That afternoon, Carli walked back home with a revenge already planning inside her mind. She has to hurt him and play games with him to let him feel what she was feeling right now. Embarrass him in front of many people was also part of the plan. And she has to use somebody to make the whole revenge PERFECT.

She doesn't care if he'd play and hurt more girls as long as he'd feel what she had gone through even just once. She now couldn't wait to discuss the whole plan with her bestfriends.


As soon as she reached their house, she immediately opened the gate, then the main door, and saw JJ squatting on their sofa in the living room. She was watching the DEATH NOTE again. She had already watched it like a hundred times but still she hated it to see it ends. A bowl of popcorn was resting on her lap as her eyes were fixed only on the TV screen.


Carli threw her bag on the table and banged her on the sofa where JJ was squatting.


"So how did it go?" asked JJ without looking away from the TV screen.


"BULLCRAP," replied Carli furiously and crossed her arms over her chest at the same time.


JJ was too focussed on the movie to mind anything else. So obviously, she didn't pay any attention when Carli answered her. "Oh I'm so happy for you," she commented even though she didn't hear what Carli had said, that resulted into receiving a puzzled-daggers from Carli. What kind of bestfriend was she to say she's happy after knowing that the DATE was all BULLCRAP?


"What?" asked Carli, trying to make everything clear.


JJ just nodded several times while uttering "Yeahhh" absent-mindedly, eyes still on TV.


Carli rolled her eyes after seeing that the girl beside her wasn't listening to her. "Oh Geez," she muttered as she reached for the remote control on the table and turned the TV OFF.


JJ didn't expext that coming. AS a reaction, she quickly averted her head to the other side to look at her friend. "Why did you turn it off?!" she snapped.


Carli looked amazed in a sarcastic way. "Oh, so effective. You finally noticed me!" she said, grinning, almost sarcastic.


"WHY?!" asked JJ, pointing the turned-off TV.


"Oh com'on JAY! Stop turtoring the tape! It might not work later on if you keep on playing it."


JJ then turned nonchalant. "It's okay. I still have 20 original copies that weren't played yet so it's alright if your tape won't work anymore."


Carli gasped a bit, then glared at her. "HOw dare you," she bit out.


JJ stuffed a handful of popcorn in .


"ANyways," added Carli with a sigh. "Where are the other 3?" she asked as she looked around the house.


"Irn the kirtchern," replied JJ between mouthfuls of popcorn.


Carli then stood up and walked  towards the kitchen. JJ took a peek if she's totally inside, and when she really was, she immediatelt turned back the TV ON and continued watching the DEATH NOTE.



"I hope that he'd accept me," stated Erci before putting a piece of KISSABLES in .


"Accept what?" asked DAni.


"In FB my dear," answered Erci. "I was all up watching his photos a while ago and he's so dangin' cute." She giggled.


"Hell yeah," Mimi chuckled. "You can no longer be called as an ADMIRER anymore cos you turned out into an OBSESS STALKER. It's even close to impossible that he'd accept you because I bet that he had already familiarize your face and that you're the ANNOYING 'JINYOUNG-CALLER' in school." She laughed together with Dani.


"Why is Erci so obsess?" sang Dani.


"Jinyoung can buy her happiness" continued Mimi and did the Hi-5 with Dani.



Carli's voice interrupted their laughter. They all swung their heads only seeing Carli already pulling a chair under the table and sat on it, facing them.


"How did the DATE go, darling?" Mimi questioned.




The 3 exchanged looks, sensing that something bad happened to her, and then looked back at Carli thoughtfully. "Why?" asked Dani solemnly.


Carli started explaining to them what had happened; how angry she was, how MINWOO embarrassed her, and hoe STUPID she was. She told her friend everything and her friends pitied her so much.


"Revenge?" Mimi echoed. "You're on Carli," she decided, voice courageous. "That MINWOO boy needs to be taught a lesson, and we're with you."


Carli sent her a silent 'thank you' through her big brown eyes.


"So what's the plan you got there?" asked DAni.


Carli darted her gaze to Erci, and Erci knew that that kind of look was not a good sign. "Erci, you need to make Minwoo fall IN LOVE with you. Make him so OBSESS with you if possible."


"And break his heart in the most vicious and cruelest way as possible and embarrass him too?" added Erci, totally getting what's running inside Carli's mind.


Carli was glad that Erci totally got her idea. "Yes! That's exactly my plan!" she blurted out gleefully.


"Hmmm. . . let me think about it," she said, touching her chin, and Carli was looking at her with HOPEFUL EYES.

"Absolutely not," Erci announced firmly. She shook her head at her friend, who was in turn flashing her a pleading look. "No way Carli."


"Why not? Come on, as a favour to your BROKEN-HEARTED PITY LITTLE BESTFRIEND HERE? And you're SINGLE in the moment I know!"


"Yes I'm still SINGLE but my heart is already TAKEN," stated Erci, looking in space and thought about Jinyoung.


"Mi? Dan?" Carli asked, turning hopefully to the other two.


"No," Mimi and Dani both firmly responded.


"Why not?" Carli said, almost whining.


"Several reasons," DAni replied, as she began counting them off on her fingers. "One we have boyfriends, two it's a stupid idea and three it will never work."


"It's for a couple of weeks guys." Carli countered, flashing Dani a begging look which she hoped would work.


"No," Dani stated stubbornnly.


"Look, I'm hurt and I was embarrassed and I need to teach him a lesson. I need to let him feel what I feel right now. I thought you're with me."


"Carli count with me, Erci said. "Erci, Dani and Mimi. How many does that make?"


"Three," Carli responded, slightly puzzled.


"OKay, hence three people, three 'NOs', no STUPID PLAN."


"But what about you? You're still single and you're so pretty, you're the PREFECT GILR." Carli suggested hopefully.


"Oh that's really flattering but I like Jinyoung so much," Erci replied.


"Even just a few days?" Carli persisted.


"CARLI!" the 3 exclaimed at once.


"Okay, okay. But this poor girl is not just gonna cry and sulk in her room. I really need to REVENGE."


Mimi looked at her with sympathy. "If only I'm single, I'd do it without any hesitation. But I already have a BARO," she said seriously and thoughtfully.


"Wait, there's still a certain young member of our group, who recently doesn't have any boyfriend since birth who hasn't been asked yet." Erci grinned, after realising she could help Carli and this revenge out.


"You mean. . ." Carli began knowingly.


There was a sudden footsteps on the floor. They could all hear JJ's unmistakable voice make its way through the kitchen, as Carli gave Erci and Dani a hopeful grin. JJ suddenly stepped into the kitchen, calling out a general greeting to evryone before heading to the fridge to raid it.


All four looked at each other, then over at JJ who was leaning into the fridge, trying hard to find something to eat.


Dani, Erci and Mimi motioned for Carli to ask JJ what she had asked them, while Carli looked a bit hesitant. I got no choice, she thought almost irratatedly.


"Hey guys. . . whoa, what Carli?" JJ said as she looked up from the fridge and found Carli's hopeful face barely a few inches from her.


"Take a seat JJ. I got a preposition for you."



ehehehe...hey toots!  JJ and Minwoo's meeting is getting nearer and nearer... cant wait to write it! booyah!

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Update soon!
I like JJ's attitude. We're the same xD
Such a cute story. Update soon!
jessica_RAmirez13 #3
eehehe please update soon! ^_^
iarese #4
Lol.. Minwoo XD
iarese #5
AHA !. So... I knew this i just skipped the chapter 1 o___O ? .. I get it now so that's why i can't understand the chapter3 XD
iarese #6
LOL XDD . Just started this !. Why? LOL The school ish KILLING MEEEEEEEEEEEEEH :DD . XDD . I laughed at the paper XDDD.
ROFL funny how she's so clumsy~ ^^ good update, your grammar's getting so much better!~ ^^ update soon, if you're not busy~ ^^
jessica_RAmirez13 #8
YAY MINWOO OppA is gonna be a good boy soon!!! ;D O/////O CUTTEE Story!!!
OMG! I really love your story like seriously!!!! Thank you for posting the link to my wall! I don't regret reading this! You are one of the best writers ever! You should update more! I'm dying for more updates! Seriously! Lol....just kidding...I'm not forcing you or anything.......just update if you have enough time. I'll support you 100 %! With love and support, Jamima ^w^ ♥ ~