
Her Whisper

Joongki safely send the priest, his questions earlier make Joongki to remind him of the past. He let a low chuckle, he must be insane to let the ghost stay with him, it's crazy. His own situation amuse him. The grief of leaving the house, home, you've been living for years, he knew it very well.


It happen back then, when Joongki was around 12 years. His family was categories in middle class, not filthy rich like the present. His life filled with happiness by small things but suddenly financial conditions broke. They don't have enough money to even feed themselves with one time meal. In order to support his family, Joongki father took loan with their house as security.

He remember his mother cries, begging for mercy, when his father fail to pay back and were forced to leave the house.

That's the reason why he let her stay and other reason would be his heart is too kind hearted which explain why he can't take over the company.

Joongki smack himself lightly; can't risk to injure his face, for his actions. Thanks to his acting skill he managed to act as tough yet cool business man. He reach his house, getting out from his car he wonder how to behave, it was very awkward for him. Typing his password he open the door slightly to scan for the ghost presence, very awkward, his fast beating heart shows his fear towards the ghost but who cares. The ghost was nowhere to be found, relive, he went upstairs to his room to have hia golden sleep. Yeah! golden, that's how much precious his sleep is to him.


Byun residents




Baekhyun dress in his night dress was typing on his laptop, he was waiting for Haemi. The sound of shower stop, after a minute Haemi emerge from the bathroom. She dry her hair, when she was keeping her things in the closet, the wedding card fall from her bag. Baekhyun, who had his eyes on Haemi saw the card. He took the card before Haemi could snatch it.


"Seulbi wedding" he reads the name, damn! Haemi curse in her mind.

"umm" she half heartedly smile "she strictly commanded us to be in her wedding".

"When is the wedding?" 

"Coming Friday" she wish Baekhyun to have some important meeting or work.

"Good! I'm free that day" her smile fail but quickly recover it

"Let's sleep now, I'm tired" Baekhyun peck on her lips and mutter goodnight, Haemi get under the sheet beside him, "this is not good" she thought, she don't want to go to the wedding and was hiding the card form him, she knew Baekhyun will go to the wedding if he came to know about it considering the fact that Seulbi is his good friend but things didn't went to her wish.

A box of bone soup in her hand, Sora pay a visit to her parents. After the third ring her father open the door

"Sora-ah!" Her father give a bone breaking hug

"Father I miss you" Sora said. Both went inside and get seated in the couch. The house was very small as compare to the mansion they used to live in. Sora her ache, her father push the wheelchair and bring her mother to the sitting room. Sora, feel bad looking at her paralysed mother. She run to her and hug her. 

"I miss you" Her mother give her smile

"Look I brought bone soup for you mom" Sora held the package, Sora talk about her work and all sorts of things she wanted to share with her parents. For lunch Sora cook the food. The family have their sweet little moment after many years, missing a spot for the youngest daughter. 

The youngest daughter, Hyoan, on the hand was bored in the house,  her sister has closed shop.

 Hyoan too feel awkward around Joongki, she was very thankful to him, which reminds her she didn't thank him for his kindness. She saw Joongki coming down from the stairs. This is It, she stood infront of him, Joongki stop in his track and stare at the ghost


"Umm... thankyou for letting me stay here" Hyoan give a bow. 

" It's okay I guess"

"I can’t believe I'm making a conversation again" pausing Hyoan smile, the awkward atmosphere vanished, Joongki feel pity fir the ghost, looking at her genuine smile. It make him to stay and question about the ghost but he was going to be late for the office. 

"umm...I need to go now ... bye!" Joongki smile and walk away.


Days passed and the day of the wedding came, Joongki got invited too. Hyoan and Joongki were unable to talk with each other, due to Joongki busy schedule, he wanted to be free for the wedding so that he could meet his old friends. Both were curious about each other life and of course the name. When stranger meet name would be the first thing they first ask, it is because the awkward feeling, both fail to do so. 


Friday evening


Hyoan observe Joongki turn out, he was dressed up unlike everyday. Curiosity took over her and she ask him

"Are you going to a party" Hyoan bit her lips realising her formal tone

"Umm, I'm going to a wedding of my friend" Joongki answer

"May I come with you" Hyoan ask adding "Please " in the end

"People might see you" Joongki said.

" No one can see me, except you, I wonder why?" Hyoan sigh. 

Ghost are supposed to be invisible to everyone how come he can see her. 

"Please! I promise I won't cause any problems, beside it's been two years since I've went outside" it did it again, Joongki feel pity and agree. Surprisingly, he didn鈥檛 act tough to her, maybe because she isn't a human. 


" Hurry up honey!" Baekhyun call for Haemi again

"We are going to be late for the wedding" Haemi took a heavy step to the car, she wasn't willing to go to the wedding. She could see the enthusiasm in Baekhyun. She enter the car and the couple drove to the wedding destination. 


" Yeah! no problem, your order will reach in 30 minutes sir" Sora end the call,  she tell her assistant to arrange flower for delivery as there is a shortage in a wedding hall, little they know that everyone were heading to the same destination...


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Her Whisper new chapter tomorrow~


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wonderdream #1
Chapter 18: An interesting story that make me curious of the ending.. Keep it up:)
bjonas84 #2
Chapter 18: Wow this is really a beautiful story... i like it so much..... can't wait.. please update soon.. thank you
Kpop_the_best_ #3
Chapter 14: Your life wouldn't be the same it you didn't meet Hyoan first. Anyways, that Haemi girl is no good. Hopefully he will see that soon.
Yoe_chan #4
Chapter 12: Aishh... me too author-nim
Too busy with my new life.. too many work to do coz i have to live alone...
Yoe_chan #5
Chapter 10: Joongki...
I like youuu...
No... I love you... Thanks to let her stay...
Kpop_the_best_ #6
Chapter 10: Thanks for the update!! Yay! He let her stay! I wonder what happened when she was still alive.
Yoe_chan #7
Chapter 9: I knew it's her...
I knew it....
Joongki please don't be afraid....
She won't bite you
Kpop_the_best_ #8
Chapter 9: Oh my gosh! Did Haemi kill Hyoan or hire someone to kill her? This is getting more interesting. Update soon please.
Yoe_chan #9
Chapter 8: Poor joongki...
Hahaha XD...
I really want to see his face..
Byun_lirso #10
looking for next chapter author nim