Chapter Twenty Four

Vampire Romance

Suddenly, there are footsteps coming towards us. A group of man jump into the castle.

“EMILE, WATCH OUT!!!” Kasumi shouted.

The group of vampires is trying to attack the both of us. My energy totally got released. Wind started blowing strongly, creating whirlwind. The vampires around me got hit and fly a few inches away. The wind got wild, sweeping pass everything.

‘Emile, Emile. Focus.’ Kasumi is forcing her energy into me.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!” Kasumi got stabbed on her arm with a wooden stick. The vampire then smashed her on to the trees. That angers me. I stare hard at the vampire. My wind energy surrounds him and tosses him into the air.

“EMI!!!” I heard this familiar voice shouted my name.

‘Emi, take control of your power. Think of a box and trap the energy within it.’

I tried to force the energy down but it’s harder than I imagine.

“KASUMI! Kasumi!! Please…” Lay placed Kasumi in his arms.

“Lay, it’s ok. She’s doing well. I just helped her a little more.” I heard Kasumi said in a very soft tone.

I could feel Kasumi’s energy wrapping around me again. She is trying to help me to control my energy by fixing it in place.

‘Emilee, you can do it.’

I feel for my power and slowly pulling it back to me.

‘Emilee, just a bit more.’

I concentrate harder and retrieve all my energy. Kai caught me in his arms when I fall. My heart beats rapidly. I breathe in and out deeply.

“Kasumi. Kasumi! Please answer me.”


“Kasumi, are you ok?!” I rush to her immediately.

“Emile, you are so awesome.” Kasumi smiled at me.


“Let’s get her inside.” Kai said. Kai called for Dr Ray to check on Kasumi and I. I’m now lying on the bed with Kai.

“Emi, never do this again. If you want to practice your power, you got to tell me. Do you know how dangerous it is?!” Kai is angry, very angry.

“I’m sorry.”

“I’m not scolding you. It’s just that…”

“I understand. I’m sorry. I’m just worried about Kasumi now.” Basically, Dr Ray said that I’m ok. I just need to rest for a few days. The using of my power has drain my energy but I’m doing well in controlling it. But Kasumi… We suspect that the vampires are actually sent by Uncle Shin to kill me. The wooden stick they used is made of oak. It is use to kill vampires. Because they can’t get near to me, they decided to attack Kasumi. The wound on her left arm is healing very slowly. Even if the wound recovered, she will have problem using her left arm. In addition, my power has done damages on her when it swept past the surrounding. She has also over-used her power, forcing it to the limit in order to control my power.

“She will be fine.”

I shook my head and tears stream down my face. “How am I going to face Lay?”

“Hush Hush. Emi, she will be fine.” Kai tried to comfort me.

“I’m so scared. Lay will hate me.”

“No no. Lay will not hate you. He will not blame you.”

“He will hate me. It’s because Kasumi tried to help me to control my power. She kept focusing on me and she didn’t defend herself against those vampires.”

“Emi, it is an accident. No one wanted it to happen.”

I just keep crying. I’m so scared that I will lose her.

“No. It’s my fault. It’s my fault.”

Kai hugged me. “It’s my fault too. I should strengthen the security. Lay and I should have realize earlier and protect you and Kasumi.”

“No Kai. It is the both of us decided to hide it from the both of you. It is my fault. I shouldn’t have agreed. I shouldn’t have let all this happen.”

“Emi, everything is going to be ok.” Kai pats me on my back. I can’t sleep at all. I’m so worried about Kasumi. I decided to take a look at her. Kai and I went to her room. Lay is sitting beside her bed looking at her.

“Lay?” I called his name cautiously.

Lay turned to look at the both of us. He looked so torn and tattered.

“Emile, why are you here? you should be resting? Kai, you should get her back to her room and rest.” Lay said.

I cried immediately. “Lay, you should scold me or hit me. In that way, I will feel better. Why are you still so concern about me?”

Lay smiled weakly at me. “You are like my little sister. Of course I’m concern about you.”

“But I caused Kasumi to be like this. You shouldn’t be nice to me. You should hate me. You should be angry with me.”
Lay turned to look at Kasumi. “She helped you willingly. I know she will not be angry with you and she wouldn’t want me to be angry with you. I don't hate you, Emilee. If I hate you, I bet Kass would hate me.” Lay laughed a little.

I went forward and hug Lay tightly. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”

The new chapter is up!! Just a little spoiler or review. The next chapter will be on Lay's POV. It's on how he and Kasumi got together. You will get to know more about their thinking, thoughts, and personality

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Chapter 37: Aaaa was very beautiful story!!!!!
Sweetvanessa #2
Chapter 37: This is just too sweet! So so sweet! > < You should write a sequel!
gabriella_bella #3
Chapter 37: Wuaaaaa!! I love this storyy.. Jjang(y) good job authornim :D
lee-chelle #4
Chapter 19: So far so good. Just a heads up though, you sometimes write "ren" instead of Kai. ^^
Chapter 1: Well first name matching one oc and middle almost matching the other!
Omg the OC's names!XD
My name is Emilee and my middle name is Natsumi so I find it awesome to final run into a fic on this site with my name almost matching!XD
Chanchaniee #7
Chapter 37: wowww... i love this story... ;D daebak !
NJsakura #8
Chapter 37: Hahahaha!!!!! Such a cute epilogue!!!!
rudelysweetk21 #9
Chapter 37: Nice story..enjoyed reading tho wish there were more emi and kai fluffy scenes..haha thanks it was interesting story :))
kimaejae #10
Chapter 19: why is kai sometimes calledren???i dont get it