Cover Up

Look At Me




Jessica closed the door after her sister left. She grabbed the binoculars and the chair and put them back to their place, she unlocked the door to the painting room. She sat on her couch and looked up to the ceiling. Her sister kept telling her to leave her place. To try to at least. Problem is that Jessica was sick of trying it. The result was always the same. Anyways...Jessica sat on her desk, she her computer and checked her email. Her mail friend would be coming tomorrow to take some of the orders, she had. She sent an email thanking this person for the 300th time. She had actually never seen his or her face. Taeyeon? Since it was the name on the email, Jessica could only assume it was also the name of the person. Must be a girl...Taeyeon doesn't sound like a man's name. A mailwoman? Strange...

Jessica turned off her computer and went to try and look to Yuri's apartment. She was affraid now, since Sooyoung was always there.

She sat on the chair and grabbed the binoculars. As soon as she looked at the window.


There were...eyes and they were looking right at her...Jessica put aside the binoculars and rubbed her eyes...she looked again. Sooyoung was standing there...and looking right at her. 


Sooyoung stood in front of the big living room window, she looked right at that window and there she was a girl with a blonde hair looking this way.


-"Ah, I knew it" Sooyoung said as she turned around grabbed the keys and left.


-"Soo? Soo?" Yuri called as she came out of the bedroom.


-"Oh? Must be buying food..." Yuri said not thinking about it.


Jessica saw Sooyoung leaving.


"Wait...Is she coming here?" Jessica thought.


Jessica suddenly started to panic. What would she do? What would she do?


Sooyoung got inside the building, she judged the floor by the height that and she spent the last 5 minutes counting windows trying to guess the floor.

She pressed the button on the elevator. She went to the door she judged it would be and banged the door.


Jessica suddenly heard a loud sound coming from the hallway...She really was here.


Jessica prepared herself to open the door when suddenly the apartment beside her opened the door.



-"Yes?" Tiffany said as she opened the door.


-"'s not you..." Sooyoung said as she looked at Tiffany.


-"Anything you need?" Tiffany asked.


-"No, not from you...sorry" Sooyoung said as she was ready to kncok on the door beside.


-"There's no one living there" Tiffany said.


-"What?! That's impossible, I'm sure I saw..." Sooyoung was saying.


-"I'm telling you there's no one living there" Tiffany said.


-"Oh...okay, but I'm sure..." Sooyoung said as she left.


As Sooyoung left the door opened and Jessica poked her head outside and looked at Tiffany amazingly her head had passed the doorway line.



-"Why did you say that?" Jessica asked.


-"What?" Tiffany said.


-"You lied to her" Jessica said.


-"Did I?" Tiffany said.


-"Don't play dumb, you did. That and...why would you lie?" Jessica asked.


-"I don't know but it seemed to me that you wouldn't want to be bothered by her" Tiffany said.


-"Can I come in?" Tiffany asked as she closed her door and stood in front of Jessica.


-"What? Uhhh, well....yes" Jessica said as she let Tiffany come inside and closed the door.

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Chapter 15: Es tan lindo (y un poco espeluznante)
Queens_Royal #2
Chapter 15: Hello! You might didn't see this..but this story is lovely and I'm thinking about people who have the same cases as Jessica it must be torture for them..
But nevertheless, I like your story and like the happy ending!!
Chapter 15: omg i love it :) great story!
oh interesting :)
new subscriber here.
yoonhae14 #5
Chapter 15: Nice Story Author-ssi :) it was lovely and amazing!
Love this the character of jessica..
How come sica can live like that..
At first i think sica will fall in love with fany..huhu
Hope to see more yulsic moment..
Best story and i hope u will write more..hehe
Good job author