Chapter 6

Baby Maybe
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"Abandon my ship to the mercy of the waves."





The moment Krystal saw Kai in the airport, she regrets agreeing to be a part of the trip. Kai was standing near the entrance, his right arm draped over Suzy's shoulder.

"Maybe they're back together..." Krystal and Kai made eye contact but Kai quickly averted his eyes away. Krystal went over to Sulli and Amber. I feel like a fool..., Krystal thought.

"Yay! You're here!" Sulli exclaimed and Krystal smiled.

"Where's Luna?" She asked.

"She hasn't arrived yet." Amber said.

"She's the one who's so excited and yet she's the one who hasn't arrived yet." Sulli said. They were standing outside the airport waiting for an announcement. Victoria was already with her co-teachers while the five boys were nowhere to be found.

"I'm here!" Luna shouted, jogging towards the waiting area where the three girls were standing.

"What took you so long?" Amber asked.

"You know... suitcase and stuff..." Luna trailed off and Amber rolled her eyes.

"Everyone, gather up! We'll now go inside since the plane would be boarding soon. I want all of you to stay together as a group but pair yourself up with someone. Girls to girls and boys to boys, once we're in we'll have a head count. Okay? So move." Ms. Im said and everyone started to walk inside the airport. Krystal paired herself with Amber since Luna and Sulli were pretty much occupied. They were already talking about what they should do once they're in Jeju.

"By the way, who was the one who dropped you here?" Amber asked. They were seated in the departure area and Ms. Im was doing a head count.

"That was my cousin, Sungmin oppa. Unnie can't accompany me since she has an early meeting to attend." Krystal explained and Amber nodded in understanding. 




"All passengers of flight CJU006, we have now reached our destination. Please do not leave your belongings unattended, we hope you had a good flight. Good day to everyone." The intercom said and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. They were now in Jeju. Everyone slowly went out of the plane and proceeded to go get their suitcases.

"Waahh... finally, we're here." Luna and Sulli exclaimed. It was windy in Jeju but it's nice, Krystal can feel the fresh air. She starting to think that maybe coming to Jeju wouldn't be that bad.

"Okay, once you've gotten your suitcases, I want all of you to go out and wait by the entrance; we'll have a head count once you're there before riding a bus going to the hotel." Ms. Im shouted and all of the students spread out to get their own suitcases. Krystal got her suitcase the moment she went near the ramp and she decided to just wait for Sulli and the girls near the entrance. When she came out, Kai was already standing near the entrance and Krystal tried her best to ignore Kai's presence.

"Hey." Kai said. Krystal pretended that she didn't hear Kai.

"Listen, I'm sorry on how I acted last time. I was just so stressed out and confused so I hope you understand." He said. Krystal suddenly looked at Kai, they made eye contact. Krystal wanted to be angry, Kai was the one who shouted at her, he was the one who avoided her

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201 subscribers!!! *flips table* thank you, I'm not even halfway done with the story but thank you cause you're reading it :> thank youuuuu!!!!


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Miraclecouple #1
Chapter 14: Update soon plssss...
Chapter 14: update soon please~
andreahashi #3
Chapter 14: krystal accept jongin´s offer
__siti__ #4
Chapter 14: Good one
__siti__ #5
Chapter 15: Please it is os wonderfull
__siti__ #6
Chapter 14: Update it please author nim
luvs4u #7
Chapter 14: OMG! This is such a beautiful story! Please continue writing and have them get back together. This is such a heart warming beautiful story. Not the typical cliche story yet so beautiful and warm! Love you author!
kenyzzle #8
Chapter 14: Omg i just saw this story and this is perf af!! Update soon authornim!!
heeyoon88 #9
Chapter 14: thank u for update authornim..aah...just please,make it soojung knows the real kai..why im so emotional right now..