
Look At Me




Sooyoung woke up with the first rays of sunlight crashing through the living room's massive window and thus her eyes. She opened one eye.

She hadn't slept a single minute. Aish...there was...this feeling she somehow couldn't shake off. Yuri had woken up and was exercizing. She looked at Sooyoung and waved.


-"Hey" Yuri said.


-"You look awful" Yuri said as she laughed.


-"Yeah, laugh all you want, are you sure there aren't any...voyeurs here?"


-"What?! What the hell are you talking about?" Yuri said as she laughed even harder.


-"I don't know, I just have...a bad feeling that's all" Sooyoung said.


-"Go make some breakfast, work since you're staying here without paying a cent, freeloader" Yuri said.


-"Yah! I'm not a freeloader" Sooyoung said as she hit Yuri's arm.


-"Yeah sure" Yuri said as she continued to exercize.



Meanwhile Jessica was up, since Yuri was up. She...still felt the worst. Sooyoung was still there she somehow hoped the tall girl was a part of some...imaginary thought or dream. Some trick of her mind. But she wasn't she was right there. In the place Jessica had always wanted to be but couldn't. Jessica put down the binnoculars. She went to her kitchen and prepared breakfast. She ate, alone without looking through the window. She was feeling bad with Sooyoung there.

Suddenly something that rarely happens...

Jessica's doorbell rang?

She looked at the door and tilted her head to the side. As if she had never hear the thing buzz.

Well there weren't many people that would look for her actually. It was only one. Krystal...

Jessica got up and walked to the door. She looked through the small hole.

What the hell? That's not Krystal for sure. Jessica thought as she met a eye smiling eye looking through the same hole.

Should she open the door? She could just ignore it.

The doorbell rang harder and longer this time. 


-"Aish!" Jessica screamed in defeat.


She opened the door.


-"What do you-" Jessica was saying. But soon she was paralyzed by the beauty of the girl.


-"Hello" The girl said with a smile.


A smile that Jessica had never seen. So beautiful, so peaceful.


-"Hi" Jessica said as she did her best to smile.


-"I'm moving here today, and I just came to say hello" The girl said as she looked down.


The girl noticed Jessica never crossed the line that divided her home to the corridor. She always stayed inside.


-"Ah, Welcome then. What's your name?" Jessica asked without thinking.


"What?! What the hell am I asking her name for?" Jessica thought


-"I'm Tiffany Hwang, nice to meet you" Tiffany said as she extended her arm hoping to get at least a handshake.


-"Yeah, nice to meet you too, now if you excuse me, I have other things to do" Jessica said as she went inside and closed the door.


-"Wow, she is...different" Tiffany muttered.



Jessica rushed to her window. But it was already too late. Yuri had already left. Instead. Sooyoung sprawled herself on the couch watching TV.

Jessica somehow laughed. The girl actually looked hilarious. Watching TV and eating chips.

Wait a minute...Eating? Again? But they just had breakfast.


Suddenly Sooyoung looked right to her window. 


-"I'm sure..." Sooyoung muttered as she looked.


Jessica hid herself behind the curtains.

What the hell? Is she a sorcerer? Does she have 6th sense.

Things would only become harder for Jessica with Sooyoung here.



Jessica went to a small room beside the living room. An easel stood in the middle of the room with a small box.

On the walls of the room stood some paintings Jessica had done throughout the years but didn't have the courage to sell.

She sat on the small stool in front of the easel. She painted. Whatever was on her mind. She didn't know what the outside world was like. But...seeing it through the internet she could only imagine it. Imagination gives life to her paintings so that's how she painted. Imagining...

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Chapter 15: Es tan lindo (y un poco espeluznante)
Queens_Royal #2
Chapter 15: Hello! You might didn't see this..but this story is lovely and I'm thinking about people who have the same cases as Jessica it must be torture for them..
But nevertheless, I like your story and like the happy ending!!
Chapter 15: omg i love it :) great story!
oh interesting :)
new subscriber here.
yoonhae14 #5
Chapter 15: Nice Story Author-ssi :) it was lovely and amazing!
Love this the character of jessica..
How come sica can live like that..
At first i think sica will fall in love with fany..huhu
Hope to see more yulsic moment..
Best story and i hope u will write more..hehe
Good job author