
My Story
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Hey hey hey guysssss~~ The story's update is here.. hehe =D

I know i just updated the last chapter 2 days ago..

i just want to update as soon as possible because i feel guilty for not updating last time.. hehe..

Anyways, Enjoy!


She kept running until she faced a dead-end alley. Sadly for her, I was already behind her.



I smirked and showed my fangs, “Awww… it’s a dead-end.. Nowhere to go huh?? Well perhaps it's another dinner for me.” In a blink of an eye, I hold her hand and pinned her to the wall. I extended my fangs as far as it could but before I could bite her neck. She stopped me.



“Wait!” the stranger said. 



“Oh yeah. Your last wish.. I almost forgot." I face palm myself and ask her "What do you wish?”



“Stupid vampire. You can’t kill me!" she scoffed. "You should have seen your victim properly. Dummy..”  Said the stranger. What did she say? did i hear it correctly? she said dummy? i thought to myself. 



The alley was dark and there wasn’t any light, so I couldn’t see her face properly. So I looked closer.. I was shocked and surprised when I saw her face. She was the stranger that I met two days ago!!



I frowned and point my finger at her, “ YOU! It’s you again! What do you want? Seriously.” I asked and frowned. “Why are you following me? What’s your name anyways? You left me before with no answer!” She showed and extended her white fangs to me. so I let her hand go. They were pretty long and also sharper than mine. She must be the same age as me or older I thought.



She smirked, “Y

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Chapter 19: i just finished them all!
Chapter 19: poor yoona hahaha
Chapter 19: I just finished it now
I found it ! Hahaha
steflin_bae #5
Chapter 19: Yg terbaru mana?
Chapter 19: It's really a great story author. .
I love this story
Chapter 19: Taengsic ♡♡ amazing story
enzaling #8
Chapter 19: lol this ended so abruptly...but well, so long as yulti and taengsic are together, that'll do...haha..
ezal95 #9
Chapter 19: i want to ask...yoona is vampire or human????