Chapter 7

Romeo + Juliet: Untold MBLAQ Story

Chapter 7

*OC (Alexa's) POV*

You know, the House of Montague groups are really nice. Not at all what I expected. From the things I heard in the Capulet house, they sounded like terrible people. I guess I should have expected that since the houses are rivals and are always trying to kill each other due to some stupid family feud. Which reminds me, I need to research that later.

After the fiasco in the kitchen, I was introduced to the guys who had shown up behind Joon, Thunder, and G.O. I've only met 4 of the U-Kiss group members which happened to be Eli, Xander, Kibum, and Kiseop. The other 2 guys were from the Big Bang group, G-Dragon and T.O.P.

According to Seungho, the rest of the U-Kiss group were on the lower floors of the mansion and the rest of Big Bang wasn't here yet.Sweet baby J, there were MORE of these guys?

I looked over at Mir next to me. Thunder had given him an ice pack for his head and seeing him standing there being cared for by his fellow members made me feel really emotional. It was my fault Mir was hurt in the first place. Stupid freaking emotions and stupid freaking hormones are all out of whack. Stupid freaking PMS. F my life!

I don't understand why I had to start THAT at the same time as I'm kidnapped and imprisoned in a mansion full of nothing but MEN. MEN don't understand what I'm going through right now.

As I was feeling really out of it, Seungho's concerned voice broke me from my reverie. "Alexa, what happened to your hand?"

I turned to face him and noticed he was pointing at my right hand. I looked down and sure enough, my hand was RED. It was also a little swollen around the knuckle area. Wow, I guess defending Mir was more important than my pain.

I lifted my hand up and tried to stretch it out. I cringed in pain, that so was NOT a good idea. "Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow!"

Mir looked over at me with wide eyes. "Oh no! Alexa are you okay?!"

Seungho walked up to me and reached for my hand gently before taking a good look at it. As he was examining it, I couldn't help but feel heat rise in my face. HE TOUCHED MY HAND!!! I shook my head. For serious? What the hell, am I a fangirl now?

Mir walked over to us and had the cutest looking puppy pout on his face. "Aigoo! I'm really sorry! This is all my fault hyung, she punched the guy trying to defend me."

As he said that last part, Seungho's head snapped up to look at him. "She did what?"

He then turned to face me with a somewhat shocked look, STILL holding my hand might I add. I tilted my head to the side in embarrassment. "Uh, well I wasn't really thinking. I kinda just acted on instinct. I didn't want Mir to get hurt because of me."

"So you knew the assassins were here for you?" Mir asked with a slightly surprised expression on his face.

"SO THEY WERE AFTER ME!!!!!" I exclaimed.

Seungho turned to look at the maknae with his infamous glare. "YAH!! Don't you know when to shut up?!"


After getting everything situated around the mansion, everyone went back to the meeting room to discuss things further. Everyone being the MBLAQ group, G-Dragon, T.O.P, Eli, and Xander. Alexa was included this time since the assassins were after her to begin with and no one knew exactly why.

The others were busily helping the guards out around the mansion, cleaning up and posting new positions for defense. Everyone took a seat at the round table in the middle of the room. Seungho had Alexa sit next to him because he was helping her with her injured hand.

He brought a small ice packet and placed it on the top of her right hand. She flinched at first but that quickly subsided as she relaxed.

G-Dragon spoke up first. "So I don't get it? Why send so many assassins after one girl? Especially one like her, she's done nothing wrong. She's actually really nice."

Alexa smiled shyly at his words before Eli spoke up next. "The other main question is WHO? Who in the world would want Alexa dead?"

Seungho nodded in agreement. "This is strange. I have a feeling there is a conspiracy of some sort."

G.O looked at him with a slightly confused expression. "A conspiracy? But if that's the case then we only have the Capulets to blame but since Alexa is a Capulet...AISH!! This is very confusing." 

Joon was holding his head with both hands. "Aigoo!" 

Mir looked over at Thunder as he was writing something down. "What are you writing hyung?"

Everyone's attention turned to the maknae line. Thunder finished what he was writing before furrowing his brow in concentration as he looked over his notes. He then looked up at everyone's expecting faces.

"I think I have the general idea of what's going on."

At this statement, Alexa straightened up in her seat as everyone paid close attention to Thunder. 

"Someone in particular wants us, the House of Montague, dead. That someone must have heard about our kidnapping of Yoseob's cousin and took the chance to stir things up. With Alexa in our hands, if she were to be killed, the blame would automatically go to us and start an all out war. BEAST would definitely want us dead and I'm sure the other 2 groups would be more than willing to help them accomplish that. The only thing I'm not sure about is whether it's a traitor in the Capulet house or an outside person."

Afterwards, everyone had a mix of emotions running across their faces. Who wants them dead so badly that they would want to kill an innocent girl?

*OC (Alexa's) POV*

After hearing Thunder's explanation of things, I'm not gonna lie, I kinda got scared. I mean if this is the case then there will be more attempts on my life.

Without noticing my own actions, I scooted a little bit closer to Seungho. Who could this person be? I really need to find out about this family feud later on tonight.

Not long after these thoughts ran through my head, my period flow started acting up. Oh sh*t. I really need to learn to control my emotions. Because I was frightened and confused, I started to get the bad symptoms of PMS. Cramps.

I cringed and brought my un-injured hand to my abdomen. Calm down! Woosa! Something! Seungho noticed what I was doing and his eyes grew a bit wider. "Alexa, what's wrong?"

Everyone at the table turned their full attention on me. God, seriously this isn't funny! I looked up at Seungho and shook my head.

"It's just...uh, a girl....problem....again." I cringed again as another wave of pain passed through my lower area.

Xander spoke up then. "Yah! I think there is a medical book in the library that could help us with that!"

Everyone turned to look incredulously at him. His excitement died down. "Oh like you guys know what to do?"

T.O.P scoffed. "We could."

At this, everyone looked at him. "Well I'm just saying."

I hunched over in my chair as the pain kept coming back. Seungho put his arms around me and helped me up. I tried to deny his help but he wouldn't allow it. He half carried, half dragged me over to a couch and laid me down across it.

For some reason, everyone else at the table followed him and so now I had 9 guys surrounding me with looks of concern written on their faces. Oh for the love of....this is so EMBARRASSING! God, what did I do to deserve this? Just tell me and I'll promise to never do it again.

Another huge surge of pain came on just then, causing me to grab Seungho's hand out of natural reaction. "JESUS!!!! IS A WONDERFUL MAN!!!!!"

I always felt bad about using his name like that so I tended to end it off with that phrase. The guys haven't heard this before it seems, as they were all looking at me kinda funny.

I squeezed Seungho's hand harder every time the pain was awful, which was causing him to lean over until he was down on one knee beside me. He looked like he was in about as much pain as I was.

Sorry Seungho, your hand and I are one at the moment. Forgive me.

Mir took notice of his leader's position and facial expression. "Hyung, are you alright?"

"I'm FINE!!" He said that last part loudly because I had just squeezed his hand harder again.

G.O looked like he wanted to bust out into huge laughter but he kept his face pretty calm for the most part. Joon looked slightly amused while Thunder seemed concerned more than anything else. The other 4 guys all looked like they pitied Seungho at the moment. I don't blame them. I'm treating his hand like my life line.

Before anyone else could say anything, Seungho finally spoke up. "Alright, somebody get the book! GET THE BOOK NOW!!!"

"What book?" G-Dragon asked with his head cocked to the side in confusion.

"THE BOOK!!!!!!!" Seungho exclaimed, obviously losing his patience....or sanity.

Everyone turned and looked at each other with slightly surprised expressions before Mir acted first and ran over to a nearby book shelf. "I got it!"

When he came back he handed the book off to the nearest person. Eli took a look at the book before turning to Mir with a look that pretty much said "are you kidding me?"

"THE BIBLE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" 

After hearing Eli's exclamation, Seungho turned to the maknae with a look. "THE BIBLE?!?! AISH!!! What's wrong with you?! We're not doing an exorcism HERE!!"

That last part was once again my fault for squeezing his hand really hard. Joon muttered under his breath, "Close enough to be one."

I heard it and man I overreacted. Can you blame me though? I'm a girl on my period, don't mess with me. "YAH!!!! WHAT WAS THAT JOON?!?!?!"

Joon's expression looked like a deer caught in headlights. "Uh, what-what I said was...that....he uh, he knows....he knows enough to do one."

Seungho looked up at him with an expression that pretty much had "murderous intent" written all over it. "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WOULD SOMEBODY PLEASE GET THE BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!! Aigoo!"


After the whole Bible-book-PMSing fiasco, Seungho and I now had matching ice packets on our hands. PWAHAHAHA!!!! We look like a couple! I really wanted to burst into a fit of giggles but seeing as how Seungho's hand injury was my fault, I thought I'd better not. 

I wanna live to make grandbabies one day. I am NOT dying a . Forgive me Lord.


Joon and G.O looked like they wanted to laugh so badly at their leader's misfortune but they knew if they ever let out so much as a giggle, it would be their last.

Thunder and Mir found the whole situation amusing but they were hiding it a little better than their hyungs. Plus they were both pretty concerned about Alexa.

After giving her more medicine and some white chocolate, she calmed down. She specifically asked for the white chocolate and who were they to tell her no? If they wanted to live, they listened to her. They all witnessed what she did to Seungho's hand.

She stayed on the couch while everyone else went back to the round table. Seungho let out a deep sigh. "Okay, now that everything is settled down and back to normal, anyone have any suggestions for our next move?"

Just then, Dongho came bursting through the door. "Guys! I've got something that you need to look at!"

As he ran forward, he threw a fancy looking card down on the table. Seungho reached forward and picked it up before opening it up and reading it.

Everyone watched closely as his expression changed a few times. Once he was done, he gave off a smirk before showing the card to everyone else.

It was an invitation to a Grand Ball being held by the SHINee group. The last group they needed to steal from in the House of Capulet.

T.O.P and G-Dragon gave each other knowing smirks while Xander and Eli had sneaky grins on their faces. Joon, Thunder, Mir, and G.O all looked at each other before turning back to their leader.

"With this new information, we can now start formulating a plan." Seungho stated as he leaned back in his chair in a very relaxed manner.

*Seungho's POV*

That very next day, Seungho had to relay all the details of their plan to Alexa since she was going to be involved. At first she didn't take it so well. 

"WHAT?!? Why do I have to go?! Why am I being dragged into this? I feel like I'm betraying my own family or something." She looked conflicted as she said this.

Seungho let out a sigh before sitting down next to her on the bed. "You know you do kinda owe me for my hand." He held up his slightly reddened hand and showed it to her.

Alexa noticed the slight smile playing on his lips and gave him a look. "Not funny. Why am I having to help you guys with this anyway?"

"Because even though you are helping us to steal from a fellow Capulet group, you're also helping us to get closer to whoever wants us dead. Once we know who that is, you'll be safe. Think about it." Seungho calmly explained to her.

She looked at him for a moment before hanging her head in defeat. "I see your point."

Seungho smiled at her reaction. "Good. So that means you're helping us now, right?"

She nodded her head guiltily. He laughed at her expression. "Don't look so guilty! Once everything blows over, things should go back to normal."

She looked up at that last part. "Normal? I don't want normal. I want the houses to stop fighting. That's what I want. Then we wouldn't have such messed up situations like these."

Seungho's eyes softened as he thought about what it would be like to not have to worry about rivals or enemies. It is a peaceful thought. He looked back over at her and noticed that she was slightly dazed as she was looking out the window.

He couldn't help but stare. Her bright eyes were such a stark contrast to her dark hair. But it only makes her look that much prettier.Seungho shook his head. Stupid thoughts.

Before she could catch him staring, he turned his head forward and pretended to be interested in something on the wall. He had no idea why he has been having all these weird feelings lately. It started when Alexa came into their lives. He felt like he had to make sure she was safe now that her life was in jeopardy. 

Strangely complicated, yet it felt right. He looked back over at her. She was looking back out the window again in her own little world. 

If only we weren't from opposite sides. Maybe then my heart wouldn't be so confused.

*OC (Alexa's) POV*

I was absolutely dying of nervousness around this man. When Seungho sat down next to me, my heart started beating faster and I was almost afraid that he might hear it.

Stupid hormones! I was pretty sure this was all my period's fault, yet I always get this nagging feeling in the back of my head telling me otherwise. It was CONFUSING to say the least.

It's almost like forbidden love. My eyes widened at that thought and my temperature rose as well. I shook my head frantically.LOVE?!?! Oh for pete's sake! Get a hold of yourself woman! You barely know this guy! My anxiety goes way overboard sometimes.

Seungho noticed me shaking my head and gave me a weird look. "Something wrong?"

I quickly got embarrassed and tried to come up with an excuse. "Oh what me? No! Of course not! I just had....uh, an itch?"

He raised his eyebrow but said nothing more about it. But you know he did kinda save your life and he cared for your hand. GAH! Why wont my thoughts just ever SHUT UP?

I swear, all of these emotions is just my period talking. It just has to be! What else could explain my feelings towards one of my kidnappers? Why did I agree to help them on their next mission again?

God, if you're listening, please send me a sign of some sort. And I mean a SIGN! Not something that could be mistaken for a bumper sticker like "things happen for a reason."

End of Chapter 7

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I've read this story a few times now && I love it!
Hope to see more from you. :]
clasombillo #2
LovE the way the story goes;) make more of these;)
Seoblove #3
Wow. Fantastic. I swear this is one of the best stories I've ever read. And I luv MBLEAST toooo!!! Mir is just tooo cute in this story and from the way you describe SeungHo, woah. iness please. Heh. It was like as if SeungHo was in front of me the whole time with his y thick lips. Heh. Do write more :)
that was one of the best fanfics i've ever read~<br />
mir was especially funny~<br />
keep on writing!!! ^^
omo alexa is too funny >.< poor seungho!! but lol<br />
really good writing~
aksdjhqieufgaskdjfh -seungho fanatic-<br />
it sounds interesting~
catherinee #7
whoaaaa that was a really good ff xD<br />
i really liked the characters personalities! they were the best (Y)^^
i've read the first fic and it was really good :))<br />
i wish G.O's guna be with me. HAHAHA :)
wtfelicia #9
aww ended alrdy?! awesome story thou! hahaha! how nice to be able to meet your lover and friends of your past. never ending love eh! hahhaa!
Lol'.' Awesome story^^*!!! G.O Ahjussi~~!!