Chapter 4

Baby Maybe
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"I am ambivalent."





“Attention everyone!” Ms. Im said, trying to gain the attention of her students who were busy talking to each other and they’ve just finished their recap of Romeo & Juliet. “As you all know, and I’m guessing you have heard of it already, the school holds a trip for you students, every year. This serves a reward for your stressful days in school…” Ms. Im trailed off. Krystal leaned back on her chair; she isn’t really interested to join the said trip.

“Hey, do we really need to join the trip?” Krystal whispered to Kai who were sitting next to her.

“Well, it actually depends if your parents agree or not. But usually, all of the students join.” Kai whispered back and Krystal nodded.

“And we are having a trip to Jeju Island!” Ms. Im announced and everyone cheered, excited to be having a trip to the “Island of the gods.” “All information’s in, I am dismissing you early. So get out of my class!” Ms. Im said jokingly and everyone started fixing their things, ready to go out of the classroom.

“Hey, are you going?” Kai asked and Krystal shrugged, “I don’t know yet.”

“Tell me if you’re coming okay?” He said smiling. “And why?” She asked.

“I just want to know if you’re coming.” Kai said smiling. “Okay”

“Now, let’s go. The other might be waiting for us.” He said and they left to go to the garden.

When they went to the garden, all of them were already there. Krystal wonders, if the 6 boys are already chaotic what more if the other 6 boys were here. Over the months, Krystal learned the other 6 boys studies in another school in China as exchange students and they only go here to visit. Krystal and Kai greeted everyone before they were seated. They were talking about random stuffs, how their day went by, who’s joining the trip or not and Krystal haven’t decided yet if she will go. The boys animatedly talked about action movies and stuffs the girls really doesn’t have interest in while the girls were talking about a boy group named EXO. After a while, Krystal excused herself to go the comfort room.

“Oh, look who’s here, Kai’s new friend.” Krystal turned around to see Suzy with Min & Jia. Suzy was looking at her from head to toe and she was smirking.

“What do you want?” She asked. She doesn’t want to deal with Suzy right now, it’s actually the first time Suzy approached her but still she doesn’t want to deal with Suzy’s remarks or whatever she’s going to say.

“Tell me, what did you do to draw in Kai’s attention?” Suzy asked with her arms crossed over her chest.

“What do you mean?” Krystal asked. Suzy laughed. “Don’t play innocent with me, Kai never warms up to a girl that fast so I’m guessing you did something to make him come to you so why don’t you tell me so I can do that to him.” Suzy said.

“I didn’t do anything and I thought you and Kai were already close? He was your ex-boyfriend right?” She said. Suzy scoffed. “Maybe, we are,”

Suzy walked towards Krystal, “I don’t want you near Kai, so back off.” She said. Now, it was Krystal’s turn to scoff. “Kai isn’t your boyfriend so stop being “possessive” and you don’t tell me what to do, you’re not the boss of me.” Krystal said.

“Wow, the girl has some guts to respond to you, Suzy.” Jia said. Krystal looked at Jia, she’s awfully familiar but Krystal can’t pin-point if she has actually seen Jia before.

“Look, Kai might not be my boyfriend anymore but I’m pretty sure he’ll come back running to me soon so you better stop what you’re planning. You don’t know what I can do to make your life miserable.” Suzy said.

“Well, I’m not planning anything and like what I said you’re not the boss of me. Now, I have to go and by the way, you don’t know what I can do to make your life miserable.” Krystal said, smirking. Leaving the three girls standing in the hallway, she turned around with no intentions of going to the comfort room anymore. She actually can’t believe she said that to Suzy, she’s going to have to get ready to what Suzy’s going to do to her because she is not going to get “bullied” by the school’s Ms. Popular. 

“Hey, what took you so long?” Amber asked. “Oh, I walked slowly. Too lazy.” Krystal said and Amber nodded, not actually satisfied with the answer but she let it go. Krystal sat down beside Sulli and they continued the conversation.

“Hey Krystal, want to go to the ice cream shop?” Kai asked. They’ve just finished their history class and they’re on their way out. “Sure.” Krystal replied.

“Are you joining the trip?” Kai asked. They were walking on the way to the ice cream shop, the both of them didn’t actually bothe

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201 subscribers!!! *flips table* thank you, I'm not even halfway done with the story but thank you cause you're reading it :> thank youuuuu!!!!


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Miraclecouple #1
Chapter 14: Update soon plssss...
Chapter 14: update soon please~
andreahashi #3
Chapter 14: krystal accept jongin´s offer
__siti__ #4
Chapter 14: Good one
__siti__ #5
Chapter 15: Please it is os wonderfull
__siti__ #6
Chapter 14: Update it please author nim
luvs4u #7
Chapter 14: OMG! This is such a beautiful story! Please continue writing and have them get back together. This is such a heart warming beautiful story. Not the typical cliche story yet so beautiful and warm! Love you author!
kenyzzle #8
Chapter 14: Omg i just saw this story and this is perf af!! Update soon authornim!!
heeyoon88 #9
Chapter 14: thank u for update authornim..aah...just please,make it soojung knows the real kai..why im so emotional right now..