After the incident that happened in the canteen, I came up with this hypothesis: I think yesterday was the beginning of his miserable days as a punishment for breaking seldom hearts ( but I really don't care if he keeps on breaking hearts). Because everytime we meet, he gets unlucky and in a mess. I know that I purposely wanna keep tracks on him because of the plan, but swear, his 'screwed-up' moments was so out of the plot. It was not my intention to embarrass him. I just wasnted to be close to him. Just that. But it seems like everytime we're near, it's a DISASTER.

Just like what happened to him in the library the next day.


I was walking in the hallway together with Erci that time. We talked some stuffs--- no, I forgot she was the only one talking. And guess what the topic. JINYOUNG. Oh, I'm getting annoyed with her blah blah blahs.


"---I don't know what would be his reaction if he finds out that I was the girl who kept on annoying him last night through text. I'm really curious about it. Should I tell him or not? What if he gets mad? Oh no, I won't let that happen," she cried.


"YOu know what Erci? If he finds out that you were that girl, beats me, he's gonna change his number instantly," I told her. But she didn't hear it cos I said that only in my mind. Ehehhe :)


"Hey," she suddenly called, expression changed. She was looking somewhere in distance. "that's Minwoo, right?" she asked, pointing to where her eyes were set.


Following her gaze, yes it was Minwoo. Even though he was facing back, I could already tell that it was him. "Yeah," I replied.


"Girl you ought to follow him," she suggested.


"Should I?" I hesitated. "I think he's still mad at me for what had happened to him in the canteen yesterday."


"That's not a problem. HE was really mad at you since the day he met you. I'm right, ain't I? Such thick-skinned you were thinking he likes you."


We had a long minute of argumentation and I finally gave in. For the sake of having the skateboard, I would do this.


I followed his tracks up to the school library.

I saw him checking out the English Literatures. So, I followed him there and he didn't know it. He was holding one of the thick and heavy books from the shelf and was scanning its pages. I didn't know that this ARROGANT  and COLD  guy loves reading. Cos in my own opinion, it's really BORING.


Watching what he was doing, I leaned my back on the shelf. Arms crossed over my chest and foot against the shelf. Haha. . . looking cool, eh?

I waited for him to turn back and to know by himself that I was there.

Seems like checking out the literature took him so long. Okay, seriously, why can'y you just take that boring book with you and sat on the library table comf'tably?!




Hmm. . . maybe this guy knows that I'm here and he's just deliberately scanning that darn book so long to make me suffer. I glared at him for that thought.


Thank God! He finally turned around! Well, his eyes were focussed on the book and he still didn't see me having a GREAT POSE.


That was when he snapped close the book and looked to where he was going.

Haha. He was surprised when he saw me. I was smiling at him and was wiggling my eyebrows. "Hello," I greeted.


He rolled his eyes in annoyance perhaps and totally just ignored my by starting to walk away.

But I quickly stopped him by holding his arm. "Wait," I told him.

He didn't stop walking. He just shook my hand away from his arm and proceeded to the next aisle. Now that's just PUNK! Who does he think he is? HE's just NO MINWOo, and yet he's acting so rude and bitter? It doesn't suit him! Grr!

I made tight fists in anger and wasn't aware that I had punched the first book on the shelf that was piled in a 'THE FRONT COVER IS FACING ME" manner.

(hehe... sorry for the hideous paint... i stink in painting... i actually searched a picture in google but i didn't find one that matches the picture in my head.. so i decided to just draw it and it was finished so ugly... )




I heard a loud familiar exclaim from the next aisle, then followed by the loud thuds of 4-5 thick and heavy books.


And then I realized that it was Minwoo who was hit by the books. Whahahha! He deserved it! That's what he gets if he acts arrogant in front of me.


I wasn't sorry for what had happened to him at all. That was still not wnough I could say. But if bad things keeps on happening to him whenver I'm around, then there's no chance of him buying the skateboard for me. If that's so, then I have to make my own RULE. Forget Carli's. She said that I only have to be myself.

But I don't think showing the real me would make Minwoo like me. Cos I bet I'm not his average type of girl. So, I need to find out what is his type. But how?

First, I must be really careful when he's near to avoid accidents. In that way, he won't avoid me.

But , I think he was CURSED.

Because US being NEAR to each other, leads only to one thing, A DISASTER.

This another incident happened two days after the library disaster.


They were in the soccer field for their P.E. Me and Erci purposely went their to watch him. He still looked great with their P.E uniform. It suit him. And his hair was cutely tied in an 'Apple-hair' manner.

Surely the girls were turning red because of him. But i really don't care.


I see Jo kwangmin and Lee Chan Hee (but people call him CHUNJI), two of the CCP guys in K-High. Kwangmin is practically the Campus Varsity's MVP and a lot of girls admire him. But I'm not one of those cos I don't like him.  Sure he's cute, cool and all that cos he plays basketball but he doesn't know how to skate.

I really like guys in skateboard. I found them cool with it. But it doesn't mean that I want all boy memners in the SKATE CLUB to be my BOYFRIENDS. EEW. That's just not gonna happen. I just like them in a sort of way. Cos they look COOL with it. Only that. Nothing else.


While this Chunji guy, well, girls admire him because of his beautiful voice. He's part of the MUSICAL and plays a very BIG ROLE. That's just how IMPORTANT he is. And he's also good in imitating people, animals, whatsoever.

But watching them in the field, I could tell that this PETTY FELLA (Minwoo) doesn't get along well with the Campus Varsity's MVP and the POWERFUL VOICE. They seemed to be disliking Minwoo. And HE deserved it. Who would like an ARROGANT GUY anyway.


Minwoo was such in a good mood at first,

but when he spotted me sitting on the audience area, he suddenly turned annoyed.

But even though I was there, he still played great.


After how many minutes, me and Erci got thirsty. So I decided to buy drinks in the cafeteria. I bought 2 cans of cokes and brought it with me as I walked to the soccer field.

When I reached the field, it so just happened that the soccer ball came rolling toward my spot. I stopped it by stepping on it. Then made a good KICK.

I'm a sporty girl so I probabaly know how to play soccer. And not to mention that I'm a good player. I really did a good kick, but I suddenly heard a LOUD THUD after that.




The voice seemed familiar again. Tracing where the voice came from, I saw Minwoo scratching his temple in pain.

"Oh no," I uttered a low cry as I was watching the poor guy.

NOw how is he gonna like me if the plan is not working smoothly? I'm doomed. Really doomed.


Bu there's another WORSE incident after the SOCCER DISASTER.

It happened the next day after I had accidentally hit him  by the soccer ball. FRIDAY.


"Yah!" I heard Erci called as she saw me in the locker area. I turned to face her. "Did you bring an egg?" she asked.


"What egg?" I was puzzled.


"It's for our PHYSICS, pabo!" She rolled her eyes.


"I didn't know that."


"How would you know? You were sleeping the whole hour."


"Then why are you asking me about that?"


"Just in case you have dreamt about it, duh."


"Do we really have to bring one?"


"Yeah. You can't perform the activity without it. And, we're also tasked to bring a ball. I already have one in my bag. How 'bout you?"


"I brought nothing," I shrugged. "I totally don't care if I'll get an F. I'm used to it."


"You really are so lazy. I think it's time for you to change," she said.


"Not until I'll have the skateboard."


"No matter how many brand-new skateboards you'll have, I think you will never change."


I caught sight an egg  on her hand. I never thought she really did bring one. I snatched it from her.


"YAH!" Be careful! It might break!" she told me.


I throw the egg up in the air and caught it using my hand as soon as it was landing down.


"YAH! YOU'RE GONNA BREAK IT!" she lectured.


"Because I don't have an egg, then you won't have an egg too," I smiled at her then threw the egg behind me. "NOw we're the same!" I declared, grinning.


But her eyes were set somewhere over my shoulder. Shaking her head, she uttered a low cry, "AH-oh. . . you're dead." She looked nervous and worried. I wondered why. DId the egg turn into a monster? That would be unbelievable.

I turned around and was startled of the sight that approached my eyes.

There he was. Standing behind me, few feet away. Hands were clinched into tight fists and nose was flaring in madness. The egg just landed on his forehead and his face was filled with the cracked eggshell and the stinky yellow thingy. Eew. I'M DOOMED! REALLY REALLY DOOMED!!!

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Update soon!
I like JJ's attitude. We're the same xD
Such a cute story. Update soon!
jessica_RAmirez13 #3
eehehe please update soon! ^_^
iarese #4
Lol.. Minwoo XD
iarese #5
AHA !. So... I knew this i just skipped the chapter 1 o___O ? .. I get it now so that's why i can't understand the chapter3 XD
iarese #6
LOL XDD . Just started this !. Why? LOL The school ish KILLING MEEEEEEEEEEEEEH :DD . XDD . I laughed at the paper XDDD.
ROFL funny how she's so clumsy~ ^^ good update, your grammar's getting so much better!~ ^^ update soon, if you're not busy~ ^^
jessica_RAmirez13 #8
YAY MINWOO OppA is gonna be a good boy soon!!! ;D O/////O CUTTEE Story!!!
OMG! I really love your story like seriously!!!! Thank you for posting the link to my wall! I don't regret reading this! You are one of the best writers ever! You should update more! I'm dying for more updates! Seriously! Lol....just kidding...I'm not forcing you or anything.......just update if you have enough time. I'll support you 100 %! With love and support, Jamima ^w^ ♥ ~