Questions Answered

'bout to go down

"~~~~~, wake up its time to eat breakfast." I felt Dongwoo nudging me awake. Lazily I sat up and fell on Dongwoo, I was so tired from the yesterday I spent with Sunggyu.

"Why." I slammed my fists on the bed.

"Because its already 12." Dongwoo checked his watch.

"Fine fine, pass me my glasses I'm lazy to get my contacts." Dongwoo grabbed my chin and turned me toward him and slipped on my glasses. Dongwoo's face blurrily appeared and then cleared as my sleepy eyes adjusted.

"C'mon lets go." He started pulling me out of bed.

"Carry me." I opened my arms as Dongwoo chuckled and lifted me onto his back.

"Hey, look who's finally awake!" I heard Hoya call.

"Yea, yea." I muttered, adjusting my head so it lay between Dongwoo's shoulder blades.

"Here I made breakfast." Woohyun slid me a plate of eggs and bacon as he cheerfully danced on the spot, wearing a pinky doily apron.

"Oh god." I laughed at the sight of Woohyun in that terrible apron.

"What?" He looked down at himself and twirled.

"No, just don't, that apron is absolutely terrible!" I chuckled as I started to eat my breakfast.

"Fine fine, be happy I made you breakfast." He hung the ridiculous apron the hook and sat down beside me.

"Why are you guys so happy today?" Resting my head on my hands I irritably looked around. I felt as though something I didn't like was going to happen.

"Well, we finally thought that we ought to tell you what happened that night at the club." Sunggyu's hands were frantically having war with each other.

"See, I knew something was going to happen today." I pushed away my plate and leaned back into my chair.

"So you see what happened was,well, you came drunk staggering out of the bar." Sunggyu started looking nervous. I was getting worried myself.

"And a group of guys started coming up to you and you know, being stupud guys doing stupid guy stuff." Myungsoo continued off.

"Like?" I already knew what they were going to say.

"Touching you in places you didn't want to be touched." Sunggyu added with a straight face.

"And when you denied wanting to have with them, they beat you pretty quick and hard -ow-!" Myungoo had just elbowed Sungyeol in the stomach.

"That's why you were so beat up that day, and the next week." Hoya had a sudden interest in the ceiling.

"That's it?" I shook my head, as if waiting for more. I expected more to the reason behind my,almost, handicapped-ness.

"Nope, thats it I guess." Sunggyu looked around, as if somebody could add something.

"Then I guess I'm going back to sleep, see you in like a couple hours." I stood up and waved at them lazily before slumping my way upstairs and closing the door behind me.

"Mr.Snuggles do you think that was a waste of time?" I talked to my enormours stuffed bear-doll and feigned it shaking its head.

"You must get really lonely in here sometimes." I heard Dongwoo click open the door and sit beside me.

"Yes, but I'm used to it." It was true, I was used to being alone doing nothing, talking to my inanimate objects due to Infinites busy shedule.

"Sorry, we always want to spend time with you its just you know, busy." Dongwoo heightened his voice on the last word, as if making the pitch any different would lighten my mood as well.

"It's aight." I turned to Dongwoo and laid on his chest.

"I feel so ty right now." I got up off his chest and walked to my book shelf filled with the most bizarre but interesting books. The shelf next to it was my movie shelf.

"You have a lot of books." Dongwoo stood beside me looking at my shelf in awe.

"Haha yea, I like this series the best." I thoughtfully tapped the Harry Potter books that I had all lined up in order.

"I know, I can tell by the condition of the books." He thoughtfully scanned the books.

"I've always wanted a library in my house." I looked at my desk which was overflowing with more books.


"Yea, with big double door entrances!"

"Haha, one day I'll get you one." Dongwoo slung his arm around my neck and pulled me into his chest.

"You know, today was so boring for me, I'm gonna go out." I started pushing him out the door, already thinking of what I should wear.

"I'll come-"

"No its okay, I need some 'me-time'." I smiled as warmly as I could as I closed the door on Dongwoo.

I wore a mottled-grey scoop neck hoodie with ripped skinny jeans and a pair of black, lace up, leather boots.

"Looking spiffy." Dongwoo looked me up and down.

"Haha, I guess you could say that." I looked down at my boots.

"See you later?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Of course." I lightly pushed him and walked out of the door, swinging my leather bag over my shoulder.

Walking down my circle driveway and through the metal gates I recieved a text from my phone.  

'Hey babe, turn around~'

Turning around I saw that Dongwoo was making a heart sign and blowing kisses at me.

I giggled and texted back.

'Haha, your so silly! ><'

'=P just be safe okay ;)'

'Okay, mom' The starbucks was starting to appear at the corner.

The door acknowledged my entrance, sizing up the people in line I placed myself along with everybody else.

It didn't take me too long to get my latte, taking a sip I walked out the door and to the library.

The library was the same as ever, two lanes of gigantic shelves that were divided by a mass row of tables inbetween.  Laying my things on the table I walked to the aisles and ran my finger alongs the books. 

But at the time I didn't notice I was being watched.


I find this chapter really useless and boring somewhat T^T I just needed to answer that one question and add 'mystery' plus i really wanted to update and couldn't think of another way to end the chapter.

by the wayyyyy, im kinda 'deleting' the pets, yeaaa sorry its just that i didnt have much of a use for them and as i think some of you may have noticed, havent been mentioned in the story except like, once. so yea just a little announcement.

anywhore, comment! COMMENT i want to see what you guys think so far of the story but not too harsh please (im a sissy)

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annabelleshlee #1
That's so sad *cries* i can't read on or else i might cry for real. But ik can't because your writing is so addictive so please update soon!<3
I just created an account because of you!! DON'T end this I really like the story!!
@Sunggyus_Wifey ooooh im so sorry T^T lets cry together -hugs- but dont worry -here ill spoil it for you- you get it back after like what, 15 chapters or something XD
@hsi_lea, you'll have to wait and see~ ^^
@hsi_lea haha, yea you got shot XP lol, youll have to wait and see~