The Other Side

Look At Me
Yoona put an arm to her side. Sooyoung was no longer there. She lifted her head from her pillow and looked at the empty space beside her. Sooyoung would always do this. She would always appear and then leave as quickly as she came. She never did stay in Yoona's life and yet she was probably the person who had stayed the longest and the one who knew her...better than most people. Except for her...Jessica.
Yoona didn't regret her choice, she wasn't able to cope with her disability and staying with her would only hurt her more, so Yoona left. She just regrets that she couldn't have done it in a better way. A simple not stating that it's over is not the best thing you can do when you want to break up.
Yoona sat up on her bed. Covered in her sheets she looked up at the ceiling. What was she supposed to do? The gallery, was going foward, her life long dream and yet...everything seems so empty...She wished Sooyoung had stayed...just a little longer.
The door to the bedroom opened and on came a tall figure, dressed in only a big jumper and with a small tray in her hands she sat beside Yoona.
She smiled...Yoona smiled brightly. Sooyoung was surprised by her smile, she had never seen her like that.
Yoona extended her arm and tried to grab a piece of toast.
-"Owh!" Yoona let out as her hand was slapped by Sooyoung.
-"It's for me" Sooyoung said.
-"But I'm hungreh~~" Yoona said cutely.
Sooyoung opened her eyes in surprise and looked at Yoona.
-"How did you just say that?" Sooyoung asked.
-"Don't make me repeat was totally out of character" Yoona said.
-"Just give me food" Yoona said as she grabbed a piece if toast and ate it.
-"Yah!" Sooyoung screamed.
Meanwhile, Taeyeon came inside the gallery, a hand occupied by Tiffany's hand, coming a bit after Taeyeon. She was feeling so shy, and her face was flashing a red hue. Taeyeon's hand felt so confortable. Tiffany smiled slightly as she looked at her hand in Taeyeon's.
-"So...this is the gallery" Taeyeon said as she looked at Tiffany.
-"It's...beautiful" Tiffany said.
Tiffany looked at the gallery, it was beautiful and the paintings were also outwordly. Jessica's paintings were coming to this place?
A place...worthy of her works. There was a banner hanging. Tiffany recognized the person who was on the picture.
That was the same girl that Jessica had in painting...yes Tiffany had seen Yoona's painting. She didn't do it on purpose but it just happened.
She never did tell Jessica though. She didn't want to be nosy or be rude.
Tiffany looked at Taeyeon and furrowed her brow.
-"Anything wrong?" Taeyeon asked.
-"Who is she?" Tiffany asked as she pointed at the banner.
-"That's Im Yoona, she's the owner and also a main artist of this gallery, she's a really good friend of mine" Taeyeon said.
-"I've seen her before" Tiffany said.
-"I didn't know you were into art" Taeyeon said as she smiled.
-"I'm not...not really, Jessica painted her" Tiffany said.
-"Jessica did?!" Taeyeon let out surprised.
-"Do they know each other?" Taeyeon said.
Sooyoung came with Yoona to the gallery, she was dropping her off before going back to Yuri's apartment.
As they went inside the gallery they heard some voices.
-"Hello?" Yoona said as she came in and saw Tiffany and Taeyeon.
-"Oh! It's Yoona" Taeyeon said as she tapped Tiffany's shoulder.
Tiffany turned around and looked at Yoona, then back at the banner.
It really was her.
-"Hey" Sooyoung waved.
-"Hello" Tiffany said with a slight bow.
-"It's a pleasure to meet you, your gallery is really beautiful" She said as she smiled.
-"Thank you" Yoona said.
Tiffany looked at Taeyeon seriously...
-"I'm sorry to ask you this you know Jessica Jung?" Tiffany said.
Taeyeon facepalmed internally at how blunt that was.
Sooyoung furrowed her brow at Tiffany's question.
Jessica Jung?
Yoona was a bit surprised and looked at Tiffany. How did she know that name?
She looked at Taeyeon who was waiting for her...eagerly waiting an answer.
Yoona looked at Sooyoung.
She looked down and sighed slightly.
-"Yes" Yoona said.
-"I knew it!" Tiffany let out.
-"You did?" Yoona said.
-"Oh, no, no, don't get me wrong" Tiffany said.
-"It's just seems we have a mutual friend" Tiffany said.
-"More or less" Yoona said.
-"How did you knew me?" Yoona asked.
-"Jessica painted you" Tiffany said.
Taeyeon opened her eyes and looked at Tiffany surprised. She facepalmed, this time physically.
Sooyoung looked at Yoona.
-"She did what now?" Sooyoung asked.
Yoona looked at Sooyoung and then at Tiffany. She was being overwhelmed.
-"Okay! Okay! Calm down people" Yoona said as she put her hands up.
-"I'm all ears" Sooyoung said.
-"Makes two of us" Taeyeon said.
-"Do you also know Jessica?" Yoona asked Taeyeon.
-"Yes" Taeyeon said.
-"We'll talk about that later. Now please do explain" Taeyeon said.
-" my ex girlfriend" She said as she looked at Taeyeon.
-"So the person you kept saying you had to leave is..." Taeyeon was saying.
-"Jessica" Yoona answered.
-"It was short but beautiful, it was some of the best time in my life, but unfortunately...if you know Jessica you know that she suffers from agoraphobia" Yoona said.
Tiffany and Taeyeon nodded.
-"I simply couldn't cope with it...I couldn't be there for her..." Yoona said.
-"I see" Tiffany said.
-"Jessica made a painting of you...I don't know why, I just caught a glimpse of it once" Tiffany said.
-"How do you know Jessica?" Yoona said as she looked at Taeyeon.
-"Remember I had discovered this really good artist some time ago, that was doing works for me but only contacted me through the internet? That I used my mail office influence" Taeyeon said.
-"Oh...yeah, the one you shipped their paintings" Yoona said.
-"Well, tracking it back through the mail I discovered her adress, hence why I told you I was going to Yuri's, she lives in the apartment building just across the street" Taeyeon said.
-"So...the artist you said you wanted to display was...Jessica?" Yoona asked.
-"Yes" Taeyeon answered.
-"Wait! Wait! I'm still here" Sooyoung let out, coming out as she just realized something.
She looked at Taeyeon and Tiffany.
Yoona looked at her surprised.
-"Where does she live?" Sooyoung asked Taeyeon.
-"That old building across Yuri's" Taeyeon said.
-"What's her apartment?" Sooyoung asked.
-"Wait...I know's the one right in front of Yuri's isn't it, you can see her apartment real nice" Sooyoung said as she looked at Tiffany.
-"Well...yes" Tiffany said as she looked at Sooyoung.
-"Ah-Ha! I knew it, it's Yuri's stalker" Sooyoung said.
-"Yuri's stalker?" Taeyeon asked.
-"Yes, she's the one voyeur girl" Sooyoung said.
-"Last time I saw Jessica she surely wasn't in voyeurism" Yoona said.
-"Well...but she is" Tiffany said.
-"She said that somehow seeing Yuri keeps her peaceful" Tiffany said.
-"That's...mildly creepy but romantic" Sooyoung said.
-"Lately she met and was alone with Yuri, they had a good thing going on but...Jessica told me that she couldn't be with Yuri, she told me that she couldn't do it" Tiffany said.
-"Wait!" Tiffany said as she looked at the other girls.
This explains a lot.
-"What does?" Sooyoung asked.
-"Yoona does! Yoona is the reason she couldn't do it...she still hasn't had closure" Tiffany said.
-"What? What do you mean?" Taeyeon said.
-"Tiffany's right...I left Jessica with only a note...saying that it was all over" Yoona said.
All three girls looked at her.
-"See" Tiffany said.
-"I think we can make this right" Tiffany said.
-"What?" They all asked at the same time.
-"I have a plan" Tiffany said.
-"What kind of plan?" Taeyeon asked.

-"You'll see" Tiffany said as she smiled.

Tiffany looked at Yoona, who was surprised by her bubbly personality.

-"We'll need your help...particularly your help" Tiffany said.

-"You will?" Yoona asked.

-"I think you know what you have to do without me saying it" Tiffany said as she looked into Yoona's eyes.
-"Yes..." She said trailing off.

Jessica her apartment, like always, nothing changed. She had just finished the paintings Taeyeon had requested for the gallery. She was a bit mentally tired. Sitting by the window drinking a cup of tea. There was no sign of Yuri. She had seen her before she went into her makeshift atelier but when she came out...Yuri was gone. It was pretty incredible how Yuri just...continued to live her life as if Jessica wasn't watching her...even though now Jessica knew that she was aware of her. Thinking of it like that...this had become pretty creepy hasn't it. Jessica had become pretty creepy. She looked down on her cup. How far had she stepped down? Was she even considered part of the world outside anymore? 
Yuri went to a coffee shop near...the airport? It was...kind of weird of Sooyoung and Taeyeon to tell her to meet them here. But she came anyways.
As she went into the coffee shop she saw Tiffany and Taeyeon sitting side by side, Tiffany was feeding Taeyeon cake. It looked kind of sweet, they looked like kids, and then across them was miss tally tall Sooyoung, eating as if the world was gonna end. Yuri approached the table with a smile on her face.

-"Hey" She said.

-"Good you could come" Tiffany said.

Yuri looked at Tiffany and smiled.

-"So, why the invitation? Something to celebrate?" Yuri said.

-"Yes but not yet" Taeyeon said.

-"Hum?" Yuri let out with a questionful expression.

-"Yoongie~~" Sooyoung let out as she playfully cried and ate ice cream.

-"What's wrong with her?" Yuri said as she sat beside Sooyoung.

-"Nothing special" Tiffany said.

-"We have a plan to get you and Jessie together" Tiffany said.

-"What?" Yuri let out.

-"Yes, and it's already in motion" Tiffany said.

Yuri just stared blankly at Tiffany.

-"Don't worry everything will be fine" Tiffany said.

-"These are tickets to Veneza" Taeyeon said as she gave them to Yuri.

-"Why are you giving me this?" Yuri asked.

-"Just grab it...and you're going to the airport, Sooyoung's taking you" Taeyeon said.

-"I'm what? But I have a things scheduled until next week" Yuri said.

-"You had, but then I talked to Siwon oppa" Sooyoung said.

-"Sooyoung! Taking advantage of your cousin again?" Yuri said as she slapped her arm.

-"Yah! I'm doing this for you" Sooyoung said as she continued to eat her ice cream.

-"I lost my Yoongie for a day because of that we were finally together" Sooyoung let out.

-"Who's Yoongie?" Yuri asked.

-"It's a long story" Tiffany said.

-"I don't get anything of what's happening" Yuri said.

-"Good, you don't need to" Taeyeon said as she signaled Sooyoung who got up and pulled Yuri up.

-"But..." Yuri was simply pulled to the car, shoved in the passenger seat and droved by Sooyoung towards the airport.
Jessica was sitting on the couch, a book opened over her head, she had falle asleep reading.
Suddenly her doorbell rang. Could it be Tiffany? Or maybe...Yuri?! 
She got up excited and ran towards the door, she unlocked it and...Yoona?

-"What are you doing here?" Jessica said blunt.

Of all the people she expected to be on the other side of that door and they weren't many, she never expected Yoona to appear.

-"Hello Jessica" Yoona said.
-"We need to talk" Yoona said.
Jessica looked down...she diverted her gaze from Yoona. Looking at Yoona was breaking her a bit.
-"About what?" Jessica said.

-"You know what about" Yoona said.

-"Aren't you even going to invite me in?" Yoona asked.

-"Yes...sure" Jessica said as she opened the door a bit more and stepped aside.

Yoona came in. The apartment was just the same. How can someone live like this...closed.
Jessica walked fast towards the place where she hanged Yoona's portrait.

-"I know about that painting" Yoona said.

Jessica stopped in her tracks and looked at Yoona in shock. How does she know? Who told her?

-"Our mutual friend Tiffany told me about it" Yoona said as she smiled.

-"Tiffany did?" Jessica said.

-"Don't be mad at her, she did it with good intentions" Yoona said.

-"In fact, Tiffany is the reason why I'm here to talk to you" Yoona said.
-"Listen to me Jessica, I'm only gonna say this once and I hope it stays in your heart forever..." Yoona said as she stepped a bit closer to Jessica and looked  inside her eyes.

-"Be free, stop closing yourself in this little world...I want to say sorry, I'm sorry I left like that, I couldn't stay with you because I couldn't understand you, but now you have...Yuri? I think that's her name, she seems to be someone who cares deeply for you, and we both know you can't find such a person twice" Yoona said.

-"Leave this place, go outside, live your life, meet people. If people are what you are afraid off...well we are all afraid of something until we get to know it"

-"We are all afraid of the unknown" Yoona said.

Jessica's eyes let out tears. To listen to Yoona say those things...she felt Like a thousand ton burden just came off her back.
Jessica hugged Yoona and she hugged her back. Jessica went to Yoona's portrait and took it down. She handed it to Yoona.
-"This was my masterpiece, I'll never paint one quite like it" Jessica said as she gave it to Yoona.

-"Of course you will silly, and a better one" Yoona said as she thanked Jessica.

-"Oh...Tiffany told me to give you a message" Yoona said as she went to the hallway.

-"Yuri is leaving to Veneza for a week or more" Yoona said.

-"No" Jessica said.

-"I believe that's what she told me" Yoona said.

-"What will you do?" Yoona asked her.

Jessica still didn't cross the line...the line was there, the tip of her foot almost on the other side.
What could she do? She needed to tell Yuri so many things, starting with "I'm sorry" and ending in "I love you"...was she going to wait a week.

Yoona looked at the confused Jessica and smiled.

-"You want a ride?" Yoona asked.

-"You know what? I think I'll accept your offer" Jessica said as she went back inside, she put shoes on and a coat and followed Yoona in a flash.

She surprised did she do that?
She was...outside.
They went inside the elevator and then they went to Yoona's car. Jessica looked through the window of the car. The city was never different.
Yuri was waiting in front of the gate. Through that a few minutes would be the plane that would take her to Veneza. 
Wait...Why does she have two tickets? One for her and one for?
Taeyeon you pabo.

-"Yuri" A voice called.

Yuri looked up from the tickets. Oh.My.God.

-"Jessica?" Yuri said.

Jessica nodded. She was feeling a bit dizzy but everything passed once she looked at Yuri.
From a distance, the fabulous four were watching. Yoona, Sooyoung, Tiffany and Taeyeon.

-"I'm sorry" Jessica said.

-"I love you" Jessica said as she kissed Yuri on the lips, gently.

No more words were needed, Yuri understood what she meant. I'm sorry for not being with you earlier and I love you...Yuri loved those magic three words.
Yuri hugged Jessica.
-"I love you too" Yuri said.

-"Can you not go to Veneza?" Jessica said.

-"No" Yuri answered.

Jessica was in a bit of a shock...

-"You're coming with me" Yuri said as she showed Jessica the ticket.

-"So" Tiffany said as she appeared with the other three girls.

-"You guys?" Jessica said.

-"Yes, yes, some magic was performed" Tiffany said.

-"So, here's your passport and documents, courtesy of Krystal" Tiffany said as she gave them to Jessica.

-"Yoona...did you..?" Jessica said.

-"Yes I knew all of it" Yoona said.

-"Pleasure to meet you" Yuri said.

-"Treat her well" Yoona said.

-"Everyday" Yuri answered.

The airport called for the last passengers, so many people had already went through. And so the four girls watched as they went inside the plane for a week's getaway in Veneza.

-"Do you think they'll be okay?" Taeyeon asked.

-"I think they'll be fine" Tiffany said.

-"I think we shouldn't bother them for the next few days" Sooyoung said.

-"Tiffany...thank you" Yoona said as she hugged Tiffany.

And so the plane left. Jessica sat beside Yuri, her head resting on the latter's shoulder...she had just gotten out of her space...but with her on her side she felt like she could go anywhere.

-"Never leave" Jessica said.

-"Never" Yuri said as she closed her eyes and leaned on Jessica.
Thank You Everyone








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Chapter 15: Es tan lindo (y un poco espeluznante)
Queens_Royal #2
Chapter 15: Hello! You might didn't see this..but this story is lovely and I'm thinking about people who have the same cases as Jessica it must be torture for them..
But nevertheless, I like your story and like the happy ending!!
Chapter 15: omg i love it :) great story!
oh interesting :)
new subscriber here.
yoonhae14 #5
Chapter 15: Nice Story Author-ssi :) it was lovely and amazing!
Love this the character of jessica..
How come sica can live like that..
At first i think sica will fall in love with fany..huhu
Hope to see more yulsic moment..
Best story and i hope u will write more..hehe
Good job author