"Wow. Is that him?" Erci asked in a total awe behind the bushes as she pointed the cool and cute guy on the swing. They were hiding behind the bushes since 20 minutes ago and each of them has a telescope that was slung on their  necks, except for JJ. They all had witnessed how handsome this Minwoo guy was and Erci realized something. " HIM IS A GREAT OPPURTUNITY," she said as she was staring at Minwoo in awe across them about 10 meters away.


"Oh here she goes again," Carli drawled, shaking her head.


"I agree with Erci this time," Dani said, also staring at Minwoo.


"He's cute," JJ smiled as her eyes were fixed on the guy who seemed to be looking just around. Probably looking for his new victim.


"But don't go over with his cuteness. It's just a trap." Carli, who was in a JABAWOOKIZ mask, reminded her. She decided to put on a mask on her face, in case of Minwoo might recognize her. That would ruin the whole plan for sure.


"Am I going to sit on that swing next to him?" asked JJ. She was quite curious if he still looked great in close-up and she couldn't wait to be his girlfriend. This whole GAME was pretty interesting and amusing to her.


"Is that what you call the 'UNIQUE' way to get his attention?" Dani questioned.


"Forget about the UNIQUE. What matters most is that for him to notice me."


"if that's what you want, then go."


"Okay." JJ started to make her way to the swing next to Minwoo. But before she could walk away from them, Carli gave her one last reminder.

"Be careful with your words Jay! Just stay cool!" she whispered aloud.


"Got it," replied JJ flatly without looking at her.

She's now heading to the swing and her friends were already feeling the suspense. Could she make it? Will Minwoo notice her?


She was just in a simple attire but she still looked great on it. Her white,long, sleeveless top that formed her great curves was underneath her ped baby blue hoodie that matched her light blue jogging pants and her white sneakers. A light cold breeze blew her long, straight, dirty-brown hair with a blue highlight away from her delicate round face.

Her friends watched her walked. THE WAY SHE WALKED.

"Oh boy, her usual GANGSTER-KID-LIKE walk," Mimi drawled, anxiety was attached in her voice.


"i like the way she walks like that," Erci recited, enjoying the scene. "She looks so FEARLESS."


"FEARLESS you mean who couldn't sleep when the lights are off?" said Dani sarcastically.


Erci didn't mind her. But she gave a respond. "YEah. . . soemthing like that.


Okay. Few more steps to go and then she'll reach the swing. She's getting near. . . near. . . nearer. . . and that's it. She sat on the swing next to Minwoo nonchalantly.

When Minwoo heard a sound from the swing next to him, he coolly averted his head to his right side, only seeing a simple, yet pretty girl sitting on it, which by the way was making the STALKER-LIKE girls behind the bushes to giggle just because of that minor scene.


"Oh my gosh, he looked at her." Mimi giggled, shaking Erci's arm playfully.


JJ knew that he took a look at her, but she just remained nonchalant and smiled inside her mind. Ask my name. Ask my name. Ask my name. She prayed in her head.


Minwoo looked away from her and stood up.


Oh yeah, come to me and ask my name, she smirked.

She glanced at him when he glanced back at her. Their eyes locked for how many seconds.


"Oh my gosh! Thay make contact! They make contact!" Erci giggled, shaking Mimi's shoulders.


Minwoo smiled and made a 'sup?' nod at the same time.


"Whaaa!!! He smiled at her!" Erci squealed.


JJ smiled back at him and he was awed by a pair of deep-dimples that appeared on her pretty face. Haha. .. this is cool, she thought.


Minwoo was the first one who broke the contact by strolling forward, leaving JJ alone.

THAT'S IT???!!!




JJ's lips parted as she watched him walking away from her. That was unexpected. She thought that he's gonna ask for her name and she wasn't expecting that he'll just go away.



Usually, Minwoo come to the park to hunt for his new victim that would entertain him. But this Sunday, he's right on the swing, just sitting and had decided to stop playing with girls for a while since all of them were getting BORING.

He wanted to rest from being in a "RELATIONSHIP" to "SINGLE". He wanted to have fun without any 'ANNOYING' thing clinging to him, more specifically his so-called GIRLFRIENDS.

He's getting tired of them because THEY'RE JUST ALL THE SAME. He's tired of SAVING them when they're in TROUBLE, saying CHEESY words to ease their anger, saying those SAME OLD WORDS whenever he broke up with them, and most of all, he's sick and tired of seeing them CRY!

If he was enjoying all of those things before, now he's already TIRED OF THEM. So he decided to himself to stay single for a couple of weeks. And if he's get tired of being single, then he has to go back to his FANCY GAME  again. That's just how things revolve around him. It's all about getting BORED, and having FUN.


He was looking around the park, as if searching for a pretty girl to be played with. But it dawned upon on him that he's already stopping from his wicked game for a while, so he just looked in space while thinking of the things he's going to do with his single life since he'd be studying in another school tomorrow.

NEW SCHOOL; just thinking about it, he could already picture out those NEW FACES of pretty girls and how his VICIOUS GAME would actually work out, because for sure, none of the students there knew what kind of ego he has. So, he's going to start FRESH. But as what he had decided, CUT THE HEARTBREAK GAME for a while and enjoy his teenage life as a SINGLE.


His thoughts were shrugged away when he heard the swing next to him made a noise. Like somebody just sat on it. He coolly averted his head to his right side, only seeing a pretty girl in white-sleeveless-long-top underneath her baby-blue-ped-hoodie, that perfectly matched her light blue jogging pants and white sneakers. She got this dirty-brown straight long hair with a blue highlight attached on it. Seeing her attire, he could already tell that her favorite color was BLUE. Cool, he thought. But nuh-uh-uh. He's OFF  with getting girls by now.

So, he looked away from her and stood up. He's trying to avoid girls for now as much as possible.

Dang it! Just one look and I'll go right away, he told his mind.


When he looked at her once again, it so just happened that she was looking at him too. Their eyes locked for a long second and he just stared at her almost unreadable eyes. He couldn't easily tell whether she wanted something from him, attracted to him or she wanted him. But one thing's for sure- Damn! She's really pretty!

But he wasn't showing any hint that he was attracted to her somehow.His 'cool mask' was just too ingrained to show off what he really felt inside. Oh he was really cool, that's the usual!

Not to mention she was just his type. WHich he thought that every cute and pretty female was his type, just because they were female.

To stop this whole 'LET'S-STARE-AT-EACH-OTHER' thing, he smiled at her and made  a 'sup?' nod at the same time.

The girl smiled back at him and he was awed by a pair of deep dimples that appeared on her pretty face.

Minwoo smirked in his mind, saying, She wants me.


She's WAY REALLY PRETTY, but unfortunately, he doesn't want her. THat was when he started strolling away from her.



Sweet niblets. You're walking away from me, huh?

JJ glared at the guy irratatedly. That was when she started pushing her feet on the ground, tightened her grip on the chains and SWIIIIINGGGGGG! She gritted her teech as her glares were still on his back view. Whenever the swing swings forward, she stretches her feet and tried to reach his back. BUT FAILED. The farther he gets, the faster and higher she swings. She tried and tried and tried to reach him and kick his back, but she always FAILED.

The plan in her mind was like this: Purposely kick him, and when he falls, she'll say sorry and that she didn't mean to do it. And then they'll start to get to know each other cheekyyes!

What a really brilliant idea that she couldn't even reach him no matter how she tried.


Minwoo could hear the loud thuds on the ground every 2 seconds, the squeak of the swing, and in another every 2 seconds, a strong wind hits his back, making him to stop at his tracks in bewilderment.


"WHAT THE HELL IS SHE DOING?!" Erci demanded as they were watching the speeding swing of JJ. She exerted too much force as she pushed her feet on the ground that resulted of reaching so high from the ground. And she was like crazy stretching her foot as the swing leaned forward, like she was trying to kick Minwoo who was now  standing, which by the way her actual plan.


"She looks just like a VERY HUNGRY PIRANHA trying REAL HARD to get the PREY," Dani added.


Slowly, Minwoo turned his head to see what's the sight behind him since he already know that JJ was swinging like she's having a SWING MARATHON.

As he turned his head back, the angry vison of JJ was the first thing he saw. She was really swinging so hard and he wondered why. When JJ tried to kick him, he quickly flinched a little backward, avoiding the bruises he may get.

Really, what's up with this girl? he thought, weirding.


He looked at her like she was crazy or more than that. He wasn't expecting that this pretty girl was  just SOOO WEIRD. He's now sure to himself that he really doesn't want her. Turning back, he realized that this was the first time he saw a BIZARRE GIRL. Look, if she wanted to get his attention, why should she kick him if she could easily ask his name or some other stuffs? At least, that would make her less BIZARRE.


Minwoo was about to take a step when a really loud thud startled him. And he was SHOCKED when he saw, well. . .thank God, it was still a WHOLE BODY, on the ground in front of him.

But before she fell past over him, of course she SCREAMED "AAAAHHH!!!!" and together with the loud thud was an "OUCH!!" from her.

His eyes widened in surprise. "HOLY JEEZ. . ."



whahhahaha!!! they finally met!!! whaaaaaa!!! JJ, you're sooo crazy!!!

i cant wait to write the next chapter!! eep!!!

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Update soon!
I like JJ's attitude. We're the same xD
Such a cute story. Update soon!
jessica_RAmirez13 #3
eehehe please update soon! ^_^
iarese #4
Lol.. Minwoo XD
iarese #5
AHA !. So... I knew this i just skipped the chapter 1 o___O ? .. I get it now so that's why i can't understand the chapter3 XD
iarese #6
LOL XDD . Just started this !. Why? LOL The school ish KILLING MEEEEEEEEEEEEEH :DD . XDD . I laughed at the paper XDDD.
ROFL funny how she's so clumsy~ ^^ good update, your grammar's getting so much better!~ ^^ update soon, if you're not busy~ ^^
jessica_RAmirez13 #8
YAY MINWOO OppA is gonna be a good boy soon!!! ;D O/////O CUTTEE Story!!!
OMG! I really love your story like seriously!!!! Thank you for posting the link to my wall! I don't regret reading this! You are one of the best writers ever! You should update more! I'm dying for more updates! Seriously! Lol....just kidding...I'm not forcing you or anything.......just update if you have enough time. I'll support you 100 %! With love and support, Jamima ^w^ ♥ ~