Chapter Twenty-Four

Beautiful Perfect People

It starts like one of his dreams.

Groups of people crowd into the courtyard for an eyewitness account of the event. At the front of the crowd reporters from all over the country have gathered, cameras and camcorders pointed at the makeshift stage and the two woven nooses awaiting their victims. Behind them are civilians, some sit but most stand. Not a single soul speaks as they stand in somber silence, dark clothes, and equally dark expressions waiting with chilling patience for the two rebels.

He feels the slight squeeze of Minseok’s hand, and looks down to their interlaced fingers then up towards the secretary. "Are you okay," Minseok asks him, speaking in a whisper as if their talking will somehow disturb the people on screen. Luhan nods and turns back to the television.

The judge appears first, black robes gliding against the stage as he walks with precise steps to its center. He stands with threatening authority, shoulders back, and grey-haired head held high as he gives a sweeping glance over the crowd. Luhan knows him. It’s the very judge Luhan had witnessed arguing with a guard at the banquet. Cruel and vindictive, Luhan was sure that if the rebels weren’t already predestined for death, the judge would have found a way to hand it to them regardless.

The two rebels arrive after him, hands bound behind their backs, and heads bowed. The executioner is in between them, each hand clasped onto a boy's bicep, and around the stage stands armed guards.

Once each boy has a noose wrapped around their neck, bruising and constricting, the judge begins reading out their long lists of charges. Luhan can hear each word spoken, but can't seem to focus on it. His attention has been stolen as one boy lifts his head, his lips moving in a silent, but pleased manner. Luhan turns then, revulsion swelling up inside of him and instead he focuses on Minseok. "As so defined," the judge bellows out. "The sentence for such acts against the state is death." Minseok's eyes are trained on the television, not once wavering even as each boy receives their sentence.

"That doesn't do what they think it does," Minseok says.

"What," Luhan asks, turning back to the television where the judge has begun to speak again. The words, “To doubt is to sin,” echoing in Luhan’s head.

"That," Minseok says nodding his head in the direction of the television. "Every bit of it, it doesn't work like how they want to believe it does. To the people being executed, it's an honor. To many of those Imperfects, dying a martyr is the greatest honor one can have. And for others seeing someone die for such a cause makes them want to look into the cause. It's ineffective."

"So,” Luhan begins, focusing all his attention on Minseok. “You think they got caught on purpose?”

"I think they did," Minseok agrees. "But I don't think the attack was in hopes to gain more support."

Luhan doesn’t ask him anymore questions, the only people who knew the true motive behind the attack were just executed for all the world to witness. Instead he refocuses his attention to the television, where a discussion of Rebels and Imperfects have begun. "They are a danger to society," one man exclaims with sudden indignation. His face is red and twisted into a disgusting frown. Even as he continues to speak, Luhan can't tell if he's talking about the Red Devils or all of the Imperfects still living.

Luhan doesn't get to hear more, the television flickers off and instead of having his attention drawn to the red faced angry man, his focus is now directed to his and Minseok's reflection in the clean black television screen.

"You know," Minseok starts, and Luhan turns to him, eyes drawn to the curl of his lips and then looking up to catch his eyes. "It's probably safe for me to go back home now that the Rebels have been caught." Luhan doesn’t respond right away, instead he keeps his gaze steady, wondering if Minseok’s joking.

"The subway still isn't fixed," Luhan tells him.

"I'll figure out a way to get to work and back," Minseok replies.

"Why figure out a solution to a problem that doesn't have to exist," Luhan says in return.

"I said it would only be temporary," Minseok points out, seeming to have a counterargument for everything Luhan says. The model nods his head in understanding and agreement, but he’s not yet ready to give up.

"I said you should stay as long as you needed to," Luhan retorts. "That doesn't mean you need to go back as soon as the threat to your freedom is over, unless you would like to." Luhan pushes closer then, looking over Minseok and letting the frown he didn’t know he had melt into what he hopes is a supportive smile.

"Do you want to go back Minseok," he asks. "If you really want to I'll understand." Minseok's eyes flicker to his, the thoughtful look erasing as he searches Luhan's eyes. Luhan doesn't speak as he watches Minseok's playful smile, broaden into something more genuine.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to stay a bit longer," Minseok says, with a slight uncertain inflection. Luhan doesn't get a chance to reply as Minseok's hand encloses around the nape of his neck pulling him closer until their lips meet.

"I like you way too much," Luhan mumbles against Minseok's lips as they draw away just enough to slow down their breathing. Minseok recaptures Luhan’s lips, kissing with much more passion the second time around that Luhan has to hold Minseok's hips to anchor himself. When they pull away, kiss-swollen lips tug into its biggest smile of the day and Luhan feels his own smile surfacing as he gazes at Minseok.

"I could say the same," Minseok says, and then he does so, leaning in until his lips have touched Luhan's ear, he breathes the words out in a whisper. "Luhan I like you way too much," he says, his tone lifting at the end.


Luhan jerks awake, lips parting and chest heaving as he breathes in quick bursts of air. He blinks his eyes open, closes them, and opens them once more. Repeating the action over and over as he tries to focus on the dark ceiling above his head. He closes his eyes one final time, willing the fragments of his nightmare away just as the bed shifts.

He doesn't open his eyes even as the presence beside him presses closer. Fingers thread through his hair in a calming manner, and the soft voice calling out his name battles away the last few bits of his dream, causing him to open his eyes.

"Are you okay," Minseok asks, and he turns to look at him. Minseok’s eyes are narrowed in concern, and as Luhan’s gaze drops he notices Minseok’s pink lips pursed together, and further down the first four buttons of his shirt are ed, exposing just a bit of his upper chest.

"Fine," he mutters, pushing himself to sit up and feeling the hand drop from his hair. "Just a bad dream." Minseok's eyebrows rise in question, and Luhan gives him a weak smile in return. He still hasn't told Minseok about the chronic nightmares nor his ceaseless insomnia, but he sees no point in lying about it. He's aware that Minseok has some idea about the dreams. Since he's been taking his sleeping pills dutifully after the attack, every morning after waking, Minseok eyes would follow him around the apartment, signs of concern etched into every inch of his face.

"Sorry," he says drawing in a shaky breath. "Are you still helping President Kim plan his secret party?"

Minseok grimaces. "It's almost over," he explains as he goes back to buttoning his shirt. "Just two more weeks. Right now I'm just sending out invitations."

"Do you need help," Luhan asks. He falters a bit when Minseok looks at him with a curious gaze, but then smiles. "The guest list for these types of events never change, and after attending quite a few, you can't help but become acquainted with some of the people who attend."

Minseok nods his head in understanding, but says he doesn’t need help. “You can make sure your friends have their schedule cleared for the date until I can send them formal invitations,” Minseok suggests. He pauses then, hesitating, but Luhan watches him with a calm patience. “President Kim made it explicitly clear that you should be there on time,” Minseok finally says, “according to him you are the guest of honor.”

Luhan finds his jaw clenching in disdain at the words “guest of honor.” “Of course I would be,” he replies, with a fake grin. “I’ll try to keep my already clear schedule… clearer.”


Luhan doesn’t realize how long he has truly been out of the public’s eyes until he’s ed right back into it. He can still recall the last two reports he’d seen of himself online. The first entitled Luhan from Hedonist Model to Model Citizen, and had gotten a long laugh out of him and Kris, as he read it aloud in the younger Perfect’s office. The second one, written a month and a half ago, had simply been titled Where is Luhan? With its speculations of retirement, and decline in popularity, it hadn’t brought much of a laugh to Luhan’s lips.

He had transformed from being in the spotlight every second of every hour, to being whatever he was at the moment, and it hadn’t struck him how quickly the transformation happened until now.

For the first time since the subway attack, Luhan finds The Grand Capital Hall alive once more. Reporters and photographers are grouped together in all directions. Cameras flash in rapid succession as he climbs the steps of the building. He can hear various calls of his name, over the loud noise flashes, and the constant chatter, but he doesn't bother looking into their direction, too busy wondering about the cause for celebration.

Kyungsoo is waiting for him inside the building just as they planned, and the two men head towards the ballroom where President Kim's party was to be held. He stops at the entrance to the ballroom, taking in the side before he has to force himself to put on a polite smile.

"What do you suppose this is for," Luhan asks Kyungsoo, eyes sweeping along the length of the room. He can already spot a few of the company's other entertainers and he's sure he spotted a member of the board only a moment ago.

Kyungsoo grimaces, eyes straying to catch Luhan's. "I think you should let President Kim announce it."

"You know," Luhan accuses, stepping closer to Kyungsoo and frowning at his manager. Of course Kyungsoo knows, whatever the party is for it was obviously in relation to the company, and it made sense that Kyungsoo would know first.

"Just let President Kim explain," Kyungsoo suggests a second time. The last thing Luhan wants to do is wait around for President Kim to approach him, but he nods his head, feeling exasperated and ready to leave. His eyes roam over to the makeshift stage at the edge of the room, grey-carpeted, and hoisting up a glass podium. He can't help the unease that washes over him.

Unlike the last event the ballroom played home to, Luhan feels more welcome. He's amongst his peers, the fellow entertainers and socialites flock to him, treating him like an equal. Even the businessmen that usually ogled him but ignored him when he walked by, greet him.

Despite it all, Luhan never sees President Kim, and it seems that Minseok is missing as well. He knew before even arriving that he wouldn't have much of a chance to talk to the secretary. If Minseok wasn't in the shadows making sure the party he planned went smoothly, then he was steps behind President Kim following him in a way that would remind him of Jongdae and Kris. His eyes narrow as his gaze roam along the room, locking on Kris.

He knew he was being childish, but it still stung when he thought about their fight. Kris hadn't apologized, hadn't sought him out since then, and Luhan knew that it usually went the opposite way. Luhan was supposed to go back to Kris when the anger had simmered, but he couldn't this time around.

The echoing chatter of the ballroom dies down into a soft almost nonexistent murmur. Luhan's eyes follow the gazes of those around him until he's staring at the temporary stage. Beside the gray carpeted stage stands Minseok, eyes trained ahead, and upon the stage stands President Kim.

Luhan begins moving as his company president begins to speak, catching only the tiniest fragment of the words as he sets out on his own personal mission. He grins to himself, near empty glass flute in his hand as he dances around attendee after attendee. He stops when he's right in front of Minseok, bringing the glass to his lips as he stares into blank eyes with a teasing grin.

Minseok meets his gaze and the stoic expression eases into a simple smile, brown eyes losing the glint of obvious boredom. They're still feet apart, but if Luhan reaches out he could probably touch him, and the temptation to stride over and convince Minseok to sneak off with him has him dropping his gaze momentarily to the shining wooden floor.

When he looks up, Minseok's smile has disappeared. His lips move, mouthing silent words, and he gestures towards the stage with a subtle tilt of his head. Luhan looks up at the stage, meeting President Kim's impatient glare, and he steps closer to Minseok.

Minseok grabs Luhan's glass with a whispered, "Good luck," and Luhan steps forward until he's standing on the grey stage beside the company president, a confused smile lingering on his lips.

"Luhan," President Kim says, lips quirked in as close to a smile as he can probably get. "He has been a household name since he was sixteen, and in recent years has become a valuable mentor to the newer entertainers, and an important connection between our entertainment agency and various corporations looking to work with us. I've watched Luhan grow from a young inexperienced model to the powerful businessman he is today, and like a father watching after his son, my heart swells with pride."

Luhan doesn't laugh. His smile broadens and he can feel his face grow warm and he can't tell if it's from forcing himself not to laugh, but he hopes he looks bashful. There has to be press in the crowd, that's the only reasonable explanation behind President Kim's over-the-top speech. The older man turns towards him, slamming a hand on his shoulder, and his smile, his smile is so forced and so ugly that Luhan has to direct his gaze to the man's ear in order to not laugh. He has no idea what's going on, but at the moment he feels equal parts entertained and disgusted.

"It gives me great pleasure to be the one standing beside the boy, the man I see as a son, and to make this announcement." He turns fully to Luhan and the forced smile transforms, the twist of President Kim's lips more reminiscent of the sadistic grin he often graces Luhan with when he's about to announce something he knows will hurt Luhan.

“Nessen’s board of directors and I have finally voted to give you the proper honor you deserve." He turns back to the other guests. "I would like to formally introduce you all to the new Executive Director of Nessen Entertainment."

Luhan gasps, stepping back just as President Kim turns towards him. His instincts are telling him to flee, but before he can truly decide what to do, President Kim has turned to him.

"Congratulations," he says, beckoning Luhan over to stand in front of the podium. Luhan can spot the reporters as he gazes out towards the crowd, but he speaks his thanks and half-hearted promises to the crowd as they cheer for him, clapping rigorously to his words.

President Kim excuses them, and with the hand still on Luhan's shoulder he leads them down the stage, and away from curious eyes, Minseok trailing behind the pair.

"Did you like my present boy," President Kim asks. They're in a dim narrowed corridor, and the older man has finally let go of Luhan in order to cross his arms over his chest.

"I don't understand it," Luhan admits. "Why are you doing this?"

"Why," President Kim repeats. "Are you so stupid to believe I took you in to be a pathetic model for the rest of your days?" He frowns then, stepping closer to Luhan, his voice lowering. "Have things started to click yet, child? Do well and I officially declare to the public your existence as my heir. Screw up and make me lose face," he pauses, head turning to gaze at Minseok, "you will risk more than my wrath."

The threat is whispered, but Luhan hears it and he swallows the growing lump of fear before it can properly lodge itself in his throat. "Why me," he asks.

"Why not," President Kim asks, the wicked smile on his lips stretching wider. "I'm sure that sad excuse of a rebel you called a father would have loved to see this day. From the slums to the heir of one of the biggest companies in this country." He beckons Minseok closer with a simple gesture of his hand and turns back to Luhan patting down the model's suit jacket as if to remove invisible dust. "To think, you could have spent your life a glorified Imperfect, and now we've almost completely removed that disgusting Imperfect taint from you."

"Come along Minseok," President Kim commands, heading back towards the party. "Come to my office first thing Monday morning, and do try to stay out of trouble," he calls over his shoulder to Luhan.

Luhan remains in the same spot even after President Kim and Minseok has left. He feels like nothing more a high-class joke. Every second he thinks back to being on that stage he wonders just how many people were laughing at his expense. The pauper boy, the orphaned child taken from the city‘s slums and a life destined for the Red Light. He was like a fairy tale come to life.

The soft squeak of shoes against the polished floor breaks him from his thoughts, and he turns to watch Kyungsoo and Yixing approach him. "You knew," he accuses, when they are both within earshot.

"I heard rumors," Kyungsoo admits. "I didn't want to get you worked up without anything confirmed."

"I figured it would happen eventually," Yixing says. He throws an arm around Luhan's shoulders in a show of support as Kyungsoo leans against the wall across from them. "These families don't do anything out of the goodness of their own hearts. I figured it was only a matter of time before you were named heir."

"I wish someone would have told me," Luhan mutters. If Luhan thinks about it, becoming heir to Nessen wasn't as farfetched as being adopted by the company's founder, and was the natural order of things unless of course an illegitimate child decided to finally make an appearance.

"What would have changed," Kyungsoo asks.

"I could have left," Luhan replies. He could have fled the city before he became trapped. "I used to think about it a lot, running away from this life."

"Why didn't you," Yixing asks, turning his head and stepping closer to Luhan.

"The good of being here always seemed to outweigh the bad," Luhan admits.

"Isn't it still the same," Yixing asks with a raised eyebrow. "You get a company to own in the future, your apartment, and all the fame you could ever desire."

Luhan leans into Yixing, drawing in a deep breath and releasing it slowly. Yixing wouldn't understand, he was born into this world, he could never see it has the pretty prison it was for Luhan. He was trapped in a world he could never feel at home in, left prisoner to President Kim's desires and whims without any choices of his own.

First update of the New Year!!! Sorry about the wait, December was a pretty business month for me. This is a bit jumpy, but something's been revealed! There will be more talk about Luhan being President Kim's heir and the circumstances surrounding that in the next update.

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going on another hiatus. Sorry guys I just really want to finish up the last chaps before I post again. Will be back in July


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Chapter 45: Hi there.. I just finished reading you entire fic
I actually started reading it on achiveofyourown
And finished reading it here (forgot you said you also had it here in fanfics)
I just want to say this was a real work of art. This can be an actual book. No joke. Its something I would go out and buy
I've actually been going to through a few things and reading your story helped me a lot dealing with my life problems getting an amazing distraction for a little bit and I actually stopped reading for a week or so because I didn't want to finish it.
This story kind of hit me hard in the feels now that's over
I kind of stayed in bed for like an hour thinking of what could have happened once Luhan left like... There was no closure and my heart can't take xiuhan having no happy ending T.T
But anyway I loved the storyline how it takes place in the future (spacy future nerd enthusiast here) And adding the forbidden love of 2 truly different people. It makes me wonder where the rest of the world is... Like is the Perfect Society so closed off they know nothing of the the rest of the world. Which adds to my mini theory where Minseok goes he goes off a different country to see how the world really is and if Luhan does become great ruler hears from Minseok of how the rest of the world is actually functioning...
Okay I rambled off a bit too much with my thoughts but anyway I really enjoyed this story. And it's definitely one of my favorites of all time. If you ever write more story's I'll definitely be on the look out for them
negin_eunhae_ #2
Chapter 44: Ohhhh Im a fan of sad endings myself but I really wanted them to get together for this one! I cant imagine luhan getting married :(
nicolebaozi #3
Chapter 45: Hello! I have actually read your fic a long time ago.....i really love the plot and everything i was even worried if you’d be able to finish the fic despite your hiatus bec it would be too bad if you werent able to since i reallllllly love the fic! And now you did it!!it’s complete! The ending gave me a heartache..even though you may be unsure of making a sequel id still be hopeful that youd make one. Thankyou so much for the VERY wonderful read!im glad that you shipped xiuhan even if we dont get much xiuhan nowadays that ship will always be one of the best and thankyou for contributing to the xiuhan community with your fic<3
qxcqxc #4
AAHH finally its completed!! I'm gonna reread this from the start when I'm free.. Thank you so much author!
exo9977 #5
Chapter 43: Oooh this story is getting good :)
exo9977 #6
Chapter 41: I wonder how minseok is going to feel when luhan is leaving him
exo9977 #7
Chapter 40: Please update fast I want to know the second reason. I bet the second reason is about xiumin.
Chapter 40: No! Omg! I'm trying to figure it out but I'm lost! ugh.... But interesting chapter tho *scratches chin" I keep saying it but it's true poor Lu he can't get a break. Stay strong Lu. Thanks for the update~! ^^
Exofan29 #9
Chapter 39: I wonder where yixing is taking luhan at