Plan B?

The One and Only B-Bomb

Minhyuk and Jihae sat on the side of the road near the circus.

Minhyuk broke the silence “We should at least see the show”.

Jihae sighed “I was actually looking forward to this. What were we thinking anyway? That we could just walk on in.”

Minhyuk leaned on his hand. “Guess not”

Jihae was about to speak up when she saw the stranger from the bus. He was walking towards the circus tent. Jihae quickly got up and went after him.

“Hey where are you going?” Minhyuk asked while chasing after her.

Jihae followed the man to the circus and through a crowd.

“Wait!” Minhyuk yelled. But it was too late he already lost her.

Jihae continued to follow the stranger to the back of the circus when she saw him turn into a trailer.

Jihae stepped inside. “Hello?” she called “Anyone home?”

She looked around the room, it was some sort of office filled with merchandise and newspaper clippings about the circus. She looked up and down at the clown statues that filled the room. “Creepy”

"I'm not afraid of you." and she squeezed its nose. “OUCH” the clown yelled.

Jihae jumped back and yelled. The clown statue took off his mask. “What did you do that for?” the clown began to rub his nose.

“Why were you pretending to be a statue?” Jihae was still shocked at this point.

“I thought you were someone else, I was planning on popping out and scaring my business partner. But better yet, what are you doing in my office?” The clown looked angry.

“I’m sorry” Jihae bowed and felt ashamed. “Wait your office?”

“Yeah I own this establishment, well co-own it.”

“So you’re not a clown.”

“Right, see I have work to so if you could jus-”

“I want to join your circus!” jihae spat out. “Well me and my friend”.

“Why didn’t you just say so! What can you do.”

Jihae paused. “Well I can’t necessarily do anything, but I’m willing to learn and my friend can do acrobatics, he’s really good!”

The owner paused. “Alright you’re pretty enough, we’ve been looking for a magician’s assistant and you’ll do just fine.”

Jihae suddenly felt self-conscious. “And my friend?”

“He’s in too, we never have enough acrobatics they keep injuring themselves. Do you think I could meet this friend?”

“Yeah he’s out here I’ll show you!” Jihae lead the man out to the front of the circus. She saw Minhyuk pouting on the curb.

“Minhyuk!” she called to him and he ran up to her.

“Where have you been!”

“Making friends” jihae smiled and Minhyuk looked at her questionably.

The owner walked forward. “So this is him, my new boy wonder”

Jihae nodded. “Minhyuk this is the owner of the circus, who by the way is letting us join.”

Minhyuk suddenly looked happy and began shaking the man’s hand. “Nice to meet you sir, My Name is Minhyuk and this is my friend Jihae which you probably already know.”

“Welcome new friends, Name’s Zico.” Zico pulled away from Minhyuk who was still shaking his hand. “Here at this Circus we go by stage names so the names Minhyuk and Jihae won’t be used anymore.”

Minhyuk smiled at the thought. Jihae asked “Then what’s our stage names?”

“Whatever you want my dear. How about Judi or Doris”

Jihae flinched at the suggestions. “um… I don’t know”

 “How about Minnie?” Zico suggested.

“Minnie huh… Okay I like it.” Minnie agreed.

“And now you Mr.Minhyuk. What should we choose, how bout The Smash, or Rocket Boy?”

“Actually I have a name in mind”

“Let’s hear it my boy, spit it out”


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