
'bout to go down


I felt like I was suspended in mid-air.

Is this heaven?

Heaven isn't -out.


Assumptions swam in my mind as I tried to look around, all I found was black and more black.

Then an odd beeping sound accompanied with a buzzing drilled itself into my ears. Slowly, I could feel cloth and a mattress underneath me.

So I'm sleeping but not sleeping?

"She's one of the lucky ones, she should wake up soon." I heard someone say; a man?

"Thank you Doctor." I heard someone else say . . . Sunggyu? 

What would Sunggyu be doing in Heaven, or Hell, or where ever the heck I am.

Something intertwined its way through my fingers and clasped my hand. I turned my head to the motion, seeing still blackness.

"Who are you?" I asked, thinking it might not be Sunggyu.

"I'm Dongwoo, don't you remember me?" His voice was laced heavily with worry.

"Of course I do, but how could I know?" A pause.

"The lights are off?" I waited for them to catch on.

"Can you guys just turn on the lights already?" I laughed.

"~~~~~~." A voice came from the left this time.

"Yes, whoever you are." I said to the black space.

"Your blind." Sungyeol?

I don't know what came first, the lumpy halt of air in my throat or the questions.

"When that dreadful women pulled the trigger, one of the bullets hit your eyes, and you didn't get shot it the head." Myungsoo?

"Yes, although the rest of the bullets either hit your shoulders or the tree." Woohyun?

"That's because there is recoil, when she shot the gun it jumped." I sighed and fell back onto my mattress.

Great, so I'm alive, and blind.

"You seem to be taking this really well." Hoya?

"You also seem to be dissapointed." Sungjong.

"Just wait, I bet by the time we get home I'll turn phsyco-suicidal-maniac, and yes I am."

"~~~~~ -"

"Cause I'm sick off all this , okay?" I sniffled.

"Abby died, I'm being constantly harrased by fans, okay I'm just so -ugh- overwhelmed!" I yelled.

"I'm 18 - I should be going out to parties having the time of my life but no I'm being bombarded by stupid es and and going more insane by the second!" I screamed.

"I see she is quite awake." A gentle voiced female interjected my rant.

"Oh hell no, I know you ain't going to put me to sleep." I shouted to the direction the voice was coming from.

"Should we restrain her?" She said calmly.

"Restrain, restrain?" I screamed.

"Oh yea, cause restraining me is going to do real good for my health, yes lets retrain me even though I'm not doing a damn thing!" I screeched.

"~~~~~~, calm down." Sunggyu took my hand, atleast I assumed it was Sunggyu.

"Calm down?" I broke down.

"What is there to break down from, my life is perfect, why should I be crying." I started growing hysterical.

"Yes, why am I crying, I'm blind, insane, everything is perfect." I smiled through the tears.

"I am living the most normal life anybody could have, normal." 

I imediately stopped, and laid myself down onto the pillows. 

The word replayed itself in my head over and over again. 

As if. Normal? I've never had a normal thing in my life. I grew up an abused child, and now I'm living with idols. The exact opposite of what I define normal.

"~~~~~~, were going to go now, we think you should stay another day - "

"Another day, Woohyun being here doesn't make me feel any more normal, the thing I strive to be." I calmed down instantly.

More assumptions made their way to my brain.

Is that why I can't live a 'normal' or 'happy' life, because of how I got to where I am, because I'm not 'normal'?

"Then again what is normal, to some being normal is doing their daily lives to others, being able to put food on the table."

I laughed a toneless laugh, "I'm sorry, this must seem so out of the blue." I threw my hands lifelessy into the air.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow, oh and on your way out you can close the lights, it's not like it will make a difference." I choked on the last part, soon crying after I heard the door click close.


okay yea, i was kinda just going everywhere in this chapter -does that make sense- anywho, your not dead -yay- your just blind --

haha sorry, but i thought the story wouldn't got anywhere if i didn't do this, to be honest i dont think any of my stories would go 'anywhere' if i didn't do 'something'

but yes please give me your feedbackk im dying to know what you guys think so far -but please dont be harsh-

oh by the way, would this count as a tragedy? i just wanna know so i can see if i should take out the 'tragedy' tag or not =P

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annabelleshlee #1
That's so sad *cries* i can't read on or else i might cry for real. But ik can't because your writing is so addictive so please update soon!<3
I just created an account because of you!! DON'T end this I really like the story!!
@Sunggyus_Wifey ooooh im so sorry T^T lets cry together -hugs- but dont worry -here ill spoil it for you- you get it back after like what, 15 chapters or something XD
@hsi_lea, you'll have to wait and see~ ^^
@hsi_lea haha, yea you got shot XP lol, youll have to wait and see~