Chapter 1

Baby Maybe
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"I'm falling for your eyes but they don't know me yet." -Ed Sheeran.





It was the first day of classes and Krystal was a new student. She was walking down the hallway when she first saw him; he was with his friends. Blonde hair, tanned skin, tall frame. There was nothing special about the guy anyway, really, but the fact that a simple smile can set Krystal off guard was something new. Krystal didn’t even think that she would be enthralled by someone like him on the first day of Senior high.

“Hi,” Krystal turned to her left to find a girl smiling at her. “Are you a new student? I’m Choi Jinri from Class A-2 but you can call me Sulli.” She added.

“Oh... yeah. I’m Krystal Jung.” She replied, returning a timid smile. Sulli continued to talk to Krystal about the school and the plans that the school might do for the school year but Krystal can’t help but look back at the guy she saw, she was looking at the way he talked and the way he smiled at his friends. There’s something about the guy that draws Krystal in and she isn’t entirely sure what it meant.

“Oh, that’s Kai.” Sulli suddenly said.

“Excuse me?” Krystal asked, confused.

“I said, “That’s Kai.” The one you’re looking at, he’s part of the student council. He’s handsome isn’t he?” Oh, so that’s his name, Krystal thought.

“Uh, y-yeah.” She answered, she’s now trying to avoid looking at Kai since Sulli had caught her looking and she can’t help but feel embarrassed.

“But you know, even though he’s part of the student council you have to be careful around him, he’s also known as the school’s playboy.” Sulli said and Krystal raised an eyebrow, not quite believing what she’s hearing because who would’ve thought someone from the student council could be also known as a playboy.

“Don’t worry, I’m not planning on getting his attention anyway.” Krystal replied, eyes lingering on the tanned male. Guess I’ll just have to make my presence unnoticed, Krystal thought.

“Good. Anyways, classes are about to start, do you know where your class is?” Sulli asked. Now that Krystal had been talking to Sulli for a while, she was able to observe the latter. Sulli was pretty and tall and Krystal could already tell that she was going to be good friends with her. She’s nice and it seems like she knows a lot about the school despite not being involved in any club.

“I got history as my first subject.” She answered, hoping Sulli was with her in her first class.

“Oh we’re classmates, come on let’s go” Sulli said, smiling and Krystal was relieved. It’s not that she doesn’t want to be a complete stranger in class, which she actually was, but she just wanted to have someone she knows in class to somehow make her feel better. She was still unsure about the whole process of being in a new school with no one to depend to and she was thankful that Sulli was nice enough to approach her despite the number of students in the hallway. Sulli dragged her to their classroom even though the bell hasn’t rung yet, complaining why history has to be their first subject. Krystal could only laugh at her new found friend’s antics. Sitting at a table near the window, Krystal hoped she wouldn’t regret going back to Korea to start over again.




It became a habit of Krystal to look at Kai whenever she can, it’s not like she was looking for him but the latter had been in Krystal’s view whenever she would look at something or at an area in school. In the past few weeks of studying in her new school, she gained new friends and she found out a few things about Kai. Kai was a treasurer in the student council, he’s friendly despite being known as a playboy and Krystal likes to think that Kai was just being friendly for dating purposes. He’s always with his guy friends anyway. He also likes to dance, he and Krystal are both members of the dance club although Krystal’s pretty sure Kai hasn’t noticed her yet, which was good. She also noticed that Kai has a particular group of friends; they were 6 actually, including him.

“Hey, have you reviewed for the midterm exam?” Sulli asked, sitting down on the bench beside Krystal. They were in the school’s garden. Classes were already finished and they’re still too lazy to go home.

“Not yet,” Krystal replied frowning. They have a midterm exam in math tomorrow and she hasn’t touched a single page in her math notebook. She hates math. Krystal would rather study history than math. She doesn’t get why x & y should be added in every equation. It’s not like you’re going to use it in real life anyway.

“Hey why don’t we study in my house tonight, with the unnies?” Sulli suggested. It wasn’t a bad idea since Krystal could really use a hand in math.

“Unnies? You mean Luna and Amber?” Krystal asked. Luna and Amber were friends she met on the 2nd day of class. They were nice. Luna has short hair that stops before it even reaches her shoulders and she was pretty girly while Amber was the boyish looking girl and Krystal wonders if she ever dressed girly and sometimes she wonders what she would look like if she ever cut her hair in a boyish style.

“Yeah, and Victoria unnie would be there too.” She said smiling and Krystal smiled. Victoria was Sulli’s cousin and their dance instructor too.

“Okay then, I need help in math anyways.” Krystal replied.

“Then, let’s go!” Sulli said as she dragged Krystal outside of the school gates.





“Hey, I have a question.” Sulli said. They were walking on the way to Sulli’s house, it was a fifteen-minute-walk so they didn’t really have to take the bus or the subway plus Sulli insisted that it was nice to just walk around while talking.

“What is it?” Krystal asked. Krystal doesn’t really like answering questions but since it was Sulli, she might as well answer the question.

“Do you like Kai?” Krystal stopped and looked at Sulli as if she had grown two heads. Krystal was a bit taken aback by the question because out of all the questions Sulli could’ve asked, why would she think that Krystal likes Kai? Sulli was looking at Krystal like she was expecting a yes from her and Krystal doesn’t think that she likes Kai, well she doesn’t know. She doesn’t want to know yet. She never believed in love anyway, so why bother thinking her feelings through? She was attracted to Kai, yes but only because he’s handsome and Krystal hasn’t met Kai personally so she couldn’t tell.

“No.” was her response and Krystal can’t figure out the swirl of emotions that showed on Sulli’s face.

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201 subscribers!!! *flips table* thank you, I'm not even halfway done with the story but thank you cause you're reading it :> thank youuuuu!!!!


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Miraclecouple #1
Chapter 14: Update soon plssss...
Chapter 14: update soon please~
andreahashi #3
Chapter 14: krystal accept jongin´s offer
__siti__ #4
Chapter 14: Good one
__siti__ #5
Chapter 15: Please it is os wonderfull
__siti__ #6
Chapter 14: Update it please author nim
luvs4u #7
Chapter 14: OMG! This is such a beautiful story! Please continue writing and have them get back together. This is such a heart warming beautiful story. Not the typical cliche story yet so beautiful and warm! Love you author!
kenyzzle #8
Chapter 14: Omg i just saw this story and this is perf af!! Update soon authornim!!
heeyoon88 #9
Chapter 14: thank u for update authornim..aah...just please,make it soojung knows the real kai..why im so emotional right now..