We Pretty Hotel

The search for the ice cream thief

"Hurry! We're almost there!" Boemi yelled. PineJoe ran faster. His steps created cracks on the ground making kyu slow down little by little trying to avoid it. Pinejoe then switches boemi and nelina over to his other hand where Rebelah is at and grabs kyus car. He looks inside the car,"YOU SLOW OR I SMASH!" Kyu nods in fear. Pinejoe puts the car down and kyu steps out. Pinejoe puts the girls down and before boemi can reach them, nelina grabs ahold of him by his shirt and yanks him towards Rebelah and boemi.

"Who are the other suspects!" Rebelah questions kyu. 

"if you don't tell me now, I'll make pinejoe smush you."
"Fine! Their names are changsub and onew. Their staying at the We Pretty hotel. One of them has your precious asscream." He smirked when he said asscream. Rebelah grabs kyu by the hair

"if your Lying to us. I'll make sure pinejoe does smash you."

"In that case," nelina speaks up. "Let's take him with us so he can show us where he is and if he lies then he'll be with us and won't be able to get away."  Boemi nodded. When they made it to the We Pretty Hotel, Rebelah turned to PineJoe. "Stay here okay? We need you to watch Kyuhyun as we go investigate." PINEJOE nodded and picked up a squirming Kyuhyun. 
They decided to check on Onew first and found out his room number. When they knocked on the door, they didn't expect for Changsub to open up. "What is it...we didn't...*hiccup* ask for room service." 
"Uh, Changsub, hey," Boemi greeted awkwardly, waving a hand in front of her nose from the reek of alcohol. "Where's Onew? I thought this was his room." 
Changsub slurred out, "After your lame party we had one of our own. Please do *hiccup* come in." The three bishes stepped inside and grimaced at the huge mess and smell. There were random people sleeping on the floor passed out. 
Onew woke up from the floor. "HEYYY, ROOM SERVICE. WHERE'S MY CHICKEN?" 
Changsub patted Onews head and sat on the edge of the bed. "Alright party's over everyone else out!" 
"What? this ," Mir said as he grabbed the end of a leash and pulled, an alligator coming out of the bathroom. "OH MY GOD," Rebelah screamed. 
Onew slammed the door shut and turned around. "What?" he asked when the three girls covered their faces. 
"I'm a stripper what do you expect? Nice set of cherry tomatoes, right?"

"PUT SOMETHING ON" onew grumbled as he  stumbled over to the bed and put his pink frilly thong back on "THERE HAPPY NOW" nelina facepalmed

"better than nothing" rebelah said. Boemi grabbed him by the hair and pulled him to the window

"ok you see that giant pineapple? He's goin to squish you and your tomatoes if you don't tell me where my ice cream is" onew flailed trying to get out of her grasp making boemi push him farther out the window

"okokokokOK" boemi pulled him back in, shoved him against the wall and glared at him

"I don't know"

Boemi pulled him forward and shoved him back making his head slam against the wall

"KYU SAID HE SAW YOU TWO SNEAK INTO MY KITCHEN MY BABY KYU WOULD NEVER LIE SO START TALKIN" onew scratched his head then let out an annoyed groan

"ok ill tell you, but first, I really gotta pee" boemi glared even harder before shoving him in the bathroom.

 " go then" onew stood there awkwardly. 
"Aren't you going to leave"
"So you're gonna watch me-"
"Took make sure you don't jump out the window and escape"
"GO" Boemi commanded. Onew sighed and turned his back to her trying to cover himself. "OK YOU'RE DONE" 
"NO WAIT. AT LEAST LET ME COVER UP" he quickly shoved his ding-a-ling back in his underwear as boemi yanked him out and threw him to the floor


Onew picked up a piece of chicken that happened to be Lying next to him on the floor. He shoved it in his mouth. "Ok. I don't know. We didn't go in the kitchen for ice cream. We went in the kitchen to make out" noemi looked over at changsub who was sitting on the bed with his eyes half open and a drunk grin on his face.

"That's an odd pair" rebelah whispered to boemi

"yeah but kinda hot anyway" boemi whispered back"You swear you didn't eat my ice cream?" Boemi pointed towards Onew and Changsub. "I swear. I don't eat ice cream unless it's straight from the cow-"
"-What the -" 
"-And we already told you we ed in your kitchen so-" 
Boemi cut off Changsub right there. "YOU DID WHAT IN MY KITCHEN?!" 
Nelina pulled out her machine gun and started shooting the ceiling. "HEY. Can we please focus here? When you guys...," she paused with a look of disgust, "you know... Did you notice anyone else in the kitchen?" 
Onew thought for a minute. He threw his hand in his thong and scratched his pipe. "Hmmm I do remember two other guys walking in on us during different positions-" 
"We don't want to know about positions."
"-One guy had a deep voice and was shouting at us to get off the kitchen table, yelling to clean up the white mess we made." 
"-and another guy had a Busan accent. He ignored us though and was going through the fridge like nothing." 
"Daehyun," Boemi whispered angrily under her breath. "GUYS LETS GO." 

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btobistheone #1
Chapter 3: WWPAD bishes. W.W.P.A. effin' D.

/inserts key's witch laugh here
/inserts dongwoo's drag queen laugh here
/inserts chansung's annoying- laugh here
Fox-PigletMania #4
So I saw the title of the story and decided I HAD to check this out lol. It seems like it will be a funny fic. Update soon.