
'bout to go down

I woke up with the worst hangover ever. I didn't care, I was just pissed that I didn't forget. Frick. I heard a bunch of murmuring around me. Curious I decided to get up. And I shoudn't have done that, cause then a whole rush of pain filtered into my skull. My eyes, were still closed from the pain, but everything felt tighter, closer, smaller. I decided to open my eyes, and a flood of light attacked my face. The room felt weird however. As if someone had just died, lots of tension. Youch. But when i tried to stand up I fell, stupid hangover. Someone had caught me, I turned around and my face was just inches away from Sunggyus.

"My mouth tastes like ." I slurred.

At this point everyone was looking at me. Sunggyus helped me sit down, and I rested on him, I was so tired even though I got some sleep. I counted all the people in the room, 8 people. I counted again, still 8 people.

"Wheres Dongwoo?" I asked.

"Oh he's at the drugstore getting you some medicine." Abby answered.

That's nice, this should definitely help my hangover. Suddenly some of the members started giggling considering the atmosphere. Of course I asked why.

"Well, first you started dancing, with Sunggyu and Dongwoo." Abby giggled.

"And then you kissed Woohyun on the cheek." Sunjong added.

My mouth gaped open, as I turned to look at Woohyun. He looked down embarassed, I would too if I was sitting in the same room as the drunk person who kissed me.

"And then what?" I asked, bracing myself for more.

"Well you didn't puke if thats what you mean. You seemed to have fun being drunk." Abby answered.

"I wish I knew." I laughed.

I tried to stand up with the help of Sunggyu. He seemed to be too protective of me, I didn't know why. Thats when Dongwoo came through the door. He seemed to be carrying alot of bags. Probably incase one medicine didn't work. I probably knew which one would do me good. I quit mma to save up money for nursing school. I was almost there. I think.

"Thanks Dongwoo, you know you really shouldn't spend this much money on me." I sighed.

"No, it's just that I didn't want you to be sick anymore, so i grabbed as much as i could." He seemed distressed.

Sick, what did he mean by sick, when i reached out my arm to help with the bags i saw it. The purple spots over my arms. I lightly touched them, probably bruises from falling over at the club, but that didn't mean i was sick, just slightly injured. I went to the bathroom, Abby came with. It was hard to contain my screams.

My eyes were sunken in, I seemed to have gotten skinnier, as if I hadn't eaten in days. My bones stuck out like sharp corners. No wonder the room was so . . deathly feeling.

"How long was I out?" I asked, touching my face, every was sharp. I didn't like it.

"Almost a week, we were all worried, but we didn't want to bring you to the doctors, cause we know your brother would get mad." Abby murmered.

She was right, my brother was a pharmacist at the hospital, and if he saw Abby, he would surely get mad. I walked out, slumped on Abby as my support. Dong woo gently peeled me away from her, and sat me down beside him. Everybody else was sorting through the meds. I looked up at Dongwoo, he wasn't looking at me, he seemed pissed. I snuggled closer to him, hopefully so he wouldn't be as mad. Sunggyu seemed to notice.

"What happened?"






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annabelleshlee #1
That's so sad *cries* i can't read on or else i might cry for real. But ik can't because your writing is so addictive so please update soon!<3
I just created an account because of you!! DON'T end this I really like the story!!
@Sunggyus_Wifey ooooh im so sorry T^T lets cry together -hugs- but dont worry -here ill spoil it for you- you get it back after like what, 15 chapters or something XD
@hsi_lea, you'll have to wait and see~ ^^
@hsi_lea haha, yea you got shot XP lol, youll have to wait and see~