FEP 03: The Truth

From EXO Planet
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It's been a week and still Luhan and I are still not talking to each other. It's his fault. He should not have acted like that.

"Zai! What's wrong?" Why is he approaching me now? I want to be alone.


"Liar! What's up? You can tell me anything. I'm your friend."

"I said none!"

"Okay. Then mind telling me why you're not eating your food then." Skye then sat beside me. He won't leave.

Should I tell him? Well, he's my friend. I can trust him. "Why'd you fight?" Fight? Does he mean Luhan and me?

"We didn't fight."

"Oh really? Then is it okay with you if we join their table?"

"You can join them. I'll stay here."

"Sure nothing happened?"

"We just need space from each other. And besides, Look at him." We both looked at their table. "He's happy with Aisha. Look. He's smiling widely."

"Space?! Why? Are you in LQ?"

"L? Q?"

"Lovers' Quarrel"

"Lovers? He's just my bestfriend."

"Okay. So what happened?" Should I tell him? But Luhan told me Skye likes me. What if I broke his heart? It's better if he knows.

"Well, he acted like a jerk in front of Kyle last week."

"You mean Flynn? Why?"

"Well, he said.... Kyle is hiding something. And, he is eager to find it out."

"So what is he hiding?"

"How should I know?"

"From the looks of it, you know something." Am I obvious? Maybe that is why Luhan wants to know. It's my fault. I should have told him. He's my best friend.

"Well...." I whispered to Skye about Kyle and I.

"Kyle? You?" He shouted. All eyes are on us now including Luhan's. Luhan saw me looking at him, left the cafeteria. Skye just smiled to the crowd and whispered talk. Haisst..... His admirers would be mad seeing me talking to him in this table alone. "But I didn't know that."

"And so does the others including Luhan. You're the first to know. Uhmm.... " I rubbed the back of my head. "Are you alright with that?"

"Why shouldn't I?"

"Luhan said......"

"Ah I see.... Just so you know, you're not my type. You need to work this out." Maybe he's right. It's my fault. I should be the first one to approach him. "I heard tonight is going to be a full moon. You should talk tonight." He stood up. "It's going to be romantic to talk under the moonlight."

"We're just friends."

"For now.... "He said while walking away. What does that supposed to mean?



I sent a text and voice message to Luhan. He won't answer my calls. I told him to meet me 11 pm tonight at the nearest park from our area.

Why is he still not here? It's already 30 minutes past 11. Gosh.... it's freakin' cold out here. I decided to leave him another voice message.


When I pressed the send button, I felt a warm coat over my shoulders.

"It's cold. You should put on warm clothes." He sat beside me and looked at the moon.

We are just sitting here and not even talking. I found myself gazing at him. I never looked at him this long. He was just smiling looking at the moon.

It's almost midnight. Why is Luhan still not here? I was about to pull out my phone but suddenly he held my hand. My heart suddenly beats so fast. I looked at him and the smile he had turned into a frown.

I suddenly became nervous. He moved nearer to me. He neared his face to mine. I scratched the bottom of my chin with my index finger. Why do I keep doing this whenever I feel nervous infront of a boy?

"Everytime, I'm with you...... I feel guilty keeping a secret from you..." He whispered. Secret? I looked at him, confused. "Zaiya, I think you should know the truth...." Truth? What is he saying? "I.....I'm AAAHH.....!!!!!"

He started screaming and held his head. It's like he's having a very painful head ache.

"Kyle??? What's wrong??" Oh no! What should I do? Then he suddenly fell to the ground and passed out. "KYLE??? KYLE??!!?"I pulled out my phone. It's already 12:01 in the morning. I hope he's still awake.

While I was dialing Luhan's number, I saw something glow at the back of Kyle's hand. It looks familiar. I rang Luhan's phone. I know he knows it.

I heard his phone ringing not from afar. I followed the sound and it was ringing behind the tree behind us. "LUHAN?!" He is laying at the ground, unconcious. Was he here all along? Why didn't he approached me? "Luhan!!! Wake up!!" Did he passed out too?

There was an extra coat beside him. Is that the coat I left at their house? Nevermind that..... Haisst.... How could I carry two boys who are taller and heavier than me. And why did they passed out at the same time? If only I have a power. Suddenly the back of Luhan's hand glowed just like Kyle's but with different image. So Kyle..... Kyle is one of Luhan's brother. But, who?

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Serynyty12 #1
Chapter 21: please next chapter
Serynyty12 #2
Chapter 9: trouble maker ?let me think ........ 100% tao