"OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! JJ'S DEAD!" Erci cried crazily. "OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! JJ'S DEAD! HUHUHU!!!" Over-reacting.


"She should visit me in my nightmare and tell me if HELL & HEAVEN are really TRUE," stated Mimi, showing no affection about JJ's ULTIMATE-BONE-CRACKING STUNT.


"It's really such a UNIQUE idea, huh," said Dani coolly.


"OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! JJ'S DEAD! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! JJ'S-----AWW!" Before Erci could continue her annoying WHIMPER, Carli hit her stomach to stop her. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! she yelled in exasperation, arms crossed around her stomach.




Erci's expression quickly changed. "Really?" Without waiting for an answer, she added, "Oh what a relief," she sighed. "She still owe me 20 bucks and she have to pay it before she dies." What a GOOD FRIEND.



Minwoo stepped a little closer to the poor JJ, watching if she's still breathing. "Uhh. . ." he began reluctantly. "That was a really cool stunt, huh," he said coolly. "But. . . you gotta need more practice. Cos, the landing wasn't really that good." When the response he got was the remained silence, well, he was starting to feel a really LITTLE TINY BIT of  WORRY. He awkwardly tried to peek at her face. "Uhm. . . so. . . any cracked bones you got there?"  he asked uneasily as he stretched his arm toward her, trying to help. What a nice question you got there Minwoo.


When JJ showed some little 'I'm-dying' movements, Minwoo was relieved. At least she was making a sign that she's still alive.

She tried to get up by pushing her shaking and weak hands against the ground. Her long hair was covering her face as she was doing it. "So far so great. . ." she uneasily began as she accepted Minwoo's hand who was now helping and guiding her to get up. His hands were on her arms. Looking up, she finally had watched his face in close-up and he's really really cute. She unconsciously smiled weakly at him. Then her attention went back to the swing. Her eyes flashed at it and her face suddenly lit up, continuing, "THAT WAS REALLY COOL!!" enthusiastically. "I SHOULD TRY IT AGAIN!!" She giggled as she jogged toward the swing with her usual energy.


Minwoo stood still, surprised. "Cool. . ." he muttered in a blank expression. "No cracked bones. . ." he continued. Then his face contorted like he had seen an unusal thing. "Weird."


JJ was now swinging vigorously with her joyful grin and as as soon as she thew herself up, she yelled "WHEEEE!!!" Her landing this time was different and impressing. She was STANDING! "SWEET NIBLETS! WHY DIDN'T I DISCOVER THIS WHEN I WAS STILL A KID?! WHEEE!!! I LOVE THIS ALREADY!" She ran back to the swing and did the steps to complete the game.

To play like that wasn't part of the plan. It's not her way to get his attention. She was doing it because she was enjoying it. And MINWOO WAS SO OUT OF IT.


"AAAAHHH!!!" she screamed as soon as she threw herself up. But her scream was different this time and also her landing. She screamed like that because she knew she was going to land on Minwoo's place and Minwoo on the other hand didn't have much time to get rid of her because she had already landed on him. Things happened too fast.



Minwoo was lying on the grassy ground and JJ found herself on top of Minwoo's body.

They were in pain. "Aww. . ."

But even though JJ had fell 2 times, the energy she has remained constant. Her right cheek was flattened on Minwoo's chest and she started talking. "Wew. . .I'm over you and I always saw this kind of scene on TV and I couldn't believe that this is actually happening to me right now. This is so cliche, right? You know, on TV, if this happens to a boy and a girl, like us for example, they'll end up together." She could hear the beating of his heart and his body's warm and she liked it. "So, what do you think? Would we end up together?" She chuckled at her own question and Minwoo could feel her vibration.


"WORST. DAY. OF. MY. LIFE. EVER," said Minwoo through gritted teeth, ignoring all JJ's nonsense thoughts.


"Aww. . . that's awful," commented JJ solemnly. As if she really cared. "Today's one of my happiest days because I just discovered a new REAL FUN GAME which I'm going to call the 'SPEED-UP-SWING-THEN-THROW-YOURSELF-UP-IN-THE-AIR-AND-MAKE-A-GREAT-LANDING'-------"


"You think this is a 'GREAT' landing?" he asked in an annoyed tone before she could finish her sentence.


JJ thought for it in a momment. "Yes I think so." She grinned. Landing on someone who 's super duper cute is really a great landing :D


"Oh sweet," he muttered sarcastically.


"It's really fun. You should try it sometimes," she suggested.


"Like hell. . . I'm not immature."


"So what are you? PRE-MATURE?"


"Ha-ha. Funny," he said LAMELY.


JJ laughed slightly.


There was a brief moment of silence. Then Minwoo suddenly said, "Enjoying much with your position, eh?" That was almost sarcastic.


JJ made a soft smile and said "Yeahh" dreamily. She closed her eyes as if she's going to sleep on her soft and bouncy bed. She just felt so. . . . . . .. comfortable on top of him. Not in a dirty way. "I feel warm," she continued. She could feel his stomach and chest move everytime he breath.


"And you're getting heavy," said Minwoo. "Now could you please get OFF from me?!"


Watching them like that, Carli felt a sudden bit of jealousy. She frowned, but her friends couldn't see it cos she was wearing a mask.


"What are they doing?" asked Dani in a disgusted tone.


"Ehehhehe," JJ just giggled stubbornly. She didn't have any plan to change her position, making Minwoo to get sulky.


"Seriously, get away from me or else--"


"-or else what?" she asked coolly.


Minwoo couldn't stand it no more. HE strongly pushed her aside.


"Ouch!" exclaimed JJ after rolling 2 times on the grassy ground. "Hey! That was rude!"


Minwoo just ignored her and got up. He fixed his hoodie and swept the dirts off from his pants using his hands.


"But don't worry. I won't tell my Dad about it." She promised as she stood up and gave him a cheeky-smile. Like who the hell a teenage girl would tell her dad about that tiny thing? I mean, how jouvenille could that be?

She jumped in front of him and outstreched her arm. "By the way, I'm JJ," she intoduced herself, grinning.


Minwoo looked at her hand, then back at her. He doubted if he would shake that small hand of hers after what she had done to him. But anyways, he expected that this would be their first, and hopefully their LAST meeting so he decided to just introduce himself to her since she would look pathetic if he won't shake hands with her. "MINWOO," he briefly introduced himself. No smile was attached on his handsome face.


"Oh nice to meet you," she told him enthusiastically.


"Honestly, it's not really nice to meet you," he frankly said as he pulled his hand away from her smooth and soft hand.


"Ooo." She formed her cute red lips into a small 'O'. And then she's back with her joyful and charming look. "I'll take that as an IRONY." She smiled.






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Update soon!
I like JJ's attitude. We're the same xD
Such a cute story. Update soon!
jessica_RAmirez13 #3
eehehe please update soon! ^_^
iarese #4
Lol.. Minwoo XD
iarese #5
AHA !. So... I knew this i just skipped the chapter 1 o___O ? .. I get it now so that's why i can't understand the chapter3 XD
iarese #6
LOL XDD . Just started this !. Why? LOL The school ish KILLING MEEEEEEEEEEEEEH :DD . XDD . I laughed at the paper XDDD.
ROFL funny how she's so clumsy~ ^^ good update, your grammar's getting so much better!~ ^^ update soon, if you're not busy~ ^^
jessica_RAmirez13 #8
YAY MINWOO OppA is gonna be a good boy soon!!! ;D O/////O CUTTEE Story!!!
OMG! I really love your story like seriously!!!! Thank you for posting the link to my wall! I don't regret reading this! You are one of the best writers ever! You should update more! I'm dying for more updates! Seriously! Lol....just kidding...I'm not forcing you or anything.......just update if you have enough time. I'll support you 100 %! With love and support, Jamima ^w^ ♥ ~