Jay Jay's....a dad!?!?

First loves last forever
                                                 Jay Jay's....a dad!?!? 8 Okay from now on I'm going to write in narrators P.O.V because I find it kinda hard and boring to write in each persons P.O.V hope you will still keep reading ^^  (Narrators P.O.V)  Then next day jay park woke up and held his head "what the hell happened yesterday" he said out loud "you drank too much last night and now you have a hang over so Now because of you I'm late for school !"  sang kyo said as she left a tablet and some water Near jay bed "bye bye "he said "bye bye don't drink too much now!" she said before leaving  *sang kyo*  while sang kyo was walking to school she saw a guy following her but she didn't do anything because she was already late for school but now she could feel that the guy was really close and just as she was about to take a turn a pair of hands covered her view "don't scream because you know who I am" the mans voice said "d-dad" she said " hahaha how are you darling I missed you how is your mother" he asked "you! YOU! Your ruined my life!mYOU ASKING ME HOW MOM IS!!! SHE DIED SHE KILLED HERSELF BECAUSE OF YOU!!!!!" she screamed "it's not my fault if she killed herself because of her own choice its her fault!" he said back "go away Im late for school" she said "school?? Hahahaha how could you go to school if you are poor no mother no father no money hey! Or do yo-" he said but got cut off "I would never I'm not like you! I don't sleep with other people for money!" she said before she ran away   *at school*  "excuse me please open the door for me I need to get inside I'm getting chased by a maniac!" she said "yes miss?" the man asked "mrs park sang kyo" she said "yes please come in" he said "GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE SL*T!!! I KNOW THAT YOU ARE FOOLING AROUND WITH GUYS TO GET INTO SCHOOL!!" her dad said "excuse me sir you can't enter the school!" the man said "yes I can she is my daughter!" her Dad said "sir I'm sorry SECURITY!" the man at the school said as the security took her dad away "thank you sir" she said as she bowed to him  * in class*  'where is she?? She wouldn't be late in her second day of school right??' l.joe thought to himself "sorry mrs lee for being late" sang kyo said as she bowed to the teacher "its okay just hurry to your seat" mrs lee said "hey are you okay??" myungsoo asked sang kyo "yea I'm fine I just...I don't wanna talk about it" she said "oh okay" he said as  they continued working   *at lunch*  "hey sang kyo wanna eat lunch with me and teen top??" l.joe asked me "yea sure" she said "SANG KYO!" yoo mi and woohyun called me as I was walking with l.joe to lunch "neh?? What?? " I asked them "we need to talk right now" woohyun said "oh okay...l.joe I will meet you in the cafeteria later" she said "okay" he said and left "so what is it are you too dating??" she asked wriggling her eyebrows " no....remember greasy boy??" yoo mi asked "yea I wonder how he is I wanna see him again" sang kyo said "well you can he is right I this school" woohyun said "really!?!? How!?!?! Where!?!? " she asked "Right I front of you!" yoo mi said "wait....WOOHYUN YOUE GREASY BOY!!" she screamed "yes so can I have a hug!" woohyun said "YES!!" she said as they had a group hug "the gang is back in business!!" yoo mi said "Not really we still have to find mr smiley" sang kyo said "well I have to go now cause l.joe will be looking for me bye guys" she said and left  *back to jay park*  I was at home when I herd the door bell "coming!" I said as I went to get a shirt and out it on and as I opened the door "hel- Sabrina??" jay park asked "yes can we talk?" Sabrina asked "yea come in" he said *after 5 minutes* "so what did you wanna talk about?" jay parked asked "I just wanted to tell you that I'm- im- I'm pr-pregnant" she said "excuse me!?" jay park said "I'm pregnant and I think you are the father" she said "oh well..." jay park said "yea that is what I wanted to tell you so....um....cam you come with me to the doctors?" she asked "yea sure let's go" *at the doctors* "congratulation miss choi your pregnant by 2 months" the doctor said '2 months? But that means jay park is not the dad!? Then who is!?' Sabrina thought "so I'm a dad huh well This is gonna be hard to tell my manager" jay park said "jay your not the father!" Sabrina said "eh what??" jay park asked "you can't be the father because we did it 4 weeks ago not 2 moths ago" Sabrina said "well then who is the father?" jay park asked " I think that it might be younguk" Sabrina said "the one from b.a.p??" jay park asked "yes I think so....I'm gonna call him And ask him" Sabrina said "hello who is this??" youngguk asked "it's Sabrina" she said "oh hey Sabrina what's up?" he asked "I'm pregnant and your the father!" she said "really wow this really will be hard to tell the manager and the others" youngguk said "wait so your not angry??" she asked "no im happy cause I'm gonna be a dad!" he said "well that's good new ill talk to you later bye bye" she said before hanging up  *at school*  sang kyo went to look for l.joe and his friends 'I can't believe that I'm in high school with my 2 best friends yoo mi and woohyun and that I have 2 crushes l.joe and myungsoo wow! I mean just wow' I thought "there you are you little where do you think you are going huh?!" her dad said as he grabbed her arm and pulled her away "hey is that sang kyo?" woohyun said to myungsoo "damn it is we have to help her lets go....Oi Wth are you doing to my friend!" myungsoo screamed "you mean your little play buddy" her dad said "no my bestfriend!"woohyun said "oh hello woohyun how are you hope you are well you know sang kyo keeps saying that's killed her mother but I didnt she killed herself so as a punishment I'm going to kill her that will teach her to say lies about her mother the woman I love!" her dad said "your not her father the man I knew was a gentleman that loved his daughter  and wife! This is not you mr Jung please stop it" woohyun said 'wait they know each other and why is calling him mr Jung not park??' myungsoo thought "you know your mother is not really dead sang kyo she is still alive you know the lady you saw dead was not your mother it was her sister you know how they are twins?" her dad said "no stop it stop it mom is dead and it is all your fault!" sang kyo said as she punched and kicked her dad "wow where did you learn to fight like that" he asked with a bleeding lip while holding onto his stomach "you forgot I am mrs Jung chaeri's daughter the best fighter in all of America and Korea!" sang kyo said as she did a flying kick and kicked her dad in the mouth making knocked out! "wow sang kyo!" myungsoo said "that's my grandma Jung!" woohyun said "what are you guys dating?? Brother and sister?? And why do you call her Jung her last name is park for god sake!" myungsoo said "oh right I have to tell you something myungsoo" sang kyo said as she told myungsoo about her past life "so do you get it now?? She asked myungsoo "yes!" he said "omo I have to go see l.joe bye bye guys" sang kyo said as she ran away "meet?? L.joe?? What is going on!?" myungsoo asked "beats me I might be her bestfriend but I don't even know all I know is that he ad her phone yesterday so that means that they were together that's all I know" woohyun said 'are you kidding me she is with l.joe I bet you he is blackmailing her to be with him!' he thought 'myungsoo did you ever think that maybe she actually likes him?? You stupid hair gel king!' the little voice in myungsoos head said *with sang kyo*  'please l.joe don't hate me for being late I'm so sorry!' she thought "sang kyo wait up" she turned around to see l.joe "hey...." she said "is something wrong??" he asked "no.....yes.....ahh don't worry I don't wanna trouble you with my silly little problems" she said "sang kyo....I saw what happened just now dont lie to me" he said "okay it's just that he said that my mom was still alive and not dead but I saw her kill herself I saw I saw the whole thing" she said as she started to cry "sang kyo shhhh it's okay don't cry...pretty girls should not cry" he said as he gave sang kyo a hug "you can tell me anything Okay??" I said as she nodded "come on let's go eat lunch" he said as they went to lunch "so they are really close hmm I wondered if *smirk*lets have some fun" someone said from the darkness *with l.joe at lunch* "hyung is she sang kyo??" chanjo asked l.joe "yes she is and she is older than you, Ricky and Neil" he said "Ohhh okay hi noona" chanjo said to sang kyo "um....hi.....you guys don't have to call me noona okay??" she said as they nodded (just pretend that chanjo is older thank you^^) "well I'm c.a.p....don't worry it's just my stage name it's not real....hey bunhyun does she know that we are gonna be famous In 2 weeks??" C.A.P asked l.joe "hahaha funny story she is gonna be famous too in 2 weeks her stage name is yoobin" l.joe said as everyone stared at you "um....guys are you okay??" sang kyo asked "yes we are.....and because I'm older than you..you have to call me oppa" C.A.P said "meee tooo!!" chunji said "and me" l.joe said "um....sure" she said "go on say it!" chunji said "um...C.A.P oppa...chunji oppa and l.joe o-opp-oppa" she said "ahhh that was so cute" chunji said with a smile 'that smile wow it looks just like my friends mr smileys scary??...wait I wonder is chunji mr miley??' she thought "chunji oppa did you ever have a pet name??...a-about your smile??" she asked "HAHAHAHAHAHAH" everyone laughed "shut up...and yea when I was in middle school it was...mr smiley" he said 'OMO it is him!! The last member of the group!!' she thought "wae??" chunji asked "well I'm asking because when I was in middle school I had a group of friends and we all had nicknames woohyuns was greasy boy yoo mis was Omma I was grandma Jung and my last friend was called mr smiley" she said leaving chunji with really big eyes staring at her while the other looked really serious 'wait so they were friends in middle school??' l.joe thought 'grandma Jung!?!? Same kyo my bestfriend but she looks so different she had glasses before and short hair' chunji thought "prove it!" he said as she took out a picture that she gave to everyone before she left for America "so you really are grandma Jung!?" chunji asked "yep" she said as chunji got up from his seat and gave her a bear hug "sang kyo you b*tch you know how much I missed you!! How much we all missed you! It was all your fault the reason we broke up!!!" chunji said "guys can you stop now??" Neil asked  *ring ring* "oh there goes the bell bye bye guys" sang kyo said before leaving *after class* "hey! L.joe wanna walk home together??" sang kyo asked "yea sure just wait 2 minutes I have to tell  The members *2 minutes later* "I'm back okay let's go" *while walking* "I saw that fighting you did before that was really cool think you can teach me??" he asked "sure my mom taught me when I was small because of all the bad people that used to come after us because of my dad" sang kyo said  *at the house*  "hey l.joe I think I'm gonna say y-yes" she said "yes?? Yes to what??" he asked "to being your girlfriend" she said "REALLY!?!?" he asked "yes" she said "YES YES YES!!!!" he said as he picked her up and twirled her around "hahaha l.joe I have to go now jay jay is still sick from yesterday!" she said as he let her go and kissed her cheek " bye bye " he said before leaving  *jay park in the kitchen*  "I'm home!" sang kyo said "finally how do you work this contraption!!" jay park asked sang kyo about the kettle "you put this on..done then this...done ......then this and...done! Now wait" she said "hey sang kyo after you change can you come down I have to tell you something!" jay park said "yes okay whatever!" she said *after changing* "I'm here jay jus what was it you wanted to talk about?" she asked "I'm in my room......can you bring the scissors as well please thank you" he said 'scissors what is he doing making christmas cards?' she thought 'here you go it was all I could find" she said as she gave him the scissors "jay jay why do you have baby clothes with you??" she asked "hahahaha I was gonna be a dad bu-" he said "AHHHHHH HOW?!?! WHEN?!?!? TELL ME!?!? Wait how are you gonna tell the manager that's gonna be hard" she said "calm down you didn't let me finish I WAS going to be a dad but it's not mine it's youngguks child but I still wanna help her because youngguk is going to America for their new song hurricane" he said "awwww damn I thought I was gonna be an auntie" she said "as if I would let you be an auntie to my daughter or son" he said "hey I would be a great auntie" she said "whatever anyways why were you dressed in that biker outfit when you came to pick me up!!" he asked " because they won't let me in if I was dresses in a flower dress duh" she said "fine but next time can I take a picture you looked so hot you could have used that picture and your start of debut picture" he said "I'll ask l.joe oppa to do it for me" she said "excuse me! L-l.joe o-o-oppa!" he said "oh yea I forgot to tell you that me and him are dating so yea gotta run!" she said as she ran to her room "Aish this girl oh well" *just be ma girlfriend ma girlfriend ma  girlfriend ma girl* "hello AHHHH JAY JAY STOP IM GONNA DIE" sang kyo said as she was being chased by jay park "sang kyo the guys wanna know if you wanna come to the studio with us to practice the dance because we still haven't done ours yet" l.joe said "sure anything to get me away from little drunk jay jay-o" she said "HEY SANG KYO I HERD THAT" he said "WELL IT'S YOUR OWN GODAMN FAULT FOR GETTING DRUNK AND ME TO DRESS LIKE THAT!" she said back "okay bye bye sang kyo "bye bye l.joe wait can you pick me up with the guys because you know how my dad kee-" she said "yea sure what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't" he said "thank you bye bye" she said  *outside the house/front yard*  Sang kyo was outside waiting for l.joe to pick her up so she started to practice her fighting on the fake dummy doll 'distract opponent left....right.... Jump.....kick jaw' she thought "hey is that noona??" Ricky asked "and look at what she is wearing is that biker clothing??" chanjo asked "wow she can fight better not get on her bad side" C.A.P said 'hmmm.....she looks different Before she looked so innocent and now wow! I should have dated her but that would just be weird because she is my bestfriend' chunji thought as he looked at l.joe and saw him staring at sang kyo "hey bunhyun why don't you go get sang kyo" he said "oh okay" l.joe said "hey sang kyo" he said "hey l.joe oppa," she said as she kept kicking the dummy 'she called me oppa' he thought "ready to go??" she asked "yea let's go" he said as they were walking to the car l.joe laced his hand with sang kyo's "l.joe what are you doing?" she asked "is it wrong if I want to hold my girlfriends hand?" he asked as she blushed "ohhhh hyung!! Why didn't you tell us that you two were going out??" Ricky Neil and chanjo asked "because you guys will tell everyone and were not telling anyone just yet cause I have a surprise" l.joe said as he whispered the last few words to the others "OHHHH OKAY!" they said "bunhyun you can date her just don't break her heart okay!" chunji said "yes sang kyo's father" he said as he bowed making sang kyo laugh "alright alright hurry up so we can start dancing the festival is in a few days!!" C.A.P said  *at the studio* Teen top started dancing to their song rocking while sang kyo sat down and watched them *ring ring* "hello?" sang kyo said "SANG KYO!!! Help me I can't believe your still alive quickly take down this address come here tomorrow *cough* at *cough* 3 pm straight after *cough* school on mond-" the lady on the other end said "hey what do you think you're doing give me that phone your not allowed to...... Beep beep beep beep" the line got cut off "sang kyo who was that?" chunji asked me "a lady she said to come to xxxxxx after school on Monday...and the weird thing was she sounded just like my m-my m-my m-m-mom" she said and started crying  "oh oh sang kyo stop crying its okay don't cry" chunji said as he hugged sang kyo "HAHAHAHAH i know right I wonder if he would actually dress li-SANG KYO!" l.joe said as he cam running to sang kyo "what's wrong??" he asked "she said that she got a phone call and the person told her to come to xxxx after school on monday oh and the lady on the other end sounded like her mom" chunji said "oh sang kyo don't worry it's okay" l.joe said as he hugged sang kyo " yea don't worry noona we are here for you!" Ricky said as he pushed his fist up in the air with neil and chanjo "thank you" she said  __________________________________________________________________________ Sorry if my spelling is really bad English is my 4 language *gummy smile with a goofy laugh*
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