
Look At Me




Tiffany looked around. The house was so tidy, it was actually hard to believe someone actually could keep it this clean. didn't have anything to do. If you couldn't leave your could only distract yourself with these kind of things? Tiffany suddenly wondered how life had been for this girl for the past few years. The truth is that nobody could imagine it. The loneliness nor the harshness. Not being able to see the outside must've been so suffocating. Suddenly Jessica spoke.


-"Hey" Jessica called.


-"Oh, yes, I'm sorry" Tiffany said.


-"Why did you lie to her?" Jessica asked.


-"Who?" Tiffany said as she was lost.


-"To that girl, why did you tell her that nobody lived here?" Jessica asked.


-"Oh...well it didn't seem like you would need the trouble?" Tiffany answered with a smile.


-"Anyways I kept you out of trouble, no need to say thanks, I don't know what you were doing but...just be careful next time" Tiffany said smiling.


Jessica looked at Tiffany...dumbfounded. Who the hell was this girl? How could she just be so free and loose with Jessica as if they have been friends all their lives even though they just met?


-"Is anything wrong?" Tiffany asked.


-"Huh? No" Jessica said breaking her train of thought.


-"Well, I'll be leaving then, I don't want to bother you" Tiffany said.


-"No!....stay" Jessica said.


-"Did you just come from the US?" Jessica asked.


-"Well, yes" Tiffany said.


-"Could you please...tell me? How it was? The US?" Jessica said.


Tiffany was on the verge of tears when she heard what Jessica said. It must've been so hard. She surely must miss many things.


-"I can" Tiffany said as she mustered a smile.


-"Good...I'll...I'll make dinner" Jessica said as she suddenly got up.


Tiffany also got up and started wandering around the house. She noticed that there weren't many pictures on the walls or on top of the furniture. There were many paintings though. Some were landscapes others were abstract and one was a portrait. The girl in the portrait was doe eyed and was smiling. She was rather pretty. Tiffany didn't want to be rude so she sat back at the couch.


After a little while Jessica put the food on the table and before Tiffany noticed the chair that was in front of the window, back at its place in the dinning table. The two girls sat down and had their meal while Tiffany told Jessica all about San Francisco and the latter smiled brightly.

When they finished, Tiffany helped Jessica with the dishes, and then both of them sat on the couch, watching TV. Some show was on but Jessica wasn't paying attention. Last thing she remembers is falling asleep. Tiffany felt a weight on her right shoulder she looked to her side. Jessica had fallen asleep against her shoulder. She helped Jessica put her head on her legs and then she fondled her hair.

She looked so cute...Tiffany was going to do her best, she was going to save this girl.


It was morning, Jessica opened one eye. What happened yesterday?

She doesn't remember. Suddenly someone rang the...doorbell?


Jessica opened the door. It was Tiffany who greeted her with a smiling face.


-"Good morning" Tiffany said.


-"G-Good morning" Jessica said.


-"How did you sleep?" Tiffany asked.


-"Fine...thanks" Jessica said.


-"Here, it's cupcakes, I bought them for you" Tiffany said as she left.


-"I'm going, see ya later" Tiffany said.


Jessica waved a hand at her as she left. Jessica got back inside and looked at the portrait on the wall. A girl sitting on a bench looked to where supposedly Jessica was painting and smiled brightly as the sun shined upon her.


-"What do you think? Yoona..." Jessica whispered as she smiled.

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Chapter 15: Es tan lindo (y un poco espeluznante)
Queens_Royal #2
Chapter 15: Hello! You might didn't see this..but this story is lovely and I'm thinking about people who have the same cases as Jessica it must be torture for them..
But nevertheless, I like your story and like the happy ending!!
Chapter 15: omg i love it :) great story!
oh interesting :)
new subscriber here.
yoonhae14 #5
Chapter 15: Nice Story Author-ssi :) it was lovely and amazing!
Love this the character of jessica..
How come sica can live like that..
At first i think sica will fall in love with fany..huhu
Hope to see more yulsic moment..
Best story and i hope u will write more..hehe
Good job author