Tease Yoo

Yoo and I

Just put up the guys! :*


When the cameraman turned the camera off, the announcer kindly allowed the students to leave, and so Youngjae made a move to get up, blushing and glaring at Daehyun as he pushed back his chair and walked in the direction of the auditorium.

“Yoo,” Daehyun called, but Youngjae huffed and grabbed the handle to the door, his heart beating fast. Youngjae opened the door quickly, Daehyun following behind when he squeaked, Himchan grabbing his arm and pulling him into a tight hug.

“YOU GUYS ALMOST HAD ON LIVESTREAM,” he squealed, and Jongup grinned, winking at Daehyun appreciatively.

Sunhwa stormed up to the two of them, her face dark and pulled into a thin line.

Youngjae flinched.

Oh, I’ve done it, now she’s going to get really mad-

Sunhwa stalked right past Youngjae and stopped short in front of Daehyun.

“YOU MOLESTER,” she said, awfully calm. Youngjae’s mouth dropped open, and Daehyun blinked.





“They won’t-“



“SOMEONE NEEDS TO PROTECT YOUNGJAE FROM A MONSTER.” Sunhwa pointed at Youngjae. The blonde himself just blinked, dumbfounded. Himchan just threw his head back and laughed, where Jongup just smiled.


For the rest of the day, Sunhwa guarded Youngjae, true to her word. If Daehyun went within a 5 foot radius of Youngjae, she would glare at him and hiss, pointing threateningly at him and mouthing ‘keep it in your pants’. Youngjae couldn’t help but giggle when Daehyun sullenly walked away, his mouth pulled into a pout.

Glancing apologetically at the sad retreating back of his boyfriend, he turned to Sunhwa, smiling. “Sunhwa, you don’t really have to-“

“I thought he knew better,” she admonished. “But apparently not.”

Jieun giggled. “Good to see that you’re back, Sunhwa.”

Youngjae tilted his head. “Why is she back?”

“Before she was obsessed,” Jieun tilted her head to the seething red-head that was furiously folding up clothing. “She was the mother of our group. She would literally poke Daehyun and Yongguk’s eyes out when she caught them eyeing up another girl.”

Youngjae gaped. "What?"

Jieun nodded. "Yeah. Especially when Yongguk kept on staring at that African-American girl, muttering how she was 'totally his type'."

Youngjae blinked. "What."

At the end of the day, Youngjae decided to go home and change out of the godforsaken maid costume before he went over to Daehyun’s house to put the final touches on their project, so he looked around and carefully slipped out of the school. Mr. Kim saw him and waved, shouting ‘don’t forget the final project is due tomorrow, Youngjae’. Youngjae bowed respectfully and walked quickly, trying to ignore all the stares and one-ups he was getting as he walked down the street.

After a few minutes, he noticed that someone happened to be walking out the nearby convenience store, humming softly as he straightened his white tie as he casually held the light blue plastic bag with the convenience store logo on it.

Jung Daehyun.

Youngjae walked quickly, hoping that Daehyun wouldn’t notice him.

But of course, Daehyun looked up, his brown eyes going dark as his handsome mouth pulled into a smirk.

“D-daehyun,” Youngjae whimpered, pulling his maid costume down before turning away quickly, his face burning as he thought about the way he teased Daehyun in front of the camera. There was a soft rustling behind him and he turned. Daehyun had started to follow him, his face still set in that infuriatingly y smirk as he sauntered after Youngjae.

Youngjae whimpered and walked faster, not caring now that the dress was too short. He gripped his bag and looked straight ahead, trying to ignore the burning stare on the back of his head as he tried to avoid his boyfriend.

"G-go away," Youngjae feebly said, shuffling faster.

Daehyun smirked stubbornly. "No."




Youngjae giggled and pushed Daehyun down, nuzzling into Daehyun's neck, his eyes already drooping. 

"That was quite a way to spend our first valentine's day, Yoo," Daehyun sounded amused, and he pressed a soft kiss on Youngjae's forehead, smiling when Youngjae blushed, snuggling closer as he hid his face from the other boy. 

Youngjae drifted off to sleep, inhaling Daehyun's warm scent, before the other spoke, sounding amused.

"I hope you don't lose your voice, because we have to perform our year-end projects tomorrow," Daehyun mumbled softly, playing with a few blonde strands of Youngjae's hair. 

Youngjae stiffened.

Well . 


If you didn't understand, they went at it like bunnies because Youngjae is such a little

*fluffy little bunny

I've really got to go because my jetlag is killing me (12 hour difference! crycry ;~;) Click on the link if you want to read the y times ;)

tell me what you think!!

byebye~ <3

Oh yeah, do you guys want to add me on Line?

my username is: pabokoi

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just tell me it's you otherwise I'll get creeped out and shun you

I love you guys!! ;)

Comments and critiques are greatly appreciated!!

Thanks for reading♥♥

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Chapter 19 is up! :D Sorry it took so long!!


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BAPfeel5ogood06 #1
Chapter 23: Author-nim update soon omg it's so adorableeee >v<
Chapter 23: Please update soon!
RealFangirl #3
Chapter 23: omfg love your story(。┰ω┰。)
hyunhun #4
Hallo~ it's been a year since u last updated this story T^T please come back
DevilNextToYou #5
Chapter 23: Please update soon actually can u please update all your stories. I'm deprived T_T
hello author-nim, i just stumbled upon your story and i'm loving it. won't you update? <3
Chapter 9: Awh they're so cute!! And Chan too!
Chapter 23: So I miss you~ And I need you~~~~~
Just, reading all the chaps again because how perfect this is it!
Remembeeeeeer this pls!
Miss this so so so so muuch.
DaeJae_02 #9
Spent like 3 hours reading this and it's worth it! ^^ Yoo and Jung is cute ^^
Chapter 23: Author-nim! Do you know how perfect this is? I didn't even know you updated because of my piling works but deym. This is just the perfect treat for me. Thank you T.T is there a chapter coming soon? :) yes please! Haha year end project. I hope it doesn't just end there. T.T