Chapter 10

Baby Maybe
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"Take me into your loving arms."





“Kai, where are you taking me?” Krystal asked, her eyes currently covered with a blindfold. Kai had asked her to come with him in a place Krystal don’t know where.

“Just a few more steps.” Kai replied. It was a Saturday, 3 days left before Krystal will leave for America. She decided to ignore the guilt building up in her chest, it’s better that Kai doesn’t know. A few steps later, Kai removed the blindfold and Krystal saw everyone gathered around a picnic table in a park nearby yelling,

“Surprise!” They exclaimed and Krystal smiled. There were a huge table with food in it, pink balloons, and Sulli with the whole gang. She turned around and looked at Kai who was smiling back at her.

“Did you plan all of this?” Krystal asked.

“Yeah, well I figured you wanted to do something you know… happy? If that makes sense. It has been a stressful week so I hope you like it and it’s been a long time ever since we’d spend time with the others.” Kai explained.

“Thank you.” Krystal hugged Kai and kissed his cheek. They decided to join the others who were already eating. It was nice that Krystal get to spend time with all of them before she leaves, Sulli talked to her once asking when she’ll tell Kai about it but she told her she won’t. Throughout the gathering, Sulli has been giving her glances but she decided to ignore it. They played games, shared stories, and enjoyed each other’s presence.

“Hey~” Everyone turned around saw Suzy holding a veil and a tiara, excitedly running towards them. Everyone greeted her and ask her what the veil and tiara is for.

“Well, I think someone needs to get married!” Suzy exclaimed, holding the veil and tiara upwards. Suzy immediately went near Krystal and put the veil and tiara on her.

“Hey, what’s this for?” Krystal asked, confused.

“Oh you’ll know soon.” Suzy replied. “By the way, I’m with Mark!” She yelled. Everyone turned around to find a guy standing awkwardly beside the table, holding a bouquet of flowers.

“I finally got myself a boyfriend.” Suzy whispered and Krystal laughed. When Suzy was finished putting the veil and tiara, she ushered Mark to come over them and he gave the flowers to Krystal.

“Thank you but seriously, what’s going on?” Krystal said. Everyone was busy doing something and she isn’t getting a proper answer from any one of them.

“Oh you’ll see.” Suzy replied.

This time, Krystal was suddenly dragged by Sulli to another part of the park but before they can reach their destination, Sulli stopped walking.

“Hey…” She trailed off and Krystal could see the sadness in her eyes. Everything happened so fast, school ended already and now she’s leaving for America. Krystal’s going to leave everything and everyone behind.

“Hey, you don’t have to be sad… I’m coming back.” Krystal said, smiling. She motioned for Sulli to come near her, then, she hugged her. She’s going to miss Sulli, she was the first one to introduce herself to Krystal out of all of them.

“I know, but I just… what if… what if you won’t? I’m sorry, I know I shouldn’t be thinking that way but I can’t help it. I couldn’t handle even just the thought of losing you.” Sulli was already crying and Krystal wanted the pain and sadness to end. What was supposed to be only happening to her… it was happening to everyone, this is the reason why Krystal doesn’t want to have friends in the first place because she ends up leaving them behind.

“Don’t worry, I promise you I’ll come back.” Krystal whispered.

“Okay, enough of this. Let’s go meet your groom.” Sulli said wiping the tears on her face, giggling. Once again, Krystal was confused. Groom? What are they trying to do? They continued walking until Krystal saw rose petals on the ground and she can hear a sweet melody playing, Krystal gave Sulli a questioning look but she only replied with a smile.

Krystal was met with the sight of Kai waiting at the end of a white carpet. Krystal looked back at Sulli who was smiling widely,

“I know I wanted you to tell Kai but I realized that I can’t really tell you what to do but I just hope everything falls into place. I love you, you know that right?” Sulli said, laughing.

“Well, I love you too… but what is this?” Krystal asked.

“Why don’t you ask the person waiting for you? Now go, we’ll be back at the picnic table, this is your moment.” Sulli said, ushering Krystal to walk towards Kai.

Krystal wasn’t sure about what’s happening but Kai looks incredibly stunning with his hair swept back, wearing a blue button down polo and black pants. He was smiling nervously and Krystal wanted to laugh, he looks so cute. She started walking on the white carpet taking a look whether her shoes are making footprints or not.  It was just the two of them and the place looks like someone is really going to get married. There was an arch, sweet melody playing in the background, chairs set up and Krystal really feels as if she’s getting married.

Krystal smiled, this was probably one of the most romantic things Kai has done even though she doesn’t really know what would come out of this. When Krystal met Kai at the end of the carpet, he was smiling widely.

“You look beautiful.” Kai said, smiling.

“Aren’t I always beautiful?” Krystal joked. Krystal couldn’t hide her happiness, it makes her feel that everything’s alright and she wants to make it last. Kai smiled, he grabbed Krystal’s hand and the other on her waist. They started swaying to the beat of the background music, they were

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201 subscribers!!! *flips table* thank you, I'm not even halfway done with the story but thank you cause you're reading it :> thank youuuuu!!!!


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Miraclecouple #1
Chapter 14: Update soon plssss...
Chapter 14: update soon please~
andreahashi #3
Chapter 14: krystal accept jongin´s offer
__siti__ #4
Chapter 14: Good one
__siti__ #5
Chapter 15: Please it is os wonderfull
__siti__ #6
Chapter 14: Update it please author nim
luvs4u #7
Chapter 14: OMG! This is such a beautiful story! Please continue writing and have them get back together. This is such a heart warming beautiful story. Not the typical cliche story yet so beautiful and warm! Love you author!
kenyzzle #8
Chapter 14: Omg i just saw this story and this is perf af!! Update soon authornim!!
heeyoon88 #9
Chapter 14: thank u for update authornim..aah...just please,make it soojung knows the real kai..why im so emotional right now..