It's the Best for Them

Is It Okay To Love You?

"sweetie wake up.."  my mom's soft voice echoed in my ear, pulling me out of my short slumber. I got home at around 11pm last night, after I realized that I am wasting BuRin's time. Plus I didn't have anymore tears to cry. I got home and went straight to my room and hid myself under the blanket and continued to cry some more. I probably fell asleep at around 6am and it felt like I only took a 2 minute nap before my mom woke me up.

"I don't want to" I mumbled and buried myself deeper into my blankets. Even though it is the middle of summer right now, I feel like it is below freezing in my room.

"____ it's not the end of the world" my mom tapped my back. I know it's not the end of the world, but it sure does feel like it. They used to be so close to me, they used to be a part of my world and in less  than 24 hours ago, I lost both of them. At once.

"mom.. It hurts.." I said, with my back still facing her. I feel my bed sink a little as my mom sat down.

"I know it does, but you will just have to fight through it"

"I don't think I can.. " I stuttered as tears began to well up again.

"oh come on sweetie you are stronger than you think"  my mom hugged me and I let a few tears roll down my face silently. My mom is right, I can fight through this. I can't just lay in bed for the rest of my life. Besides this is only a high school crush thing. It's not for real. I probably won't even remember these guys when I'm in my 20's. But they just left behind so many beautiful memories.. I don't want to let go. I don't want to lose them. They are planted in my heart now. With frustration and confusion, I let a few more tears rolled down my face and soak my pillow.

"I'll give you some time, when you are feeling better come down stairs to have some lunch" my mom gave me another squeeze before leaving my room. I feel the cold engulf me again. This type of cold is not the type that makes you shiver, but it's more of an emotional cold. Knowing the fact that someone I've loved for so long is  not by my side anymore is just so scary. I feel like pushing them away also meant throwing my heart away and replacing it with a block of ice.


After about another half an hour of lying in bed and just cry over everything, I finally decided to get out of bed and do something. I pushed my blanket off of me and slowly moved my legs off the side of the bed. Everything just seems so heavy today. With much effort, I finally managed to make it to my washroom.  I flicked the lights on and immediately want to turn it off after seeing my own reflection in the mirror. My hair is a mess. My eyes are red and puffy, my nose is red and my clothes from yesterday is all wrinkled. Looking at myself just made me cry some more. Who would've ever thought that two guys would be able to do this to me? I've never cried for any guys. The only time I cried was when my dad left me. I thought I would be stronger than this. How long will it take me to get over this?


After a refreshing shower, I walked down stairs to the kitchen in my most comfy pajamas. A pair of lightweight shorts and a baggy t-shirt. I shuffled my feet into the kitchen to greet my mom and her cup of coffee in front of her.

"what do you want for lunch?" my mom looked up from her newspaper. I only shrugged and grabbed my cup then put it under the water dispenser on the fridge.

"do you want to go out for lunch?" my mom asked with enthusiasm.

"I want to stay home.. " I croaked. Wow crying for a little less than 24 hours really does harm your body.

"okay, how about I go out and buy some pizza and ice cream?"  my mom asked with a smile. I can tell she is trying everything she could to make me feel better. I'm sure she knows how I feel right now and she obviously hates to see me in pain like this. What kind of parent wouldn't be hurt to see their child in pain?

"sure" I nodded my head with a faint smile just so she won't be too worried about me. Honestly I don't have the appetite for anything right now, but my mom is worried about me and I can't hurt her as well.

"okay I will be right back" she stood up from her seat and grabbed her car keys off the table.

"see you in a bit" she pulled me in for a tight hug and a kiss on the head before leaving the house. After she left, I decided to go back to my room. I see my phone lying on the ground beside my bed. I went over to pick it up and tried to turn it on, but it's dead so I plugged it into my charger. Sitting on  my bed waiting for my phone to charge so I can use it, I looked down at my hands. The hands that felt like it fit perfectly in both Mark and Jackson's hands. The gaps in between my fingers were once filled with both their hands, now they are empty and cold. Just like my heart. Maybe I shouldn't have broke down yesterday. Maybe I should've just pushed Jackson away instead of enjoying that kiss. Maybe I should've accepted that kiss and go back to Jackson. If only I did one of those things, I would at least have one of them by my side right now. I know I am selfish, but this pain is so excruciating. I would do anything for this to stop.

My phone chimed as it finally . I swiped to unlock my screen and a whole list of missed calls and messages appeared.

10 missed calls: Jackson

2 missed calls: JB

4 missed calls: BuRin

2 missed calls: BamBam

From: JB

Hey are you okay? We are all really worried about you. Call one of us when you are available

From: Yugyeom

Noona, are you okay? Just know that we are always here for you :)

From: YoungJae

Call or text either one of us to tell us that you are at least safe

From: Jr.

Hey, I know it's hard, but you will get through it!  Just take your time!  We are ALWAYS here for you :)

From: BamBam

Noona call me to tell me that you are okay! I just want to hear your voice!

From: BuRin

Are you up yet?

Do you want me to come over?

Everyone is really worried

From: Jackson

Can we talk?


After reading all those messages fresh tears are now streaming down my face. Not tears of sorrow, but tears of joy. I am so glad that I have these people in my life.  It's nice to know that they will always be here for me. But what also made me cry was the fact that Mark did not appear on my screen at all. No missed calls. No messages. I am worried about him. In fact, I want to see him really badly right now. I scrolled through my contacts and tapped on his name. Our old conversation from yesterday appeared. The last thing he said to me was:

From: Mark Tuan

I'm so excited for tomorrow! Goodnight_____ <3

My heart is stinging in pain right now. I can't help but to tap on the call button. I really don't  know what I'm doing right now, I just put my phone by my ear with shaky hands and waited for him to pick up. Even before the line got through I quickly hung up and put my phone down. I can't do this. If I call, I am just leading him on and it is not fair for Jackson. I need to get my feelings straight first and then talk to either of them.


"do you need me to drive you?" my mom asked the moment I walked down the stairs on a Monday morning, just about to leave for school.

"no I'm fine" I replied as I put my shoes on. I'm not fine at all, I'm still broken into a million pieces and I'm pretty sure I would be in smaller pieces after facing them today.

"are you sure?" my mom asked.

"yes mom, my heart is broken not my leg" I tried to joke so she wouldn't worry about me as much.

"okay, just remember to stay strong" she got up from the kitchen table and gave me a hug before watching me leave.

"bye" I turned around to wave and then turn back to walk down my front yard. I looked at the spot that Mark usually would stand to wait for me. He's not here today. Not a surprise, but it doesn't feel right without him there. It's like he is the missing piece to my everyday life. As I walked down each neighborhood to get to school, I realized how everything around me is when I'm alone. I feel like I need to be more cautious about everything. I don't have someone watching out for me anymore. I need to be more independent and protect myself. I guess removing myself away from the people I depended on will help me grow up. That's right, I have to think positive.


"hey_____" JB called from behind as I entered the school, having a few minutes to spare before my first class.

"hey" I turned around to smile at him. He quickly jogged up to me and decided to walk with me to my locker.

"you okay?" he asked. There are only a few students in the hallways right now, they usually start piling in just before the bell.

"I would be lying if I said yes.. " I raised an eyebrow at him, making him chuckle lightly in response.

"don't worry everything will be okay in the end, just know that we will always be by your side."  he said in a sincere tone, making me feel a bit of hope in this depressing chapter of my life.

"thank you, you guys really do mean a lot to me" I smiled happily and tears of joy slightly brimmed my eyes.

"you are a part of us" he said and opened his arms for a friendly hug. I gladly walked into his arms and wrapped my arms around him and he did the same. He gave me a pat on the back before letting go and I only flashed him another smile before returning to my tired and zombie like self for the rest of the day. And obviously I didn't have lunch with them, and I feel bad because I pretty much removed BuRin from the group too. I told her that I can eat lunch  with somebody else, but she insisted on leaving her boyfriend for me. I really do appreciate it, but I still feel bad.

"hey why aren't you eating with your sugar daddies?" DoMin walked by and smirked. I glared at him, but can’t do anything. I don't know what to do to shut that guy up. I don't want to cause any attention either. Plus I don’t have the energy for him right now.

"you know what DoMin?" BuRin voiced, causing the idiot to turn back with a few of his friends.

"what?" he asked with a cocky attitude.

"go a " BuRin shrugged and resumed back to eating her lunch. I almost choked on my sandwich after hearing her random comment. DoMin and his friends looked at us in shock.

"what? You don't have a girlfriend so might as well take my advice right?" BuRin continued to attack DoMin casually. This time making me and DoMin's followers stifle a chuckle.

“Dude! she just called you gay!” one of DoMin’s friend howled. DoMin’s ears turned bright red and steam is coming out of the top of his head. I can’t help but to let a smile crack on my face.

“you-” DoMin began but was interrupted.

“jagiya is there a problem?” BamBam’s voice approached us. We all turned our attention to the ‘mafia gang’ approaching us, BamBam taking the lead. I raised an eyebrow at the guys trying to look scary, but my smile spread wider at the sight of their rescue. I can’t help but to look through the group to search for two people. Neither of them are here and this turned my smile into a straight line again.  

“I don’t know, is there a problem?” BuRin crossed her arms over her chest and let BamBam place his arm around her waist as the both of them looked at DoMin and his gang.

“I’ll let it go this time” DoMin hissed and hurried away with his friends. The moment after he left, BuRin turned her full attention towards her boyfriend and gave him a high five. I really do envy their relationship. I wish someone would stand up for me like that. Well I know the whole group was here for me and all and I truly appreciate it. But it just means a bit more if that special someone stood by my side. Which brings me back to my depression. I haven’t seen neither of them today and it worries me. What if they are doing worse than me? What if they are fighting each other at this very moment at the back of the school? What if they are in the hospital right now? Or the police station. I just want to see their face to know that they are okay, or at least better than me.

“wow you guys look like you belong in a gang” I forced myself to push away any thoughts of them.

“yeah you should join this gang” Jr. referred to me interacting with them again. I only showed him a smile, but didn’t reply to his comment.


JB unlocked his front door and pushed it open, then walked inside. I followed him in and took off my shoes right in front of the door before stepping further into his house. There is a science project assigned and since neither Mark or Jackson are in class, JB and I decided to work together instead. Well it’s not like I will work with Mark or Jackson anyways.

“your parents aren’t home?” I asked as I followed him into his large living room that looks a bit like BamBam’s.

“nope, they come home at around 6” JB shrugged as he threw his backpack down onto the ground beside the coffee table. I sat on the hardwood floor and crossed my legs to be in a more comfortable position. We sat in silence as we both got straight to work on our project. The silence is not awkward at all, it’s rather comfortable. Maybe because I have so much going on in my mind right now that I might not feel the awkwardness. It is nearly impossible to concentrate on doing research when the only thing I can think about is my broken heart and where Mark and Jackson is at this very moment. What makes it worse is that the person who can answer my question is sitting right beside me, but at the same time I don’t want to ask him. I don’t want to bring it up. I don’t want him to know that I miss them. I don’t want him to tell them that I asked about them. But I really want to know. I want to hear their names and just know how they are doing right now. I know my heart is telling me to stop asking about them so I won’t hurt even more, but my mind is telling me to do the opposite thing. This time my mind has won.

“where are they?” I broke the silence. JB stopped typing on his laptop and a smile spread onto his face.

“I’ve been waiting all day for you to ask me this question.”

I kept quiet and patiently waited for him to answer my question.

“they decided to skip” JB shrugged. I exhaled the breath I’ve been holding in like a deflating balloon.

“no kidding” I looked at him.

“even when you are pretty much feeling like crap you are still this sassy” JB shook his head.

“anything else to ask?” JB asked and I looked at him.

“” I raised an eyebrow.

“you sure? don’t you want to know what happened to them after?” Jb said referring to what happened that day. The day I’ve finally broken down from the guilt. My shoulders sank and I dropped my pencil out of my hand, letting it roll on my textbook. A lump is forming in my throat and my numb heart is starting to throb again.

“..I might cry..” I looked down at my hands. JB is like a brother to me, or maybe even a dad..I’m not afraid of looking weak in front of him and I know I can trust him.

“Don’t worry, they did too” JB patted my back and a tear rolled out of my eye and straight onto my hand. They cried..? I can never imagine them crying. It’s just something I avoid imagining. I know it will hurt me if they cried, especially if it’s because of me.

“they skipped today because of you. Not because they didn’t want to see you, trust me they are far from not wanting to see you. But the both of them figured that you need more time, so they are giving you space and time. And as for them..let’s just say they are not going through the best time right now.” he summed up both of their information.

“I’m not going through the best time either” I mumbled. “um..I have a question…”

“I will tell you whatever you know”

“who likes me more..?” I asked a very difficult and almost selfish question. Maybe if one of them likes me more, then I can pick that one. So at least one less person is suffering.

“...they both love you” JB said quietly. “ I met the both of them at around the same time, and it was already obvious that they had feelings for you. Yes, guys are sensitive about these things too. Mark is always searching for you in the hallways and even outside of school. He wanted to make sure that you are okay and that you are smiling. Every time you frowned, he would always want to go comfort you. I’m not supposed to be telling you this since it’s a heart to heart talk between Mark and I. But this is just getting out of hand. He mentioned how he regrets everything in the past. He even said that he wished that he didn’t become your friend the very first time you met him. That way you wouldn’t fall for him, and he could be the only one loving you. Like a one sided love thing. Then he wouldn’t have to watch you suffer like this. He rather take all the pain instead. That’s how much he loves you. And as for Jackson, he said that it was love at first sight. You’ve seen him before you actually met him. He comes to our school often and you caught his attention. Ever since then he would always come to our school, just to steal a glance at you. Before he met you, he was completely different. He always went out and got into fights with teacher and students at his school. He didn’t really have a meaning in his life, other than fencing he had nothing else. His dad constantly forced him to practice and even though he loved fencing, he said something is still missing. And that something is you. You helped him with life, he said he wanted to change for you. To be the perfect guy in your life. So this is how much they love you. Now it's up to you to determine who you want" By the time JB is done, I am in tears. I hugged my knees close to my heavy chest and my body is shaking to the rhythm of my sobs. Knowing how much the both of them loves me and how I treat them is just disgusting. I'm disgusted with myself. I hate myself. I just want to remove myself from everyone who I've hurt. I want to erase all their memories of me.

".. I.. I'm sorry... I'm going now...." I stuttered and got up from the ground and slung my backpack over my shoulder, then quickly walked out the door before hearing another word from JB. I shouldn’t have asked him, now I’m in even more pain than I was before. Mark never stopped liking me, and he would rather take all the pain himself, Jackson fell for me at first sight and his life changed ever since then. Who knew a ordinary girl like me would make such big impacts on two popular guys like them?

As I walk down the street as what seem to be a beautiful summer day to everyone else enjoying the sun, to me it feels like it is in the middle of fall right now. Cold, gloomy and lonely. The sun is not doing its job to warm me up and light up my world, right now it is just a big round grey circle in the sky. Along with everything else, its just grey. My tears are not helping with my vision either. Everything is just a blur to me. I don’t even know where I am going right now. I just want to walk away from this mess. I want to leave everything behind, I have no more energy for this. I just continued to walk to wherever my legs decide to take me.

Eventually I ended up in a park that I have never been to. This park does not have a playground for kids, but it does have a decent size pond that is planted right in the middle of large trees and bushes. A few benches surrounded the pond, but no one is occupying any of them. I sat down after what seems to be hours of walking, and stared out at the pond. It is pretty in a way. The way the water sits so still and it reflects the rays of the sun, creating glistening specks that look like diamonds on the surface of the water. The bright green grass and tall trees balanced perfectly with the blue sky. Something about being here just makes me feel..more relaxed..not better, but relaxed. I leaned back onto the bench and had my hands holding each other while on my lap. I let myself float around in my train of thoughts as I enjoyed the fresh air.

Is time really all I need? Is that what we need? What if time can’t fix the problem? Will this problem ever be solved? According to JB the both of them love me...they will eventually have to stop loving me right? We are only 18 years old, and how would we know what love is? Maybe all this is just some stupid little high school drama that we are going through. This will not affect our future. After graduation this year, we won’t even see each other. So why am I wasting my time and energy on this? It’s because I love them. I know for a fact that I will always love them. This is not just a highschool thing. I know it, I can feel it. I know my decision now will change my future. I know the pain I am going through now is not the worse but I will still have to push through it. I will have to make the first step to solving this problem. Even if it means to hurt myself even more. At least Mark and Jackson wouldn’t be hurting anymore. As long as they are okay, I can bear the pain. This is how I know that I love them.


“_____,where were you??” my mom grabbed my shoulders the moment I walked into my house at around 10pm.

“out” I replied, with my eye focusing on someone else in the house. Someone who is not supposed to be here.

“you scared me...I called all your friends, but they didn’t know where you were” my mom completely ignored my awareness of the person I hate being in our house right now.

“mom, can I talk to you?” I took my eyes off my ‘dad’ and looked at my mom.

“sure honey, anything” she brushed my tangled hair with her fingers.

“I want to transfer schools.” I forced the words out.

“..are you sure about this?” my mom asked.

“yes, I’ve decided” I gave her one solid nod before changing my mind.

“you only have two more months before you graduate” my mom reminded me.

“I know, but I want to leave now.” my voice is at the verge of cracking.

“don’t you want to graduate with your friends? What about BuRin?” my mom is continuously trying to convince to change my mind for some reason.

“mom. I made up my mind” I said sternly. My mom sighed and looked at my ‘dad’ for some suggestions.

“you can come live with me, we have a pretty good school near the area..” he suggested. I kept my eyes on my mom, not wanting to look at him. My mom’s eyebrows furrowed deeper after about a minute.

“do you want to go live with daddy?” she turned to ask me and I kept my face straight. I really have no other choice if I really want to leave as soon as possible.

“will you be coming?” I asked her.

“I believe I can’t. I can’t leave my job..” my mom held my hands. My heart just sank even deeper into my stomach. I don’t want to escape this pain to live with someone who caused me pain from the beginning. But I would only be living with him for about two months, I am just avoiding them at school, then I can move back to live with my mom. I can deal with two months right? This will make everyone’s life easier.

“okay..I need to get my things from school tomorrow, then we can leave right away” I said without really looking at him, I then walked up to my room. I closed the door behind me and slid down onto the ground. Even though I am not trying to listen to the conversation downstairs, I can still hear it even though it is a bit muffled.

“she is trying her best to stay strong”

“don’t worry, I will look after her”

“thank you and sorry about her attitude..”

“it’s fine, I finally get to have some time with my daughter”

I got up from the ground and made my way over to my bed. I would be crying right now, but I have no more tears to cry. My heart is just throbbing and my head is spinning, but nothing is coming out of my eyes. I looked around my room in the dark and took a moment to let everything sink in. I will be leaving this room tomorrow for at least two months. I will be leaving this area for a while, I will leave my school and all my friends behind. I won’t even be able to be at my own prom and graduation and this is all because of two guys. Two guys I love so much that I would sacrifice myself for them. After the two months is up, who knows what will happen next. Everyone will graduate from high school and move onto college or university, so we mostly likely won’t be seeing each other. Or maybe if I actually like living with my dad, I would just stay there for the rest of my life. As long as they are happy and comfortable I can bare with anything.

With a sigh, I walked over to my closet to pull out my pink and black Nike dufflebag. I stuffed it with everything that I will need for the next two months. I am not going to bring everything with me just because I can always come back or tell my mom to deliver it. Honestly, deep down inside of me, I want to come back hopefully after everything is settled. I put most of my summer shorts into the bag and a few of my tops, along with some socks and a lightweight cardigan. Moving over to my desk, I scanned everything that is neatly placed on specific areas. Something caught my eyes. A small black rock.



“Look for the smoothest rock on the beach for me!” I demanded with my eyes glued onto the rocky beach.

“yes princess!” Mark yelled and began to look for rocks. After about half an hour of searching I decided to give up in frustration and sat down on the bumpy beach. The sun is setting and most of the visitors began to leave. After realizing that Mark is still not back yet, I looked around trying to search for him. My eyes caught a figure bending over a small slab of rock in the middle of the water near the shore. I got up from the ground and made my way over. As I got closer and closer, I see Mark trying to reach into the water without actually falling in.

“what are you doing?” I asked.

“getting your rock” he said without removing his eyes from the area where the rock seem to be.

“come back, I don’t want you to fall into the water” I waved my hand, but he completely ignored me.

“you asked for the smoothest rock on the beach and I found it. So now I’m going to get it for you.” his voice is full of determination.

“no just come back, I don’t want it anymore” I said, but he continued to struggle to reach that rock.

“got it!” he yelled and shot up from his crouching position with a small rock in his hand and a smile spread across my face. I walked a bit closer to him and reached my hand out to help him off that tiny island. He gladly accepted my hand and we tightened each other’s grip. I pulled him off the island and made sure that he is balanced.

“here you go” he handed me the wet rock with the cutest smile. I looked down at it to see that it is in the shape of a heart. It is not a perfect heart, but I can definitely tell that it is a heart.

“it’s a heart!” I said in awe.

“yeah that’s why I wanted to get it so bad” he sighed a breath of exhaustion. I picked it up and held it tightly in my hand.

“thank you” I threw my arms around him, making him tumble backwards a bit.

“no problem” he chuckled and returned the hug.


Without even realizing that a smile has formed on my face, I picked up the rock and put it in a small pocket inside my bag. I moved onto the next item on my desk. A gold medal. A gold medal for fencing to be exact. I picked it up and rub it with my thumb.



“you have so many medals..” I said in awe as I walked around Jackson’s room.

“eh, it’s okay..” Jackson shrugged as he laid in his bed, resting his head on his hand. In other words he is laying in a somewhat seductive way.

“Oh..why so modest?” I raised an eyebrow at him.

“hey I’m a gentleman..” he got up from his bed and approached him. I continued looking through his achievements and pictures while he stood closely behind me. Out of the corner of my eyes, I see him reach up to his collection of medals and removed one from the group.

“here” he handed it to me. I stood there, not knowing what to do.

“take it” he pushed it closer to me. I looked up at him with furrowed eyebrows.

“why? It’s yours, you don’t have to pity me. I have a medal for participation in soccer you know..goshh” I rolled my eyes playfully.

“no, this is for you” he hung it around my neck. I looked down at it and then back at him.

“This was my first ever gold medal and I am giving it to you, because you are the first one I’ve ever loved” he looked into my eyes sincerely. I can’t help but to just look at him. Look into his dark brown eyes. I then feel my face burn as it turned pink.

“you are so…” I tried to look for a word.

“romantic?” he tried to finish my sentence. “sweet?, amazing? , perfect?”

“lame.” I finished my own sentence.

“but you like it” a large smile spread across his face and his eye curved into upside down U’s.

“oh whatever” I rolled my eyes and he pulled me into a cuddly hug.


Same thing with the rock, I smiled without even realizing it. My smile faded after remembering those were just memories. I then put the medal in my bag, in the same pocket as the rock. After packing, I laid on my bed with my phone in my hand.

To: BuRin



Where the hell were you?!

To: BuRin

Sorry :( I just needed some time


From: BuRin

are you feeling better now?


To: BuRin

umm I guess...I need to tell you something..


From: BuRin



To: BuRin

I’m transferring


From: BuRin


From: BuRin



To: BuRin

schools..I’m transferring schools..

Right after I sent the message, BuRin called.


“what did you just say?” BuRin said right away

“I’m transferring..” I said quietly.

“you are kidding right?”

“no..I’m serious..”

“ are lying..” BuRin denied to accept the truth.

“Lee BuRin. I am serious.”

“....why….?” she stuttered. She is most likely crying right now and so am I.

“it’s just better for everyone..”

“you are leaving..? You are going to leave me? Leave everyone?”


“why?” she asked again

“I told’s better for everyone.”

“no it’s not.” she talked back.

“yes it is. I figured if I removed myself from them they will have a better life”

“how are you so sure about that?”

“I’m not. But I know that if I leave they will eventually forget about me..” another tear rolled down my face and landed on my pillow.

“do you really think that-”

“BuRin, can you just support me through all of this?” I cut her off before she makes me cry even more.


“thank you”

“when are you leaving? Where are you going? Will you come back?”

“I’m leaving tomorrow, to my dad’s and I’m not sure”

“What?? Tomorrow?!”


“you are crazy…”

“I’ll talk to you tomorrow, my mom is coming” I whispered and hung up. I dropped my phone underneath my blanket and pretended to sleep as my mom poked her head inside.

"Goodnight baby... Tomorrow is going to be a tough day" my mom whispered.

Tomorrow is going to be a tough day...


HAYY GUYSSSS FINALS ARE OVER! YAYYY I hope you guys liked this chapter! Didn’t expect that now did ya??? LOL Okay honestly, I had a bit of trouble writing this chapter because I just didn’t know where to take this story. I kind of know how to end it, but I don’t what to put in the middle!! I can have an idea for the next chapter..but I know with your help I can be more motivated and inspired through this whole story! :D

Until next time my beautifuls <3 (should be soon)

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maiquie24 #1
Chapter 24: YOU..... WHYYYYYYY?!?!?! AHHHHH! Great story! I’m still torn between Jackson and Mark! Like whyyyyy?!?!?! I’m still leaning towards Mark tho since he’s my bias ??
jayeldi #2
Among all I've read... This is still my favorite. I really love this story and how well it was written.
AriNJQ #3
Chapter 17: I want Jackson back! my heart is torn between the ships omfg
Saemiy #4
I cannot even start from where to compliment this story. I just love it!!
To be honest at first chapters your writting kinda dragging and boring to read, but as the chapter goes on i can see your writing style improved, and your decription in the story gets deeper, made me drown in your flow. Wooww.
I dont know if its bcs i love mark more or what, but i love your Mark ending better than your jackson, it feels more deep and heart touching and i can see you write your heart in it.
In the end, i love it!!
Cannot wait until it get featured ♡♥
katelynee_ #5
Chapter 1: TBH I RE READ THIS FF SO MUCH ITS MY FAVE PLEASE CONTINUE TO WRITE stories YOUR writing is so awesome omg ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Yiyikyn #6
Chapter 24: this is amazing.....really really amazing.....!! i love them both....but Mark is my bias:)
i want to try out more of your stories.....:) please write more...;) el b waiting
Chapter 24: Okay that was so cute. I dont know who to choose Because i love both of them haha anyway goodjob i love this story
Kpopfangirlxx #8
Chapter 24: Finished it in one day omg.. you should make a movie one day!! You've become my fav author omggg!!! I will always waiting for your next story.. your story is so damn beautiful.. you know how to put things. I'm waiting for your stories!! Can i have a request?? Pls post mark fanfics more~~ i will always waiting for you, hope you come with more amazing stories♡♡♡ i can't fully express my gratefulness towards you, you made my day. I love you author-nim, for real♡♡♡
shine_na97 #9
Chapter 15: i like your story so much!! Omgggg jackson is so sweeeeet! This is a true story?