
Is It Okay To Love You?

“Hey, are you going to the basketball game?” a tall and skinny girl with long brown hair also known as my best friend Lee BuRin asked.


“I’m tired…” I whined as we walked down the hallway to our lockers. The last class of the day just ended and I can’t wait to go home to take a nap.


“go~” BuRin pleaded by shaking my arm with a pout on her face.


“Is BamBam playing?” I asked.


“Yeah! That is why I want to go!” BuRin shouted a bit too loud, causing her to attract some unwanted attention.


“Nah...I’m not going” I shook my head to .


“why??? Just go~” she whined like a baby.


“hm…” I continued to bother her, even though I know that I will be going.


“Come on, the guys from the other school might be cute” she nudged my arm.


“Oh girl!! We goin!” I snapped my fingers with a erted grin on my face. BuRin laughed and dragged me to the gym, where the basketball game is held. Students from our school already took their seats on the bleachers, leaving only a few seats here and there. BuRin and I walked through the rows of chatting people to look for our seats.


“Oh hey _____” a deep and familiar voice said. I turned to my left to see Taecyeon oppa. He is two years older than me and he treats me like I’m his real sister. I also consider him as my blood related brother as well.


“Oh hey Taec oppa” I smiled and felt a bit intimidated by his other friends. I know they are not bad people, but they seem so tough and..they definitely have the ability to hurt someone if they wanted to.


“Sit here” Taec oppa patted two seats beside him. I looked at BuRin and around the bleachers to see that there are no seats left, except for the one in the far left corner.


“Okay” I nodded and took a seat beside him, BuRin sat down beside me with Nickhun oppa to her right.


“Never knew you were into basketball” Taec oppa commented.


“She’s not. She came for cute guys” BuRin informed him.


“Tell me which one you have your eyes on. I can get him for you with just a snap of my fingers” Taec oppa laughed.


“Okayy” I rolled my eyes playfully and turned my attention to the now starting game. I noticed BamBam first because of his unique hair colors and I quickly nudged BuRin.


“see your husband?” I teased.


“Where? Where?” She straightened her back and squinted her eyes to search for the love of her life. BamBam is BuRin’s first crush. She liked him ever since highschool started. She used to be a tomboy and swore that she would not fall for a guy so easily. Her promise broke after BamBam picked up her sweater for her. Just like that, she fell in love with him ever since.


“Awwwwe~ he looks so cute!” her eyes glistened. I rolled my eyes at this crazy girl that I consider as my best friend/sister. I continued to look through each player, having someone in mind that I want to see. The guy with the bright orange hair. Mark Tuan. My ex best friend. No matter how hard I try to forget about him and just live my life. I can’t. I always catch myself trying to look for him in the hallways, at lunch, in class, etc. It’s been a year and I still miss him. His messy hair flopped up and down as he ran with the ball down the court to the other side.


" hey, number 17 from the other school is not bad.. Seems to be your type" BuRin said loudly so that I can hear over the loud shouts. I searched for a number 17 from the opponents team. I spot the guy and to my surprise he looks really familiar. His dark hair just covering his eyebrows and his tall nose and chiseled jawline looks very familiar. On the back of his jersey, the name J. WANG. is printed right above his number.

"hm... He's kinda cute.. " I admitted and continued to think of where I've seen him before.

"which one?"  Taec oppa asked and I shrugged casually and told him the number.


"oh J. Flawless" Taec oppa raised an eyebrow and nodded his head. I looked at him weirdly, not bothering to figure out what their gangster talk meant.

" you should go for him" BuRin nudged my arm with her elbow.

"no! I don't even know him" I pushed BuRin away from me.

"Just keep an eye on your BamBam" I teased.

"don't worry, I am." she gave me a creepy look. I laughed and turned my attention back to the game.

After about an hour of screams and shouts, the game is finally over and we ended up losing. Everyone got up and started to leave.

"see you guys later" Taec oppa gave me a quick hug before leaving with his friends.

BuRin and I also decided to start moving before it gets too dark out. I adjusted my backpack on my shoulders and zipped up my jacket.

"I'm really hungry " I whined as I struggled to search for my phone in my pocket.

"we should go eat"  a familiar voice said. A voice that is not BuRin's. I looked up to see number 17 standing right infront of me. He is now in a black hoodie and his gym bag is hanging on his right shoulder. His hair is hid in his leather looking snapback. Okay. This guy looks too familiar. I just looked at him with no words coming out of my mouth.

"she is single. " BuRin commented. I turned to look at her, hoping that the daggers I'm shooting at her from my eyes would actually hurt her. She wiggled her eyebrows with a stupid grin on her face.

"aren't you going to repay me for the hot chocolate?"  the guy asked. I turned to look at him again. Hot chocolate?

"are you the guy that gave me the hot chocolate yesterday??" I asked.

"I think so.. " he chuckled.

"Jackson right?"  I asked, feeling proud that I remembered his name.

"Omo. You guys know each other?? " BuRin asked.

"um... Not really.."  I mumbled.

"I ship even more now!!! " she squealed, revealing her inner fangirl. I closed my eyes in embarrassment, letting my cheeks turn pink and Jackson chuckled.

" I'll buy you a cup of hot chocolate" I said, still embarrassed with what BuRin said.

"okay" Jackson agreed casually. I got up from the bench, my heavy backpack making me lose my balance.

"what's in there?? " Jackson asked curiously.

"My life"  I sighed, not wanting to think of the pile of homework that I have to do when I get home.

"pretty heavy life.. Do you need help with that? " he asked and I shook my head, turning down his offer.

" I can handle it"

"okay, if you're tired I can carry it for you" he said.

"don't worry about her, she is buff as hell." BuRin barged into our conversation. Really?? First she embarrasses me by saying I'm single, then she is fangirling right in front of him, now she comments on my strength and appearance.

"okay then" Jackson chuckled again.

"hyung where are you going? " someone called from behind us. All three of us turned around to see my revenge approaching us.

"oh hey BamBam, I'm just going to get a drink with some friends"  Jackson replied. I turned to look at BuRin with an evil grin on my face.

"do you want to come along? " I asked BamBam.

" um.. " he thought about it for a second.

"come on, BuRin will treat you"  I offered. BamBam looked at BuRin and she just smiled shyly, trying her best to control her feels at the moment.

"okay, can I bring someone else along? " he asked. My gut tells me that I should refuse and that whoever he is going to bring is someone that I don't want to see.

"sure"  I nodded.

"Mark hyung! " BamBam beckoned the person that I don't want to see to come over. Great. Mark jogged up to us, his orange hair also hid in his black snap back. He pretty much looks like a slimmer version of Jackson.

"sup"  he nod his head once towards BamBam.

"do you want to get something to drink with us? " BamBam asked.

" who is going? " he asked.

"Jackson hyung, _______ noona and BuRin"  BamBam listed. Mark looked at us for a brief second and looked back at BamBam.

"sure, I'll go" he smiled.

Damn it.

I looked at BuRin to exchange some thoughts through our eye contacts. She shrugged and wiggled her eyebrows at Jackson. Telling me to ignore Mark and just go for Jackson. BuRin and I decided to walk side by side, ahead of the guys. I keep giving BuRin looks, mostly about Mark coming along. She understands how awkward it is for me. I tell her everything. Sometimes she knows me more than I know myself. All of us walked outside to be greeted with a strong gust of wind. I squinted my eyes so that nothing goes in. I looped my arm through BuRin's so that neither of us would fall over due to the strong wind. The boys fooled around behind us, as if the wind did not bother them at all.

Eventually we reached the cafe, a few tables were occupied by couples and some adults.

"we will sit down at that table,_____ and Jackson go get the drinks" BuRin instructed. I gave her a look, but she ignored it. I sighed quietly and began to walk over to the counter. I then realized that I am going no where. I turned around to see Jackson holding onto the strap of my backpack.

"aren't you going to put this down first? " he asked. I realized that I still have my heavy backpack on me, when I could just set it down on a chair. I nodded and took off my backpack and then placed it on a random chair.

"let's go"  I said and Jackson followed me up to the counter.

"hm... What do you want? " I asked while looking at the menu.

"hot chocolate"  Jackson's deep voice rumbled softly, making me realize how close he is.

"oh! I forgot to ask them what they want" I hurried back to the table to take down some orders.

"what do you guys want? "

"hot chocolate!"  BuRin chirped. I nodded and looked at BamBam.

"same here" he smiled cutely. I took mental note of two hot chocolates and then looked at Mark for a brief second and immediately looked away to search for my wallet in my backpack.

"Mark hyung, what do you want?" BamBam asked, saving me from having to look or talk to him.

"I'll have a hot chocolate too" he said with his unforgettable voice.

"okay three hot chocolates" I tapped my wallet on my hand and stride back to Jackson who is still waiting at the corner.

"so... Five hot chocolates" I told him and myself. Just when I am about to step up to the lady behind the counter, Jackson beat me to it. I guess he wants to order..

"five hot chocolates please" he told the young female worker. She smiled shyly and her face turned into a light shade of pink. I furrowed my eyes to why she act like this. I then looked at Jackson to find my answer. How can a normal girl not melt at the sight of him?? I mean.. He is hot. Just saying.

"your name please? " the girl asked.

" Jackson"

"your total is $12.95" the girl read off of the cash register. I stepped up to stand beside Jackson and ped my wallet. Right when I pulled out a bill, Jackson already handed money to the girl. I looked at him weirdly.

"I can't let you pay for five people when you only owe one drink" he explained.

"no no here take this" I handed him a bill. He pushed my hand away, refusing to accept the money.

"you can treat me next time. Just me" he smiled. I sighed and nodded. So we will be meeting again..


"five hot chocolates for Jackson" the girl called and placed four cups on a tray and one on its own. Jackson grabbed the tray of four and I grabbed the single cup. We made or way over to the table and took a seat on one of the two seats left. BuRin sat right across from me and beside BamBam and Mark sat at the end of the table. Leaving the only seat beside me for Jackson.

"thanks noona" BamBam beamed and pulled a cup out of the tray.

"don't thank me, thank Jackson. He paid for it" I made it clear that I did not pay for it.

"Thanks hyung! " BamBam formed a heart with his hands and Jackson pretended to feel disgusted.

Awkward silence. BuRin and I made some more eye contacts while the boys just sat there.

" noona, how did you know Jackson hyung? " BamBam asked. I looked at him and thought about how to explain my story.

"hmm.. He helped me"  I said, trying to make it sound as simple and less embarrassing as possible.

"with what?" BuRin asked. I glared at her and then realized that I did not tell her about what happened yesterday yet.

"um... well I slipped.. And he helped me up... " I said quietly.

" oh yes... The typical_____" BuRin teased and everyone chuckled.

"does she usually cry over spilt hot chocolate too? " Jackson asked.

"Yah, I didn't cry over that"  I corrected him.

"oh sorry, does she usually worry more about food rather than her safety? " Jackson reword his sentence, making it sound worse.

" yeah" BuRin, BamBam and Mark nodded.

"Yah. " I glared at them.

" what?? I'm just telling him the truth" BuRin put her hands up in surrender.

"BamBam, are you dating anyone? " I turned my attention onto the giggling boy. Out of the corner of my eye, I see BuRin's face turn red and she immediately glared at me.

"eh heh nope"  he chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck.

"oh what do you know? BuRin is single too! What a coincidence" I threw my hands up in the air.

"oh.. Really? " BamBam stuttered.

" mhmm" I nodded with a smile on my face.

"Hey, Jackson are you single? " BuRin asked. I stopped smiling  and immediately looked at her.

" wow.. How original" I mumbled under my breath.

"yep.. " Jackson replied casually.

"oh really?? I thought you would have a girlfriend because you seem to be the type that girls would fall for" BuRin said "for example: girls like______"  she added. I closed my eyes in embarrassment and tried to control my urge to murder my only best friend.

"oh really?" Jackson asked, sounding like he is actually interested in this conversation.

"yep, she likes guys who are tall, buff, nice jawline and has that bad boy image." BuRin listed my ideal type.

"hmm.. Seems like I am her type" Jackson said with a cheeky smile on his face. I rolled my eyes and took a sip of my drink. I then realized that I forgot about Mark's presence for a few minutes. He is just sitting there with his hands wrapped around his warm drink. He never said a word ever since we got here. I kind of feel bad for him.. He must feel so left out and bored right now. Wait. I can't worry about him. I don't care about him. Yeah just leave him.

"yo, Mark" Jackson waved his hand in front of Mark's face. He managed to bring his attention back to earth. Mark gave Jackson a nod, asking him what's up.

"dude, you didn't even say a word" Jackson pointed out.

"oh.. I'm tired" he shrugged.

"yeah, I'm tired too let's go home" BamBam pouted.

"_______, we should leave before your mom goes all crazy again" BuRin said. I nodded and put on my heavy backpack. All of us got up from the table and left the cafe with our drinks still in our hands.

"let me walk you home" Jackson offered. BuRin nudged my arm multiple times, but I tried to ignore it so it's not obvious.

"no, it's fine. You should go home before it gets dark or starts to snow" I turned down his offer politely.

"okay then, you still owe me a drink" Jackson ruffled my hair, making BuRin squeal silently.

"see you guys later " he patted Mark's back and began to walk away. Leaving only the four of us.

"we live in the same area, let's just walk home together"  BamBam suggested. Even though I'm not looking at BuRin right now, I can feel her eyes light up. And as for me, it is going to be an awkward journey home.

"okay, let's go! " I said enthusiastically. I walked ahead, leaving BuRin behind with BamBam and Mark. As much as I hate to walk alone, especially on a cold winter evening. I have to let BuRin get to know BamBam a bit more. In the other words, I don't want to be a . As I walked by myself, I let myself think about stuff.. Mark to be exact. It's been a while since we hung out together, well this doesn't even really count as hanging out. We did not talk at all, no eye contacts were made and yet I think that today is a special day. I guess I just miss him so much that something this little changes my entire day. I wonder if he still thinks about me or at least remember that we were once best friends.

"noona! " BamBam shouted and BuRin shrieked. I brought my attention to what is happening in front of me. A car skid to a complete stop, leaving only a few inches away from me. My heart dropped to my stomach, my legs felt like jelly and my drink slipped out of my hand. Great.

"are you okay??"  someone grabbed my left arm firmly, helping me with my weak balance. I slowly nodded and turned around to see Mark's face with panic written all over it.

"watch where you are going!" the angry middle aged man yelled from his car and sped off.

"_____! " BuRin rushed to me and tackled me into a bear hug. As I come back to my senses, I then realize that Mark was still holding onto my arm until BuRin came along.

" noona, are you okay?" BamBam asked.

"Yeah I'm fine  that was a close one though" I chuckled.

"I swear to god______, you better be more careful or else you will actually die" BuRin said seriously.

"okay mom" I rolled my eyes playfully, but BuRin still has her serious face that I rarely see.

"Yah, I'm okay now. Stop with your serious face" I slapped her arm playfully. I looked into her eyes to see that tears are welling up.

"dude. " I said as more tears formed in her eyes.

"stop it!" I yelled and her tears finally rolled down her cheeks. I looked at the guys and they shrugged.

"yah~stop crying" I grabbed her hand and used it to wipe away her tears for her.

"did you know that BamBam doesn't like it when girls cry? " I leaned closer to BuRin and whispered. She quickly wiped away her tears and sniffled. A smile spread onto my face and I looped my arm through her arm. We walked ahead of the guys so that we could have some sister time.

"you scared me"  BuRin mumbled.

"yeah I scared myself too" I simply replied with a light chuckle.

"you know how Mark was behind us right?" BuRin asked.

"Mhmm... "

"well he pushed through us to get to you after the car stopped."  BuRin said quietly so that no one else could hear.

"so..? " I shrugged.

"I don't want to bring up the past, but I have a feeling that he still cares about you"  BuRin said carefully. I thought about it for a second.

"no.. He doesn't. I'm sure he would've done the same thing with you or any random person on the street." I denied BuRin's assumption.

Does he still care about me?

Hey guys!! I’m back!!! OMG I can’t believe I actually have subscribers! LOL. I feel like this chapter is not very interesting and it might bore you guys...I”M SORRY! I just really wanted to update a chapter because you guys are my motivation! I love reading your comments every time I check on this story!! I always get super excited to see that I have new comments or subscription! I most likely won’t be updating until next weekend because I have a few tests coming up D; sorry!!  


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maiquie24 #1
Chapter 24: YOU..... WHYYYYYYY?!?!?! AHHHHH! Great story! I’m still torn between Jackson and Mark! Like whyyyyy?!?!?! I’m still leaning towards Mark tho since he’s my bias ??
jayeldi #2
Among all I've read... This is still my favorite. I really love this story and how well it was written.
AriNJQ #3
Chapter 17: I want Jackson back! my heart is torn between the ships omfg
Saemiy #4
I cannot even start from where to compliment this story. I just love it!!
To be honest at first chapters your writting kinda dragging and boring to read, but as the chapter goes on i can see your writing style improved, and your decription in the story gets deeper, made me drown in your flow. Wooww.
I dont know if its bcs i love mark more or what, but i love your Mark ending better than your jackson, it feels more deep and heart touching and i can see you write your heart in it.
In the end, i love it!!
Cannot wait until it get featured ♡♥
katelynee_ #5
Chapter 1: TBH I RE READ THIS FF SO MUCH ITS MY FAVE PLEASE CONTINUE TO WRITE stories YOUR writing is so awesome omg ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Yiyikyn #6
Chapter 24: this is amazing.....really really amazing.....!! i love them both....but Mark is my bias:)
i want to try out more of your stories.....:) please write more...;) el b waiting
Chapter 24: Okay that was so cute. I dont know who to choose Because i love both of them haha anyway goodjob i love this story
Kpopfangirlxx #8
Chapter 24: Finished it in one day omg.. you should make a movie one day!! You've become my fav author omggg!!! I will always waiting for your next story.. your story is so damn beautiful.. you know how to put things. I'm waiting for your stories!! Can i have a request?? Pls post mark fanfics more~~ i will always waiting for you, hope you come with more amazing stories♡♡♡ i can't fully express my gratefulness towards you, you made my day. I love you author-nim, for real♡♡♡
shine_na97 #9
Chapter 15: i like your story so much!! Omgggg jackson is so sweeeeet! This is a true story?