Chapter Seventeen

Vampire Romance

*Kai’s POV*

“Kai! Kai!” I heard Emile knocking on my door. She turned the door knob for a few times and entered my house. The moment she opened the door, her sweet scent hited me.

“Kai?” She walked towards me. I grab her and pinned her onto the wall. Her smell is so appealing to me.

“Kai? What happened? Are you not feeling well?”

“Emi, you smell so great.” I said and held her tightly.


“I want you so badly.” Without hesitant, my fangs pierce through her skin.

“AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!” She screamed out loud. Her scream hited me back into reality.

“Emi. Emi… Emi!” I nudged her but she is lying on the floor motionless. I pulled her into my arms. “Emi.. please… please open your eyes.” There is still no response from her.

Just then, a few men barged into my house.

“Prince Ren, we are here to get you back.” They bowed at me.

“And, the girl, you can give it to us. We will take care of it.” One of them said. That sentence. It sounded there is a double meaning in it. What do they mean by ‘take care of it’?

“No!! None of you is going to touch her!!!” I carried Emile with me. Just as I reached home, they took Emile away from me.

“Where are you all taking her to??!!!” None of them responded to me. They locked me up in a room full of blood packs.

I could feel my throat is burning intensely. I grab packets of blood and shove it in my mouth. I drank dozens of them and I wasn’t even satisfied. I feel pain within me and I hear someone screaming. But the surrounding is so silent. I then recognized this voice. It’s Emile. She’s in pain. I have to get out of here. I have to get to her. I twist the door knob but it’s locked. I used all of my strength and violently tore the whole door down. Guards saw me coming out from the room and they tried to stop me. But whoever comes close to me will crack into pieces and become dust. I ran down the stairs, following her scent and it lead me to the main door.

The moment I saw her I speed across the room and hug her tightly. Emile, Emile.

“I need you.” I extend my fangs and bite on to her neck. Her blood . It’s so sweet. She wants me too. I felt a sharp pain coming from my neck. This is so arousing – ual arousing.

“Pull them apart!!” My mom shouted from the back. And 2 men came grabbing on to me, separating me from Emile.

“Kai!!” They grabbed on to Emile’s arms. No one should touch her!

“Let go of me!!” I shouted at them but they are not going to loosen their grip. I stared at the man on my left.he started to become like a rock and It started to crack after a few minutes, shattering into pieces and flew away like dust. I punched the man on my right. I speed towards Emile and release her from their grip. I’m craving for her. I pull her to me and kissed her fiercely.

“They are soul mates.” I heard my mom mumbling under her breath. Maybe I’m going to ask her later. I want her so badly. I want to stay with her forever, I want to feel her, I know she is thinking of the same thing because the next thing she did, proved it. She crashed her lips on mine.

‘So perfect looking’ I heard her saying in her mind. I smiled at her.

‘You are so beautiful.’ I said in my mind for her to hear. she smiled at me for the last time before fainting in my arms.

“Emi. EMI!!!”

“Kai, let go of her. I will ask Ray to look at her.” My mum came up to me.

“She will be fine.” Mom patted on my shoulder.

I went back to the room, sitting on my bed. Just what is happening…

Then, there is a knock on my door. My mom walked into the room.

“How is she?” I rushed up to her.

“She’s fine. Kai, there is something that I need to talk to you about.” She sounded serious.

“What is it?” My mom sat down on my bed and I followed her.

“Kai, we have to send her back. You have to leave her.”

“NO!! Why?!” I jump up from the bed. “NO!! I’m not letting her go!!! I need her. I felt a strong bond towards her that I have never experience before. I can’t let her go. I just can’t.” The thought of her leaving me tore my heart apart. I felt incomplete without her.

“I know how you feel. Because she is your soul mate.” My mom looked at me. “But you have to let go for now.”

“WHY?! If she is my soul mate, than why do I have to let her go?”

“It’s better for the both of you this way. I will seal away her vampire senses and remove part of her memory. We will send her back to the human world.”

“MOM!” My heart hurted a lot. “You have to give me a reason for doing so.”

“Kai, she will die if you don’t do so.”


“Kai, you do realize you have the power of turning people in dust, don’t you?”

“Yes, But what does it has to do with Emi?”

“Kai, you are gifted.. Vampires who are equipped with this kind of power are rare. Many of them died. Because these power are too strong for them to handle. But you have royal blood flowing within you, it is easier for you to control your power. But Emi, she’s too weak to handle those powers.” Mom took a glance of me.

“Kai, she has the ability to control the air. Although it should be a happy thing that she is possesses with such a rare gift, but it will kill her. ”

“Then.. Then.. She can drink from me, isn’t it?”

“Yes. She can drink from you to help her to control her power. But you will also have the desire to feed from her. You have not learned how to control your power. Neither has she. At this state, either one or both of you lose control, your power will flare out, hurting people around you. Kai, you are still not strong enough to help yourself and her at the same time.”


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Chapter 37: Aaaa was very beautiful story!!!!!
Sweetvanessa #2
Chapter 37: This is just too sweet! So so sweet! > < You should write a sequel!
gabriella_bella #3
Chapter 37: Wuaaaaa!! I love this storyy.. Jjang(y) good job authornim :D
lee-chelle #4
Chapter 19: So far so good. Just a heads up though, you sometimes write "ren" instead of Kai. ^^
Chapter 1: Well first name matching one oc and middle almost matching the other!
Omg the OC's names!XD
My name is Emilee and my middle name is Natsumi so I find it awesome to final run into a fic on this site with my name almost matching!XD
Chanchaniee #7
Chapter 37: wowww... i love this story... ;D daebak !
NJsakura #8
Chapter 37: Hahahaha!!!!! Such a cute epilogue!!!!
rudelysweetk21 #9
Chapter 37: Nice story..enjoyed reading tho wish there were more emi and kai fluffy scenes..haha thanks it was interesting story :))
kimaejae #10
Chapter 19: why is kai sometimes calledren???i dont get it