"I don't think so!" JJ exclaimed after hearing Carli's long plea about letting Minwoo to fall IN LOVE with her. She had almost thought it was a joke until she realized Carli wasn't really smiling. "Are you crazy? No way."


"Come on JJ, you're still single and YOU'RE HEART IS NOT YET TAKEN and I know that you don't have any crush in our school, plus, so that you'll know how it feels to have a boyfriend. And it's only for a few weeks," Carli reasoned, putting on a puppy dog expression. "Please?"


"Hey, I like Lawliet, hello?" JJ corrected her with a sulky expression.


"Oh com'on! We all know that he's out of your reach and he's already MARRIED for heaven's sake!" Carli said in exasperation.


"Excuse me but it's Kenichi that was married and not Lawliet," she replied stubbornly.


Carli took a deep breath to control her anger. "Okay fine then! Lawliet isn't married. But he's alredy dead!" She made a smug smile. Let's see if you could still protest with this fact, she said in her mind.


"But I'll be watching DEATH NOTE again and he'll be alive again! Now say what?" She smirked and crossed her arms over her chest.


Carli glared at her for a long second. She doesn't know what's she gonna do with her INSANE friend. She's just so . . . UGH! She groaned in her mind.


"Com'on Jay, act at your age for once! Please," Carli pleaded.


"No, toots come on, be reasonable. He's a complete stranger, who knows he could be some crazed lunatic and I'll be dating him. Besides, I'm kinda enjoying living as a SINGLE." JJ replied, trying to avoid the pleading looks on Carli and not to mention Erci was giving her.


"I am begging you Jay," she said, getting down on her knees. "When we were six, you remember when we were six-year olds don't you? I helped you out when a huge dog was about to bite you. You could be dead that time if the dog had bite you because of its poisonous rabies."


"You didn't purposely help me out. It was not your intention to help me toots. You ran so the dog chase you out, leaving me alive." Jay countered with an indignant expression.


"Who cares? All that matters is that I ran and you were saved."


"But it was not your intention to help. You ran to save your own health and from the danger but guess who was attacked? You." she laughed a bit.


"Look Jay, you said that you're gonna break his face if he'll break my heart. You even printed a picture of me with your text that said 'TO MINWOO'. Now, he broke my heart and you gotta help me."


"What 'printed a picture'? I didn't print a picture of you with a text!" she denied.


"Yeah right. It reads 'She's my bestfriend. If you break her heart, I'll break your face'. Plus there was a 'BOOYAH' attached on it. Nobody says BOOYAH here, except you!"


"Except me? But you just said it just a second ago."


"JAY-J!" Carli whined.


"Or maybe it was Erci. She copied my BOOYAH?" she continued.




There was a long moment of silence. To kill it, Carli turned her attention back to JJ.


"So can you do it? Please, please, please."


"Carli you know I'd do just about anything to help you out, but this is just not gonna happen." JJ declared, trying to look firm and serious about her decision. She knew since she was the youngest, they still thought they could push her around, and it was something JJ was still trying really hard to outgrow.


"JJ. . ." Carli began.


"Uh-oh. No way, no how, not ever."


"Even if I'll tell you that he's rich and he could buy the cool skateboard you like in Sports-Mart?" Carli didn't mean to actually say it. She just blabbered it out and she was glad that she had mentioned it.


JJ's face suddenly delighted and evreybody knew that it's good sign. "YOU'RE ON!" JJ declared.


Evrybody sighed in relief. "Holy geez. I should've said it from the very start. I could have not wasted my saliva begging a million times and arguing with your insanity," she stated with a sigh.


"So what am I gonna do?" asked JJ, excited enough. She couldn't wait to have the skateboard and use it, of course. "When am I gonna start? Tomorrow's best. Where would I see him? Com'on I need to be his girlfriend right away so I could have the skateboard. Somebody might buy it and I don't like it to happen. That skateboard is for me only," she blabbered frantically.


"Don't be too excited Jay. This might not work out," Mimi reminded her.


JJ took a deep breath and grinned. "Okay.

She sat properly and was very eager to listen to them. Carli studied her carefully, thinking for a 'JJ make-over'. But JJ's naturally pretty and that she doesn't have to put those shining lip gloss on her lips, expensive foundations, blush-ons on her face anymore for she already have a fair pinkish-white skin, those rosy cheeks that blushes naturally, and kissable red lips.


"Okay, give me an elegant eye-smile," ordered Carli, testing her friend.


JJ did what she was told. And man, she did have a very innocent look. Now who could resist her charm?

Everybody clapped their hands and was awed by her elegant look. "Wow," muttered Dani as she was clapping.


Carli continued. "Now show me the lady-eyes."


Everybody's eyes were set on JJ, amused about her next look. JJ was about to do it, but it dawned upon on her that she doesn't have any idea about what's 'lady-eyes' was. "What's 'lady-eyes'?" she asked, puzzled.


"Show her Erci," said Mimi.


Erci, with the prettiest eyes among the girls, started batting her natural long lashes all ladylike. Stopping. she returned her gaze to JJ, saying that it's her turn.


JJ then proceeded. But instead of flapping and batting her eyelashes with grace, it turned out that she was just blinking so fast. Evreybody stared at her, weirding. They didn't have any idea what exactly she was imitating. "What are you doing?" Dani asked in bewilderment.


"The 'lady-eyes', duh?"


"Really?" said Dani flatly. "Why is it that you look like crazy?"


And she was surprised. "I do?"


"Ah-huh." Dani nodded.


"Oh what's up with this 'eyes-eyes' thingy anyway? Why can't you just tell me what to do?!" she exclaimed impatiently.


"Wait. One last," said Carli.


"What?!" exclaimed JJ.




But JJ made a fake grin instead. She sure have the PERFECT SMILE  among them because everytime  she smiles, those pretty deep dimples that was hidden on her rosy and soft cheeks show up. Even though she'll not smile and just talk, yawn, or just chew something, her dimples still show up and that's what made her  an UTTER CUTE and TOTALLY ADORABLE. But aside from her cuteness,she could also look like a VICIOUS VAMPIRE. And that only happens whenever she's mad or all sullen or irratated. The stern gaze of her eyes could even scare the kids away. And if ever she rolls her eyes and a person, for example, doesn't know her, he or she would think that she's a snob and a MEAN GIRL. But if she smiles, NOBODY could ever resist her.


"Ahm. . . suggestion," stated Mimi.


"What's it?" asked JJ.


"Could you act, at least, like a girl?" she suggested.


JJ was slightly puzzled. "I always like a girl."


"No you don't."


Carli knew what was inside Mimi's mind. And that's teaching JJ how to act like a poised lady all the time. But that's not it.

"It's okay," said Carli. "Just be yourself," she told JJ.


" 'Be yourself' are you kidding me?!" retorted Erci, disagreeing. "Do you think Minwoo would fall in love with a girl like JJ who sometimes dresses like a BOY  and ACT LIKE A BOY? I think she needed an ACTION make-up."


"No," decide Carli. "Minwoo likes girls who challenges and entertains him." She looked at JJ. "And JJ would fulfill it," she said coolly.


"I agree with Carli," said Dani.


Mimi and Erci remained silent, getting her point.


"So," Carli began. "I'm sure that Minwoo will be in the park again tomorrow to find his another victim. I first met him at the park too and I know that he'll be there tomorrow." She looked at JJ. "Jay, you already know what to do. Just be yourself. And make sure that he's gonna notice you. Bump him or something. . . you know. . . that he will surely get to notice you. But be careful not to mention my name when he's around and especially that we're best of friends. Avoid talking a lot, he'll just get bored. And don't play hard to get  cos if you do, he'll lose an interest of you. But with your situation right now, I know that you're already dying to be his girlfriend. I know you can do this."


"For the sake of the skateboard? Of course I can do this. But 'bumping' him is so cliche. I always saw that on Tv, and i want something new. Any suggestions?" She looked at her friends.


" HIM WOULD BE UNIQUE," Erci suggested, nasty smirk was plastered on her face.


"YUCK!!!" the four exclaimed in disgust.


"EEW! EEW! EEW! What came up into your mind that you thought about ?!" Mimi stated in a total disgust.




"YEAH! I CAN'T IMAGINE JJ MY 'EX'!" Carli blurted out.

Why did she ever mentioned that word 'IMAGINE'? Now there was a long stunned silent among them. They all exchanged looks, and suddenly shook the whole thing OFF!


"GROSS!!! GUYS, CHANGE TOPIC! Do you like SPONGEBOB?" said JJ, trying to jump into another topic from the DISGUSTING one.


"Oh I love Spongebob so much," said Dani, also trying to change the topic.



That night, before going to sleep, Carli was combing her long, straight, brown hair in front of the wall mirror in her room.


"Oh oh oh oh

So much for my happy ending

oh oh oh oh oh oh"


She heard a song playing from the living room and she's sure that it came from Dani's iPhone.

Why did she ever played that song? And of all the song, why the HAPPY ENDING? it only reminds her about Minwoo.


"Let's talk this over

it's not like we're dead

Was it something I did?

Was it something you said?"


"You know what? Go home. We're done, okay? I never loved you and I'm just playing with you."


"Don't leave me hangin'

On a city so dead"


"I was just lying and it's not my fault you did actually believe every lies i said."


"Held up so high

On such a breakable thread"


"I just brought you here as an evidence that I won the game. And now that they all had witnessed it, you're no use of me anymore. Clear?!"


"You were all the things

I thought I knew"


"I'm scared." Carli's voice shivered and her lips were trembling in the dark, cold night somewhere down the road.


"And I thought we could be"


"Come here." Minwoo said as he gently held her hand and pulled her against him.


"You were everything

Everything that I wanted"


Carli felt so safe in Minwoo's arms. She felt warm and so. . .protected.


"We were meant to be

supposed to be

But we lost it"


Carli was sitting on a bench as she was watching the  nice view that surrounded her. That was when somebody's hands covered her eyes that startled her. She held the hands and covered it away from her eyes.

"Yah, miss me much?" It was Minwoo.


"All of the memories so close to me

Just fade away"


Carli watched herself in the mirror. She no longer can control it. A tear finally fell on her soft cheeks. Even though she knew that Minwoo was just playing with her, she felt like she was experiencing a great loss of somebody so special in her heart.


"All this time you were pretending"


"You still don't get it? I thought you're smart," Minwoo stated bitterly.


"So much for my happy ending"


"Why do sound like that? You never talked to me like that." Minwoo didn't say anything yet but her eyes were starting to get watery.


"You've got you're dumb friends"


"Pretty chick you have there, Minwoo."


"I know what they say"


"You won dude," L.JOE said, handing the money to Minwoo.


"They tell you I'm difficult"


"Why chose a pretty girl like her? Don't you have any sympathy?"


"But so are they

But they don't know me

Do they even know you?"


They all laughed. "This is really bad. But this is not a joke. But we're really having fun," L.JOE stated, then did the Hi-5 with NEil and laughed more.


"All the things you hide from me"


"Look Carli," he started. "I won. You became my girlfriend, and so i got the money-bet."


"All the sh*t that you do"




"You were all the things

I thought I knew

ANd I thought we could be


You were everything

Everything that i wanted

We were meant to be

Supposed to be

But we lost it

All of the memories so close to me

Just fade away

All this time you were pretending

SO much for my happy ending


It's nice to know that you were there"


Minwoo fought with the gangsters who were scaring his girlfriend. He punched  them, hit their faces, kick their asses off and used his great skills in HAPIKDO.


"Thanks for acting like you cared"


"Are you okay? HUh? Did they hurt you? Tell me." Minwoo asked concernly and worriedly as he touched Carli's arms.


"And making me feel like I was

the only one"


"Wasup the only girl in my world?" asked Minwoo through the phone.


"It's nice to know we had it all

Thanks for watching as I fall

And making me feel like we were done"




"He was everything

Everyhting that i wanted"


Carli still loved him, she couldn't lie to that. She buried her face around her arms on her cabinet and was sobbing. He was really a good boyfriend. And she still couldn't accept that it was all FAKE. She felt so COMPLETE with him. . .now that they're done. . . she doesn't know who'll complete her day again.


As soon as the song finally ended, her hands turned into tight fists. She couldn't measure how angry she was.




I THINK MINWOO IS A GREAT OPPRTUNITY...whhaha...lol...just kidding! but seriously, it is right?

anyways,,, i cant wait for the next chapter!!! gotta update real soon!!! hope you enjoy reading!

your comments inspire me so,, just click the comment box and voice out what you feel about my fiction...hehe...

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Update soon!
I like JJ's attitude. We're the same xD
Such a cute story. Update soon!
jessica_RAmirez13 #3
eehehe please update soon! ^_^
iarese #4
Lol.. Minwoo XD
iarese #5
AHA !. So... I knew this i just skipped the chapter 1 o___O ? .. I get it now so that's why i can't understand the chapter3 XD
iarese #6
LOL XDD . Just started this !. Why? LOL The school ish KILLING MEEEEEEEEEEEEEH :DD . XDD . I laughed at the paper XDDD.
ROFL funny how she's so clumsy~ ^^ good update, your grammar's getting so much better!~ ^^ update soon, if you're not busy~ ^^
jessica_RAmirez13 #8
YAY MINWOO OppA is gonna be a good boy soon!!! ;D O/////O CUTTEE Story!!!
OMG! I really love your story like seriously!!!! Thank you for posting the link to my wall! I don't regret reading this! You are one of the best writers ever! You should update more! I'm dying for more updates! Seriously! Lol....just kidding...I'm not forcing you or anything.......just update if you have enough time. I'll support you 100 %! With love and support, Jamima ^w^ ♥ ~