
Her Whisper

The asistant knock on the door, "Come in" she heard the boss voice. "Sir, the files that you had ask me to sort out" he nod and point to side of the desk to keep. "Um- excuse me sir" she try to get his attention, Baekhyun look up to find his assitant hesitated to say something. "Yes" he divert his attention from the laptop.

"Sir, I found this in your old room, I felt the need to ask you whether to throw it or not?" the assistant courageously said. He saw the "sketchbook" in her hand. He had moved his office to the renovated one but he never knew he would still have her "sketchbook". The asistant regreted to brought up about the sketchkbook, she should have throw it away without asking to her boss. She knew that the sketchbook belongs to the boss first wife, the person her boss hated the most. Everyone who work under Baekhyun knew that there'll be a consequence they need to face whenever they brought up about Hyoan. She shake terribly under her boss gaze, praying inside not to get fired.

The "sketchbook" had trigger him very badly there is no doubt, throwing tantrum sounds good at the moment but he had promised himself to not to led her invade his mind again, he already let her go the moment he sold the house, did he really let her go? That's not the question for him to ponder about. "Just keep it here" making the trembling asistant to breath in relive.

Joongki sit across on the couch where Sora was made to lay down. "Are yov feeling okay" he immediately when the girl started to gain her conscious. "Where am I?" the first question she ask inspite of her aching body. "You are in my house miss, I'm very sorry for the accident earlier" Sora found a handsome young man sitting across her. Unknowingly she was allured by him, then she realise her surrounding, finding a familliar room instead. Her mind can recall it as the house of her of sister, making her cringed.

"Miss are you feeling alright?" second time Joongki has asked the question. He snap his finger, gosh! How much he hated it, taking care of other is unlike him, it's not like he need to anyway. No doubt the girl seated in front is facinated of him and he wasn't surprise at all probably the its like the daily thing of girl ogling over him. That's why he ran away from the city but sigh again to find a new fangirl of his, which he thought. Dealing with those girl was a pain in , feeling the need to make sure the victim was alright, by taking care, yeah he did clean the scratch on the victim's elbow and paste the bandaid, to avoid unwanted situation in future.

"I'll be leaving now, thankyou" regaining her composure Sora turn to her tough girl side. She stand up bowing to Joongki. "Wow she is rude!" he thought scoffing. "I'm fine if that's what you want to know" she answered, the place make her blood boil, she didn't meant to be rude but place has influence over her mood to ruin and turn bitter. Joongki swear it would be the last time he would ever going to take care of other. What's the point when the person doesn't know how to appreciate your effort. "She looks beautiful though"

"Dear do you remember how she cried when she wasn't able to sit on the chair" a muffled laugh followed. "I miss her" the lady's eyes saddened, the old man sigh and close the album abruptly. "As much as I want to hate her I can't bring my self to do so" "Yeobo, did she really forget us?" the lady can't help but cry aloud. "Time for your medicine" the later ignore the question, he himself was eager to know the answer. "Hyoanie did you forget your appa and eomma?" he take a glance at the family portrait drawn by his youngest daughter.

Hyoan didn't like Joongki, he might help help her sister or so but then again his driver was responsible for the accident and one major point of her dislike is because now he own her house. Joongki was in the kitchen pouring himself a drink, his gaze fall on the reflection of a girl on the refrigerator. Hyoan was standing beside him, glaring and cursing him for owning her house. She could see Joongki stiff figure as if he had seen a ghost, she wanted to laugh at him when he turn around to face her. A girl, messy hair with pale skin, came into his view, then soon the sound escape from his mouth was "AAH~"

"Why is it so hard to remove you out of my life?" Baekhyun said eying the sketchbook, more like he was reffering to his heart than life.

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Her Whisper new chapter tomorrow~


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wonderdream #1
Chapter 18: An interesting story that make me curious of the ending.. Keep it up:)
bjonas84 #2
Chapter 18: Wow this is really a beautiful story... i like it so much..... can't wait.. please update soon.. thank you
Kpop_the_best_ #3
Chapter 14: Your life wouldn't be the same it you didn't meet Hyoan first. Anyways, that Haemi girl is no good. Hopefully he will see that soon.
Yoe_chan #4
Chapter 12: Aishh... me too author-nim
Too busy with my new life.. too many work to do coz i have to live alone...
Yoe_chan #5
Chapter 10: Joongki...
I like youuu...
No... I love you... Thanks to let her stay...
Kpop_the_best_ #6
Chapter 10: Thanks for the update!! Yay! He let her stay! I wonder what happened when she was still alive.
Yoe_chan #7
Chapter 9: I knew it's her...
I knew it....
Joongki please don't be afraid....
She won't bite you
Kpop_the_best_ #8
Chapter 9: Oh my gosh! Did Haemi kill Hyoan or hire someone to kill her? This is getting more interesting. Update soon please.
Yoe_chan #9
Chapter 8: Poor joongki...
Hahaha XD...
I really want to see his face..
Byun_lirso #10
looking for next chapter author nim