Chapter Twenty Seven

Vampire Romance

*Lay’s POV*

“I just wanted to say that I will change you into a vampire someday.”

She dropped the fork that she was holding on to and stared at me.

“If you are not ready, I won’t change you. I can wait. I didn’t mean to frighten you. I shouldn’t have overloaded you with so much information at once. I’m sorry. I think I have rushed into things.”

She smiled widely. “Serious?! Me being a vampire? Do you think I will have power?”

She always surprises me with her reaction. “You might have special abilities.” Most of the vampires do have their own special abilities.

She squealed in delight. “That would be so cool!!”

I smiled to myself. This is my mate. Cute, adorable, funny and sweet.

“Kass, would your family members object if I bring you away?” I asked.

She stopped smiling and looked down to the floor. She started fidgeting, playing with her fingers.

“Kasumi..?” Did I say something wrong? Yes. I think I did. I see the ground having drop of tears.

“Kasumi?” I walked to her and wrapped my arms around her. “What’s wrong?”

She nuzzled her face into my chest and shook her head. “Nothing is wrong.”

“Don’t lie to me. You are crying and you are telling me nothing is wrong. How am I supposed to believe in that?”
She kept silent for a while. “I’m an orphan. I don't know who my parents were or maybe I have already forgotten how they look like. When I was young, they abandon me and I grew up in an orphanage.”

I hugged her even tighter. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

“It’s ok. I got Emile and you by my side now.” She smiled at me. I cupped her face and planted a kiss on her forehead. Both of us looked at each other deeply. I don’t mind staying like this forever looking at her. I pressed my lips on hers and held her head to hold it in place. Forever, I wouldn’t want to let go of her.

There is this day, Sehun attacked Emile. We have no choice. In order to save her, Kai turned Emile into the vampire. On this day, I decided, to turn Kasumi into a vampire too and she agreed to it. She is more excited than being as scared. She is a psychic. I taught her how to control her power at my house. I taught her everything related to a vampire and told her our family issues. I also introduced her to my parents.

“Dad, Mum, this is Kasumi, My mate. Kasumi, they are my parents.” I said. She is feeling kind of nervous so I put my arms around her waist to calm her down.

“Nice to meet you. I’m Kasumi.” She said.

My mum smiled widely and moved towards her. “Kasumi? Such a beautiful name. You are so beautiful too. You sure are my son’s mate? Too good to be true. You know Lay is sometimes a little slow, a little too blockheaded. When he gets nervous, he will keep blabbering on and on. Last time, when he is interested in this girl…”

I immediately pulled Kasumi towards me. “Mum, I’m not like that and why are you telling her this?”

“What’s wrong?” My mum continued to talk to Kasumi. “Last time, when he was interested in this girl, he doesn't know how to express it. He just went talking nonsense and the girl got frightened.” And mum went laughing. I looked at Kasumi’s expression. She just smiled at my mum.

“And there is this another time, a girl confessed to him. She is quite pretty and decent. He got so nervous and he poured a drink on her.” Mum went laughing again.

“Dad, Mum, I’m showing Kasumi around the house.” I held on to Kasumi’s hand and quickly pulled her away from my mum. God knows what she will spill out next. I showed Kasumi around the house to let familiarise so she won’t get lost. After that, we went out to the garden to take a walk. She is walking in front and I’m walking behind her. She walked to the fountain and stood in front of it. I walked up to her and hugged her from the behind.

“What are you thinking? You know I really hate it when you blocked me out from your thoughts.” But I still respect her if she feels that she needed privacy.

She turned around and hugged me tightly. She closed her eyes and leaned on my chest.

“Kasumi?” Ok. I’m starting to get worried. She must be have any weird thoughts running in her mind. You don’t know her. She always surprises me.

“Lay…” She called my name softly.


Then, she kept silent again. “Kass, what's wrong?”

She just shook her head and hugged me even tighter. “Kasumi, please. Tell me what you are thinking.”

“Nothing.” She let go of me and smiled to me. She turned her back to me and continued walking. I grabbed hold of her and locked her in my arms. I nuzzled into her neck and the both of us stood in that position for a while.

“Kasumi, what is it?”

She took a step away from me and looked down. She started playing with her fingers again.

“Lay, you will always be by my side right?” She asked.

“Yes. I will always be by your side.” I replied without hesitant.

“Even I might not be good enough, you will not abandon me right?” She is feeling insecure. I held her face up to look at me.

“Kasumi, you are everything to me how can i abandon you.”

She smiled at me. “That would be enough for me.” She turned around and continued walking.

“Kasumi!” I grabbed her and turned her around. “Kasumi, what are you talking about?”

“Just let me stay by your side. There may be some reasons why my parents didn’t wanted me. I know I may not be good enough.. But just please let me stay with you forever.”

I hugged her tightly. Why does she get so emotional all of a sudden?

“Kasumi, I will only stay with you. I will be with you forever. I’m not going anywhere. I will always be at the place where you can see me. I will only love you.” I looked at her.

“I love you.” I said again.

“I love you too.”


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Chapter 37: Aaaa was very beautiful story!!!!!
Sweetvanessa #2
Chapter 37: This is just too sweet! So so sweet! > < You should write a sequel!
gabriella_bella #3
Chapter 37: Wuaaaaa!! I love this storyy.. Jjang(y) good job authornim :D
lee-chelle #4
Chapter 19: So far so good. Just a heads up though, you sometimes write "ren" instead of Kai. ^^
Chapter 1: Well first name matching one oc and middle almost matching the other!
Omg the OC's names!XD
My name is Emilee and my middle name is Natsumi so I find it awesome to final run into a fic on this site with my name almost matching!XD
Chanchaniee #7
Chapter 37: wowww... i love this story... ;D daebak !
NJsakura #8
Chapter 37: Hahahaha!!!!! Such a cute epilogue!!!!
rudelysweetk21 #9
Chapter 37: Nice story..enjoyed reading tho wish there were more emi and kai fluffy scenes..haha thanks it was interesting story :))
kimaejae #10
Chapter 19: why is kai sometimes calledren???i dont get it