
Drabble Collection

Myungsoo turned the phone over in his hand as a nervous habit. He wasn't sure what the good in calling would be. It had been nearly two years; there was no way Dongwoo hadn't moved on. After all, Myungsoo had been the one to leave. He was the one who'd walked out the door with nothing but a pitiful excuse about something along the lines of "I need to go and clear my mind". That was all he'd given the man who had done nothing but love him unconditionally before walking away from him and never contacting him again. Still, here Myungsoo was, back from his soul searching, sitting in a cheap hotel room with the number typed and ready to dial.

He couldn't help but hesitate though - what if Dongwoo was mad? Or even worse, what if Dongwoo wasn't interested in talking to him at all? Still...not calling was driving him insane and so Myungsoo in a deep breath and hit dial.
Myungsoo's hands trembled as he held the phone to his ear and listened anxiously as it rang once, twice, three times... Maybe this was a sign; maybe it was proof that they were supposed to lose contact. Still, Myungsoo couldn't deny that his heart skipped a beat when it went to the machine and Dongwoo's voice played across the line. Rationally, Myungsoo knew he should hang up. He knew that there was nothing really worth leaving a message over...but he let the recording play over just to fall into the familiarity of his old lover's rich, gentle voice. He couldn't help but shut his eyes as he listened.
"Hey! If you're calling about the car, I've sold it already - sorry! If it's Tuesday night I'm out. If you're selling something, I'm a little tight on money right now so I'm not buying. If this is anyone else, wait for the tone, you know what to do! Oh, p.s. if this is Myungsoo...I still love you."

Myungsoo didn't hear the tone sound. The phone hit the table as soon as Dongwoo's voice ended. He didn't realize that his jaw had dropped - had he heard right? He couldn't believe it. Dongwoo still loved him? What kind of man held on that long? What kind of love kept trying after all that time.. Myungsoo couldn't wrap his head around it.

It was three days later that Myungsoo finally got the courage to call again. He had no idea what he was going to say, but he knew he had to try. Still...he was nervous. "Hi, it's Myungsoo. Sorry I took off two years ago but I heard your message and.." And what? He pinched the bridge of his nose. Why was this complicated? Still, his fumbling fingers typed in the ever-memorized number and he held his breath as the phone rang once, twice, three times...answering machine again. 
"Hey! If it's Friday night I'm out dancing; First thing Saturday I'm off to the lake with my family and I'll be gone all weekend, but I'll call you back when I get home Sunday afternoon! Just leave your number and a message - and p.s. if this is Myungsoo, I still love you."
Myungsoo had expected it this time, but that didn't help the way his heart leapt and his stomach flipped. This time, in a shaking voice, he simply left his number and hung up. 

Myungsoo woke up at eight a.m. on Sunday morning. He found that he just couldn't sleep. He'd gotten up shortly after that and paced the hotel room, much too nervous to eat. He'd showered in an attempt to calm down, but all he'd managed to do there was think himself into a nervous wreck. What if Dongwoo recognized the voice and didn't call back - what if he decided he didn't love him after all? And what on earth could Myungsoo say to explain himself? He had nothing. Were they ready to talk again? 
The hours dragged by but Myungsoo sat on his bed all day with his phone on his lap. His heart was racing as he waited, and he just about jumped out of his skin when the phone finally did ring and that all too familiar number popped up.
Myungsoo took one final deep breath to steady himself, and he answered the call.
"If you're calling about my heart, it's still yours. I wish I would have listened to it ages ago, then maybe this wouldn't have taken so long. I'm back in town and - uh, well... This is Myungsoo, and I still love you."

The pause afterwards was enough to fill the younger boy with enough anxiety to choke him, but that all faded away the second the man on the other line spoke.
"Myungsoo..?" Dongwoo asked. His voice was soft, disbelieving almost.
"'s me. I'm back and- I-I called you Tuesday..I heard your answering machine. Is it true- I mean.. Do you still love me?"
Myungsoo was surprised by the soft chuckle on the other end of the line.
"Baby," Myungsoo's heart skipped a beat at the old endearment, "I never stopped. Where are you? I can come pick you up...if that's okay."
"Yeah- yeah I'd like that.. I'm staying at the Austin, I can meet you out front."
"Alright, I'll be right there." Dongwoo replied his voice still sounding far away, as if he wasn't quite sure if this was all real or not.
Myungsoo ended the call feeling a thousand things at once, but mostly he was glad he called.








If anyone is wondering about the title, it's just because this song literally based right off of a song called Austin. I was just listening to the song and I wanted to fic it so...I did. This is unedited but yeah.

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Rememberdonggyu #1
Chapter 18: I am just in love with this... With your way to write and with your drables and oh gosh its ask hard to find donggyu and I just love yours... You should keep writing , really!!!! Anyway, thank you so much for this brilliant stories
Piou0102 #2
Chapter 11: I'm into Donggyu these days and I found your drabbles and they're amazing! <3 I found "Crush" so cute and I almost cried at the end of "I know" and then "Thinking out loud" and "Lucky" were sooo cute as well! :3 But then, there's this one, "make believe" and I really love it, those two last sentences are just... painfully beautiful and and... can I request a sequel for this? I guess if you wrote it like that, it's because you wanted to keep it at that, but... it's worth a try, no? ><"
I love you for writing this drabble even though I'm only here for Dongsoo but the other stories are still great! ≧﹏≦
hotterthanasummer #4
Chapter 15: This was such a nice read~ They're so cute here - socially awk Gyu and talks-a-mile-a-minute Dongwoo <3
this drabble is gem. glad to find it...
since the ship is not that grande #slap, thanks for writing this. and yay for dongsoo couple \^-^/ #justignoreme
this fic is written in the way that i like most, kid-like and innocent dongwoo. and charming l. L is charming and y and him liking the unawarely(?) gorgeous dongwoo.
swim is my best favorite, and then there are home *sleeping dongwoo, omg!* tranquil, and safe.
I read them all in one sit. it is a great petit four for evening tea. I have to thank you for the ficwork. it is beautiful...
geezleweez #7
Chapter 8: this was cute and so awesome, having dongyeol feels with the last romeo comeback
ladybirdcarina #8
Chapter 7: ugh...right in the feels...T____________T

I don't think it's possible for Dongwoo to get any more's just not humanly possible...he's absolutely perfect and I just...hfeagbfvdsgbjhdslgbfve
Chapter 6: this is SO SWEET N CUTE!!! I'm gonna get diabete because of your drabbles!!!
Sunny_Afternoon #10
Chapter 3: this was so cute ^^