
Bring honour to us all

"Aww we didn't ask he- his name!" Soo said grumpily as he jumped out of bed. 

The three men had spent the last few minutes talking about the mysterious boy. 

Soo got up to make breakfast, yawning on his way. 

"Yeah, that's a shame..." Yixing said thoughtfully. "I don't think he liked us that much though"

"Soo probably scared him with his crazy ways!" Suho joked, also stretching and yawning ready to get up. 

"Hey!" Soo shouted from outside. 

The other two simply laughed and then they were left with a comfortable silence. 

Yixing was happy with the silence because it gave him time to think.

It was decision making time, which also meant that we probably needed to go and find Yifan and Jongin and sort all those issues out. 

It was something he really didnt want to do, he'd been thoroughly enjoying his time with Soo and Suho. 

Their day might not have been productive, or particularly spectacular. 

But Yixing had had the most fun he'd ever had. 

He sighed and slowly began to get up to help Suho and Soo preparing breakfast. 

"So are you going to find Jongin and Yifan today?" Soo asked without looking at him. 

"Umm... yeah.." Yixing said quietly, shuffling his feet on the floor. 

"Oh, cool!" Suho said cheerfully. "We'll help you if you want!" 

Yixing looked hopefully at Suho and said excitedly, "Really!?-"

He realised he should try to appear less desperate, and quickly carried on. "Well, i mean... yeah that would be... ok... erm... i guess..." 

"Ok then, but i'm not going out there so i'll just stay here is that ok?" Soo asked looking worriedly out at the camp. 

"That's fine, i can just go with you!" Suho smiled at Yixing and then continued to help with the breakfast.

"Thank you!" Yixing bowed to Suho and felt a lot happier. 

He'd hate to think they'd just leave him to go and find Jongin and Yifan and then deal with those issues. 

He'd never had many friends, bar the occasional Jongin-type friend that he'd have to fend for, and it felt nice to have help with things. 

They had breakfast and then cleared up, Yixing feeling the nerves coming.

How was he going to get Jongin to come back with him?

He knew more than anyone how stubborn Jongin could be, and he relaly didn't know how he was going to persuade him.

As for Yifan, he really didnt know the man. But if his ancestors were anything to go by, he'd be a handful. 

He and Suho left for the camp after breakfast. 

It took them less than 10 minutes to get to the camp where they stopped at the tent entrance. 

"You go first." Yixing said nervously to Suho.

"Why should i go first? you're the one who needs to see Jongin and Yifan!" Suho hissed at him, frowning slightly. 

"Yes, but i'm nervous and... and you said you'd help me so..." Yixing nervously scratched the back of his neck and tried not to look Suho in the eye.

Suho hesitated for a second before sighing in defeat. 

"Fine, but then you're the one doing all the talking!" 

Yixing grinned at Suho as the latter stepped through the entrance. 

The place was busy with people. 

It seemed like they were all lining up to get breakfast, or they'd just finished. 

"Training ground, everyone!" The man who stood at the front yelled out to the crowds. 

There were some groans of understanding as everyone busily went around collecting their stuff together.

"So where do you think Jongin and Yifan are?" Suho asked nervously from beside Yixing. 

"Well, Jongin's quite tall so he can't be that difficult to miss..." Yixing started and then spotted Jongin in the crowd.

He attempted to rush over, only to be pushed back by a few angry looking soldiers. 

"Great!" He sighed as they all headed away. 

This was going to be more difficult than he initially thought...




*Hours later, at the training ground*

"No no no, Kris!" Tao sighed, rubbing his forehead for about the 100th time that day. 

"Wh-hat did i do wrong?" Yifan stopped swinging the sword crazily around the place, and tried to regain his breath back. 

"Hmm, let me think, everything!" 

Tao walked over to him, grabbing the sword from his grasp and turning away. 

"Ok everyone, pack up time!" He yelled out at the rest of the group. 

They had been practising a basic sword technique that Tao had shown them for the last 4 hours, and the relief could be seen on all of their faces.

Yifan bowed his head as he thought about how many times Tao had stopped him because he was doing it wrong. 

He hated that feeling of letting everyone down, and he was determined to change that. 

"Kris, it's time to go in now!" Chanyeol walked over to him, his breathing laboured. 

"umm.. i actually have... umm..." Yifan muttered under his breath.

Chanyeol simply shrugged his shoulders and followed the rest of the group out. 

Once everyone had left the training ground, Yifan turned to the pillar (which had the weights resting at the bottom in case someone wanted to complete the challenge). 

He first attempted to heave his rather large body mass up the pole without the weights, with little luck.

He tried it again, and then again, each time failing. 

He growled in disappointment, hitting his hand against the pole. 

After pacing for a few moments, he turned to the pole defiantly. 

He grabbed the weights and tightly tied them to his wrists. 

He then jumped onto the pole, only to fall back down. 

However, this only spurred him on, and he jumped again. This time he gripped on to the pole longer. 

After the 3rd attempt he'd began to slowly and not-so-steadily climb up the pillar. 

After the 5th attempt, he'd gotten half way up, only to fall hard onto the ground.

Groaning in pain, he slowly lifted himself off the ground. 

It had gotten dark, and he could no longer clearly see anything around him. 

He decided to stop for then, but was determined to get up early the next morning to continue. 

I will beat you, he thought and then grimaced as he felt bruises building all over his body. 

He walked back to the tenting ground, only to find no one there. 

He'd missed supper it seemed. 

Sighing, he went straight to his tent. Chanyeol and Baekhyun were fast asleep in each others embrace. 

Jongin wasn't there, but it didn't worry Yifan. 

He was probably sleeping walking or something. 

Besides, he was too tired to think straight. 


i know this took aaaggggeeeesss but schools been really rubbish (exam stuff urgh!) so i havent really had much time

soooorry :3

so here's the next chapter... and yeah...

ta for the stuff XD


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CRISIS AVERTED (sort of)! my tablets now working so ive put the art and stuuf... :3


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Bliss_Destiny #1
Chapter 9: So... Yi Fan thinks my baby peach is 'dreamy'....
So cute!! XD
Enjoyed this a lot :3
kyee914 #3
Chapter 17: His heart is Tao but his body is Kris.
Huang_Lita #4
Chapter 15: i love your story please keep it up
Chapter 13: Oh wow xD new reader here and this story is so interesting <3
Cant wait for the next update~ <3
Poor Kris and his terrible fighting skills xDD
Chapter 13: >///< kriiiisss<3<3
Huang_Lita #7
Chapter 12: The more the better xD
Chapter 12: getting better and better<3
Chapter 11: kris is so cute here!!<3<3<3
Chapter 11: I really love your story! Don't let anything come in your way (even though school still exist TT.TT)