Chapter 8

Baby Maybe
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"Your smile's forever in my mind and memory."





“Hey, ready to go out?” Kai asked, smiling. It was an unsolved moment when they stayed in the treehouse last week, they never talked about what happened after. Kai didn’t ask for an answer, Krystal didn’t react but Kai’s efforts didn’t go unnoticed by Krystal. She can see the love Kai was trying to make her feel but she’s too numb to even feel it anymore. She doesn’t want to return an ‘I like you too’ because if she did, she knows it’s only going to hurt the both of them. Krystal’s afraid that if she ever start expressing her feelings for Kai that’s when things would start to get difficult, she figures it’s best if she’s the only one suffering.

“Yeah let’s go.” Krystal said. They were on the way to Suho’s house to catch up with the rest of the gang. They’ve been too busy with school works that they almost don’t see each other, only an occasional or a quick ‘Hi’ on the school’s corridors.

“What are we even going to do in Suho’s house?” Krystal asked. They were walking downtown with Kai at least 10 inches away from her.

“I don’t really know but he has a mini theater at his house.” Kai answered.

“A mini theater?” She exclaimed. Kai looked at her with a bright smile and nodded. Yup, there goes the butterflies in Krystal’s stomach but she decided to ignore it.

“That is so cool!” Krystal said, completely fascinated by the fact that Suho has his own mini theater. “Well, he’s rich. What can you say?” Kai asked and then they laughed. They became quiet and Krystal wonders what Kai was thinking at the moment. She wanted to tell Kai that she likes him too but she’s too afraid. It might be selfish to keep her problems to herself, to leave everyone hanging and to pretend that everything’s okay but she can’t help it. She doesn’t want them to worry.


“I—“ They said at the same time and they laughed. They continued walking in silence again until Kai spoke.

“About what happened in the picnic...” He trailed off and Krystal stopped walking to look at him. Krystal could tell Kai was nervous, well who wouldn’t be? Kia’s confession wasn’t even done when it started raining and he didn’t dare continue it when they were in the treehouse because he’s afraid of what Krystal will say.

“You know… I—“

“Like you too.” Krystal blurted out and Kai looked at her, shocked.

“What?” He asked in daze and Krystal giggled. This wasn’t even a part of what she thought of, her plan was to never tell Kai that she likes him too but screw it, for once in her life she wants to let go off everything that’s holding her down, if she ever regrets this she’s going to regret it later.

“I said, I like you too.” Krystal said and then suddenly Kai has that big grin on his face.

“Really?” Kai said with an amused tone. “You want me to take back what I said?” Krystal replied.

“No, wow you’re really an ice princess.” Kai said.

“Well you have to deal with it because you like me.” Krystal poked her tongue out and then she started running.

“Hey, wait for me.” Kai exclaimed.

“Catch me if you can!” Krystal shouted. They ran all the way to Suho’s house and instead of worrying about her condition, Krystal felt like it’s something she hasn’t done in a long time. Running just because she wants to and she’s having fun with Kai trying to chase her. Kai was shouting at her to slow down but she doesn’t want to, she was laughing all the way to Suho’s house. When they were in front of Suho’s house they were both panting at the same time laughing.

“Wow you run fast.” Kai said, panting and Krystal didn’t respond. She was too busy trying to regain her breathing, Kai didn’t worry though because Krystal was still giggling so he assumed Krystal was fine.

“You’re my ice princess though.” Kai said and Krystal pushed her away. “You’re being too cheesy. Stop it.” Krystal said, giggling.

“You like it though.” Kai said, grinning.

“Yah, what are you doing, standing here outside?” The both of them turned around to see Baekhyun looking at them with an amused expression.

“Nothing. We just arrived so…” Krystal trailed off.

“O…kay, let’s go inside. The others are already waiting.” Baekhyun said, leading the way. Krystal and Kai shared glances and smiled before going inside.





It has been 5 months ever since Kai confessed to Krystal and things could never be better. So far, Krystal hasn’t experienced any attack but she still hasn’t told Kai about it. She was fine so she didn’t think of telling Kai because she doesn’t want him to worry. Things were going well for the both of them, they told the others that they were an official couple the day after Kai asked Krystal to be his girlfriend. They often get into fights but it would often be resolved after an hour or two. The others were happy for them but one person isn’t. Suzy. After their little confrontation months ago, Suzy didn’t pay much attention to her but when she found out that Krystal and Kai were dating, she started sending hate on Krystal. Pissed by the fact that Kai isn’t hers anymore.

“Hey, what

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201 subscribers!!! *flips table* thank you, I'm not even halfway done with the story but thank you cause you're reading it :> thank youuuuu!!!!


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Miraclecouple #1
Chapter 14: Update soon plssss...
Chapter 14: update soon please~
andreahashi #3
Chapter 14: krystal accept jongin´s offer
__siti__ #4
Chapter 14: Good one
__siti__ #5
Chapter 15: Please it is os wonderfull
__siti__ #6
Chapter 14: Update it please author nim
luvs4u #7
Chapter 14: OMG! This is such a beautiful story! Please continue writing and have them get back together. This is such a heart warming beautiful story. Not the typical cliche story yet so beautiful and warm! Love you author!
kenyzzle #8
Chapter 14: Omg i just saw this story and this is perf af!! Update soon authornim!!
heeyoon88 #9
Chapter 14: thank u for update authornim..aah...just please,make it soojung knows the real kai..why im so emotional right now..