
Her Whisper

15 minutes passed, Hyoan sits beside Joongki quietly, and weary of waiting for the driver she let a sigh. Apparently Joongki had informed her that his driver will take him to the wedding. Prior when he agreed to let he come with him, she got so ecstatic that she walk through the door and sit inside his car, in a while to be found out he wasn’t going to drive  utterly ruining her excitement.


She switches her stare from the boring TV to Joongki.

Showoff she huffed, “He’s good looking” she examine his side features “-but no one can beat Baekhyun Oppa!” she smile at thought of Baekhyun.


Beep Joongki stood up abruptly startling her little.


“Let’s go” he said.

Hearing his statement, died excitement rose again, Hyoan fixed her hair and brush dress lightly feeling self conscious suddenly. Two years she has isolated herself from the world, afraid to leave the house. There’s little hope in a corner of her heart that Baekhyun would come back one day. That one day could be today or tomorrow, she can’t miss her chance to see him. 


And now the house wasn’t anymore her property she can freely explore the world.  


“Women characters never change whether they are alive or dead” Joongki restrain himself from telling her that no one can see her. But he prefers to mind his own business, beside she’s a ghost, and he felt the need to maintain a safer distance with her.


With her ability to passing through anything Hyoan could have reach the destiny faster than the car that she is seated in with Joongki. But she want to feel again, human feeling.


“Ahem” Joongki look at her


“Please open the window for me” she gives him a awkwardly smile, Joongki gave her a long stare and look away


Adjusting her hair again, she looks at him again. Why did he glare at me? She wonders and then it hit her


“Don’t talk to me in public”


Hyoan hit her head and mentally scolded herself; she stuck her head through the closed tinted window and enjoys the surrounding. Seoul has changed a lot indeed.


“Wow”, “haha”, “woo” 

“Sir is something bothering you” the driver notice the frown on Joongki face.


“No” he gives him a small smile to show that he’s alright. He turns his gaze to the window “women…” shaking his head. Hyoan voice was very annoying but amusing him at the same time.


Joongki feel his energy drained at an instant, he feels like he is looking after a kid. Hyoan will follow him one second and the next he would find him admiring something on the wedding hall. Eventually he let her wonder off somewhere. It’s not my concern with that thought he went to greet the bride.


Country girl, that’s exactly how she feel now looking at the new technology, fashion and lots of things to talk about, two years of isolating herself from the world make her feel completely being in a new world.


She was so occupied in exploring the wedding hall that she didn’t realize that the wedding has started. The music in the background played, everyone was seated in their places, and she stood in front of the aisle waiting for the bride. 

The bride enter with her amazing gown “Lee Seulbi” she exclaimed, clumping feeling embarrass, Joongki just shook his head. Hyoan couldn’t contain her feeling of happiness she is attending her friend wedding. Quickly recovering from the embarrassment she quietly observed the wedding happening in front of her, her friend walk on the aisle. “Your husband is handsome” Hyoan shout out when her friend walk in front of her. Seated across of Hyoan was Baekhyun, clapping her hand for the bride, the wedding make both of them to recall their wedding.  

Baekhyun notice a certain person among the cheering guest. Mixed feeling stir in his heart, he went out of the hall to refresh his mind. Haemi just look astonished by his sudden act.


Sora collected her money for the flower, she was on her way back to work when she bump onto someone. Sora bowed to apologies, she heard the person scowling at her. Luck doesn’t seem to be on his side that day, he bump onto Sora.


 “Enjoying your work” he gave her a smirk. Byun Baekhyun, her ex-brother in law, she notice him at once. 


“Thanks to you I got myself a better job” she grits her teeth and glare at him. Sora wanted to give him a hard punch but refrain herself she didn’t want to create any turmoil.


“Oppa” suddenly Haemi came into the picture. 


“Hello Sora unnie” she greet Sora.

“Oh Baekhyun you are here I wa-” Joongki stop talking, feeling the great pressure of air surrounding around them. Joongki was waiting for the day to personally talk to Baekhyun about the ghost residing in his house. 


“Let’s go” grabbing Haemi hand he walk away before nodding to Joongki acknowledging his presence.



“How are you Seulbi?” she stands beside her friend and talk to her. “Congratulation” Hyoan glance at her friend smiling, her eyes got teary all of sudden, “I wish you happy married life”. She feels the need to look for Joongki and while doing so she caught a glimpse of Baekhyun but when she follows him he was gone as if vanishing in thin air…


“He’s back” Hyoan fall on the floor, with teary eyes she search for his presence again “Oppa is back” she smile.


AN: I apologise for late update, I was busy with my exam. Thankyou very much for subscribing and commenting on "Her Whisper". 감사합니다  ^_^



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Her Whisper new chapter tomorrow~


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wonderdream #1
Chapter 18: An interesting story that make me curious of the ending.. Keep it up:)
bjonas84 #2
Chapter 18: Wow this is really a beautiful story... i like it so much..... can't wait.. please update soon.. thank you
Kpop_the_best_ #3
Chapter 14: Your life wouldn't be the same it you didn't meet Hyoan first. Anyways, that Haemi girl is no good. Hopefully he will see that soon.
Yoe_chan #4
Chapter 12: Aishh... me too author-nim
Too busy with my new life.. too many work to do coz i have to live alone...
Yoe_chan #5
Chapter 10: Joongki...
I like youuu...
No... I love you... Thanks to let her stay...
Kpop_the_best_ #6
Chapter 10: Thanks for the update!! Yay! He let her stay! I wonder what happened when she was still alive.
Yoe_chan #7
Chapter 9: I knew it's her...
I knew it....
Joongki please don't be afraid....
She won't bite you
Kpop_the_best_ #8
Chapter 9: Oh my gosh! Did Haemi kill Hyoan or hire someone to kill her? This is getting more interesting. Update soon please.
Yoe_chan #9
Chapter 8: Poor joongki...
Hahaha XD...
I really want to see his face..
Byun_lirso #10
looking for next chapter author nim