Chapter 7

I Think I'm Ugly

“Well well well. Who else if it’s not Jung Hyori,” she spoke out.

It’s Stella Kim. The girl who made my life a living hell for two years at the academy. As far as I know, she’s no longer dating Siwon but what is she doing here? Are they back together?

“I see you still have feelings for him, eh?” she asked me and pointed at the bouquet of flowers in my hand.

“Didn’t I tell you to give it up already?” she asked me again with that smirk that I’d be glad to wipe off her face.


“Oh my. Siwon seonbae (senior) is going out with Stella from our vocal class,” my friend, Hyemi told me. I choked on the donut I was eating when I heard it. She patted my back and apologised.

Siwon is the most famous student at the Art Academy. Not only he’s known for being the best-looking guy, he’s also known to be the richest student there.

Stella Kim is also famous for her pretty looks and wealth. Rumours said that she got into the Academy because her uncle was the chairman. No one was skeptical about it though because she’s not really a good singer.

“Really?” I asked her while wiping the donut icing off my lips.

“Yes,” she replied. She looked at me with a pity in her eyes. “I’m so sorry to break it out to you...”

“Nah. It’s okay,” I assured her, “They’re perfect together and besides, I think I’m more towards the juniors now,” I lied.

“Oh right! The new batch that came in yesterday has quite a number of good looking guys!” Hyemi giggled.

“Don’t think that you’d stand a chance to win their hearts either, losers.”

We looked up to the owner of the voice and saw Stella and her ladies. She was smirking at me.

“Siwon’s mine now, what are you going to do about it?” she asked me. “He’ll never be attracted to ugly girls like you, no guys will.”

She was about to continue her mocking when she saw Siwon walking up to her.

“Hey babe,” Siwon greeted her and hugged her from behind. “What are you doing here?”

“Oh oppa. I’m just talking to my classmates about our training session,” she smiled sweetly at him as if she’s innocent as a baby.

“I see,” he released her from his embrace and looked at us. I bowed to him and he smiled and bowed back. “Well, I’m hungry so let’s go get something to eat.”

Stella took his hand and held it tightly as if I’d snatch his hand away from her.

“Toodles~” she waved at me.

“Are you okay?” Hyemi asked, worried. She could sense the envy I have towards Stella. I was also saddened with the fact that he didn’t remember me. My feelings for him started ever since my first day here. The academy is just so huge that I got lost easily. Luckily Siwon was there and he helped me find my way.  I know it was just a simple friendly gesture, but I was affected by it so badly.


“Well, I’m here to visit him,” I informed her, “He’s my colleague so I have the right to visit him.”

She approached me and walked around me, looking at me up and down as if she’s observing my body.

“You’ve lost a lot of weight,” she exclaimed, totally ignoring what I just told her. She was about to say something when she saw Siwon stirred. She quickly went to his side and acted as if I wasn’t there at all.

 “Stella?” he asked groggily. “What are you doing here?”

“Oppa~ you’re awake~”

“I need to go to the toilet,” said Siwon while struggling to stand up. She helped him to stand up but he brushed her hands away. He took his crutches from his bedside and stood up.

“I can do this myself,” he frowned but his frown died when he saw me.

“Hyori-ssi, what are you doing here?”

“I’m here to visit you,” I smiled and showed him the food and the flower that I brought.

 “Forgive me for not knowing that. Will you wait for a while? I just need to go to the toilet first,” he smiled and walked to the toilet.

As soon as the toilet’s door closed, Stella approached me once again.

“I can’t believe you debuted as a comedian and a comedian with a pretty voice as well? What a joke,” she scoffed, “to think of it, you’re a joke yourself.”

“Are you back together with him?” I blurted out.

“Why? Are you jealous?”

“I-I’m not. I just want to know...”

“You’ll never get any chance to be with him especially with that face.”


“I can’t believe that you haven’t got plastic surgery yet,” she smirked.

That’s it. I wouldn’t stand here listening to her mocking me. I’ve had enough of her mocking me in the academy. I put down the food and the bouquet at the side table and walked out.

“See you, don’t wanna be you,” she mocked right before I walked out of the door.


“That !” I put down the glass of soju harshly on the table. I don’t know if I’m upset from her insults or from knowing that they’re back together. Maybe it’s more towards the latter. It seems like I really don’t have the chance to be with him. After all they’re a perfect match. No one knew the reasons why they broke up before but looks like they’re still in love with each other. It’s funny how fans haven’t found out about it yet. They must be good at hiding. I downed another glass of soju down my throat and grunted at how good it felt.

“Halmeoni, one more bottle!” I ordered. I wanted to drink till I could forget everything that happened today. If possible, I’d even erase the feelings I have for Siwon that I’ve been keeping for years. I took a large bite of bibimbap (mixed rice) and munched on it as if my life depended on it. This is what I hate about myself. When I’m upset, I’d just go eat. I don’t mind if it’s healthy food, but I always choose to eat unhealthy food this late at night. I was about to drink another glass of soju when someone grabbed my hand to stop me from choking myself.

“Whoa! Slow down, Hyori-ssi~”

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lovely! <3 thanks for sharing!!!! Siwon and hyori finally together! <3
Lilou_eito #2
ohhh~~~loved this so much :D
The end....?!
Blueblood1003 #4
Pls update :) luv ur fic
kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah confession!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! finally it's here!!! mouhahaha thanks for sharing!!! wanna next chappie!!!! ^^
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHHHHHHHHH~~ finally. LOLs i heart chapter 18 :)
Siwon.. Tell her... You'd better be quick or hae will take her...<br />
<br />
I kinda ok whether she'll end up with hae or siwon.. They both just great..
kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah xD can't wait next chap!! I'm really hating stella right now! siwon or donghae that is the question~~! xD <br />
(thanks for being always so thoughtful of your readers!! <3 I'll always be supporting you! and I want to excuse myself as well since I'm so off xB) please continue the hard work!
stella..!! Somebody, kill her for me please.. :(