Tonight You Are My es

'bout to go down

By the time I had fallen asleep it was around 1 in the morning. So I woke up at around 2 - 3 in the afternoon, which meant it was still my birthday. Hearing the clatter of dishes downstairs I decided to go down and investigate, geared in my new birthday jewelry. Skipping down the stairs, I saw that everyone was eating at the table. As I walked to them a smile creeped its way onto my face.

"Uh, ~~~~~~ are you alright?" Sungyeol asked, worry in his voice. This caught everyones attention. Pointing to them I announced.

"Tonight you are my es." I told them straight up, you only turn 19 once in your life so why not have some fun with it?

"As in?" Like Sungyeol, Myungsoo asked me with worry~

"Well, today is a Saturday." I waited for them to catch on.

"Which means the mall doesn't close till-" I was interupted by groans.

"Why the mall!" Woohyun was poking me with a pout on his face.

"Because tonight you are my es!" I retorted with a smile.

"It's 2:30 and like I said before I was rudely interupted, the mall closes at 9. So get your asses dressed." I ordered. And with that I went to my room to get changed.

Wearing shorts with a cute black and white striped tank I skipped out of my room, grabbing my bag on the way. Right outside of my bedroom door was the hall to the upstairs rooms, but it was kind of an open floor plan (if that makes sense) so a ballister was right outside my door. Leaning over the railings I called.

"You guys done yet?" I got groans in response.

"Well if you guys are done, we should get going!" I slung my arms around Dongwoo and Sunggyu and led everybody else to the garage.

Since Abby passed away I inherited her car, but I couldn't drive it. Not only was it filled with memories of her, but it couldn't seat 8 people. So I bought a range rover instead. I was going to open the car door when Hoya caught my hand, I looked up at him surprised.


"I'm not letting you drive, were your es today right?" He smiled at me. Him and Abby were kinda going out, but I couldn't tell if he took her passing lightly.

I smiled at him, and let him pass me to the drivers seat. After everyone was piled into the car we quickly pulled out of the driveway and headed into the direction of the mall.

The ride to the mall wasn't too long, but it was long enough for everyone to fall asleep ( Hoya was drowsy). Quickly blaring the music, I shook them all awake and dragged them out of the car. Dongwoo was the last one to be pulled out of the car when he fell ontop of me.

"I'm not giving you a piggy back ride." I chuckled, thats when I noticed he was drooling on me. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Aish, you really are a dopey dino . . " I replied wiping off his drool with a tissue. Slapping him awake, we walked to the mall entrance.

I remembered that I hadn't eaten yet. And whats the point of shopping if you get hungry halfway, I REALLY don't want to interupt my shopping spree.

"Guys, wait here." I ordered, and quickly ran to my favorite cafe.

"Hey ~~~~~!" Jen was transferred to the mall cafe. The cafe I worked at was my favorite cafe.

"Hey Jen." I responded.

"The usual?"

"Uhm, no just give me water and 8 cookies." She smiled at me, she knew I lived with the infamous korean boy band Infinite, and that I had a different feeling towards Sunggyu and Dongwoo.

"There you go, on the house!" She winked at me as she handed me the paper bags.

"Thanks Jen, see you later!" I waved to her as I ran out of the cafe.

I reached the guys and they seemed to be.... fansigning? Laughing, I pushed me way to the crowds when I heard a whisper beside my ear.

"Beware, death is just around the corner." I turned around and saw nothing but fans looking straight through me, taking pictures of Infinite.

Ever since the accident at the hospital, the crazy--fan negativity was starting to rise. People were throwing rocks at my house with notes saying stuff like beware, you won't wake up tomorrow, your a , blahblahblah. I ignored most of them, because like the at the hospital, they were probably stick thin.

Shaking the death threat away, I continued to push my way through the crowd and almsot fell if Sunggyu hadn't caught me. More screaming and flash-photography was being taken. Straightening myself up I gave each one of the guys a cookie, after that the crowd seemed to dissapear and fade away slowly.

Very. Slowly.

Anyways, I thought that I would let the guys go around the mall on their own. If a crazy fan decided to kill me, I definitely don't want them to be around. Especially Dongwoo and Sunggyu.

"Hey, you guys should just go and shop around the mall yourself. I don't want to bore you." I told them, still eating my cookie.

"Why though, do you not want us around?" Sungyeol asked, a puppy dog look in his eyes.


"No, no, it's just that I'm going to be looking around a BUNCH of stores, and -"

'Don't worry we can wait." Woohyun flashed me some aegyo and I couldn't help but smile.

"I will look through every article of cloth-"

"Don't worry we will wait, and someone has to hold your bags." Myungsoo flashed me a smile.

I decided to pull out the big guns.

"I'm going to look through every single shoe store, and the mall has 15 and counting."

Right after that they decided to go in pairs with one group of 3. Of course Dongwoo and Sunggyu were together.

"You sure?" Sunggyu asked me.

"Haha, don't worry." They had already started walking away, waving goodbye I walked to the deserted area of the mall. The mall had 2-3 areas that were always busy, but 1 area was always super-duper lonely. Running in that direction I walked into some random shoe store.

It was a closed-concept space, so tall shelves lined the store. Thankfully noone else was here, no employees at all. Nice and discreet, nobody would notice a scuffle unless you banged into the shelves. But I'm sure that wouldn't phase someone either. Considering the turn of events with the death threats, I expected they would definitely try to kill me this time, no matter what.

I had been preparing myself though, since they know I had had training with firearms, they would either bring in a professional, a big armed group, or both.

Walking to the back of the store, I could hear breathing. These people really at being stealthy. I crouched to the ground, turned around and knocked my attacker off her feet. I mean its probably a her right? Standing up I noticed that 4 hood figures had blocked my exits at the ends of the shelves, but these people were so naive. Jumping on the shelves, I quickly climbed my way to the top when someone grabbed my ankle, ready to attack with their knife. Surprisingly their grip was tight, but I knew that they knew I would try and pull away considering the angle of their hand. But I also knew that they wouldn't hesitate to cut my tendon. Kicking them (but suffering a gash in my calf) I clambered my way on the shelves and stood up.

Thank god this place had high ceilings. However it seemed like the es had noticed my thought and tried to climb up the shelves. They terribly. Slipping down the shelves due to the way the shoes were placed, but the shelves didn't seem to budge the whole time. It was a deserted store, so nobody really came here alot, which means the shop is technically still in a good condition.

Taking the risk I jumped to the next shelf when I was knocked to the ground, I had to admit it definitely knocked the wind out of me. The that hit me had grabbed a stick used to get the bags on the very top of the wall display. Unfortunately this idiot had broken the tip off and scratched me across the stomach. Seeing that she had raised her arms ready to skewer me, I dodged it, climbed onto the bar to her back and kicked the standing behind her right in the face.

I was starting to get tired of the closed space. Taking another risk I ran through the aisles and as I was going to pass the next "crossing" I slid to the floor to dodge two knives that pierced the air above me. I was finally going to run out of the store when I felt a strong blow to the back of my head. Now I was the one who was being naive. Everything was blurry at this point. Turning my head to see the who attacked me, I was so shocked.

"Break time." Jen sneered.

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annabelleshlee #1
That's so sad *cries* i can't read on or else i might cry for real. But ik can't because your writing is so addictive so please update soon!<3
I just created an account because of you!! DON'T end this I really like the story!!
@Sunggyus_Wifey ooooh im so sorry T^T lets cry together -hugs- but dont worry -here ill spoil it for you- you get it back after like what, 15 chapters or something XD
@hsi_lea, you'll have to wait and see~ ^^
@hsi_lea haha, yea you got shot XP lol, youll have to wait and see~