a black hooded jacket with some kind of black cloth covering the bottom half of his face so they could only see his eyes.

Mir and Thunder quickly leaped to their leader's aid by standing guard in front of him. They both got into fighters stances as the hooded man came running at them.

He was fast. Even Thunder had trouble keeping up with his moves. The mysterious man lunged at both of them at the same time, switching between punches and kicks to try to land a hit.

Mir and Thunder blocked and evaded as best as they could until the man managed to push Mir away and put his focus on only one member.

As the maknae stumbled back, Thunder threw a roundhouse kick at the man's head but missed as he ducked. As the hooded figure came forward, Thunder leaped back to avoid a spinning kick. He sidestepped next to avoid the man's straightforward punch.

Seungho came to his aid and almost landed a good kick at the man's face but he was too fast. The mysterious figure brought his arm up just in time to block the kick. Just who is this guy?

Mir came forward and tried to land several punches but each one was evaded. The hooded figure managed to get a hold of Mir's arm and throw him over his shoulder. The maknae landed on his back with a "UMPH!"

Seungho and Thunder ran at the man and attacked at the same time, almost landing their hits. Thunder came at him with a high kick which he managed to evade. Seungho tried a mid-air spin kick but the man blocked it again with his arm.

The mysterious man tripped Thunder by using a low sweeping kick. Seungho sprang forward and finally landed a punch right at the man's chest. He went stumbling back for a little bit before regaining his balance.

"Aish! Just who is this guy?!" Mir exclaimed as he propped himself up on his elbow.

Thunder was laying next to him. "I can only think of one person who can give us a run for our money like this...."

The maknae's eyes widened and he looked over at Thunder as if he had grown 3 heads. "You don't mean?"

The two of them turned their attention to their leader and the man he was fighting. They were definitely neck and neck and when it came to Seungho, that was almost impossible unless....

The man came at Seungho with a barrage of intricate punches, one after the other. Seungho only managed to avoid most of them but the last couple made contact and sent him stumbling back.

He was holding onto his chest as the hooded figure sprang forward at him again. Sweet Jesus, when is this guy gonna run out of stamina? Seungho rolled off to the side and avoided the attack.

The mysterious man turned around and did a back flip to evade his counter attack. Seungho cursed under his breath. He was hoping that sweeping kick would bring him down.

They kept at each other, exchanging blows when Mir and Thunder couldn't take it anymore. 

"HYUNG!!!" They both yelled out at the same time.

Seungho tried to block the man's uppercut when they called out to him. He struggled against the hooded figure's strength. "AISH!! What?! Can't you two see I'm in the MIDDLE of something here!!" 

"That's someone we know!"
"Stop fighting!"

At this, the man pushed Seungho away from his and looked over at the maknae line. "Well it's about time you guys noticed!"

That voice....

Seungho's eyes widened as the man took off his hood and began to unwrap the black cloth that had been covering his mouth.

*OC (Alexa's) POV*

"Why did we agree to this again?" Joon asked nervously as his eyes darted around everywhere.

G.O scoffed. "Because she's Seungho's girl. If he's whipped then WE'RE whipped."

I gave them both a look. "Yah! I'm right here!" I waved my hands frantically in the air.

We were currently at the abandoned building where their old training grounds were located. I talked both G.O and Joon into taking me to the training place. Forgive me God...and Seungho.

Joon looked over at G.O with an incredulous look. "Yah! Who says I'm whipped?"

"Who's taking Alexa where ever she wants to go?" G.O retorted without missing a beat.

"Look who's talking!" Joon exclaimed. 

Were they seriously ignoring me? "HELLO!!!!" I yelled.

"I only came along to look after you. I can't have you putting Seungho's future wife in danger." G.O explained with an expressionless face. 

"FUTURE WIFE?!?!" I squeaked.

Joon turned to G.O with his mouth hanging slightly open. "YAH!!! I would never put Seungho's future wife in danger! I value my life!"

"Coming from the Muscle Babo." G.O stated calmly.

"AISH!!" Joon exclaimed as he held his head with both hands. It looked like he wanted to pull out his hair.

Dear Lord, next time stick me with men who will actually LISTEN to me!!

"Aigoo! Okay, maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all." I said in defeat.

"Too late, we're already here." G.O and Joon both said at the same time.

"OH NOW YOU BABOS LISTEN TO ME?!?!" I screamed in frustration.

Just then, we all heard a bunch of commotion off in the distance. It sounded like something was going down and it was coming from one of the nearby buildings.

All 3 of us turned to look at each other. We had mixed expressions on our faces. What was going on?

End of Chapter 13

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I've read this story a few times now && I love it!
Hope to see more from you. :]
clasombillo #2
LovE the way the story goes;) make more of these;)
Seoblove #3
Wow. Fantastic. I swear this is one of the best stories I've ever read. And I luv MBLEAST toooo!!! Mir is just tooo cute in this story and from the way you describe SeungHo, woah. iness please. Heh. It was like as if SeungHo was in front of me the whole time with his y thick lips. Heh. Do write more :)
that was one of the best fanfics i've ever read~<br />
mir was especially funny~<br />
keep on writing!!! ^^
omo alexa is too funny >.< poor seungho!! but lol<br />
really good writing~
aksdjhqieufgaskdjfh -seungho fanatic-<br />
it sounds interesting~
catherinee #7
whoaaaa that was a really good ff xD<br />
i really liked the characters personalities! they were the best (Y)^^
i've read the first fic and it was really good :))<br />
i wish G.O's guna be with me. HAHAHA :)
wtfelicia #9
aww ended alrdy?! awesome story thou! hahaha! how nice to be able to meet your lover and friends of your past. never ending love eh! hahhaa!
Lol'.' Awesome story^^*!!! G.O Ahjussi~~!!