I Tried..

Is It Okay To Love You?

"bye mom!"  I shouted as I rushed out of the house with a banana in my hand and my backpack in the other. The morning  sun is already beating onto my legs and arms.

"slept in again??" Mark asked as I approached him and we began to walk to the direction where the school is.

"Pffft no" I lied and adjusted my backpack onto my shoulders. I then peeled my banana also known as my breakfast for today.

"mhmm" Mark hummed, not believing me whatsoever.

"why are you always so early when you are the one that is always sleeping in class?" I asked.

"it's because I want to see you sooner" he said, making me go speechless.

"wow.. I didn't know you were the clingy type.. " I said in a joking way.

"well now you know"  he said and casually let his fingers go in between mine. Ours hands were intertwined into each other loosely, but it's comfortable. It doesn't feel like my hands will just fall out of his, it's like our hands fit perfectly together like puzzle pieces.

"did you finish your English homework?" I asked.

"yep" he nodded, I turned to look at him with wide eyes.

"actually?? "

" yeah" he nodded.

"wow you actually finished your homework.. " I said completely amazed.

"what is so surprising about that??"  he asked, sounding a bit offended that I questioned his ability to complete his homework.

"you're kind of known to be the type who does not finish their homework because you didn't know about it due to the fact that you sleep in class" I said honestly.

"okay. I don't actually sleep in class,  I just rest my eyes" he tried to reason.

"Mhmm says the person who snores louder than snorlax."

"did you finish your homework??" he pushed the topic onto me.

"... You don't need to know.. " I sang, but honestly I actually didn't finish my homework..

"you didn't do it"  he said.

"I was tired.... " I pouted, making him chuckle.

"you're always tired.."  he pointed out.

"you are too!" I yelled.

"I have my reasons" he raised both his eyebrows as if he is picking a fight.

"I have my reasons too!" I stuck my tongue out at him.

"like what??" he asked.

Oh.. I don't know... Maybe about you.. And your friend.. Nothing too serious, just how it would end if I picked the wrong person. Knowing that I will lose one of you guys. I will just live my life half happy and half sad.

"stuff" I said. "what is your reason??"  

"stuff" he stuck his tongue out. I rolled my eyes and continued to walk hand in hand with him to school.


So it turns out that Jackson is in four of my eight classes. Math, science, PE and socials. Three out of the four classes does not only involve him and I. JB is in my math, Mark is in my science, PE I have BuRin and we rarely have joined classes with the boys. But no one else I am close with is in socials. Well at least no one from the gang is in my socials.

In fact, I am sitting in socials class right now. Listening to Ms. Kim ramble on and on about our history and how we became who we are today. Well, I'm trying to make it look like I'm listening. My head is resting on my left hand, my left cheek is deformed due to the fact that I am putting the weight of my head on one hand. My eyelids are feeling extra heavy today. The only thing keeping me up is the fact that Jackson is sitting two seats behind me. He may be watching my every move at this very moment. He might be shooting daggers of hatred in the back of my head.

*tap tap*

I forced my eyelids open to look at Ms. Kim standing right in front of me with her pointer on my desk.

"does this particular seat make people sleepy??" she asked. I sat up straighter and looked at her with my eyebrows knitted together.

"do you know who Mark Tuan is?" she asked. Just by hearing his name makes my heart flutter for some reason.

"of course she does! They are dating!" a girl shouted from somewhere in the back. That girl, which I don't really remember her name is known to be the one that talks a lot. Whatever comes to her mind, she would blab out without thinking twice.

"... Well, Mark also sits in this seat in my other class. He is always falling asleep. There is not a single class where he does not sleep in." Ms. Kim chuckled and shook her head. Having nothing to say, I kept quiet as she resumed back to her lesson.


"hey_____,  I'm sorry about earlier. I wasn't thinking before I said that you and Mark are dating out loud." the girl with the big mouth apologized after class. I examined her face for a while to try to remember her name. I think it is Nam Junie.

"oh it's fine" I smiled at her. I am not mad at all. I just didn't like the attention, especially because Jackson is also in that class. I didn't want him to hurt any further, so I wanted to be more subtle about everything.

"you guys are dating though right?" Junie asked. I hesitated before answering. I want to turn around to see if Jackson is behind us, but I don't want to make it obvious.

"Umm..." I hummed, buying myself some time as we walked further away from the classroom. The hall is crowded with tired and hungry students since it is lunch right now.

"if you guys are, I just want to say that you guys make an amazing couple" Junie smiled sweetly. Although that compliment does not really mean a lot, it gave me hope. It made me happy. Maybe Mark and I are supposed to be together and will always be together. I mean, I guess you can say that we broke up  and now we are back together again. We will always find our ways back to each other. Right?

"awe thanks" I smiled back at her.

"Just telling you the truth, anyways I have to go now. See you!" she waved happily and walked away. With a small smile plastered onto my face, I walked to my locker to meet BuRin, BamBam and Yugyeom standing there.

"hey-" I began but BuRin cut me off.

"who was that?" she asked seriously, as if she knows who she is but just want to hear her name being voiced.

"Umm... I think her name is Junie..." I said, unsure of why BuRin is like this.

"yeah I know who she is, but why were you talking to her?" BuRin snapped. I raised my eyebrows a bit, due to the sudden sass that my best friend emitted. I gave a look at BamBam and Yugyeom, asking them what has happened to BuRin. They shrugged and BuRin's eyebrows moved even closer together. Her eyes narrowed, as if she was aiming a gun at the bulls eye. And her target is Junie.

"uh... We just talked because we were in the same class" I stuttered, feeling a bit scared of BuRin right now.

"I need to tell you something later" she said and then returned back to her normal self. Normal as in retarded and random.

"hey guys" JB walked towards us with Jackson. I gulped and looked at BuRin. She can tell that I am still uncomfortable with being in his presence, but she shrugged, telling me there is nothing I can do about it.

"hey" BuRin smiled at both of them. I only smiled and looked away from Jackson.

"who wants to go out for lunch?" JB asked enthusiastically.

"ooh!" BamBam and Yugyeom beamed excitedly.

"I have to finish up my homework" I said honestly. By now, they probably all think that I've been dodging Jackson, but that is not true. Well not completely true. I know I seem really rude and heartless, but every time they want to hang out I always have a legitimate excuse of not being able to go.

"you guys can go without me" I smiled.

"not planning to go with you anyways" BamBam stuck his tongue out. My mouth dropped open dramatically and I smacked his head.

"I'm kidding!!" he cried just as dramatic as I responded to his insult.

"what's all the chaos?" Jr. asked. We all turned our attention towards Jr., Youngjae and Mark. I feel a wave of relief and safety hit me the moment I see Mark approaching. His plump lips curved into a smile the moment we made eye contact and so did mine.

"you guys down to eat out?" JB asked.

"nah.. I'm good, need to finish up some homework" Mark shook his head.

"wow.. You guys really are a couple huh?" BamBam commented. This kid is really yappy today.

"you said you finished your homework!" I yelled and Mark only chuckled.

"yeah just go ahead without us" Mark said to everyone else who is going.

"okay then" BuRin sang and wiggled her eyebrows at me. She is clearly trying to make me realize that there will only be the two of us and I rolled my eyes at her.

"let's go!" JB pointed towards the door like some sort of military leader. Everyone followed his command and walked away from Mark and I.

“Do you want to go outside or go to the library?” Mark asked. I unlocked my locker and pulled out a sandwich along with my backpack with my English homework.

“Let’s go outside” I said as I hung my backpack onto my right shoulder and held my sandwich and book in my hand, resting the end of the book on my hip.

“aren’t you afraid of getting tan??” he asked as we walked side by side out of the school and onto the green grassy field with a few picnic tables.

“I need a tan!” I said and stuck my pale leg up so he could see. I did get a bit darker since it is summer now, but my legs are still rather pale. They have been hibernating under leggings and jeans during the winter, it’s about time that they absorb some sunshine and color.

“you are not even pale!” he argued.

“uh! Don’t you see this???” I raised my leg up higher than a classy lady should. As I brought one leg up, my other leg couldn’t support me and lost balance. Just as I was about to fall backwards and hit my head, an arm caught my waist and a hand grabbed my wrist. I looked into Mark’s eyes and it seems like everything froze. I know..how romantic..His dark brown eyes looked right into mine, melting my heart and awakening the butterflies. His tall nose only inches away from mine. His plump lips curved into a devious smile, and just before I could react, I feel gravity pull me closer to the ground.

“AH!” I gasped and held on tighter to him. His arms never left me, he just pretended to drop me. He stood me up onto my feet and chuckled.

“what the hell.” I glared at him.

“I’m sorry, you were too heavy” he grinned. My mouth dropped open a bit, feeling offended.

“maybe you are just too weak” I crossed my arms over my chest and cocked my head with a raised eyebrow.

“hey that’s not nice~” he pouted like a baby.

“So is your face” I took every opportunity there is to attack him.

“you are so mean!” he pretended to cry.

“hey! you called me fat!” I shouted “Never call a girl fat.”

“never call a guy weak” he said in a rather sassy tone.

“Fine. Then I guess we are even” I tried to settle the situation.

“no no no..you also called my ugly..” he reminded me. I looked at him with narrowed eyes, shocked that he kept track.

“Fine you can call me ugly..” I said sarcastically.

“no no, I want something else” he grinned again.

“what do you want?” I asked, feeling a bit scared.

“a kiss” he smiled.

My eyes widened at his request. Ever since the kiss from that night, we’ve never kissed again. It’s not that I don’t want to. Trust me. Everytime my eyes land on those lips, I just want to place my lips on it. He moved his face closer to mine, so close that I can feel him breathing on my face. I gulped nervously and closed the distance between our lips. After about a few magical seconds, I pulled away and looked down in embarrassment.

“wow..I only wanted a kiss on my cheek, but that works too” Mark said. My face grew even hotter and I just want to stick my head into the ground and never face him ever again.

“You’re so cute” he cuckled and interlocked his fingers with mine, then we walked over to a table.


"Bye_____!" Junie waved as she walked by me with a few of her friends after school.

"bye!" I waved back with a smile and then turned back to see a pissed off BuRin. Everyone else is just gathering around after school. Everyone including Jackson.

"what??" I asked BuRin, still not knowing the reason why she hates Junie so much.

"let's walk home together" she suggested and I can tell by the tone of her voice that she wanted to be alone. Just the two of us and no one else. It seems like whatever she is going to say about Junie is top secret.

"um.. I'm walking home with her" I turned to tell Mark.

"text me when you get home" he said. I nodded and stole a glance at Jackson. I feel so bad and guilty for letting him see this. Letting him see how Mark and I interact. I don't want him to witness this.

"wait" Mark stopped me from walking away with BuRin.

"I'm counting down remember?" he smiled gently and closed the distance between our bodies. He wrapped his arms around me and nuzzled his face in my hair. I froze for a second before responding. Although we hug everyday, especially now that he is counting down  to whatever it is. I feel nervous and guilty right now. Like I mentioned many times, I don't want Jackson to see this. But then again, if I want to move on, I must stop thinking about him. I can't always think about him and be cautious around him. I am with Mark now. I can't hurt his feelings too. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"guys!! Go get a room!!" YoungJae shouted and everyone else laughed.

"go get yourself a girlfriend" Mark talked back as he pulled away. YoungJae placed his hand over his heart and looked at his hyung with eyes full of fake tears.

"hyung... I-I never knew you could be this mean.. " he said dramatically. I shook my head with a smile on my face. These guys are such dorks.

"he learns from the best"  BamBam nodded his head towards me.

"what do you mean?? I'm the nicest one out of all of us!" I argued.

"hm...Are you sure about that??" BuRin asked and I glared at her. Wow.. What are friends for nowadays??

"okay fine, Yugyeom is the nicest and I'm second okay??" I said, trying to get the makane involved too.

"yeah noona is right" Yugyeom smiled. I flashed him a smile in return and reached up for a high five and bro hug thing. Before I met these guys, I was already a semi tomboy because I used to hang out with Taec oppa a lot. Now that I've gotten closer to these gangsters, my inner dude just comes out.

"what do you want from her??" Jr. asked dramatically.

"noona is nice!!" Yugyeom argued back.

"thanks Yugyeom, but these people won't understand the truth" I glared at everyone.

"more like you don't accept the truth!" BamBam stuck his tongue out. Why does this kid seem to always bother me today?? Well usually he bothers me, but today he is on fire. One insult after another.

"so... When are you planning to grow some balls to ask her out?" I crossed my arms over my chest and tapped my foot on the ground. Everyone burst out laughing. Everyone including Jackson. He did not just give a half smirk, but an actual laugh. Not his retarded signature laugh, but a laugh that doesn't sound forced. And of course BamBam's face grew red. He put his head down in defeat and I smiled with victory.

"I hate you." BuRin muttered beside my ear, making my smile spread even wider. "let's go"  she added, completely embarrassed that I put her on the spot.

"Ok ok" I giggled and waved bye to everyone before being pulled away.


"that was not very nice" BuRin said at a normal volume now that we are far enough.

"well your boyfriend was being annoying" I simply replied.

"he's not my boyfriend" BuRin stomped her feet.

"yeah yeah..." I rolled my eyes at her. "anyways.. Why do you seem to hate Junie so much??"  

"didn't you know that she was hitting on Jackson while you guys were still dating?" she asked a question that I did not expect.

"uh.. No.. " I stuttered.

"well yeah, I heard her talking to friends in science a while ago. When you guys were still together."  BuRin slowly begin to inform me with something that I had no idea of.

"I didn't want to tell you before because I didn't want to ruin anything. But now that you are with Mark I guess it's fine" BuRin shrugged.

"how come I didn't notice?" I asked BuRin and myself.

"... I really don't want to say this because I don't want to mess up your feelings again. But I think it's because Jackson loved you too much so he didn't react to Junie and you weren't sensitive enough around him, because you were also looking at Mark.. " BuRin said something about me that I didn't even about.

"I'm only telling you this is because I don't want her to do the same with Mark. She tries to hook up with everyone. Especially the good looking and popular ones"  BuRin warned.


"hey_______!" Junie chimed as she skipped up to me in the halls.

"oh hey" I smiled and continued to walk with her beside me.

"what class do you have?" she asked me.

"science.. " I grumbled and showed her the textbook I have in my hand.

"oh ew"  she shook her head, feeling my hatred towards my weakest subject.

"well have fun!" she chirped and walked away with light footsteps after we reached my science class. I looked at her back. Something about  her just scares me. She looks a bit too happy and because of what BuRin told me yesterday. With a shrug, I walked into class and over to my table where JB is at. Mark and Jackson are not in class yet. The boys PE class this morning were outside while the girls were inside so I didn't get to see them.

"morning" I greeted JB as I put my textbooks down onto the table with a loud thud.

"hey" he removed a earphone out of his left ear.

"where is Mark?" I asked casually.

"not sure, I didn't go to first block today" he shrugged and I nodded.

"do you have anything to do after school?" JB turned his full attention towards me.

"hmm.. Don't think so, why? " I asked.

"okay promise me you won't tell BuRin this"  he looked right into my eyes. My eyes glistened with curiosity and excitement after he mentioned her name.

"is he finally going to do it???" I asked with a huge smile in my face.

"yup, after you made fun of him like that yesterday" JB nodded with a smirk. "okay, I need you to get BuRin to the beach after school"  

"Omg this is so freaking cute!!! " I squealed.

"yeah but don't tell her a word. Just bring her to the beach. BamBam will be waiting  there and we will be hiding somewhere."  JB explained their plan to me who is barely while containing my feels right now.

"oh my god. I can't wait. " I smacked JB due to my overflowing feels.

Out the corner of my eye, I see someone walking into the room. I turned to see Mark walking in followed by Jackson. The both of them look pissed. Like someone killed their dog or something. Usually Mark would walk in with a tired look on his face and Jackson would walk in with a straight face. But this time, both of their eyebrows are furrowed together and their eyes are dark. Both jaws are clenched tightly as they took heavy steps toward their seats. Both of them dropped their textbooks onto the table with a loud thud, making me jump.

Okay there is obviously something going on  between these two. I looked at JB for some help, but he only looked at those two and shrugged.

"get up and sit here" Mark grabbed my wrist to pull me up from my chair and told me to sit in his seat instead.

"why-" I protested but Jackson interrupted me.

"her assigned seat is here." his husky voice said in a serious tone.

"I don't give a " Mark said bluntly with his hand still wrapped around my wrist tightly, causing me a bit of pain now.

"Mark just sit down" JB pulled Mark down onto his chair and I sat back down onto mine.

I am currently sitting in between two guys who obviously got into a fight or something. I can feel tension between those two during the whole entire class. Once in a while I would catch either of them stealing a glance at me. I really hope what ever happened between them does not involve me.



The last bell of the day rang and everyone began to pack our books to leave the classroom as soon as possible. After I was done with putting my stuff in my bag, Mark is already up and waiting for me. I finally stood up and he held my hand in his. He interlocked our fingers and pulled me closer to him. I looked up at him to see that his face is dark. He does not look happy, he looks alert and protective. Like how an alpha wolf protecting his wife or something.

"let's go" he looked at me with his lips curved into a soft smile. I still feel uncomfortable with being so intimate with him in front of Jackson, but I promised myself that I will have to let go of one in order to love the other. So I walked hand in hand out of the classroom and down the hall with Mark.

"meet you at the beach" he said softly as we stopped in front of my locker.

"see you there" I smiled back and let go of his hand so he can go to his locker. Right after he walked away with JB, BuRin walked to her locker which is right beside mine.

"hey" I simply greeted her.

"I hate Ms. Kim." she grumbled as she aggressively threw her textbook in her locker.

"I know what will cheer you up" I grinned and she turned around to look at me.

"what? Give me an A on my test?" she asked sarcastically.

"Nope, even better than that" I smiled and she looked at me suspiciously.

"what? " she asked.

"let's go to the beach"  I suggested and she looked at me weirdly.

"I need some shells for my project" I lied.

"do I have to go with you??" she asked with a pout.

"uh yes.. Do you want me to slip on the sand and roll into the ocean and die??!" I asked dramatically.

"go with your boyfriend!" she said.

"no.. Just come with me!!" I grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the school.

The boys are already outside and the moment BuRin and I stepped out they all turned their attention towards us. I gave them a solid nod and proceeded to drag BuRin down the steps and towards the guys.

"hey guys,  we're going to the beach you want to come along?" BuRin asked.

"nah.. We have practice" YoungJae lied.

"oh OK then" BuRin nodded a bit disappointed. She probably wanted BamBam to go, but little does she know what will happen later on..

"let's go" I dragged BuRin away from the guys. I turned back and gave BamBam a thumbs up and he released a sigh of relief.


"did Junie talk to you today?" BuRin asked as we settled down in the bus.

"she said hi" I shrugged.

"try to stay away from her.. If she wants something she will do whatever she can to get it" she warned, only to make me laugh.

"why do you make her sound so dangerous?"

"it's because she is. She is so creepy. She is obsessed. " BuRin said quietly as if she is afraid that June might be able to hear.

"yeah yeah"  I pretended to believe her, but she can tell that I don't. Honestly, Junie is a tiny bit creepy. Wait no. Not creepy, she is just a bit too friendly. Maybe its just me, I am more of the shy type so I'm not used to being so close to someone I barely know.

We finally arrived to the beach after about 10 minutes. I got off the bus with excitement while BuRin got off with boredom. We walked along the beach, in search for some seashells. Well BuRin has her head down and trying her best to  look for shells while my eyes are on my phone waiting for either of the guys to tell me that they are ready. Just in time, my phone buzzed at JB's message.

From: JB

Continue walking straight and when you see a bush, hide in it. We are inside the bush too. The perfect view ;)  

To: JB


I brought my head up to look around and I spotted the bush that JB was talking about.

"hey,  I'm gonna go to the washroom. Continue to look okay? I heard they have better shells up there" I pointed further ahead down the beach. If I tippy toed, I could see BamBam standing there with a bouquet of flowers in his hand and a teddy bear in the other. There is also a large heart in the sand made from rocks. Even looking at that made my heart flutter in excitement.

"how would you know?" she asked, but I already walked away really quickly. I looked back to see that her head is down again, so I changed my direction and charged into the large bush to see everyone there. They all crouched down so their heads won't be poking out.

"you are really bad at lying.. " Jr. commented and I only furrowed my eyebrows.

"should be any time now"  YoungJae peeked through the bush.

"I wanna see!" I tried to look past everyone, but they are just too big.

"stand here" Jackson said and I froze. I looked at him and the spot right beside him. It does seem like he has the perfect view, but I can't leave Mark like that. Mark is just standing quietly beside me, not holding my hand, his arm is not around me. So am I allowed to go stand over there? I looked at Mark and he looked kind of pissed off, but he then smiled when he saw me looking at him.

"go,  you don't want to miss your bestfriend being proposed to right? " he said with the softest smile. Feeling even more guilty, I smiled back and made my way to the front of the bush where Jackson is standing. I gave him an awkward smile and he returned it with his charming smile. I peeked through the gap in between the branches and leaves to see that BuRin has come face to face with BamBam. I covered my mouth to prevent myself from screaming and carefully watched though my squinty eyes due to excitement. I see BamBam say a few words but can't exactly make out what he said. After a long pause from BuRin she nodded and launched herself into BamBam's arms. BamBam caught her in his arms and they embraced each  other for a long time.

"let's go" JB lead the way out of the bush. We all started to clap and they held hands with rosy pink cheeks.

"ah!!!" I finally let out my shriek and jumped around in the sand.

"okay, now you guys are official." Yugyeom said and they nodded.

"about time! " I yelled.

"thanks"  BamBam smiled at me and I only smiled back. I feel like a mother watching my daughter being married off.

"who wants to have a barbecue?!" Jr. asked excitedly as he pulled a large cooler out-of no where.

"you even brought food?!" I asked completely amazed with how prepared these guys are.

We all sat around the large campfire that was created by Mark with hot dogs roasting on a metal skewer. Of course BuRin is sitting beside BamBam now, and I am sitting in between Mark and Jackson. The atmosphere between us definitely feels tense. I leaned closer to crackling fire, thinking that I can maybe escape this tension in the air. Bad idea. A piece of ash flew out of the fire and hit my face.

"ah!" I pulled back with a yelp and placed my hand onto my cheekbone. I feel someone grab my wrist and remove my hand away from my fresh wound. That person is not Mark. Jackson turned me so that I am facing him and he is examining my wound closely. I can feel his breath on my face. His familiar scent is the only thing I could smell right now. Other than the burning of wood and coal. I looked at him with wide eyes and my heart is hammering against my chest.

"does it hurt?" he asked. It took me a while to respond and I finally shook my head. It probably does hurt but I really can't feel anything right now.

"never do that again" he said a familiar line and did something extremely familiar. He leaned in and placed his lips on mine. The memories rushed back the moment our lips touched. My eyes are wide open in shock but honestly I like it.

*BAM* I hear a loud sound and Jackson's lips flew off of mine right away. He is now on the sand with a bruised cheek. Everyone stood up, but stay put in their positions. I turned around to look at a furious Mark.

Oh crap.

"you ing bastard!" Mark yelled and launched himself at Jackson. He punched Jackson one more time before Jackson fought back. Now it's an all out fight on the beach. Everyone just stood there to watch. They weren't shocked, it seemed like they expected this to happen. They were waiting for it to happen. I looked at JB, hoping that he would stop the fight but he only kept his eyes on the two who are rolling around in the sand, trying to murder each other.

"guys stop it!" I yelled, but didn't dare to approach the beasts. They completely ignored me and continued to hurt each other. They now have bruises on their faces and streaks of blood. I can not let this happen to the love of my life.

"Stop it!" I yelled even louder this time and walked right in between the fight. Expecting to take a few unstoppable punches, I actually felt nothing. The two completely stopped and are now breathing heavily while still glaring at each other.

"can you guys just stop.. Please.. " I said, trying my very best to hold my tears back.

"I'm sorry, this is all my fault..just please don't hurt each other"  I stuttered.

"_____" Mark tried to hold me, but I pulled away, then Jackson tried to hold my hand, but I dodged it. I stepped back with my weak legs and my eyes on the sand.

"I'm sorry...I just can't do this anymore, I tried I really did" I looked up at Mark and a tear rolled down my face.

"but it's not working" I then looked at Jackson and another tear escaped my eye.

"I'm so sorry" I crumpled down onto the sand and hung my head low. Tears are silently streaming down my face and my heart is throbbing.

"guys I think we should go" JB finally spoke up. It was quiet for a while before I began to hear footsteps walking away. After I hear no more footsteps walking away I hear one approaching. Someone sat down beside me and kept quiet. I looked up to see who I was hoping to see. BuRin. I wrapped my arms around her and cried freely on her shoulder. She moved her hand up and down my back to comfort me, but nothing is working right now.

"I tried.. " I cried.

"I know you did"  BuRin replied

"It didn't work.. I tried so hard.. " I stuttered through my sobs.

"if it's meant to be, then you wouldn't even need to try"  

HAYYYY GUYSSSSSSSS I FINALLY UPDATED!! I hope you liked this chapter!!! I’m sorry for any grammar mistakes!! I HOPE YOU LIKE ITTTT My final exams are coming up, I will be able to update more often after my exams!!  I PROMISE!! ANYWAYS KEEP COMMENTING!! <3

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maiquie24 #1
Chapter 24: YOU..... WHYYYYYYY?!?!?! AHHHHH! Great story! I’m still torn between Jackson and Mark! Like whyyyyy?!?!?! I’m still leaning towards Mark tho since he’s my bias ??
jayeldi #2
Among all I've read... This is still my favorite. I really love this story and how well it was written.
AriNJQ #3
Chapter 17: I want Jackson back! my heart is torn between the ships omfg
Saemiy #4
I cannot even start from where to compliment this story. I just love it!!
To be honest at first chapters your writting kinda dragging and boring to read, but as the chapter goes on i can see your writing style improved, and your decription in the story gets deeper, made me drown in your flow. Wooww.
I dont know if its bcs i love mark more or what, but i love your Mark ending better than your jackson, it feels more deep and heart touching and i can see you write your heart in it.
In the end, i love it!!
Cannot wait until it get featured ♡♥
katelynee_ #5
Chapter 1: TBH I RE READ THIS FF SO MUCH ITS MY FAVE PLEASE CONTINUE TO WRITE stories YOUR writing is so awesome omg ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Yiyikyn #6
Chapter 24: this is amazing.....really really amazing.....!! i love them both....but Mark is my bias:)
i want to try out more of your stories.....:) please write more...;) el b waiting
Chapter 24: Okay that was so cute. I dont know who to choose Because i love both of them haha anyway goodjob i love this story
Kpopfangirlxx #8
Chapter 24: Finished it in one day omg.. you should make a movie one day!! You've become my fav author omggg!!! I will always waiting for your next story.. your story is so damn beautiful.. you know how to put things. I'm waiting for your stories!! Can i have a request?? Pls post mark fanfics more~~ i will always waiting for you, hope you come with more amazing stories♡♡♡ i can't fully express my gratefulness towards you, you made my day. I love you author-nim, for real♡♡♡
shine_na97 #9
Chapter 15: i like your story so much!! Omgggg jackson is so sweeeeet! This is a true story?