
Bring honour to us all

*Hours before*

Yixing and Suho had decided to stay by the entrance of the camp rather than follow the crowd to what was presumably the training ground. 

The hours passed un-eventfully, only when lunch time came did anything happen.

The men returned from their training, most were covered in sweat and already exhasted from the mornings training. 

Yixing spotted Jongin in the crowds with 2 very tall men with him. 

He indicated for Suho to stay put as he went off to talk to Jongin.

Although he'd had many hours to prepare what he was going to say to Jongin, he still found it difficult to put the words in to action.

Jongin spotted him and gasped.

"Yixing! What are you doing her-" Jongin was interupted by Yixing slapping him across the face. 

"You're an idiot! What did you expect Lee to react like? He's furious about you letting Yifan just go off and do what he wants! We had a plan damnit Jongin!" Yixing yelled.

"Eh?" One of the tall men next to Jongin asked confusedly. "Who's Jongin and Yifan?" 

"Oh, er Chanyeol, this is a friend of mine, Yixing... Yixing, this is Chanyeol... and this is ... Kris..." Jongin indicated to the even taller man next to him. 

A mans voice called out to the group saying the lunch break was over. 

Yixing glared as Jongin and the other 2 walked back out to the training camp.

He didnt really know why he was so angry.

He sighed to himself and went back to where Suho was still sitting.

Maybe this was 50 years of pent up frustration he just needed to get out of his system.


Jongin felt slightly annoyed that Yixing had turned up.

He might just ruin the plan; not that it was going all that well anyway.

Yifan really was just really bad at fighting.

It didnt really matter what type of fighting it was, he was terrible.

And Tao liked to take advantage of the poor mans weakness's (which was everything).

It almost made Jongin feel sorry for him.


Most of the time he would just laugh with the others at Yifans fails.

But today, after Tao had forced Yifan to demonstrate the next technique which ended in Yifan falling over at least 5 times, Jongin found himself laughing less and less.

Despite all of Yifans weakness's; he had bravery, kindness and a strong sense of loyality.

Qualitys that were difficult to find in your average soldier.

Jongin also knew how much this would mean to Yifan. 

He truly believed that Yifan would be able to do it, and was determind to not let Yixing or Lee to get in his way.

As Tao split them off into twos, he slipped off (after appologising to a sad looking Chanyeol who soon found comfort in a 3 with Baekhyun) towards the camp.

Sure enough, Yixing and (to his surprise) Suho were sitting at the edge laughing to each other.

How did Yixing know Suho? 

Yixing stood up quickly as Jongin approached the two.

"Oh, hello Jongin!" Suho said happily from his spot on the floor.

"Why'd you let him come here?" Jongin growled at Suho, causing the latter to be shocked.

"Jongin! Yixing happens to be a good friend who wanted a faver!" Suho snapped back at Jongin, frowning slightly.

"Friend...?" Jongin raised an eyebrow at Yixing.

"Yes, but that's not what i'm here to talk about..." Yixing intergected impatiantly.

"I know, and i'm saying no!" 

"You dont even know what i'm going to say!"

"I know you're going to say that Yifan should pull out of here and go off to live a peacful and happy life with a happy little wife and happy little farm and..." 

"Wait, you want Yifan to drop out of here?" Suho asked Yixing surprisedly.

"I- " Yixing didnt know how to put the words together, especially when he was looking at that hurt face of Suhos. "It is my duty to follow the ancestors wishes"

"Yes, and that's all he ever knows! Duty and obligations and living up to what the ancestors want... But can't you just for once allow himself to bring the honour to the family?" Jongin pleaded.

Yixing opened his mouth to speak only to shut it again as he realised Jongin was right.

He'd never thought about it like that before.

Yifan was the Wu family, and surely he should have a right to build his own future and bring his own honour.

"You know what?" Yixing asked softly.

"What? You're not going to listen to me? You have to follow the obligations? It's your duty so you have to? You-" Jongin began ranting, only to get interupted.

"Jongin! No! I was going to say i agree with you!"

"Well- wait, what?" Jongin stopped as he realised what Yixing had just said.

"I agree with you, and i want to help you to help Yifan with this.. if you want my help..." Yixing said nervously.

"Yes!" Jongin was relieved, he didnt need to worry about that now... His only problem was Yifan and his disasterous training..."One thing, though... Yifans really bad at fighting..." 

"How bad are we talking?" 

"Think of if a duck and a giraffe mated but the baby got tossed into a river at birth.. That's how bad his fighting skills are like..." Suho said nonchantly.

"Are you saying he looks like a duck-giraffe or just fights like one?" Yixing asked confusedly.

"A bit of both really..." The three laughed and began to talk about what other animals the others were. 

Hours passed with out them realising. 


*The next day*

Yifan woke up beyond early the next day, every muscle in his body aching.

But he had a mission.

The sun had only just risen, and a fine sprinkling of dew was still on the grass.

He silently and quickly put on his armour and slipped out of the tent, not noticing that Jongin still wasnt back.

The whole camp was still, the only noise coming from the birds in the trees. It was a relativly breezeless day, and promised to be warm and humid. But for the moment the sun was dim and cold but still warm enough to cast a nice glow on to the training ground.

He stumbled a little as he got near the pillar.

He cursed himself sliently.

How would he ever expect to climb up a pole when he cant even stay steady on the ground?

He breathed deeply and picked up the weights.

Slowly he circled the pillar, trying to find the perfect way to start.

He tightly gripped the weights and then heaved his body weight up the pillar.

His first attempt was as pitiful, if not more so, than before.

But then he tried again.

This time he didnt fall, and only continued.

He'd gotten just under half way up and could practically hear every muscle in his body scream in protest.

But he didnt stop.

He kept going, his armour now feeling like extra weights tied to his arms and torso.

He felt himself slip, but caught himself.

Passed half way and the sun was definitely higher up in the sky.

Had he really taken that long?

He heaved up once more and found himself so close to the arrow, which was an arms length away.

He almost let go then, but stopped himself before that could happen.

He climbed just once more and tightly gripped the top of the pillar with one hand and taking the arrow out with the other.

He slowly made his way down, feeling splinters begining to form on the palms of his hands and fingers.

But for once the pain didnt matter because he had done it!

And that was most definitely great!

A/N~ i am so so so so sorry for making you wait!

ive just had school and then i was sick and... ok so im really lazy as well...

soz XD

but here's the next chapter...

 hope you like 




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CRISIS AVERTED (sort of)! my tablets now working so ive put the art and stuuf... :3


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Bliss_Destiny #1
Chapter 9: So... Yi Fan thinks my baby peach is 'dreamy'....
So cute!! XD
Enjoyed this a lot :3
kyee914 #3
Chapter 17: His heart is Tao but his body is Kris.
Huang_Lita #4
Chapter 15: i love your story please keep it up
Chapter 13: Oh wow xD new reader here and this story is so interesting <3
Cant wait for the next update~ <3
Poor Kris and his terrible fighting skills xDD
Chapter 13: >///< kriiiisss<3<3
Huang_Lita #7
Chapter 12: The more the better xD
Chapter 12: getting better and better<3
Chapter 11: kris is so cute here!!<3<3<3
Chapter 11: I really love your story! Don't let anything come in your way (even though school still exist TT.TT)