Chapter Eight

Vampire Romance

“No. Emi. You are not putting me in danger, I am.” Kai stood in front of me and let out a sigh.

“I’m not as normal as you think" he paused for a second and then continued "Im a Vampire...”

How is that possible? Why suddenly..

“When I first met you..” Is he a Vampire at that time?

“No. I was not a Vampire when I first met you. I turned into a Vampire 5 years ago. On my 18th birthday.” Kai looked quite weird when he said that. His 18th birthday..

“What? But I can’t... remember what has happened on that day.” My instinct is telling me that something has happened on that day. This is getting so confusing.

We looked at each other for a while. I should say something. This silence is killing me but what should I say?

“Are you hungry? Do you need to eat anything or drink anything?” I asked.

He laughed and shook his head. “Do you know what are you offering to me?” Kai took a step towards me.

“Do you know what we feed on?” He wrapped his arms around me and snuggled into my neck.

“You really smell so delicious. I’m craving for your blood. It’s like an addiction to me. Do you know how hard it is for me to control myself when I’m around you?” I shivered when he kissed me on my neck.

When I looked at him, his eyes are reddish. He pushed himself away and swiftly entered the kitchen. My legs remained fixed on to the ground.

Kai, He looks like he’s in pain.

I ran into the kitchen and saw Kai leaning against the cupboards. He’s gripping on to this throat, breathing heavily.

“Kai! Kai!” I ran up to him.

“Go away. Get out.”

“No! I don’t want. Are you hurtt? Is it very much of pain? What do you need? How can I help you?” I started to panic. Seeing him in pain really hurts me.

“Just stay away from me!!” Kai pushed me away and my body slammed towards the wall. Kai lifted up his head and looked at me with an apologetic face.

“You need to feed. You can drink from me.” I want to move closer to Kai. I feel kind of weird. It’s like I need to let him drink my blood  when seeing him thirsty.

“No. Stay where you are.” He seemed to understand the reasons for my behaviour.


“You don’t understand. I’m not going to feed from you.” Kai jumped on top of the sink and smashed the windows. He leaped off and ran out from my view.

“KAI!! KAI!!” I slide down and leaned against the wall. I don't know why but I feel kind of rejected when he didn’t wanted to drink from me. I don't understand vampires. I don't understand myself, i'm not understanding the whole thing ! What is exactly going on here?!! Everything is just so confusing!

That night, I waited for him. I went over to his house but he isn’t there. He did not come back. The next morning, he also did not appear in school. Lay too, I believe Lay is also a Vampire since they are cousins, And then, 3 days passed without them...

“Did Lay told you where he was going?” I ask Kasumi. The both of them kind of got together after their dinner date. I was a bit shocked when Kasumi told me that they were together. I mean they just know each other for like a few days? Apparently, Kasumi didn’t mind going into a fast relationship with a hot guy like him and Lay… probably is the vampire’s soul mate thing. Who knows how the soul mate thing works? I believed only the vampires knows and Kai didn’t want to tell me, yet. Than that strikes me. Does Kasumi know that Lay is a Vampire?

I turned to look at Kasumi. How am I supposed to ask? What if she doesn’t know and I told her, will she freak out?

“Erm.. Kass?”


“Do you like... know… who or what Lay exactly is?” Kasumi stayed silent for a few minutes and then she nodded her head.

“He told me when we went out for our date.”

“How or what did he tell you?”

“You know it too? That they are not Humans but vampires?” Kasumi asked me. I just nodded and told her what has happened that night. And it is on the same night where Kasumi and Lay went out together.

“He told me that he is vampire and I’m his soul mate. Basically, every vampire will have a soul mate. Because we are currently human, so we can’t feel the bond. He said that the first  time  he saw me, he felt an attraction towards me. So immediately he knew that I’m the one for him.” I just nodded and waiting for her to continue.

“He said that he will turn me into a vampire when I’m ready.”

“Turn into a vampire?” I kind of get taken back by that. That didn’t come across my mind. Vampires. They live forever. Being human, I will die someday. If we are soul mates, they would want us to be together forever. In that case, I have to become a vampire.

“Kasumi, do you want to become a vampire? I mean...”

Kasumi looked at me and laughed. “It’s cool, isn’t it?!” She suddenly gets all excited. “Being a vampire would be cool. Forever with Lay seems fine with me also!!! I mean he’s so freaking  Awsome!!” Ok. This friend of mine is weird, Someone please remind me why am I friends with her again.....????

“Emile?” And suddenly she got all so serious again.


A gentle smile crept on to her face. “It may seem crazy for you, thinking that I wanted to become a vampire. But the important point here is not being a vampire or not. The thing is I wanted to be with Lay. He’s the first person who ever wanted to be with me. Probably it is due to the soul mate thing that he wanted to or needed to be with me, but it doesn’t matter. Emile, you know I’m an orphan right? I always wanted to be care and love by someone. And there he is. So it doesn’t really matter whether I’m a human or a vampire. I want to be love and care for someone too. If what Lay has said is true about me being the destiny one for him, and if the only way to be with him is becoming a vampire, I will accept that.


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Chapter 37: Aaaa was very beautiful story!!!!!
Sweetvanessa #2
Chapter 37: This is just too sweet! So so sweet! > < You should write a sequel!
gabriella_bella #3
Chapter 37: Wuaaaaa!! I love this storyy.. Jjang(y) good job authornim :D
lee-chelle #4
Chapter 19: So far so good. Just a heads up though, you sometimes write "ren" instead of Kai. ^^
Chapter 1: Well first name matching one oc and middle almost matching the other!
Omg the OC's names!XD
My name is Emilee and my middle name is Natsumi so I find it awesome to final run into a fic on this site with my name almost matching!XD
Chanchaniee #7
Chapter 37: wowww... i love this story... ;D daebak !
NJsakura #8
Chapter 37: Hahahaha!!!!! Such a cute epilogue!!!!
rudelysweetk21 #9
Chapter 37: Nice story..enjoyed reading tho wish there were more emi and kai fluffy scenes..haha thanks it was interesting story :))
kimaejae #10
Chapter 19: why is kai sometimes calledren???i dont get it