You Have...Lovely Eyes

Look At Me




Yuri and Taeyeon were walking across the street and in the direction of Jessica's building. 
Meanwhile Jessica and Tiffany were talking in the living room. Sitting on the couch while sharing a tub of ice cream. Tiffany's idea...
Yuri turned to Taeyeon and made an intrigued expression. 

-"Why are you coming here?" Yuri asked.

-"There's someone that lives here that I need to meet" Taeyeon said as she smiled.

-"I see, is it that mysterious girl who makes the delivery requests?" Yuri asked.

-"...yes" Taeyeon said aprehensive.

-"Are you sure she wants to meet you?" Yuri said.

-"No..." Taeyeon said.

-"But I want ot meet her" Taeyeon smiled as she said.

-"Okay" Yuri said.

Tiffany was telling Jessica about the life she had in california and how some things had changed since Jessica's departure from the country. 
They were laughing and strangely...Jessica was fine, she wasn't worried or lonely or even scared of the outside world. If it was with Tiffany, she felt like she could easily cross that door...easily no strings attached. 
But nothing is ever that simple...someone once may have said...

Suddenly the doorbell rang. Jessica and Tiffany both got up and looked at each other.

-"Is your sister coming?" Tiffany asked, she guessed it could only be Krystal. No one else would come to visit Jessica.

-"No...I don't know who it is" Jessica said.

-"Well, you better just answering it, maybe it's just those vendors or something" Tiffany said as she opened the door.

-"Hello" Yuri said to the eye smiling girl.

-"Hello, can I help you?" Tiffany said smiling.

Jessica had this gut feeling suddenly. She walked towards the door...she stood beside Tiffany and was just open agap her eyes were opened in surprise.

She couldn't believe....she's here, she's really really here.

Suddenly Taeyeon spoke.

-"Do you live here?" Taeyeon asked.

-"No, my friend here does" Tiffany said pushing Jessica foward. Without Jessica noticing she had crossed the door line. 

But her mind was completly elsewhere, her eyes locked with Yuri's...neither of them said a word. They just continued to look at each other silently.

-"Excuse me miss" Taeyeon said.

-"Do you know who I am?" Taeyeon asked.

Jessica suddenly turned in the direction of Taeyeon.

-"No...I can't recall" Jessica said.

-"I'm the one who delivers your paitings...I came to get the ones you want me to deliver now" Taeyeon said.


Jessica was seriously having too many surprises today...

-"Hello" Jessica said.

-"But...why did you come here? I thought we had agreed that we would only talk through email" Jessica said.

-"Oh...I know, it's just that....I needed to meet you" Taeyeon said.

-"Okay...sure" Jessica said.

-"My friend here has a message for you, I'll be back later to talk to you alone" Taeyeon said.

Yuri was still looking at the beautiful girl that had just came outside the house...she was like an angel, something out of this world.

Suddenly their eyes met again. Yuri was suddenly elbowed by Taeyeon.

-"Oh! It's just that...neighbourhood meet and all that, nothing special, the old man asked me to talk to everyone" Yuri said.

-"Okay, thank you for the message" Jessica said.

-"You have beautiful eyes miss..." Yuri was saying.

-"Jessica" Tiffany answered as Jessica was still too dazed by Yuri.

Tiffany then winked at the small girl acompanying Yuri and smiled at her in a playful manner.

-"I'll be seeing you" Yuri said as she and Taeyeon left.

Jessica kept her eyes on the girl's figure until she went inside the elevator.

-" you see where you are?" Tiffany said pointing towards the floor.

Jessica suddenly looked down and saw that she no longer was inside her apartment, She rushed inside and closed the door behind her.

Tiffany just uncontrolably laughed.

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Chapter 15: Es tan lindo (y un poco espeluznante)
Queens_Royal #2
Chapter 15: Hello! You might didn't see this..but this story is lovely and I'm thinking about people who have the same cases as Jessica it must be torture for them..
But nevertheless, I like your story and like the happy ending!!
Chapter 15: omg i love it :) great story!
oh interesting :)
new subscriber here.
yoonhae14 #5
Chapter 15: Nice Story Author-ssi :) it was lovely and amazing!
Love this the character of jessica..
How come sica can live like that..
At first i think sica will fall in love with fany..huhu
Hope to see more yulsic moment..
Best story and i hope u will write more..hehe
Good job author