"WHAT???" the four girls exclaimed in unison after hearing JJ's unexpected news.


Carli started to panick. "Oh my God. Eotteoke?" She cupped her face with her hands in frustration. "Oh no. . . guys. . . what am I gonna do???"


"You're going to be BUSTED," Mimi said. "We gotta make a plan."


"YEAH I'M THINKING IT RIGHT NOW!. . ." said Carli who started pacing in front of them.She just couldn't calm herself. "There is no way he's finding out about JJ and mine's FRIENDSHIP. It'll ruin the whole plan. . ."


There was a brief moment of silence. They were all thinking for a good plan so they won't be BUSTED. That was when Dani started to talk. "Hey guys. . . what if Carli and JJ would pretend that they're enemies?" she suggested.


The 4 exchanged looks and they were all thinking the same. Their faces lit up especially Carli and JJ.


"THAT IS JUST A BRILLIANT IDEA!" Carli gushed, touching Dani's shoulders frnatically.

Dani was a bit surprised about Carli's reaction. "Ah- okay? I think so," she blinked as she gently swept Carli's hands off her shoulders.


"Okay girls, here's the plan."


Carli then began explaining her bestfriends the things they're supposed to do. How to act perfectly in front of all the students in Kirin High School. Since Minwoo was already studying in their school, they have to pretend, not just to him, but to all the students in their academy that they're already enemies. Because almost everybody in their school knew that these 5 kiddos were inseparable.

They had already made a false situation that resulted into a phony fight and that now, they no longer called each other as BEST of FRIENDS, but MORTAL ENEMIES. They had decided to make that so that if their friend would ask why they suddenly became ENEMIES, then they would only tell the phony reason they had made up.


So their plan went like this: Mimi and Dani were with Carli, while Erci was with JJ.


AFter plotting the plan, Carli then proceeded in reminding JJ the things she's going to do. It would be eaiser to do the REVENGE now because Minwoo unexpectedly transferred in their school.


It was LUNCH TIME, The students were in the canteen to have their meals, while the others were just roaming around, doing whatever they were doing.


Minwoo was sitting ong the Table 11 alone with his ordered meals. He didn't make any friends yet for several reasons:



#3: HE FIND THE TEACHERS BORING (but he understood the discussion).



Well, those were according to him. He was dugging unto his salad when his ALONE time was suddenly DEVASTATED BY A CRAZED LUNATIC WEIRDO.


The slam of a lunch tray on his table made him looked up from his salad, only to find out JJ already spreading her legs under the table and sat opposite him with a GRIN on her face.

"HI!" JJ greeted, grinning.


Minwoo just looked at her, disliking her sudden appearance.


"CAN I SIT HERE?" she asked. What's the use? She's already sitting there.


"No you can't," Minwoo replied honestly with a bit disgust.


JJ laughed. "THANK YOU!"


Minwoo's face grimaced in her weirdness. How lucky I am, aigoo. . . now I'm not only having an IDIOT seatmate, but I'm having my lunch with this weirdo.  . .HE sighed.

He continued his salad as JJ began eating her Jajangmyun.

Breaking the silence, JJ asked, "Why are you here?"


Minwoo shot a disgusted look at her. That's no-brainer, he thought irratatedly.


Without waiting for his answer, JJ added, "Following my tracks, eh?" she teased, only receiving a scoff from the handsome boy in front of her.


"That would never happen," he remarked. "This is what we called the BAD COINCIDENCE."


"Ouch," JJ muttered in a fake pain. "Do you really hate me that much? Look, yesterday was just an accident," she tried to sound serious.


"Oh please let's not talk about it," he drawled.


She rolled her eyes. "Fine." She grabbed the coke beside her meals and took a few sips before saying, "BTW, since you're new here and probably needing someone's help in getting familiar with the place, I'm willing to volunteer as you TOUR GUIDE." She grinned.


"I don't need your help," he said coldly.


"Oh com'on! The school's really huge, and trust me, you need a help." She wiggled her eyebrows, persuading him.


"Let's just say that I need help," he began, making JJ's face lit up. "But I don't need yours," he stated bitterly.


And do you really think that I wanted to help you? Oh com'on, I wouldn't do such a thing to a  person I hardly know, especially to an ARROGANT creature like you! I am just doing this to get closer to you and to have the skateboard in SPORTS-MART! PETTY FELLA! Hmp!


Trying hard to hide what she really felt inside, she still managed to smile and didn't react to what Minwoo said.

They continued with their meals. And then again, JJ broke the silence.

"There are a lot of clubs here that you might found interesting. Any plan? I mean, what club were you 'in' in your previous school?"


"Dance Club," he answered briefly without looking up from his salad.


"Wow," uttered JJ in admiration. It's beacuse she has a thing of admiring guys who know how to dance. "So you love dancing. . . Do you know how to play skateboard??" she asked, very interested to know.


Minwoo paused, then looked at her. "No."


JJ's expression quickly changed in a disappointed look. "How LAME."


"Why you ask?"


"Nothing. I just find skaterboys COOL. And I LIKE SKATERBOYS." She smiled.


"How about guys who dance?" he challenged.


"Hmmm. . . I like them too. But I think I prefer skaterboys. But it would be better if a guy knows BOTH." She shrugged and looked at Minwoo who was now staring at her. Like he's studying her face. Familiarizing it, perhaps. He was staring at her intensely that she started to feel weird. She wanted to ask him if anything's wrong. But she wanted him to say that instead of her. HEr craziness striked again. She was thinking that this was a competition and she should not lose.

So you wanna play let's stare at each other, huh? Ready to lose.

She stared at him too. Their eyes locked. But her stare was different from him. She was staring at him like she wanna kill him. Like he owe her something and that he hasn't still paid yet.

And now it was Minwoo who was feeling weird.

"Anything wrong?" he finally asked, blinking.


HAha! I know you're gonna say that!


JJ's 'I'm-gonna-kill-you' expression slowly replaced by a smirk. "I won," she declared. As if they're really having a competition.


"What you won?" he asked, puzzled.


"I was just thinking that we're having a race in staring at each other and you were the first one who blinked and so I won." She grinned.


He rolled his eyes at her weirdness and reached for his phone on the table. He started typing, and after a few seconds, he glanced at JJ suspiciously, then back at the phone, then at JJ, then at the phone, then to JJ again, then at the phone, and one last look at JJ, and he finally put his phone back on the table.


JJ didn't have any idea why he was doing that.


Minwoo fell back on his seat and folded his arms on his chest. He was studying her again, but this time, a bit of cruelty on his smile was attached on it.


JJ was feeling really awkward. She just couldn't read what's on his mind right now. He was looking at her like he knew something. Something that would ruin the plan. She was starting to feel jittery. Did he already find out her real intention? She reached for her coke and took several sips to make herself quit from being nervous. But it seemed like it didn't work.


Watching her like that made MInwoo to chuckle. There's really something going on, she thought.


That was when he started to speak up. "SO HOW'S CARLI?"



HEY GUYS! sorry i updated late...hehe,, i got lazy for how many weeks... and i just arrived home after roaming around various of malls, did some FUN, and blah blah blah together with my friends instead of attending the class...haha,,, yes, we did skip class...

we usually do that cos we're mischievous students... hehe, demonic right? yeah i know...i just HATE SCHOOL! it's so booring...


anyways,,, so minwoo already know the girl's plan??? haha.... any ideas what he found out and what was he doing when he was using his phone?? hahah,, just type your guess below...hehe...

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Update soon!
I like JJ's attitude. We're the same xD
Such a cute story. Update soon!
jessica_RAmirez13 #3
eehehe please update soon! ^_^
iarese #4
Lol.. Minwoo XD
iarese #5
AHA !. So... I knew this i just skipped the chapter 1 o___O ? .. I get it now so that's why i can't understand the chapter3 XD
iarese #6
LOL XDD . Just started this !. Why? LOL The school ish KILLING MEEEEEEEEEEEEEH :DD . XDD . I laughed at the paper XDDD.
ROFL funny how she's so clumsy~ ^^ good update, your grammar's getting so much better!~ ^^ update soon, if you're not busy~ ^^
jessica_RAmirez13 #8
YAY MINWOO OppA is gonna be a good boy soon!!! ;D O/////O CUTTEE Story!!!
OMG! I really love your story like seriously!!!! Thank you for posting the link to my wall! I don't regret reading this! You are one of the best writers ever! You should update more! I'm dying for more updates! Seriously! Lol....just kidding...I'm not forcing you or anything.......just update if you have enough time. I'll support you 100 %! With love and support, Jamima ^w^ ♥ ~