Carli laughed a bit after reading it. "Oh JJ," she muttered, shaking her head.

Minwoo scoffed when he had read the text. Could you believe it? Someone's breaking Minwoo's face if he's going to break Carli's heart?

Break my face, huh? he thought, smirking. Well, let's just see.

"Who made that?" he asked.


"My bestfriend." She looked up. "She's really one naughty girl," she said as she folded the printed picture and put it back inside her bag. "But she's fun to be with." She smiled.


Minwoo smiled back at her. "She sure gonna break my face huh?" he joked.


Laughing slightly, Carli replied, "LOL. . .maybe?" Her face suddenly thoughtful and stopped walking. Facing her boyfriend who also stopped, she said,  "But you're not breaking my heart, are you?" Her eyes were worried and was hoping that she'd hear the answer she wanted.


Minwoo hadn't answered it right away. He was a bit surprised at first and stayed silent. When Carli's face grimaced into a frown seeing his expression, he suddenly chuckled. "Of course not. Why would I?"


She made a huge sigh. "Oh, that's a relief."


When they're almost on thier way to his friends , Carli felt a sudden tremor when she saw a group of teenagers at the 'swing' area. They were 5. The 2 were sitting on the swings, and the 3 were standing around them.

The guy who was texting through his phone with his left hand, while his right hand were holding the chain of the swing, spotted Minwoo with his girlfriend coming to them. "Hey guys, it's Minwoo and his girl," L.JOE said, eyes fixed on the cute couple.

Everybody's head swung to where he was looking and even though they're still a few meters far from them, Minwoo's friends could tell that she's really pretty and that she has those big brown eyes that almost looked like the eyes of an anime character. Now, it was really proven that MINWOO was really powerful to get such pretty girls, just like Carli.


Carli was watching his friends across them and they seemed to be all looking at her, laughing, talked some things about her, did some Hi-5s, etc that made her really nervous. Why are they doing that? she thought hopelessly. Do i look HILLARIOUS?


Minwoo glanced at his nervous girlfriend, and chuckled. "Don't get too nervous. They're not BAD GUYS, " he said. This was the first time he saw Carli so nervous, and she looked just too cute that he was enjoying watching her like that.


But why was it that no matter how he told her that 
"Don't worry" , "It's alright" , "They're no bad" , "I'm just right here," the nervousness she was feeling never stopped. Something's really gonna happen today, she thought timidly. Ugh! Why can't this annoying feeling just STOP?! This is killing me.


As soon as they reached the swing area, Minwoo then introduced her to his friends.

"uhh. . . guys, meet my girlfriend." He smiled at her. "Carli," he continued.


The looks they were giving to her was really freaking her out. Their smirks, expressions that says "That? Your girlfriend? What a joke", and the way they surveyed their eyes from her head down to her toe. AWKWARD.

Even though she's feeling terribly uncomfrotable, she still managed to show his friends her sweet smile, bowed, saying, "Annyonghaseyo. Nice to meet you." Now, she has to wait if they'd reply a nice action or greeting, or maybe their expressions would stay the same!

She was quite embarrassed to herself because she was smiling really nice but what she got was just a "Pretty chick you have there,Minwoo," from the guy on the swing, CHANGJO, instead of getting a nice "Hello. Nice to meet you too."


Changjo's comment was really flattering but he sounded like she's Minwoo's brand-new-car. . . like he was trying to say that "Cool new toy you have there, Minwoo."

A TOY. So she didn't like how he said it.


Minwoo made a cocky smile and pulled Carli closer to him with his left arm around her waist. "I know."


"Why chose a pretty girl like here? Don't you have any sympathy?" RIcky, on the other swing, teased.


CArlo's innocent face grimaced into confusion. What 'sympathy'?


"Oh Ricky," Niel drawled. "You're still not used to it?"


Carli remained clueless. But she's starting to sense that something's not right through the loud thud of her heart.


"Okay," L.JOE broke in, getting something in his wallet. Everybody's eyes were fixed on his wallet. Then he pulled some dollars and Carli knew it's A LOT.  "You won, dude," he said, handing the money to Minwoo.


MInwoo looked at the money, then to Carli who was also looking at him with her puppy dog eyes, asking what's happening. But his eyes darted back to the money that was clipped on L.JOE's fingers.

He slid his arm OFF from CArli's waist and reached for the money gently. "I told you guys, I never lose," his words were promising. He looked at his friends and said, "L.JOE had already gave his money-bet. Now it's the turn of you four."


They rolled their eyes and groaned in dislike. But they all pulled money from their wallets. "Here, you CASANOVA," C.A.P said, handing the money to Minwoo.

When they had all gave their money-bet to him, Minwoo stayed on their side, leaving Carli standing in front of them. ALL CLUELESS. Poor Carli.


"Minwoo, what's going on? What was all those money about?" she asked in bewilderment with mixed FEAR.


Minwoo looked at her without any sympathy. "You still don't get it? I thought you're smart," he stated bitterly.


"What?" She was still puzzled. "Just tell me what's going on," she pleaded. "And why do you sound like that? You never talked to me like that." Minwoo didn't say anything yet but her eyes started to get watery.


"Look Carli," he began. "I won. I was very successful in getting you as my girlfriend, and so I got the money-bet. Simply saying, I DON'T LOVE YOU AND THAT I'M JUST PLAYING WITH YOU. Understand?" He raised his brows and smiled.


She shook her head, refusing that she's actually hearing that. "This is a bad joke. Really."


They all laughed. "This is really bad. But this is not a joke. But we're really having FUN," L.JOE stated, then did the Hi-5 with Neil and laughed more.


"Tell me Minwoo you're just kidding," she pleaded, eyes hopefull.


He just shrugged and admitted, "Oops. I'm not."


Hearing Minwoo talking like that squeezed her heart. It's not her BOYFRIEND, seriously. "Why are you like that?"


"I'm sorry to tell you Carli but this is the real me."


"What?" She couldn't believe it.


Minwoo scratched his neck in annoyance. Why can't she just understand it right away?  "You know what? Go home. We're done, okay? I never loved you and I'm just playing with you. I was just lying and it's not my fault you did actually believe every lies i said. And I just brought you here as an evidence that I won the game. And since it's done, your no use of me anymore. CLEAR?!"


So this whole NERVOUS-THINGY and FEARS I fell inside are all about THIS??? DiD i hear it right?


At first, Carli just felt a stab in her heart. But after hearing it all, there was nothing left inside her but the big bold letters


So, after the good things and sweet memories they had together, they would just end up like this? But it'e really hard for her to accept that her sweet and kind boyfriend was a TOTAL LIAR and a JERK. She's not used with his bitter tones.

He told her that he loved her so much and that he'll never left her the way he left those other girls he had before her.

She's VERY STUPID and an UTTER FOOL to believe that he had changed and that he's not playing with her. What's really with this young man that he could hypnotize evry girl?

Her hands  clenched into tight fists as she thought how STUPID she was and how HYPOCRITE her sweet-and-gentle-boyfriend was.

Her jaws tightened and she looked at the guys in front of her with a total anger.

But the young men took joy watching her like that, making the level of her madness rose.


"What? You're gonna cry? You girls are all like that," stated Minwoo.

Of all the heartbreaks he did, Carli's was the cruelest one. He did really show his real, the BAD GUY image, and how bitter he talked. Unlike his other girls. He broke up with them with just a grim face and didn't bitter-talked them.

It's very embarrassing because his friends were there and they all witnessed how he broke up with her. He could just talk to her in private, right? But he chose to publicity humiliate her.


"Cry?" she queried. "Why would I? You're not worth crying for."


"Really?" he said nonchalantly, voice sounded like teasing.




He forwarded his lower lip sarcastically. "Okay."


"Don't you have any plan to go home?" Neil asked.


"She just arrived dude," C.A.P pointed out.


But Carli just ignored them. "Why are you doing this?" she asked Minwoo, glaring at him.


He just simply shrugged, saying, "I'M JUST A KID. . . AND A KID LOVES TO PLAY." Then smirked.



ehehe... Minwoo, ur so bad...pretty girls like Carli doesn't deserve to be hurt...

anyways, did u find it a boring chapter? if so, sorry... i'm not really a good writer and im just trying my best to write a good one.  im just so excited for the meeting of minwoo and jj that i couldnt focus completely...eep! comments are loved... :)

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Update soon!
I like JJ's attitude. We're the same xD
Such a cute story. Update soon!
jessica_RAmirez13 #3
eehehe please update soon! ^_^
iarese #4
Lol.. Minwoo XD
iarese #5
AHA !. So... I knew this i just skipped the chapter 1 o___O ? .. I get it now so that's why i can't understand the chapter3 XD
iarese #6
LOL XDD . Just started this !. Why? LOL The school ish KILLING MEEEEEEEEEEEEEH :DD . XDD . I laughed at the paper XDDD.
ROFL funny how she's so clumsy~ ^^ good update, your grammar's getting so much better!~ ^^ update soon, if you're not busy~ ^^
jessica_RAmirez13 #8
YAY MINWOO OppA is gonna be a good boy soon!!! ;D O/////O CUTTEE Story!!!
OMG! I really love your story like seriously!!!! Thank you for posting the link to my wall! I don't regret reading this! You are one of the best writers ever! You should update more! I'm dying for more updates! Seriously! Lol....just kidding...I'm not forcing you or anything.......just update if you have enough time. I'll support you 100 %! With love and support, Jamima ^w^ ♥ ~