Chapter 19

I Think I'm Ugly

A/N: HELLO EVERYONE. I'm so sorry for the lack of updates. T_T I've been busy with flash mob and driving lessons and also a major writer's block. Omgoodness I hate writer's block! I have the plot in mind but due to the super long holiday, my vocab is so limited. I think I need to read more English books rather than trying to read captions in Korean in TV shows. =_____= ANYWAYS, HAPPY READING! ^^


“Good morning, jagiya~” he looked down at me and smiled. He has the prettiest smile that I’ve ever seen on a guy’s face. The rays from the sun start to seep in through the thin curtains. I stretched my hand out, trying to relax some tensed muscle. I smiled contently and he puckered up his lips to get a kiss from me. I inched my face closer to him and he started to close his eyes. He immediately opened his eyes when I just give a peck on his cheek. Throwing the blanket away, I grinned at him and got out of the bed.

“Jagiya~!” he whined.

I looked in the mirror and saw my reflection. Remembering the event from last night made me smile widely. If only I had known earlier his feelings for me, things would’ve gone smoothly. But I think the hardship that we went through made our feelings for each other became stronger than ever.


“Siwon-ssi, mwohaseyo (what are you doing?)” I asked him. His action surprised me beyond words. I nudged him but I didn’t get any response. He was asleep and the whole of his body weight was on me causing me to struggle to make him stand properly.

“Let’s just get him in the car before people start noticing,” suggested Donghae.

Getting Siwon into the car was a tough job. Even though Donghae is a strong man, but Siwon’s muscles have added more numbers to his weight. He wiped the beads of perspiration on his forehead after successfully carrying Siwon into the car. Instead of driving to their dorm, he was driving back to my house.

“Can he stay at your house for a night?” he answered my unasked question, “I don’t want him to get in trouble with manager hyung.”

We finally arrived at my house. Siwon was still asleep so we had to carry him into the house. Upon seeing drunken Siwon, Dongho who was playing games in the living room quickly got off the couch to let him lay down.

After helping Siwon to settle in, Donghae excused himself. Before saying his goodbye, he pulled me into a tight hug and whispered a ‘thank you’ to my ear. I patted his back and smiled, telling him that I don’t mind lending a hand.


“Noona, I’m going to school!” Dongho waved at me. I went back to the kitchen to check on the hangover soup after seeing him off. I bet Siwon would have a major hangover after being drunk last night. I hate having a hangover. Even the thought of it made me shiver.


I turned around and saw him looking at me with a confused face. He was clutching his head as if he’s in pain so I quickly asked him to sit down and served him the soup. He looked at me once again but I just gestured to him to quickly drink the soup.

“What do you want for breakfast?” I asked him with a smile on my face. I bet he has forgotten about last night so I didn’t want to bring it up. And also, it was just a hug so it wasn’t big of a deal.

“I’d like to eat your porridge...”

“Then porridge it is~”

“Do you need help?”

“No, it’s okay.”

To avoid awkwardness, I started humming to the song playing on the radio. He must’ve liked my porridge so much, I thought to myself and grinned like an idiot. Thankfully my back was facing him so he wouldn’t see me grinning and blushing profusely.

“I’m sorry about last night...”

I was stopped in the middle of chopping the carrots. The sound of the knife hit the chopping board loudly that I was startled myself.

“What are you talking about?” I asked him while my hands continued chopping the carrot. Thinking about it made me blush again. It was the second time that he ever hugged me but unfortunately he wasn’t sober last night so it doesn’t count.

I was about to insert the ingredients into the porridge when I felt him turning me around by my shoulder.

“Why are you still denying? Donghae told me everything!” he yelled, “but all I want is for you to say it yourself so I’d know that he’s saying the truth!”

“How can I?! How can I say that I like you when I know you belong to Stella?!”

“What?! Stella? What are you talking about?”

“I don’t want to get in the way with you and Stella. You know how much she hates me and you know what she could do to destroy me.”

“If you’re worried about her trying to destroy you, why can’t you let me protect you from her?”

“Why are you saying this? Stella will go berserk and kill me!”

“Don’t you get it?! We’ve broken up ages ago. There’s no way that I’d go back to her.”

“But why do you even bother to protect me? You didn’t even recognise me back then.”

“Because I’m in love with you, pabo-yah. And I’m a pabo for not realising my feelings for you sooner too. I’ve been paying attention to your singing skills back in the academy but Stella kept on being in my way. When I wanted to ask you to enter the audition at SME, I found out that you’ve left the school. Since you’ve changed a lot, I couldn’t recognise who you are until I saw an episode of you singing in one of your TV shows.”

“Wait, what? You love me?”

“Is that the only thing you listened to?” he looked at me with his widened eyes.

“I couldn’t process the sentences that followed after,” I reasoned out.

He chuckled and shook his head.

“I guess we’re both pabos”

“Hey, why am I a pabo?” I retorted.

“Because you’re a slowpoke,” he answered and poked my forehead.

“So what happened to Stella?”

“I told her to off.”


He just shrugged and ate his porridge.


I looked around his apartment and still couldn’t stop feeling awed about it. He told me that he bought an apartment to get some alone time and happy I was so when he told me that I’m the first girl to ever set foot in this apartment. Not even his mom and his sister. It has a modern touch to it and it really fits a handsome bachelor like him. Not only is he handsome, he can also cook! Especially western food. And last night was the first time I ever tried his cooking.

I saw newspaper slipped in between the narrow slit between the floor and door when I was on my way to the kitchen. Curious of what’s going on in the world, I flipped to the first page. Shocked I was so when I saw Stella making it to the headline news.


And all over the page were the pictures of her that she used to ruin my image and also some other pictures that I’ve never seen that look so recent. A part of the article was saying how she used her own pictures to ruin my image.

“Oppa! Oppa!” I called for Siwon to break to him the shocking news.

(Siwon’s POV)

I was stretching my arms out when I heard Hyori calling out for me. She rushed into my bedroom and shoved the newspaper in my face.

“Wow, she’s screwed up now...” I muttered while looking at the page.

“She is... What is she going to do now? How did this happen?”

“I don’t know. Look baby, stop worrying. I think the cat just got out of the bag, you know how promiscuous she is.”

“Well yeah, you’re right. I’m going to take a shower, okay?” She kissed me on my lips and went into the toilet.

After making sure the water from the shower was running, I dialled a number on my phone.

“Hello? This is Siwon. You did a very good job. I’ll transfer the money to your account by this afternoon.”




A/N: I'm gonna post another chapter to explain what happened to Donghae and Stella. Still working on it. Please be patient~

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lovely! <3 thanks for sharing!!!! Siwon and hyori finally together! <3
Lilou_eito #2
ohhh~~~loved this so much :D
The end....?!
Blueblood1003 #4
Pls update :) luv ur fic
kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah confession!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! finally it's here!!! mouhahaha thanks for sharing!!! wanna next chappie!!!! ^^
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHHHHHHHHH~~ finally. LOLs i heart chapter 18 :)
Siwon.. Tell her... You'd better be quick or hae will take her...<br />
<br />
I kinda ok whether she'll end up with hae or siwon.. They both just great..
kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah xD can't wait next chap!! I'm really hating stella right now! siwon or donghae that is the question~~! xD <br />
(thanks for being always so thoughtful of your readers!! <3 I'll always be supporting you! and I want to excuse myself as well since I'm so off xB) please continue the hard work!
stella..!! Somebody, kill her for me please.. :(